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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. Im not saying you shouldnt but... u know
  2. Gross you are gross everyone knows Mounds > Almond Joy(less)
  3. Bc they are GROSS! 🤮
  4. Plz dont I just ate
  5. Wubba lubba dub dub
  6. Ya'll quit stepping on my game I'm this close to reeling it in smgdh
  7. Lytbryt

    Missing 411

  8. 😘😉
  9. v this thread v
  10. Boooooo cats booooooo
  11. Wuts the second one
  12. Ur just embarassed about Alvin admit it sure it was "your Kid"
  13. I think I'ma go to the asian market and get the kids some hi chew and guava hard candies give them something that doesnt suck
  14. No Dots are like gummy candies right? I guess those are "dots" too but I never seen that anywhere besides Cracker Barrel
  15. I mean it makes sense if the sun give your skin cancer i guess a tanning bed can to
  16. Yeah there is that and what is I believe gangland style right? One in the back of the dome is gangland two to the chest one in the head is assassin style
  17. Wut
  18. Someone else seen Collateral what a great movie
  19. Yah I really dont understand the point of hot sauce that can cause actual legitimate chemical burn to your skin and organ tissues. Why not just dump pure capsaicin on ur food at a certain point
  20. Haha yeah that happens to me a lot too be scrooling through it like "Did I add this how this got here?" Yeah I now what you mean
  21. Keep posting here
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