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going to start a band called Fuggz Dead Monster

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Call it Dead pets and Infestations

That's a decent song lyric


Crazy thoughts, no impulse control, never one for hesitation

always leading to dead pets and infestations.... >:D



No Fuggz had a monster... and apparently killed it.


I have seen her vagina, unfortunately, and it certainly looked like dead monster to me.


I have seen her vagina, unfortunately, and it certainly looked like dead monster to me.


No that thing is more like something that sucks in starships.



The dead monster is something else entirely. Not exactly sure what yet.


No that thing is more like something that sucks in starships.



The dead monster is something else entirely. Not exactly sure what yet.



Way to describe your boo's hooha.


Ok ok I got some of the song


Lonlieness drove her to Tinder Nation


Swiped right on ten douche bags because pussy pics

caused so much consternation


Out of her mind, the cats in the crawl space died

It was devastation


Crazy thoughts, no impulse control, not one for hesitation

Always leading to dead pets and infestations


Ok ok I got some of the song


Lonlieness drove her to Tinder Nation


Swiped right on ten douche bags because pussy pics

caused so much consternation


Out of her mind, the cats in the crawl space died

It was devastation


Crazy thoughts, no impulse control, not one for hesitation

Always leading to dead pets and infestations



Ok ok I got some of the song


Lonlieness drove her to Tinder Nation


Swiped right on ten douche bags because pussy pics

caused so much consternation


Out of her mind, the cats in the crawl space died

It was devastation


Crazy thoughts, no impulse control, not one for hesitation

Always leading to dead pets and infestations


And the Grammy goes to.............................POOHDIDDY!!!


Ok ok I got some of the song


Lonlieness drove her to Tinder Nation


Swiped right on ten douche bags because pussy pics

caused so much consternation


Out of her mind, the cats in the crawl space died

It was devastation


Crazy thoughts, no impulse control, not one for hesitation

Always leading to dead pets and infestations


Turtle can't swim, turtle can't swim,

Treatin' other women like she thinks she's thin,


Daughter's blood pressure reachin' new heights,

Vicarious laundary, mixing colors with whites...


Turtle can't swim, turtle can't swim,

Treatin' other women like she thinks she's thin,


Daughter's blood pressure reachin' new heights,

Vicarious laundary, mixing colors with whites...


Leave my kid outta this.


Turtle can't swim, turtle can't swim,

Treatin' other women like she thinks she's thin,


Daughter's blood pressure reachin' new heights,

Vicarious laundary, mixing colors with whites...



And the Grammy goes to.............................POOHDIDDY!!!

:D :D :D :D


I'd like to thank Buddy, Phillies and Fuggs for making this all possible.

I'd also like to thank Gd but more importantly Satan cuz Satan let's me do stuff >:D

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