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On 2/10/2018 at 2:00 AM, BUU8800 said:

Juuni Kokuki 1 - 45(END)

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Well that's it huh? Just ending after a recap of the last mini-arc. Not the strongest ending, but I guess it's fine. I can see why people say it should have ended after the long arc that ended in episode 39 but oh well. So yeah, it took right around 10 days, but I'm glad I finally finished this. Unfortunately relief might be a better choice of words as I wasn't really big on this. For awhile the 8+ score this has on MAL surprised me, even after reading that it got better after the first several episodes. But I think I understand why it is scored as high as it is. The highlights of the arcs were very good. And to the supporters' credit it did get better, particularly after Rakushun was introduced and they finally made it to En; Rakushun easily being the best character in the series. But I feel like it didn't really stay better. You know that old saying it's about the journey and not the destination? I feel like the opposite held true for me regarding this series. The destination, or final few episodes, of both of the longer arcs were far more enjoyable than the slow, tedious buildup episodes they both had. Filled with obnoxious characters which made it harder to get through. Now some of them, primarily Suzu and the blue-haired princess whose name I couldn't be bothered to remember, did manage to become likable by the end. Others, mainly Asano but also Sugimoto, didn't. Not really anyway. I'm aware neither of these characters played the roles the anime gave them in the source novels, but that doesn't really change the fact that the anime chose to use them and did not use them well. Especially Asano who was pretty much dead weight to the story. His whole role was a forced, confusing mess. At least Sugimoto got out after the first arc more or less, even if she was obnoxious for nearly all of it. Then we got the two shorter arcs. They were both alright, but the first in particular with Taiki felt extremely pointless. Nothing came of it, and while I'm sure it was addressed in later source novels again, I'm just judging from this anime that has been over for 15 years and is most likely never coming back. I think the second one with King En was probably better just because it was shorter, though as I mentioned earlier weirdly placed at the end. There were other odd decisions like just skipping the fight at the end of the first arc against Joyei the false queen or whatever her name was, and of course there were those 3 or 4 padding clip shows. I'm inclined not to hold those against the show too much given when it was made, but at the same time they do add to a larger point I'd like to make: I feel like at least 15 or so episodes of this series I would never want to watch again, and probably more than that. And not because they were good but far too depressing like some anime movies, just because they were bad/extremely tedious to finish. So how can I give it a particularly high score? I can't so I'll go with a 6 out of 10. For what it's worth though part of me does feel like this still had potential to get better had it only gone on for longer. But I don't intend to seek out the source material so I guess I'll never really know for certain.


There's more to Taiki's story in some of the later novels I've heard, but the author still hasn't finished it. A couple years ago her publisher announced a new novel was supposed to come out, but they later updated that the author was having a lingering spell of ill health and so that's how come the delay. No news since then, sadly.

Just saw Mary and the Witch's Flower.  Totally loved it.  Very nice first entry for studio Ponoc.  The Ghibli homages they threw in really made me smile.

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The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 6


Shipwrecked! Probably the most focused episode of the series since season 1 if not ever. All 5 segments focused on one thing with more still to come next week. Pretty fun stuff as usual, though I admit I was a bit preoccupied with other things during the beginning. Jungle outfit Mera was surprisingly sexy. Iirc her rather large tits, for this series anyway, were attributed to her big appetite back in season 1. Works for me!xD Looks like rich boy Saiko's gonna be difficult, the last hurdle to getting off the island.

Osomatsu-san 2, 1 - 20

Attack of the pollen! A stolen wallet! Murderous Bread Factory Tour Guide! And much, much more on this week's variety themed episode! Another fine outing. I've read some debate about this season being inferior to the first and I don't really agree. It feels wackier, cruder, much more experimental. Which kinda makes me wonder if they're struggling for more "low-key" stories at this stage, but regardless it all works well enough. This is still the same, hilarious series it always has been, for the most part anyway. And I think it's probably more likely that it actually isn't anymore wacky or crude etc. than the first season and I just think that because this batch of episodes is much fresher in my head atm. Ignoring that Iyami and the flower girl episode, which was very good but definitely felt like an outlier, my favorite bits this season have been of that more "low-key" variety I mentioned before. Ones like the new girl visiting threatening Totoko's stranglehold on the guys or Jyushimatsu gaining that little boy follower. Those were wonderful and I wish we had gotten a few more of those and a few less parodies, but oh well. So overall no, I don't think this has been worse than season one so far.  And I do plan to let the last five episodes air before finishing them all off at once in about a month.

