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March Comes in like a Lion 5**


** - There was too much bullshit in those first four episodes, and I like the sisters, especially Akari.


Wow, if that's the truth, then I really need to get caught up. And yes, Akari is the best. Took a while for Hina and Momo to win me over, but I'm glad they did.


Wow, if that's the truth, then I really need to get caught up. And yes, Akari is the best. Took a while for Hina and Momo to win me over, but I'm glad they did.


Akari's tits are certainly glorious as hostess, but Momo is too adorable to not be the best, and I ship Hina with Rei so really I always loved all three. xD


Twin Star Exorcists 4-5

Kaiju Girls 9

Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 8

Scorching Ping Pong Girls 8


Twin Star certainly had less bickering in those episodes. I should watch Izetta, but it has been so disappointing since 4.


Yuri!!! on Ice 8

speaking of Yoi the creator's tweets are giving some funny insight into Japan's censorship guidelines



the reason Victor's arm was obscuring their kiss in episode 7 is because Japanese TV censorship guidelines Bar same sex kisses from being shown on Daytime television(she also confirmed that it was indeed a Kiss, and was in fact Yuri's first kiss)


so showing a man's naked ass and making blatant refferences to Sex is fine but showing him kiss another guy is a step too far?




edit: I swear to you I have no clue why I keep misspelling the word "apparently"


Yuri on Ice 5


this show is a f**king blessing



I have no Idea why but I keep almost forgetting this show is a scripted cartoon and wincing when Yuri makes mistakes, this has never happened before



I'm starting Yuri on ice ep. 6


I have had a few drinks.......this might be a mistake






okay, I'm calling BS. on japanese censorship laws


a man can say "I'm gonna cum"on daytime tv, but two men can't be shown kissing?


aside from that I love this anime and I'm literally overcome with joy that it exists


One Piece 765


I was okay with the bugs but Brook's song was way too long.

Brook's VA did a great job, but those lyrics were stupid.  The first ones at least.

The filler is getting worse.



Funny, I skipped the bug filler by loved the song. Interesting backstory to that song btw:




  • Kantai Collection #2 (rewatch)


It's going to be an absolute bitch to remember the names of even a few characters in this show. Mostly because I think they're unremarkable. Naka, maybe not, but that doesn't matter much when I want to kick her in the nuts. But at least Fubuki's getting better... ha-ha... am I right, guys? I mean, the most blandest characterest of all deserves to be the MC because... marketing reasons. And attracting new fans, I guess.


Cue the ratings images:






  • Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Kentucky Nightmare"

[this indentation is a bitch]


Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars 13(END)


Final Thoughts:


Extremely late subs yet again. No shock considering all the production issues this show had. Anyway, mixed feelings on this one. I loved the main six girls(7 with Noa). Their designs were moelicious and relationships gave off that sweet cgdct sol vibe I love so much. The reunion between Ingrid and Kei in episode 7 or 8 was fucking wonderful for instance. That said, the plot made absolutely no sense, and Johann was a garbage tier villain. He might have been okay as a sub-villain, but primary antagonist? I was done with him by episode 7 or 8. On one level he worked since he was definitely obnoxious and instantly hateable, as you'd expect from a villain, but I never gave a shit about his plans or motivations. Felt absolutely nothing for whatever they were trying to do with his end here, lousy little prick shoulda just died. I have no comment on the mecha action. On the whole I'll give this a generous 6/10. Easily forgettable series. I would watch a sol cgdct spin-off with the main girls if one were made though. xD



Girlish Number 8

Long Riders! 6

3-gatsu no Lion 8 ON BREAK  :'(

Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari 8


Just you and Buu.  :'(

Just read your spoilers and finished the episode. I agree with your assessment for the most part.



I liked the message at the end about the family you make for yourself, and moving forward together. However, there were a few narrative missteps, where the story didn't seem to flow very well. Particularly where everyone's souls were gathered, but all it really made them do was forget about Yui, and when Ruks took them to that field, but they actually ended up back in the real world. I think more could have been done to communicate those things better. Also, apparently Johann was created by someone, but none of the far past was really explained, so I guess it was "LOL whatever." The show really deserved a better villain who actually had some motivation, though.



I liked it, I just didn't really like it.


Full Metal Panic! 1


Finally starting this about a year after I meant to when Part IV was first announced. First episode was alright. I think I like Mao best of all the characters so far but it's way too early to be sure. I was surprised it ended when it did since it felt like it just got started. Some very standard cliches already, but in fairness this did air 14 years ago. I'll attribute the windowboxed opening and ending to that too. Goodness, had I watched this back then I'd be younger than the protagonists instead of nearly twice their age...God I'm old.  ;D



Full Metal Panic! 2


Another very quick moving episode that felt too brief. Other stuff happened behind the scenes, but the Sousuke saving Kaname from the truck scene and their later conversation on the bench were the highlights. Pretty adorable scenes the both of them, with ample shots of Kaname blushing, clearly framed in a way to show off her beauty. I'm actually not watching this on my laptop so I can't take screenshots, but several of them stood out as ones I would have taken if I were. Guess after so much Lupin and Conan screenshot taking it's become a reflex.  ;D Several gratuitous upskirt panty shots of Kaname too that were hard to miss. Well lingerie is in the next episode's title I guess...



Full Metal Panic! 3


Another very quick moving episode! Geez will the pacing ever level out? Or I?  ;D Kurz got Kaname to drop her guard insanely easily. I enjoyed Mao's crab story from last episode getting a finish here. The whole panty thing actually took up less time and was far more tame than I expected, though that does make 2 of 3 episodes with Kaname shower scenes. Evil guy about to make his move on the plane it seems so the action should amp up next episode.



Full Metal Panic! 4


Oh yeah, definitely amped up the action with a fairly graphic murder, bomb, and some hand to hand combat. Damn cliffhanger at the end!



Full Metal Panic! 5


Dayum, that was the best episode yet, and with actual mech fights! I'm glad Kaname found out the truth about Sousuke so early. It probably won't get covered up either...probably. Another pretty big cliffhanger too. Seems next episode could be the climax of this arc.


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