The stuff I catch.
Flounder, Sheep Head, Dogfish, Thrasher shark, Croaker, Spot, Sea Robin, Pufferfish, Sea Bass, Sea Trout, Striped Bass, smaller Bluefish, and crab cakes from the crabs I swipe with a net at midnight, drunk.
After seeing my dad and uncles have a a much less minor hoarding issue than my g-pop, I don't save shit for too long...
No idea where I got the incredible tolerance to drinking from, though...
Technically, all houses are wired with recycled copper if you think about it.
Also, I'm not re-wiring a house. I'm adding a 30amp breaker to run an outside RV plug, and a 20amp breaker to power the garage on the property
I mean, it was my grandfather's.... I'm part owner of the house... so it's mine...
Not recycled, just never used.
They're literally brand new rolls of wire that some had been cut off of.
Most of the good stuff was in the house basement.
The rest was in three storage garages he has been paying for since the 80's. Like $20,000 spent storing shit.
I found about 100 feet of 10 gauge electrical wire which I will use to run an outdoor outlet for my 35' travel trailer, from my folks' house.
Plus I have another 100 or so feet of 12 gauge wire he had laying around, which I can use to run electric to the garage on the property.
Here's to saving $200! PARTY!
Plus I did learn that saltwater fish and venison were big factors in being healthy... since I gained 15lbs. I went from eating both at least once a week to barely having fish once a month. Whoops...