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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. This. But also, there are people like me, who just *have* to explain it. If you accuse me of something I'm not, or call me something I'm not, etc... I will explain to you in detail why you're wrong. At least to an extent. if you don't get it, well you're wrong and there's literally nothing you can do about it, outside of killing me. You'll just have to live with it. (This is not directed at you). But also, a lot of things need a grand explanation. The internet and message boards can be very confusing, especially with a tight knit yet broad group like what we have here on UE. This is especially true for some of the idiots here that instead of having a civil discussion, instead revert to petty name calling. The other thing is, you're probably still reading all of this explanation and not getting it. I'm going to continue typing and rambling on until you understand it. Did you know that a lot of people here have been part of the [as] boards for 10+ years? It's crazy to think, people here have known each other for so long but can't be fiends... but rather be even meaner to each other. And furthermore, “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” ― Albert Einstein
  2. All horror movies after like 1990 suck
  3. I mean, there's a send tiddy thread....
  4. I bet you are fapping to Nab's worm tonight
  5. Bahahahaa
  6. I can share my BWC
  7. Probably Mochi
  8. FROM A SNEEZE I was trying to not sneeze and in hindsight I think that made it worse.
  9. Free newspaper stand. Like this, but with three compartments.
  10. My dad stole one of those newspaper things from a closed down gas station, painted it with a textured grey color, and it now works as the stereo cabinet along with other VERY waterproof storage... paper towels sit in it all winter and stay dry.
  11. The injury happened last Saturday. I handle pain very well
  12. I know it isn't I'm not a hypochondriac, I just like to joke exaggeratingly about it being horrible. If I was, I would have gone to the ER when I got home last Monday, not to Urgent Care 8 days after it happened
  13. I was trying to wait it out until I sneezed and damn near passed out. For now, I have heavy duty ibuprofen. If it isn't any better in 3 days.... X-rays and oxy's!
  14. I'm not a fan of body hair. And no, I fell climbing into an attic last week.
  15. Let's hope a rib splintered and is impaling my lung.
  16. Yes, there is a whole channel. Yes, I watch it with a demonic laugh.
  17. Go do something
  18. You missed a lot.
  19. eat shit
  20. Hey look, Zeni is fucking wrong again!
  21. I was busy 4 days ago.
  22. I'm still betting Sandy has gotten more pussy than you.
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