BUU8800 Posted March 19, 2018 Author Posted March 19, 2018 (edited) Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 11 Cats and portraits and critical hits in our penultimate outing this week. So.Much.Blushing! Too adorable. They were literally made for each other! The only question remaining, well two I guess, are: Will Nishikata get a true victory? And will they end up together? And might that end up being the same thing? And yes I know that's three! Edited March 19, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 19, 2018 Posted March 19, 2018 Kuroko's Basketball 26 It's been a long time comin', and it finally came. [what's really good?] Quote
Delaclease Posted March 19, 2018 Posted March 19, 2018 Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 11 Yowamushi Pedal: Glory Line 11 Quote
EyeOfPain Posted March 20, 2018 Posted March 20, 2018 On 3/18/2018 at 6:08 PM, Blatch said: The iDOLM@STER #20Pop Team Epic #11 Laid-Back Camp #8 and #9 Hide contents I didn't find the Hoshiiro Girldrop teaser surprising... having a drama bomb finale is probably part of the parody. On a related note, I really hope we actually get a whole half(?)-episode of that show as the finale. Maybe they could make it so that the first half doesn't repeat, for additional craziness. That would be amazing. Also: Pop Team Epic 11 Quote
Delaclease Posted March 20, 2018 Posted March 20, 2018 Sora yori mo Tooi Basho 11 Overlord II 11 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 20, 2018 Author Posted March 20, 2018 (edited) A Place Further Than The Universe 12 We're nearing the end now and all that's really left is the Shirase's momma drama. What has become my least favorite aspect of the series. Well I guess tackling it was unavoidable. All the unread mail, and the neverending tears. Sad. Alright, one more to go. Overlord II 11 Ha! Now that was pretty damn badass! The assault has begun and Sebas just nonchalantly decapitating people left and right. I'm wondering though if that "Tuare" Brain and Climb found is the genuine article or not. Seemed kinda like she may not be. The real meat of the episode however came in a totally unexpected arena: the fight with the bug girl member of the pleiades versus three of the Blue Roses. At first I was a bit bummed that those three were gonna most likely die simply because they had poor luck to run into a servant of Ainz, but they surprisingly, and barely, held their own...until Demiurge arrived. Then when Ainz arrived at the end, like a badass, in his Momonga disguise it hit me that this was probably all just an act so he could arrive and play hero to save them. Or at least Evileye anyway. Unsure if Demiurge really killed the other two or was lying. Or if they'll really stay dead if he did but either way I guess this was what their little fight in the opening was alluding to. Excited to see how it plays out next week, good stuff. Edited March 20, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 21, 2018 Posted March 21, 2018 Kuroko's Basketball 27 I'm not saying I had any problem with Momoi outside of post-initial watch frustration at her data collection and utilization, but I'm cool with her now. That said, her "Oh Crap" face after seeing the amateur-hour version of Kuroko's new move was pure perfection. 2 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 22, 2018 Author Posted March 22, 2018 (edited) Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san 12(END) And so in our finale Koizumi-san "saves" Yuu after she gets stranded in Nagoya while looking for her. Then after a long illness Koizumi-san reunites with her one true love: ramen! Poor Yuu, so long as ramen exists she'll never be #1 in Koizumi-san's heart. But I guess she's probably fine with that. And who knows? Maybe one day they can become the lesbian lovers she so desperately wants them to be. You know, I summed up what this show was gonna be after watching the very first episode, and I was more or less correct. But for a show that was pretty one-note in its premise this was surprisingly fun to watch. That cute little jingle in between each segment and the opening and ending themes were nice. And it was a pretty relaxing watch, even if I actually don't really have any interest in ramen. Generous 7 out of 10. Yuru Camp 12(END) Quite the imagination on that 10 year gap by Nadeshiko. And so our girls end their Mt. Fuji Christmas Camping Trip and look towards the future. Nadeshiko has really become quite the expert too, reminds me of Rin. Naturally they'd end up finding each other at the end, I'd expect nothing less from this wonderful series. Welp, overall this was a pretty damn fantastic series. Supremely calming/relaxing/soothing/comfy/whatever similar word you wanna use. Not to mention the opening theme was probably my favorite of any show that aired this season. All the girls were wonderful, and it's just sad that we're done already. Strong 8 out of 10. A definite candidate for making my Top 10 of the year list come December. Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody 11 Satou finds himself entangled in a potion conspiracy in our penultimate outing. On the one hand the pacing for this one felt really fast. On the other, it is fitting that we've caught up to the manga, or at least the translations of it, in our second to last episode. Should be interesting to see how it all plays out the next week. Edited March 22, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 22, 2018 Author Posted March 22, 2018 Koi wa Ameagari no You ni 11 Well our penultimate episode focuses primarily on Akira and track and Kondo and writing. And their friends' attempts at helping them return to them. We're starting to wrap things up, and it would appear as if this shift in focus was the true point all along. But let's see how we finish before anymore reflections. Quote
The1gairon Posted March 23, 2018 Posted March 23, 2018 Violet Evergarden 11 BECAUSE SUBS WERE LATE!!! Quote
J.M. Matthews Posted March 23, 2018 Posted March 23, 2018 (edited) Mobile Suit Gundam Seed 16, watching saved WMV file on my portable hard drive peripheral device in bed. Some anime are just easier to watch on your computer from DVDs ripped a long time ago. Edited March 23, 2018 by J.M. Matthews Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 23, 2018 Author Posted March 23, 2018 (edited) Hakumei to Mikochi 11 Night train ride and fishing in the rain with Hakumei and Mikochi! Yet another episode with an absolutely fantastic overall tone/atmosphere. This series pulls that off so well it really seems effortless. Glad to see that near-catch was enough to spark a flame for fishing in Mikochi. My goodness though, I was wondering how big the fish was gonna get considering their size and sure enough it was huge! Must take herculean strength to pull something like that off. Toji no Miko 12 Well that definitely felt like an ending to me. I mean...it's not...and they're even doing a damn clipshow next week...but it felt like one. The girls seemingly banded together to finally defeat Princess whatever her name was possessing Yukari and saved the day. So as I've been asking for three or four weeks now what the hell are we gonna do with 12 more episodes of this? Will the show suddenly shift genres, or will a new threat pop up out of the blue? Or is it that old chestnut of the enemy still isn't actually gone for good? Might it have something to do with all the noro that was stored over the last 20 years? I dunno, and we'll hafta wait two weeks to find out apparently, but I honestly would have been fine had the series just ended here with an epilogue thirteenth episode next week. And while I can't say for certain yet, I have a very strong feeling when this series finally does end in another three months I'm still gonna think it should have just ended here...but we'll see. Killing Bites 11 Well holy fuck, best-girl Ui won! Wasn't expecting that. Or that Kido would actually outlast Hitomi only for Cheetah to pick up the cheap kill. I DID however remember the chameleons that were briefly foreshadowed two episodes back. Looks like they're gonna try and tongue rape poor best-girl Ui next week, but I'm guess Hitomi comes to enough to send them packing, and then a bit of forced romance between our mcs perhaps? But until then! Edited March 23, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
J.M. Matthews Posted March 23, 2018 Posted March 23, 2018 Mobile Suit Gundam Seed 17-19 Last Exile FAM ep. 2 On a good day, I can get 3 to 4 episodes watched. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 23, 2018 Posted March 23, 2018 B: The Beginning 4 Soul Buster 6 Neo Ranga 18 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 24, 2018 Author Posted March 24, 2018 (edited) Takunomi 11 Damn Michiru looked lovely in her Kimono. Enjoying sake and hot pot at New Years. Don't mind the fortune girl. And we're nearly finished now, another series nearing its end. Edited March 24, 2018 by BUU8800 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 24, 2018 Posted March 24, 2018 Freezing 5 One Outs 1 A rare case where losing 4000 USD while gambling on street baseball is preferable to being chained up and ballbusted by a cute girl nicknamed "Intoxicating Bondage". Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 24, 2018 Author Posted March 24, 2018 (edited) Slow Start 12(END) And in our finale the girls help Hana go clothes shopping when her mom gives her money to start buying them on her own. Overall this was a solidly enjoyable cgdct show. I feel like every season needs to have at least one, just to sort of provide that cute, healing goodness. And this was this season's entrant for me. I guess a few other shows I watched like Mitsuboshi Colors might count too, but that felt like something else. This was the closest to a standard cgdct show. The highlight was, as I've made no secret in the past, Shion's big, beautiful tits. Simply glorious! But uh yeah...that aside there's not really much else to say just...solid 7 out of 10. Edited March 24, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
