tatsuya_suou_sa Posted March 22, 2017 Posted March 22, 2017 Not that I have anything personally against religion (I'm a lapse catholic at best) I wonder if the world would have been better off without it. Some say we get our morale compass from it. Of course we all see how religion can be twisted to cause death and destruction ( Jihad, Spanish Inquisition, The Crusades). So do ya'll think we would be better with or without it? Do you picture a peaceful world without religious wars or a purge like society that fears no death and thus no consequences?
André Toulon Posted March 22, 2017 Posted March 22, 2017 Religion isn't bad by itself, the evil people that use it to push a murderous and hateful agenda would still exist and they would have used some other medium to brainwash their sheep. I also disagree with that being where we get our moral compass from.......Even a baby/toddler with no concept of religion can identify consequence........My daughter killed a rollie pollie when she was 2....maybe 3........She looked at it and started crying and saying NOOOOOO. She had only gone to church on Easters and I had never explained life and death to her, but she knew somehow that she had snuffed his life and immediately felt remorse.
Mini_ghost420 Posted March 22, 2017 Posted March 22, 2017 I myself believe in God but not really organised religion. I think if your moral compass comes from anywhere but inside you, it's probably fake
tatsuya_suou_sa Posted March 22, 2017 Author Posted March 22, 2017 That is a good point. Some people say without the 10 commandments we would have descended into savagery. I don't personally believe that and even without religion we would innately have an idea of right and wrong. Such as your daughter, even without knowing about life and death she understood the consequences of taking a life, even if it was just a rolly pollie.
nameraka Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 people would just find some other excuse to be horrible to each other.
MEXobiologist Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 basically what buddy said also, religion aside because i believe buddy covered that part in relation to peace and morality, i believe true peace would make people numb we absolutely need the existence of chaos and evil
Codename: Jackass Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 The future Where harmony and love reign Where we no longer live in a society bent on its own destruction Where children of every race, creed and religion Frolic through fields of golden dandelions
stilgar Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 Humans would have found a different excuse to start wars and murder people in a world without religion.
Sieg67 Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 I say if you need religion for morality, you probably weren't a good person in the first place. I feel religion is holding us back. It's telling us what to think instead of how to think. I see it as a way to control and suppress. Some people use it as an excuse to belittle and hate others. I wouldn't say there would be no fighting without it, but ditching religion would be a step in the right direction.
mochi Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 Not that I have anything personally against religion (I'm a lapse catholic at best) I wonder if the world would have been better off without it. Some say we get our morale compass from it. Of course we all see how religion can be twisted to cause death and destruction ( Jihad, Spanish Inquisition, The Crusades). So do ya'll think we would be better with or without it? Do you picture a peaceful world without religious wars or a purge like society that fears no death and thus no consequences? if we're purely speaking of Abrahamic religeon (Christianity Judaism Islam and Mormonism) hadn't been invented there'd be 3 major differences 1. LGBT people would be perfectly ordinary, nobody would treat us like shit, because Homophobia is literally an invention of abrahamic religion, prior to it's invention nobody gave a fuck who you fell in love with, or who you had sex with in your spare time, you were still a person to them and they minded their own damn buisiness about your sexual habits 2. there'd be less racism, some elements of it would've still happened of course, but it would've ended earlier and with less need for war 3. several wars would not have happened, due to the reason for those wars never having existed
mochi Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 Religion isn't bad by itself, the evil people that use it to push a murderous and hateful agenda would still exist and they would have used some other medium to brainwash their sheep. I also disagree with that being where we get our moral compass from.......Even a baby/toddler with no concept of religion can identify consequence........My daughter killed a rollie pollie when she was 2....maybe 3........She looked at it and started crying and saying NOOOOOO. She had only gone to church on Easters and I had never explained life and death to her, but she knew somehow that she had snuffed his life and immediately felt remorse. true, but several of those hateful and murderous agendas probably wouldn't have been so deeply ingrained in culture that they'd still prevail to this day if not for religion like Homophobia
mochi Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 I say if you need religion for morality, you probably weren't a good person in the first place. I feel religion is holding us back. It's telling us what to think instead of how to think. I see it as a way to control and suppress. Some people use it as an excuse to belittle and hate others. I wouldn't say there would be no fighting without it, but ditching religion would be a step in the right direction. the entire point of religion is to hold people back it was invented to keep a ruling classes subjects dumb and complacent as well as wiping out whatever groups the ruling class didn't like Goat farmers for instance, the reason Satan is depicted with goat like characteristics is because for whatever reason when that part of the bible was written Goats were looked down on, so they made Goats and those that liked them a representation of evil Homophobia was ingrained into religion because at some point rulers wanted their subjects to breed more, so they added guidelines to the Bible saying that anyone who isn't using all their time having heterosexual sex to produce offspring should be put to death for not aiding in the repopulation efforts misogyny was also an invention of religion, the idea that women are meant for breeding and pleasure and not much else, it's related to the parts saying Gay people must be killed my only theory is that at some point human population was declining so some insane king told everyone to start fucking and making babies and decreeing that anyone who couldn't should be forced to do it or killed if they resisted same reason masturbation is considered bad occording to Christiantity
Sieg67 Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 Or they wanted lots of kids that they can brainwash.
mochi Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 Or they wanted lots of kids that they can brainwash. same difference they made being Gay a death sentence and some(most) people still cling to that teaching to this day
Guest The Hound Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 It all started with Sun worship and then got heavily bastardized. I try not to pay attention to any form of theology, but if people wanna sleep better at night.... that's them.
Guest The Hound Posted March 24, 2017 Posted March 24, 2017 same difference they made being Gay a death sentence and some(most) people still cling to that teaching to this day No book, that people aren't sure of even who really wrote it, should dictate what people do sexually in 2017.
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