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how I've been feeling lately


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how long do your depression phases usually last?


Not really depressed. Just a manic bipolar, med issues but its complicated. Its more like how does a 30 year old dude with sober time turn it around? I am the underdog and bad life choices/carelessness got me here. I have no one to blame but myself.

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Not really depressed. Just a manic bipolar, med issues but its complicated. Its more like how does a 30 year old dude with sober time turn it around? I am the underdog and bad life choices/carelessness got me here. I have no one to blame but myself.



i see. my dad goes through the drastic swings. he mostly experiences the severe mania for long stretches and then swings into a mild to severe depression.... but that doesn't last long. maybe 4-7 days-ish, give or take a day. very rarely does he stabilize between the two. he is also a sociopath and paranoid AF. which leads him to not trust any medical professionals and so, doesn't take medications because he does not believe his mental illnesses are real.  :|



thats why i asked anyways, because for some the moods are predictable in relative length. being that i know you recognize your bipolar disorder and medicate, i wondered if you were having a down time, maybe you also knew about how long before you would see the light at the end of the tunnel. its much like that for a good friend of mine. i think his symptoms are on the milder side tho.

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Not really depressed. Just a manic bipolar, med issues but its complicated. Its more like how does a 30 year old dude with sober time turn it around? I am the underdog and bad life choices/carelessness got me here. I have no one to blame but myself.


That thinking is part of the problem, bro.  You have a disorder that isnt easily controlled.  Just being alive means you've done something right so far.

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That thinking is part of the problem, bro.  You have a disorder that isnt easily controlled.  Just being alive means you've done something right so far.


I feel like euthanasia or whatever should be offered to people with mental illness or anything similar here in the US. It should be completely legal for a doctor to just give someone a quick and lethal doseage of a deadly substance to end someone's misery.


Silly fucking laws , fucking silly. 

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I feel like euthanasia or whatever should be offered to people with mental illness or anything similar here in the US. It should be completely legal for a doctor to just give someone a quick and lethal doseage of a deadly substance to end someone's misery.


Silly fucking laws , fucking silly.


We'll never be to the point where euthanasia is acceptable for psychological disorders, but I suppose that's beside the point.  I don't know if there is anything I can say dispel the pain of knowing that your brain won't let think or feel what it's suppose to think or feel, but, for what it's worth, I enjoy your posting and I don't feel like I'm talking to a loser or idiot when I talk to you.

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