The1gairon Posted March 24, 2018 Posted March 24, 2018 THE FINALE OF POP TEAM EPIC! ... also they hint at another season. But knowing what kind of show this is, I can't tell if they're telling the truth. Quote
EyeOfPain Posted March 24, 2018 Posted March 24, 2018 1 hour ago, elfie said: THE FINALE OF POP TEAM EPIC! ... also they hint at another season. But knowing what kind of show this is, I can't tell if they're telling the truth. Clearly we're only getting the second season of hoshiiro girldrop. Kokkoku 6-11 Pop Team Epic 12 Quote
Delaclease Posted March 24, 2018 Posted March 24, 2018 Citrus 12 (Final) 3-gatsu no Lion S2 20 Mahoutsukai no Yome 24 (Final) Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 24, 2018 Author Posted March 24, 2018 (edited) The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 10 It's brother vs. brother this week, and gettin' the grandparents involved! Oh how I missed tsundere grandpa! And that Frieza healing pod cameo! Then we get the joining of the Psychic trio! Unfortunately they all seem to share Saiki's roach weakness. Boobie gyaru/Tits McGee remains sexy as fuck btw, Saiki should just give in and marry her already! But I digress, another absolutely fantastic episode this week. Edited March 24, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
Blatch Posted March 25, 2018 Posted March 25, 2018 Kakegurui #3Violet Evergarden #1 Pop Team Epic #12 (END) Ethically, I'm against watching shows before they premiere on Netflix, even if I hate that service for not providing simulcasts. Oh man... I'm just glad Kakegurui's finally getting more explicit. The apparent introduction of the girl who masturbates while playing Russian Roulette on the toilet in the next one should prop things up. I'm sad they (as in, King Records) didn't go for the Hoshiiro Girldrop finale idea, but it did apparently get renewed for a second season at the end. Maybe that's an subtle way of saying PPTP got renewed as well. Of course, I'm definitely looking forward to it even if I know I wouldn't enjoy it that much, because this show gives no fucks about what you think. 8/10. While the rest of this show got 14Ls and some PG ratings, the last episode had six S-bombs, so I actually managed to get a TV-MAL without any censorship for an anime. It's quite the cool thing... although I'm still pretty confused at Crunchyroll for not using "fuck" considering that the word appears in their Mr. Osomatsu subs. Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 25, 2018 Author Posted March 25, 2018 Mahoujin Guruguru (2017) 4 - 24(END) And so Hero Nike and Guru Guru User Kukuri save the world from Demon Lord Giri...and Nike's pent-up poop...only for ANOTHER demon lord to pop up. The adventure never ends! The show, however, does. And what a ride it was. I watched the first three episodes of this last year, and while I was pretty confused returning to it several months later, that probably would have been true even had I watched it all at once. By which I mean this series was wacky and nonsensical to the max. But it was in an endearing, almost Bobobo-esque sort of way. With parodies and references galore, and several endearing characters with enjoyable running gags. The pervy Nike, the embarassing Raid...whatever the hell Old Man North-North was, etc...Trying to logically analyze the story would be an effort in futility. In short, it was cute and funny, and that's what I wanted it to be. Honestly I'm tempted to knock off Net-game no Susume from my Top 10 Anime of 2017 list for it. The only reason I won't is because I'm not sure this will have as much replay value for me. I must admit the craziness or zaniness was starting to make it difficult for me to pay attention near the end. The it still remained fun. I loved the little arc where Kukuri and Nike became parents to the teenage forest queen for instance. Apparently the end was also kinda rushed judging by comments manga readers have left. I dunno how much that matters when a series is this wacky though honestly. But I suppose I'm rambling. I think I'll give this a slightly generous 8 out of 10. Quote
EyeOfPain Posted March 25, 2018 Posted March 25, 2018 1 hour ago, BUU8800 said: Mahoujin Guruguru (2017) 4 - 24(END) Hide contents And so Hero Nike and Guru Guru User Kukuri save the world from Demon Lord Giri...and Nike's pent-up poop...only for ANOTHER demon lord to pop up. The adventure never ends! The show, however, does. And what a ride it was. I watched the first three episodes of this last year, and while I was pretty confused returning to it several months later, that probably would have been true even had I watched it all at once. By which I mean this series was wacky and nonsensical to the max. But it was in an endearing, almost Bobobo-esque sort of way. With parodies and references galore, and several endearing characters with enjoyable running gags. The pervy Nike, the embarassing Raid...whatever the hell Old Man North-North was, etc...Trying to logically analyze the story would be an effort in futility. In short, it was cute and funny, and that's what I wanted it to be. Honestly