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Everything posted by Mewn

  1. But he's fancy. He wears a top hat and a monocle.
  2. Aw cute, you share a bday with my dogs! Happy Birthday Don't urp.
  3. Oh. Well. How about I introduce you to Mr. Cockroach?
  5. *steps on one* Oops >_>
  6. LOL +1 for Wendy's
  7. But you want more clitter in your life.
  8. Shh, you'll scare them away. Welcome, crickets.
  9. Well, you are the Star Panda.
  10. Stop the presses.
  11. Eh, depends who you are following.
  12. Very true. Doesn't seem the case in this instance tho.
  13. <_< I thought it was obvious >_> The drunk opossum gives it away
  14. Yeah she really need to cover that stinker Do they know how to flip the lid up? Lmao, idk. This happened when I was away at college. I kind of think it's my mom's fault since she would scream and say things like "GOD DAMN FLY" and he saw the smacking of the fly with the fly swatter so now he's scared. Just flies tho. And crickets O_o Such a sensitive dog
  15. Hmm, nah, they're different stories completely Ah, this HBO series is directed by Apatow. It'll probz be decent.
  16. lol, they sound cuuuutes hmm. Fiyero (dog) is afraid of flies and will run by me and follow me everywhere if one is in the house. Bolero (dog) started this habit of wanting to go outside right when I fall asleep ~_~ and he doesn't want to just bark at you, he'll heavy breathe and tap his paws and then starting whining to get you up. Gilbert (bird) will throw his food out of his cage when he wants the food you're eating. Lucky (bird) gets in the mood to starting whistling around 11 pm.
  17. The red bandana >.>
  18. Yesh, Ginguy = Jingai
  19. Lolz, I just watched a Brit series with the same name, so I was confused with the trailer :D
  20. Yeah, that pretty much was Ian lol, he tried and did not like it. Ah, what's that called pansexual? Where you love all? Or gender fluid? so many terms nowadays. But yeah, it sounds like you and Ian have something in common as far as that scenerio. WOW @ the Bi dude saying being gay is a fetish, dafuq? Why can't people not try to rub their opinions on everything??? ~_~ looool, yeah idk why either, they sound like asshats.
  21. Hmmm, I use to have it as background noise but now I don't even turn it on; mostly because we got rid of cable...but we do have SlingTV and [as]/CN is on there, but meh. Rick and Morty is good, but I have streaming sites that I use to watch that...plus trakt.tv tells me when new things start. But other than Rick and Morty, there really isn't any other show on there I care about...and I've seen the Family Guy/Bob's Burgers/whatever shet already, so no real point for me to actively turn it on. Oh and anime...I've most likely have watched it and/or I prefer to watch the sub.
  22. *SPITS*
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