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Everything posted by ITasteLikeSex

  1. Buy jar of peanuts. Jar says: Warning. Contains peanuts. NO FUCKING SHIT THAT'S WHY I BOUGHT A JAR OF PEANUTS IT BETTER GODDAMN CONTAIN PEANUTS
  2. I have no idea who you are
  3. I waited until 10am to drink today
  4. Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me.
  5. I never said I'd be a good moderator.
  6. I have a spider that lives in my bathroom. Is that goos enough?
  7. A good movie with two awful sequels
  8. On the basis that I am cool and everyone else is lame
  9. I am older than you
  10. I am leaving fivever
  11. My SPOON is TOO BIG
  12. How many dollaridoos?
  13. I'd like my name to be the old Order of the Owl color if possible
  14. Will the junk come back to haunt Naraku? Find out next time on DRAGON BALL Z
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