I'm tempted to knock off Net-game no Susume from my Top 10 Anime of 2017 list for it. The only reason I won't is because I'm not sure this will have as much replay value for me. I must admit the craziness or zaniness was starting to make it difficult for me to pay attention near the end. The it still remained fun. I loved the little arc where Kukuri and Nike became parents to the teenage forest queen for instance. Apparently the end was also kinda rushed judging by comments manga readers have left. I dunno how much that matters when a series is this wacky though honestly. But I suppose I'm rambling. I think I'll give this a slightly generous 8 out of 10. They raised a good forest queen. I know this was a remake of an older show, and I think I read that Old Man North-North actually had his own spin-off manga series for a while, so I wonder if there was also a modern manga released recently for Nike and Kukuri. 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 25, 2018 Author Posted March 25, 2018 (edited) Mitsuboshi Colors 12(END) The Colors make a video about their town and the people living in it in our finale! Then they sell strawberries for mini-cakes to poor, unsuspecting drunks during the Spring flower viewings! And finally they decide to rest and take in some surveillance in the middle of the park on a particularly peaceful day. And really their faces in that last portion say it all as far as this series goes. So peaceful, so pure. Such a wonderfully healing series. With kids that were really kids, and earnest all the way. I think best-girl Yui was my favorite Colors. But poop obsessed Sat-chan and poor gamer Kotoha were wonderful as well. It'll be a shame if we never get to spend more time with them, Pops, Saitou, and all the people of their world. Strong 8 out of 10. Edited March 25, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 25, 2018 Author Posted March 25, 2018 (edited) Kokkoku 12(END) Oh wow. I had completely forgotten about that blonde woman from the very first episode. I remember thinking she was being possessed or something at the time, but as it turns out Juri was just summoning her, the true founder of the stasis world. Part of me feels that despite being foreshadowed so early on that's a very cheap and convenient reveal, that Juri would happen to run into her, and part of me thinks it's a brilliant one. I'm torn. By the way was it my imagination or was Juri far sexier in this episode than any other? Maybe it was the long hair she briefly had and the sexier clothing, or lack thereof. I must admit that end montage of her with the family was immensely satisfying too. So much so that I almost don't want to write what I had planned on going into this episode which is mainly how disappointed I was by this series. Though that's probably a bit of a misleading statement. First let me state that I enjoyed it. It was a solid 7 out of 10 level good series, but it could have, and should have, been better. This series had such an interesting premise and felt so unlike everything else I was watching this season that I can't help but be disappointed that it was only good. The second half in particular felt, at times, like a bit of a slog to get through. Mostly the stuff with Toguro Sagawa. Although his baby form and Juri's relationship with it in this episode was nice. That whole little family theme of the ending montage, including Majima and her brother(wonder how she explained herself to him I would have enjoyed seeing that play out) was good. But I mentioned that above. Thinking about it I'm tempted to score this higher but I can't overlook the overall flow just because I really liked that ending. Gah! So torn! Alright, I'm sticking to the 7. Farewell Kokkoku, you deserve bonus points for being different, and were certainly an interesting experience if nothing else. Edited March 25, 2018 by BUU8800 1 Quote
Delaclease Posted March 25, 2018 Posted March 25, 2018 One Piece 829 Kokkoku 12 (Final) Gakuen Babysitters 12(Final) Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 26, 2018 Author Posted March 26, 2018 (edited) ClassicaLoid 2, 22 - 25(END) And so after quelling Wagner's little temper tantrum we end with a look into Sosuke's uncertain future and a miraculous, Hashie-fueled, unlikely return to the status quo. Well I guess I should have known everybody moving on to bigger and better things wasn't in the cards. Poor Sosuke, his life really does seem a mess. Eh, he's young, but the implications are a bit unsettling. Anyway, this certainly was another season of ClassicaLoid! Pretty reminiscent of the first with a broad main plot that only got a few episodes entirely devoted to it with tons of one-off padding episodes focusing on the supporting characters. I'd say they were more or less even in quality, though I preferred Bach's arc from season one to Wagner's here despite enjoying the introduction of Kanae's mother that came with it. Still, I'll give this the same 7 out of 10 I gave season one. I'd say I don't see another sequel for this, but to be fair I would have also said that after the first had I not known about season 2 existing before I watched that so who knows? Guess we'll see. And oh yeah, Liszt and her big, beautiful tits was once again the highlight of the series! Edited March 26, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 26, 2018 Posted March 26, 2018 Pop Team Epic 12 And that makes 5. 