I just look at his presentation style every time and am like "...Who wants this?" Some guy dressed up in fancy clothes, in his anime-postered up room, talking about anime JUST talking not even making any points/criticism/insight etc
Dunno doesnt look too great the girls are kinda meh imo probably only wath to see if theres a scene with someone in full Skrull makeup. Anyone here seen it would you reccomend?
I havent seen any other so cant speak to them but this one smart idea on their part to not give Edward any speaking line. It would sound really bad and awkard if that chick was squeeing and acting all retarded like Ed does in the show glad they realized how cringe that would be. That aside tho gotdam that girl they got the play Faye hoooooley mackerel hubba hubba dayyyuuuummm mmm mmm mmm.... phewwww. Just wow. Gotdam.