Edited by BUU8800
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Mitsuboshi Colors 8


The Colors go to the museum in search of a fourth member and play the lottery! Bah, I'm glad they didn't get that t-rex, best-girl Yui's already a great straightman!xD Not the best luck in lotto prizes though, I just knew she was gonna win the tissues in an ironic twist. xD 

Kokkoku 8

So Sagawa has transformed into some kind of human/herald hybrid monster. He kinda looks like Younger Toguro from YYH when activating his full demon power. Well the rest of the goons are now either dead or in stasis so only our main cast remains. I'm glad to see Tsubasa has been safely hidden, but now Gramps is in danger. If he's just ejected from the spell that would be alright I guess. Losing his teleportation would be huge mind you, but at least he'd be alive. The pain he seems to be in concerns me though. Meanwhile I keep wondering why the obnoxious dad is still here but seems like he might be killed off next week. Hopefully Makoto won't get taken hostage again as a result. Majima's little floating trick was kinda cool, and Juri is still Juri. Guess that's all for now.

Edited by BUU8800
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Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 8


Tickle my ribs? Damnit Nishikata she wants you sooooo bad!xD As if the bike riding didn't make it obvious enough. Her passion for you is obviously stronger than any typhoon. Now pounce! xD 

Edited by BUU8800
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In This Corner of the World

Sweet, heart-warming, uplifting: not at all what I was expecting. I was expecting a depressing tear-jerker. . . . img%3E What happened?! Ha ha ha. Okay, yeah there were some dark and bleak moments, for sure, but ultimately I felt like it was a pretty positive film that left me with a smile on my face so I'm really glad I decided to give this one a chance.

Edited by Dark_Cloud_Overhead
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A Place Further Than The Universe 9


Landfall at last! But first, a brief shoe-horned in love story and addressing the elephant in the room that is Takako. You know, the show clearly isn't trying to make me think this way but it has done a piss poor job of making her likeable so far. She left her young daughter when it wasn't 100% necessary and presumably died. Great mother right there. Well we still got a few episodes left for the show to get me to change my mind. Meanwhile, what could the mail from Yuzuki's mom portend?

Overlord II 8


Damn, an excruciating cliffhanger this week, but I liked the episode a ton. Sebas being all badass and training Brain and Climb. You know, I haven't really even liked Brain to this point, but he was cool this week. Meanwhile poor Climb. Such an earnest, likeable character but I see doom in his future. Everyone he meets claims he has no talent so his success seems almost solely reliant on his devotion to Princess Renner. A princess who, if her appearance in the ed is any indication, is probably not what she seems. I see a cruel fate for him, unless maybe Sebas decides to take him under his wing fulltime like that girl he rescued. Honestly I wouldn't even mind a Sebas spinoff just traveling the land being all badass with his disciples.xD But well, that would be a different kind of show I suppose so now let's just watch the action go down ever more next week as this unlikely trio attempts a hideout raid!

Edited by BUU8800
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ClassicaLoid 2, 1 - 21


Careful there Chopin, people usually don't like fiction based on them regardless of how popular it makes you!xD Anyway caught up at last. So far this season has pretty much just been like the first only dialed up to 11: most episodes are standalone with a vague, rarely touched upon overarching plot. Even vaguer this time though as Wagner's desire to meet his "father" seems even weaker than Bach's plan was from last season. But like I said the plot isn't important here, it's all about having fun and the show continues to do that. I swear that 20th episode must've been written when all the writers were on drugs. I laughed hardest during it though to their credit. xD And the 19th was literally something you'd see in an old 70s or even 90s era sitcom. I give Schubert credit for not literally ripping Mozart in half during that one. Mozart was my least favorite character in season one and he's somehow become even more obnoxious since. I've loved the glimpses we've gotten into Liszt, as a boxer and old-timey western sheriff. But then she and her big, beautiful tits have always been my favorite character anyway. xD Then there's the other random oddities: the sumo episode, the end of year singing contest/clip show episode, etc...Overall I'd say that while this is crazier than the already crazy first season it's probably about the same quality wise. I'll hold off on watching the final four episodes until they're all out. And now I've caught up on everything so I guess I'll switch my focus to an entirely new series, one from a couple years back I think.

