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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. I think its cuz they see it as appeasement to a politically correct strawman or something Idk just guessing
  2. It is a submissive stance that comes frm ye olden times when addressing a king or emperor one would typically kneel before them you have to "bend the knee" the kneel before the king
  3. Idk it sounds pretty bad
  4. Aww that groundhog is very handsome and adorable
  5. Shtots fired 😄
  6. @Scoobhog
  7. Wow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7C9OVBVrgs EDIT: Nvm Yong deleted this one huh...
  8. Moon rocks
  9. Death by snu snu it is then I accept my fate
  10. Volcano noodles
  11. Finally someone who is not a liar like therest of them
  12. Haha I have a internal one and a external one jpeople give me wried stares all the time like yeah right u never talk to urself outloud? TF outta here LIARS!
  13. No Haruko or Ninamori...? Srsly...? U guys.....
  14. It are belong to them now
  15. I bet u just space freeze attack w/ Scorpion just kidding Idk how to play a Immortal Wombats
  16. Sure you "try not to" huh yeah right 🙄
  17. Monster Java is aight...
  18. I really like this game I've played it like 50 times tho I can't 3 star the last level it is insanely difficult but I like to replay it it has a very fun sense of progressioni and mastery https://www.kongregate.com/games/IriySoft/cursed-treasure-2 Any games like this you know of or just good tower defense games in general?
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