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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. This one is the hunting cabin my parents are at this weekend... luckily there's a wood stove.
  2. Yes.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeE-J-GjAyQ EMBED NOT ALLOWED.
  4. My bed felt so 1/3 empty lately...
  5. Probably because you put 200 threads about every waking moment of your life all over here and Dumpster Fires every day.
  6. Who is to say it wasn't the father's genetics that made her pretty?
  7. I mean not really but... not on here as much as usual. Life has been emotionally draining lately.
  8. You never know... I've been out there a few times.
  9. This. But I am set where I am currently.
  10. They need to pay Uber Eats drivers willing to go out in their Jeep extra. Because I totally would.
  11. Who is to say it wasn't me?
  12. I mean, while it's this cold out I have shit else to do... Enjoy something aesthetic.
  13. Those are just Mrs. T's, but I usually get some small buisiness local brand from PA which are better imo. If I don't have bacon grease, I save the oil I use to deep fry beer battered chicken or fish in and use a little of that for frying. Worth. it.
  14. Huh? I still talk to him once in a while.
  15. Oh yeah... mechanichead was 1-14-2006 2-22-06 is Rogue_Alphonse.
  16. https://xyzzy.clrtd.com/zy/gameold.jsp#game=19 pw is notwelcome
  17. How is this relevant to any of us?
  18. How is this relevant to any of us?
  19. I forgot all about those... I was some kind of double kudo rank too
  20. I was 151. They don't even make 151 anymore D:
  21. You're right. I should merge shit more often. :3
  22. But can you Dumpster Fire?
  23. Better than posting my life story thread by thread. I love that merge button. I need to use it more often.
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