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Everything posted by ITasteLikeSex

  1. Baghdadi? I thought you said Bag Daddy.
  2. Joe Rogan: This stilgar guy says I’m “fucking awful”. I think he needs to chill out. Hey stilgar if you’re out there watching okay I want to to try adding some CBD supplements to your breakfast okay Jamie Jamie pull that thing up yeah the one where it shows CBD for breakfast is good for you okay yeah then since you eat your pot instead of smoking your pot then you unlock more testosterone pull that up too Jamie testosterone okay is linked to CBD so you eat your pot like look at these muscles also robot DMT gnomes are my grandfather.
  3. This is my worst post
  4. Yeah she went to college. The college of my dick. She got straight Ds if you know what I mean.
  5. My dad
  6. What’s your favorite alien? ALFonse
  7. One dream was so realistic and boring I woke up shocked to find that I hadn’t actually done my laundry.
  8. My mom went to college
  9. Baking a Murderer?
  10. Put the salami down and no one gets hurt
  11. PC load letter? The fuck does that mean?
  12. Not wrong and I was thoroughly scolded for it
  13. I do my own thing
  14. Fuck Italians
  15. What kind of white person doesn’t have Cracker Barrel radar?
  16. Aren’t you in Ohio? There’s one off 71 if I remember right.
  17. I fucking love Cracker Barrel
  18. That place is dildos
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