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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. We did?
  2. Dafuq
  3. The ending of Ex Machina left me feeling really unsettled not what you really think of in therms of "scary" I guess but it really unnerving
  4. Guess its time to go buy some cocoa powder, boric acid and coffee filters... Gonna lay some sweet traps all over oh yeah little cockroach eat the sweet powder and bring it back to your eggs yesss gooood
  5. Fine I guess if you gonna be all technical about it Bottle Caps are the nonsucky version of Smarties
  6. Pfft they are the same shape
  7. Oh Necco wafers the work of the devil himself yuck awful. Spree is better they like Smarties except actual have flavor and dont suck
  8. Lies okay what do you "like" about them? Sorting them into different colored piles? They don't have different flavor you know
  9. Dumb - Her came out like six years ago this is stupid
  10. Yeah those are like a cheap Butterfinger w/o the chocolates
  11. They will tear your teeth out but they arent THAT bad - I dont know the brand name but they look like this they are basically offbrand M&Ms dont know where they come from but theyre awuful
  12. I actually like Bitohoney/Mary Janes but yeah omg the cola bottles are disgusting
  13. They are bad trust me
  14. Wow you think he skips leg day
  15. I know just being optomistic wishful thinking
  16. Finially its over we can all move on
  17. wow that is pretty crazy dude oh and I hear that kangaroos are assholes the Aussies like to pick them off like rabbits they are oversized rodent
  18. If you give kids this stuff you are a bad bad person and should feel bad look in the mirror YOU thats THE PROBLEM --- YOU
  19. phew it finaly over
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