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Posted (edited)
  On 7/2/2018 at 11:57 PM, viperxmns said:

On legendaries I do the circle lock technique, shrink it, wait for attack, throw 


Also besides Squirtle Squad Hydro Cannon was announced officially for CD Blastoise


Funny enough I had no problems catching the one legendary Articuno that I have.  I think I caught it in three balls.

So far I just have problems catching ordinary pokemon.


I hatched more eggs while I was out walking today.  Got another Alolan Sandshrew and my first Alolan Grimer.

All the pokemon I've caught from Field Research are pokemon I have already like Exeggutor, Slowbro, and Gastly.

Edit:  Also got Squirtle again.  It didn't have sunglasses unfortunately.

Edited by blueraven1999

I finally caught enough Paras to be able to evolve it into Parasect.  I'm glad now I don't have to catch them anymore.

They're too little.  I'm close to getting my second big reward in Field Research.

Posted (edited)

Yesterday was a great day for experience.  Started the day with only 20 or 30,000 experience and after using a lucky egg, stardust, and an incense near the pond at Elmgrove Library while

walking outside for 30 minutes or so, I had close to 90,000 experience from catching a bunch of pokemon and leveling them up.  There's so many pokestops there.  It's wonderful.

Great place to grind.  Got about 8000 experience  or so today by fighting in a Magikarp raid plus new items.


I caught a couple new pokemon today too Fearow and Vileplume.  I was already working on getting those evolutions but they were still fun to catch.

I'm not sure what I'm going to evolve my Gloom into.  I have a sun stone so I could evolve it into Bellossom or evolve it into another Vileplume.

I'll probably rename it and evolve it into Bellossom.  I can name the low leveled Vileplume after ProJared's Nuptup.


Also hatched either a 10 or 5 km egg and got a Mareep which had enough candies to evolve into Flaaffy.   My Cascoon evolved into Beautifly.

Caught another Treecko which gave me enough candies to evolve it into Grovyle.

Edited by blueraven1999
  • Like 1
  On 7/2/2018 at 12:03 PM, 1pooh4u said:

Quick question out of curiosity

Are any of you guys receiving eggs from long distance friends anymore?

 I have 2 international and some of you guys and I purposely wait for room and each time it’s been a big womp womp. 😬😆

I’m hoping I am just unlucky and not that Niantic stopped allowing this 


Yes. I’m getting eggs. I’ve seen reports of some people not immediately getting them. If your egg queue is full, you won’t receive one. That’s just how that works. 

  • Like 1
  On 6/30/2018 at 12:12 PM, 1pooh4u said:

Something weird is going on. I’m great friends with my boyfriend but  he’s not with me. How is tha even possible?


The system is not quite perfect yet. It’s the same way with a couple people I know and myself. 

  • Like 1
  On 7/6/2018 at 1:31 AM, lupin_bebop said:

Yes. I’m getting eggs. I’ve seen reports of some people not immediately getting them. If your egg queue is full, you won’t receive one. That’s just how that works. 


It wasn’t full and I definitely had space for more Pokémon. I started getting them again 

Posted (edited)
  On 7/5/2018 at 7:35 PM, viperxmns said:



I'm looking forward to finding more.  I've only found a few so far.  Only have 5 Pikachu candy so I'm not even close to being able to evolve into Raichu.

On the plus side, I caught Magnemite and Shroomish for the first time yesterday.  Also evolved one of my Eevee to Espeon.


I'm glad I watched that last GameboyLuke Pokemon GO video or I wouldn't have known that Espeon and Umbreon are in Go.

I thought only Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon were the only Eevee evolutions in this until recently.  I have a little less than 4000 xp to go before ranking up to level 26.

Edit:  I don't remember if I mentioned that I caught Rhyhorn for the first time on the 4th.

Edited by blueraven1999
Posted (edited)

All raids this afternoon will be Articuno with a 3 hour timer. You will get up to 5 raid passes only able to hold one at a time. (2-5 EST)

Good luck trainers

PS you might want to get yous some 2 eggs instead of opening gifts for Alolan to get yourself a hat and shades Pichu. They increased their hatch rate. 😊

Edited by 1pooh4u

Ranked up to level 26 yesterday.  I've had a fun time catching those special event Pikachu the last couple days.

Also caught one as a gift from the field research.  RIght now my best event Pikachu is cp319 with 44 Pikachu candies.

Also I watched one of the YouTube videos on how to get Umbreon in Pokemon GO so I named my Eevee Tamao.

  • Like 1
  On 7/3/2018 at 1:00 PM, blueraven1999 said:

I finally caught enough Paras to be able to evolve it into Parasect.  I'm glad now I don't have to catch them anymore.

They're too little.  I'm close to getting my second big reward in Field Research.


I got Paras all the time where I am. They have now adjusted the nests, so they are less common for me. 


One theory was Ralts with Magical Leaf. Grass move for Gardevoir would be kind of a left turn though vs a fairy move. But I already evod my female hundos so idk either way :0


(Been sticking to females for Gardevoir, saving males for Gallade)

Posted (edited)
  On 7/9/2018 at 11:14 AM, 1pooh4u said:

Me neither. I’m hoping it’s Ralts, Beldum or Bagon. 


Not Bagon. That will fuck up the balance of the whole game. Dragon Pokémon are ALREADY out of balance. 100,000,000 Salamences walking about? No thanks.

Now Ralts or Beldum, I can get behind. Strong, but not changing overall balance if there are many of them out there.

I hope it's Vulpix, personally. I also hope they make it Wurmple, just to fuck with everybody.

Edited by lupin_bebop
  • Haha 1
  On 7/9/2018 at 2:26 PM, viperxmns said:

One theory was Ralts with Magical Leaf. Grass move for Gardevoir would be kind of a left turn though vs a fairy move. But I already evod my female hundos so idk either way :0


(Been sticking to females for Gardevoir, saving males for Gallade)


Meh....I can't take anymore of these useless 3rd Generation Pokémon. I really can't. I find pretty much everything after the 2nd Gen useless. They have pretty much proven so, minus a couple (Re: Salamence)


Gardevoir with a double fairy moveset would make her an effective dragon slayer. As she is now she can still wipe out Machamp in raids and is a good gym placement due to her typing. Makes offense awkward.  Psychic moves do normal damage to dragons so if it's cloudy you can still hit dragons in gyms hard with Dazzling Gleam, and she resists as well. So a CD grass move would make her less useful.

Salamence is ok on attack but Dragonite has the better moveset and all around stats.


As for gen 3 metas, Milotic is a decent defender as well, and of course there are the legendaries in Kyogre and Rayquaza. Metagross is ok on defense, but a dark Ttar can wipe him out pretty effectively. As we know, Slaking is empty CP, alright if someone doesn't dodge lol.

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