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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Like I said, I don't keep up
  2. I fluctuate between both. But I am on that level of Hoonigan, where clean jeans, shoes, and a crisp, cool T-shirt is stylish.
  3. Actually, the festival is the Bantam Jeep Festival, but it takes place in Butler, PA... where the American Bantam Car Company was located. They, alongside Ford (who is the main reason for Jeeps' iconic grille), and Willys started building GPW's or "Jeeps" in 1941 and the rest is too much to type.
  4. I think Blatch and Bouvre is one too? I dunno I am too lazy to follow everyone.
  5. @Adminderaptorpat can do it
  6. ...and it's a 5 hour drive away (Good thing I checked the bearings on the pop-up camper). A festival of jeeps where the Jeep was invented, and I am volunteering to be a trail guide. And of course as the sun goes down IT'S GONNA GET LIT
  7. It's how fursuits are made.
  8. Never with the way you portray yourself.
  9. Maybe you should help him out
  10. That's where you're wrong
  12. True, I should have said, "most children."
  13. Maybe this is my reasoning as well...
  14. As long as I can wear a protective suit, obviously B.
  15. And this is me loling at your permanent situation
  16. I think this happened because I am away from my gf for 7 weeks, AFTER a drunken convention at which last year's I got laid twice... this year I've been good.
  17. Okay I have to say this: Yes. A few years back a couple residents had moved out of a 2 bedroom. They lived in it since it was built, 13 years. White walls, white floors, grey carpets, white cabinets, white counters, white appliances.... 13 years of three people just SMOKING and never opening windows. It took 3 coats of Kilz to block out the yellow. ANYWAY. I took a couple Magic Erasers to the fridge just to see how they'd do... my boss got mad at me because he thought I swapped out the fridge for a new one. his intent was to put a set of doors off of a cleaner fridge on it and paint the rest of it.
  18. Wanna know why the White House is white?
  19. This. Plus I'm too childish on my own account.
  20. If that's the case my balls should be the size of fucking basketballs due to my sex drive. It's almost torture.
  21. Agreeing with 360, one Bucket is enough. I CUM WHOLE THINGS OF CUM
  22. I have spent a week and a half living in a house that contains a 6 year old wild child complete with yelling and red hair, and an infant that 90% of the time is completely quiet, thankfully. The wild child though, is on a whole other level of annoying. I literally seclude myself from the rest of the house... at my dad's bar (because he is not allowed down here unsupervised and I am not his babysitter, guardian, etc). Or I'll go work on something as an excuse to get away, but if he ends up outside, I have to shoe him away. Why do I allow myself to be put through this At least all of next week I will be away from any children.... instead I'll be dealing with the devil's spawn AKA my mom's small dog.
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