Edited by BUU8800
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Oh! We're back! That took MUCH longer than I thought it would but alright. Well I watched all 4 of my usual Thursday shows including:

Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san 9


Well I guess Yuru Camp came out a bit early today considering that first mountain segment!xD And were they spoofing Hi Ho from Snow White with that background song? Meanwhile Misa and her brother both got influenced by Koizumi-san this week. Enjoy being fat Misa! xD

and the other 3. I could go copy/paste my thoughts from MAL for them but eh. Ah hell I'll do it:

Yuru Camp 9


Awww, no op this week. Just an insert that got cut off halfway. This is my favorite op of any show airing this season too so I look forward to it, but oh well. Nadeshiko guiding Rin....or trying to anyway....after she catches a cold and can't go camping with her. Meanwhile Aki turns chef for Nadeshiko's entire family! You know, it's funny, that segment reminded me of Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san while that show's episode earlier today reminded me of Yuru Camp. Just odd how that worked out. And yes, I know they didn't actually make ramen here but still!xD Also, Aki looks much more like Nadeshiko's mom and big sister than she does. Are we sure they weren't switched at birth? xD Glad we confirmed Saitou will participate in the Christmas Campout, but what about Rin? Better watch out sleeping around her if you do girl! xD

Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody 8


Satou in the Cradle and boy did he progress quickly! So much so that I almost expected this to all finish in one episode. Guess Dryad kisses will do that for ya! xD And holy fuck that gratuitous homunculus tit jiggle! xD Anywho quite the boss battle cliffhanger ending, until next week!

Koi wa Ameagari no You ni 8


Love is in the air, and for once I don't meant Akira and Kondo! Nice haircut, but I liked the bangs!  xD Anyway friendship becoming love huh? Well that IS the goal I suppose. Akira acting all gleeful getting Kondo's text info was too cute. Meanwhile a Rashomon discussion. I've seen the Kurosawa film, albeit roughly 8 years ago, but never read the story. Apparently they were only loosely related anyway. Guess Kondo ain't too old for pimples afterall. But will he and Akira find courage in the same vein as the servant ? And will it payoff positively for them as is the hope? Either way summer festival time! God Akira looked gorgeous.

Edited by BUU8800
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Hakumei to Mikochi 8


Got a turf war on our hands in a much more focused episode this week, with Hakumei and Mikochi caught right in the middle...well decidedly on one side really. And a kidnapped Konju! At last Mikochi takes some focus, being vital towards completing the julep that will guarantee peace between the warring factions. While Hakumei remains her usual, badass, paper airplane hang-gliding self. Ah the benefits of anything goes. xD

Toji no Miko 9


First of all, holy fuck Ellen's big, beautiful tits while they where bathing!xD Ahem, so mostly just another infodump episode until the end when they were forced to retreat. This time on Noro, and how it can be used to create man-made, intelligent aradama. I'm guessing what we saw in that volcano a few episodes back is one of those. That crazy girl at the end might not be using the aradama steroids like the rest, but she's clearly doing something considering she's hacking up blood. Meanwhile I thought this week might address best-girl Mai's self-doubts, but it's looking like there'll be more on that next week back in the submarine.

Killing Bites 8


Okay before anything else: If they really end up saving that sick fuck Cobra, who was literally torn in half mind you, then they better save sexy Gecko and her big, beautiful tits or I'ma be pissed! Also, did they imply the reptile zaibatsu has secretly deployed some cloaked warriors? Possibly chameleons? Or was that just my imagination? Anyway alotta stalling this week when it comes to Hitomi vs Tiger. My guess is she will somehow manage to defeat him, but be gravely injured, setting up Hitomi vs. Kido as the final match. How the hell she wins that without it feeling ridiculous will be interesting to see. Speaking of Kido, what the fuck is he? Gorilla Grod looked like a brainy character but he was a total dumbass attacking head on like that. He coulda at least tried to run or talk Kido down even if he thought it wouldn't work. Whatever, it all worked out for best-girl Ui, who literally went from pissing herself to overflowing with courage in about a minute.xD Maybe her contributions will help make Hitomi's eventually victories feel less asspully.

Edited by BUU8800
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Takunomi 8


Congrats on the proposal acceptance Michiru! Alcohol and fried chicken, a perfect combination. I just wish I could fondle Kae's big, beautiful bags the same way she fondled that bag of karaage! xD With increased success comes an increased workload Michiru....endure it whether at turtle or hare speed! xD

Edited by BUU8800

Space Battleship Yamato 2199 17.

Why is this not on Toonami?  Fujioshi go nuts for Voltron and this is like...a billion times better written.

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Slow Start 9


Indoor swimsuit on a rainy day party! Oh fuck yes, Shion and her massively big, beautiful tits in a swimsuit! I was a bit worried we might not see her, now I can die happy!xD And then those erotic massages for her and Hannen! I think it goes without saying, but this was easily the best episode so far! xD



Edited by BUU8800

March Comes in Like a Lion 39

I gotta say, I'm real proud of Rei for neither losing his cool nor spilling his spaghetti during the team play-by-play with Nikaido. He's come so far since the first season in regards to being social. [insert smiley shedding a single tear of joy here]


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