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I haven't seen either FMA or FMA:B since the latter was premiering on [AS] like 13 years ago... so guess what I'm doing?

FMA:B 1 / FMA 1-3



I will report with my findings on how well this works. Will jump onto Brotherhood with either Lab 5 or dead Hughes (haven't decided yet).


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FMA 4-7

Hard to believe Mustang has the same VA in Brotherhood and the OG because here he sounds very... "light" I guess is the word.

Also what I can gather from bouncing off of B's pilot to this is that it works! BUT I did notice that the dialogue for that one Brotherhood episode felt very shonen-y and, dare I say, "kiddy" compared to that of these episodes in the OG. It's almost like comparing Marvel fare to Ingmar Bergman.

That and you're forced get to hear the introductory "HE'S THE FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST" twice. :LithiumSmileyIndifferent:

Edited by MasqueradeOverture
Posted (edited)

FMA 8-12

I have a weird nostalgia for the Barry The Butcher episode (it was the 1st episode of FMA I randomly came upon on AS in the mid-00's). Also don't hate the Justin Cook fake-Elrics 2-parter as much as a lot of people do.

General observations: Are the backgrounds traditional matte paintings? Wouldn't be surprised if in '03 studios were doing parts of production the old-fashioned way while digitally painting the characters in front of that. Also noticing a decent amount of tape hiss whenever a child actor speaks (as if they were recorded with a different [possibly analog] set up outside of Funi's studio or something due to child labor laws).

EDIT: OH BOY. Found a tragic flaw in my approach to use Brotherhood's 1st episode as a pilot to my endeavors here and it's FUCKING HUGHES [In Brotherhood, the Elrics meet him right before Leore, whereas they've known each other for at least 3 years at that point in FMA 03].

This is gonna eat at me but whatever. Not splicing in any other Brotherhood episodes until I bounce off of FMA.

Edited by MasqueradeOverture
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Baki Hanma S2 18

Persona 4 The Golden Animation 1.  I just beat the game, but I guess I’m not done with this cast of characters yet.

Edited by Jman
Posted (edited)

FMA 13-25 / Brotherhood 9-10

Well I ruined the illusion of a seamless transition LOL it looks like both


Barry The Chopper dies and '03 Femme-Sloth comes in at episode 24. RIGHT BEFORE HUGHES CROAKS. AND I LIKE HIS DEATH SO MUCH BETTER IN THE ORIGINAL. WHOOPTIE FUCK.

Then when Hughes DOES kick the bucket and the boys / Winry are on the train, Ed mentions on the way to Rush Valley they're gonna find Scar at an Ishval camp. THIS. DOES. NOT. HAPPEN. IN. BROTHERHOOD.

So no, as much as I hate to say it, you can't jump from "The Event" into Brotherhood as too much '03 original stuff is in play already. However, aside from The Secretary / Juliette Douglas just hanging out in the background with no follow up, you can seamlessly jump into Brotherhood right after Lab 5 (so basically go from FMA 22 to Brotherhood 9).

That said, I forgot how cartoony and lame Brotherhood can be. "The Event" holds no weight and gravitas, and neither does Basque's talk with Ed & the subsequent tension between the brothers. I remember the humor calming itself down at a certain point, but this is really rough.

EDIT: Went back and watched FMA 25 with the commentary track to wash the taste out of my mouth. To hell with the inconsistencies, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Edited by MasqueradeOverture

Kengan Ashura 1-2

Rewatching as prep for season 2 (or 3, if you're going by the batch releases) later this month. It's amazing how better this series has stuck in my head compared to Dumbbells.


FMA 29 - 39

The anime original stuff with Wrath and Greed up to episode 34 is GREAT. There's a very Southern Gothic vibe with the Dante mansion that I heavily mess with. 

Unfortunately, 35 - 39 feels like a lull. It's dragging now -- And while there's moments with Winry and Mustang that feel of narrative significance, something feels off. When the Homunculi are spending their time plotting in dive bars, the threat feels much smaller than it should. Not only that, but the Ishval stuff is becoming a bore.


FMA 49 - END / Conqueror of Shamballa

Uh... wat the fukk??

I appreciate the big swings in '03's attempt at wrapping things up -- But unfortunately, my memory of this show was somewhat correct as its ending dives straight off a cliff.

"Oh, but the friends you made along the wa-" Shut the fuck up Hohenheim.


Gamera Rebirth 2-3.

Apparently this is what the director wanted to do with the Godzilla trilogy before he was told by Toho they didn’t want something they directly competed with the Legendary films, but the monster brawls fit quite well with Gamera as a more heroic kaiju given his own filmography even in the famous Heisei trilogy.


FMA Brotherhood 21 - 34

Oh wow the incompatibility between the two series runs deeper than I thought.


- The Elrics had no idea Scar had a tatoo until like 20-something episodes into Brotherhood. However, Ed rips Scar's sleeve and sees it in episode 6 of the '03 series.

- Mustang is revealed to kill Winry's parents in '03. Scar kills them in Brotherhood.

- Mustang never heard of Dr. Marcoh until Braeda gives him a note informing him of his existence. Mustang and Marcoh meet in person WAY earlier in '03.

- Winry delivering a baby in Rush Valley is rendered redundant since Ed & Al help with Gracia Hughes' birth in '03.

- The story of Scar's brother losing his dick in the transmutation of his dead gf in '03 does, in zero ways, mesh with Brotherhood's version of the story.

- The person who triggered the Ishallan war was Envy disguised as an Aryan dude, a direct contradiction to '03's cause being a bullet from Juliet Douglas.

- Speaking of Ishval, Ed mentioning learning about the Ishval war for the first time through Hawkeye doesn’t work with Marcoh telling the boys about it early in the '03 series.

It would take an absolute madman to try to edit this together into one chimera cut.

Oh wait a minute... image.png.a5e20cdc57037b80873207efdd209397.png

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