10/10, hopefully "no season 2" is just another troll. Also, here are my individual ratings for comparison with Blatch. TV-14 TV-14L TV-14 TV-14 TV-14LV TV-PGV TV-14L TV-14LV TV-14L TV-14L TV-14V TV-MAL In the end, it reached that six S-bomb minimum after all. I'd expect nothing less from such a kuso anime. Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 26, 2018 Author Posted March 26, 2018 Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 12(END) Oh wow, they really didn't adapt THAT chapter afterall. The one everyone thought they'd use to end the series because it would have been perfect. That's...disappointing and a huge missed opportunity by the anime staff. Well, maybe they are hoping for another season or something and wanted to save it just in case. Personally I don't see it getting one despite this being fantastic. An adorable glimpse into young love worthy of an 8 out of 10. Quote
J.M. Matthews Posted March 26, 2018 Posted March 26, 2018 (edited) Card Captor Sakura, Clear Cards 1-2 Edited March 26, 2018 by J.M. Matthews Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 26, 2018 Author Posted March 26, 2018 (edited) Gakuen Babysitters 8 - 12(END) And so we end with Ryuichi leaving Kotaro with Saikawa while he goes to the movies, and a story about Christmas. It's funny, marathoning these last 5 episodes, while delightful, made me realize I have next to nothing new to add from my thoughts after marathoning the first 7 episodes. So just to repeat, this was a supremely adorable series where literally every character was gorgeous(with insanely hot MILFs everywhere) except the Chairwoman, her son(and they both had beauty on the inside where it counts the most) and that random string game festival guy from episode 8 I think. Literally 3 people in the entire series weren't drawn insanely beautifully. Unless I missed one but still you get my point. The characters were all wonderful, some Kamitani abuse to his little brother aside by which I mean he went a bit overboard with it once or twice I thought, and the stories were just fluffy goodness. It even handled loss in a fluffy way too, or perhaps touching would be a better word. It deserves a strong 8 out of 10. And to think, entering the Winter season this anime wasn't even remotely on my radar. Glad I decided to check it out. The only new thing I'll note is I got curious after the episode that introduced Kirin's dad about the Kamitani brother's dad so I looked up manga spoilers and...yeah, I really wish he had been included in the anime. I don't see this getting a second season or anything, I don't even know if the manga is still going for that matter, but I really hope it does and they include that storyline as part of it. Edited March 26, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
blueraven1999 Posted March 27, 2018 Posted March 27, 2018 Rewatched Death Note ep 35. Light really is scum. I didn't remember what happened to that one character. I was pretty sure she died, but I forgot it was that brutal. 2 Quote
Delaclease Posted March 27, 2018 Posted March 27, 2018 (edited) Sora yori mo Tooi Basho 12 Edited March 27, 2018 by Delaclease Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 27, 2018 Author Posted March 27, 2018 (edited) A Place Further Than The Universe 13(END) And so, after some snow baseball, a haircut, and the night sky the girls leave. This series was alright but I soured on it near the end with opinions I've already expressed and been lambasted over. Whatever, 7/10. Overlord II 12 Oh geez, Ainz doesn't get that Evileye was repeatedly creaming herself over him! And I see Demiurge left him in the dark about his plan too. It was interesting to see that he possibly would have killed Evileye had they really killed Entoma given that clutched fist reaction and Nabe's. Nabe I got but didn't think Ainz would lose his cool, even slightly. And so it seems Demiurge really did kill them and they're gonna get revived. Meanwhile Sebas! Dude's a beast! And he even found the real Tuare, I love it. So Princess Renner seems to be counting on Climb dying but I think his ongoing bromance with Brain, the blonde thief and guy who gave him the ring whose names escape me atm will probably see that doesn't happen. Plus Sebas if he ends up "paying back that favor" now but that might wait for a later arc. I dunno why they were frightened by Renner's look at the end, she looked tired more than threatening to me. Honestly reminded me of Tomoko from Watamote. But regardless, the final stage of this little charade should be fun to watch unfold in our finale next week! Edited March 27, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
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