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The Quintessential Quintuplets 2 ep 12 END - 8/10.



It was a good season.  I wish Yotsuba had more screen time.  She's my favorite

and she was shown the least.  Have a bad feeling that Nonoka (the worst girl aka the tsundere)

is going to get the guy.  I hope I'm wrong and that either Miku or Yotsuba gets him. 

I know Yotsuba's chances are low since she's the childhood friend.  Although maybe she has a shot since he doesn't know it's her.



Edited by blueraven1999

Soul Eater 34 - 51

That was pretty disappointing. First half was enjoyable enough, but after that everything felt really pointless, and the fights (what few there were) were kinda boring. Show really could of used some better villains I think. Medusa was the only one that was any good, and they kinda ruined her. Wasn't a bad show I guess, but just felt like it had a lot of wasted potential given how many cool and interesting characters it had going for it.


Soul Eater Not 9 - 12

Nice finish. If nothing else, I can at least say this show helped expand my vocabulary a little, even though I still have no idea what gagantous is supposed to even mean, I imagine I'll nevertheless catch myself saying it now from time to time. xD


Nichijou 6-9
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! 2/3

The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Episode 5: "I don't want to be a wallflower"


This week: unit debuts. The three idiots plus Russian Girl and Lacrosse Superstar are riding mighty high with CDs and a planned miniconcert, lack of hyphen not mine. Everyone is super pumped for it, and Uzuki, Rin and Mio all tell their friends and family about it. I particularly dig that there's a classmate of the latter that looks like Makaba. Back at the office, however, there's a problem: Miku is peeved that she's not getting a debut with a unit and a CD, even though she's seemingly been involved with the Cinderella Project. So she challenges the main three to a game again, this time with Rika and Miria on her side. She actually wins this time, but even then, it's not enough to convince TakeP. Disgruntled, a few other idols come in (Kanako, Chieri and Riina), so they end up coming to her side. What follows is a few minutes of glorious idiot comedy, including some prospective ideas for Minami and Anya's unit, which is shaping up to be what this show does better than anything else.

Undeterred by their catty spanner in the works, the five girls in the units get to doing lessons. And as homework (which Mio is pissed about), TakeP asks the threesome to come up with a unit name. The only names we hear are related to food, including fried chicken again, and they're no good. Man, this guy is being a real bother, not bothering to do much except say things like "plans are in order" and "this thing got delayed due to various circumstances". And he's of little help when the other girls offer plans for their debut, like Rika doing a guerrilla live in the middle of Shibuya, which Riina sort of copies by saying she wants to play at the Budokan. We also see most of the other girls (everyone else I mentioned plus Ranko and Kirari) doing various odd jobs: Miku, Rika and Miria wear mascot costumes for one of Miho's shoots, while Riina, Chieri, Kanako and Ranko watch some weirdo idols dressed as police women teach public safety advice... and then one of them has their shirt pop open, revealing huge badonkers. Woo.

The episode climaxes with Miku going on strike, presumably in solidarity with those IATSE workers who have authorized a possible work stoppage of their own. She barricades her squad of renegade idols plus Anzu in a cafe, coincidentally the same one Nana works at. They manage to cause quite a scene, but it's of little use because TakeP is currently in a meeting. It's only for narrative convenience, after all of the idols in the Cinderella Project gather at the scene, that TakeP arrives and spills the details: he didn't want to tell anyone, but... all the idols in the project are going to be in units! Uzuki/Rin/Mio and Minami/Anya are just in the first wave, and there are going to be three of them. Talk about a failure to communicate. In the end, Miku is overjoyed, and presumably in a mood to stop her rival mentality. The episode ends as the five girls are getting ready to debut their units. Minami and Anya's has already gotten a name: Love Laika, in honor of that spacebound doggy pioneer. And the three idiots' unit has a placeholder name: New Generations. Naturally, they immediately love it, because this show couldn't come up with anything better, and it sticks right away.

So that was a good episode. If there's anything to criticize about this show, it's that the personalities of its characters are stretched thin compared to the original series. But while the art is clearly suffering, I don't mind it. I think the problem is more that the 2011 show looked better than average compared to the typical TV anime. Some other complaints I have have, however minor they are, have more to do with knowing what is coming up in future episodes. So far, there haven't been a lot of cameos from unvoiced idols, but that's going to change in due time, along with some other things.

Random thoughts:

  • We're now up to four new voices as of this episode. Whereas last time this happened, the girls just casually walked by, this episode has them be the subject of their own jokes. The girl with Kaede talking about how they weren't doing to have any food if they kept up the protest was funny, if a bit unintentionally imperialist.
  • Really, Miku's attitude throughout the episode was a big mood, and so was Anzu's. Helps that the former had her squad with Rika and Miria also wearing cat ears. Consequentially, the other characters felt like dead weight, especially Chieri, whose attitude was basically "Guys? Why can't we just stop fighting?"
  • Anya talks about the song soundomg like a meteor, but I normally use that term to describe the improvisational works of Tangerine Dream circa 1974. Looks like we've all got our freak flags to fly.
  • No music to talk about again. I did hear a couple of songs in the episode, but they're instrumental versions of existing, older songs, including one that won't even appear until the end of the show. How mysterious.
  • Gratuitous Cinderella Girls meme of the moment: we're going to Twitter for this one, with the original source being a recent Deresute event. Isn't that aged-down Uzuki cute?
  • Rated TV-PGS.

Idol roundup:

  • Anastasia: 15, Cool-type. Was the first idol to be voiced through the general idol election. Her seiyuu, Sumire Uesaka, is a weeaboo for Russia (attributed to the fact that she was born right before the collapse of the Soviet Union), and has a tendency to voice notable Russian characters in anime. So, popular girl. Hair white as snow, personality refreshingly banal. One of the mods on the CG Discord server I'm active in loves her, and she's even the perpetual avatar for it.
  • Minami: 19, Cool-type. Has the unofficial nickname of "walking sex". Also a Discord mod favorite, but... uh, it's a long story with that guy. Total weeb. I sometimes fap to Minamers, that fuckin'... big sisterly milkerly. Total voyeur.
  • Shizuku (new voice): 15, Passion-type. Cowgirl idol with the biggest boobs in the entire franchise. I think you can tell why this is a problem. In a unit called "Sexy Guilty" with Sanae, emphasis on "former cop", and Yūko (not the one from Nichijou), psychic-type, both of whom also showed up in this episode.
  • Aki (new voice): 20, Cool-type. Military-themed idol, because we have a gimmick for just about everything you can think of! She doesn't get much content, which I guess is understandable, but I'm far from hating her.

To Your Eternity 18/19
Nichijou 9
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! 4

I did some more old browsing lately, this time of this very thread, and it made me feel wistful. How did I lose the ability to actually talk in depth about anime on a place like this? It's all going to my head, which needs to change.

Coming soon: an old favorite rises from the grave and revs its engine.

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