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shes white and cream with bright blue eyes.....but yeah....she goes ape shit when i start to clean....she was running around the house like usain bolt a bit ago because i was vacuuming


I just smoked around mine too much  ::D::

Just kidding, but around a year and half he started getting big streaks in his undercoat of orange/peach and now it's prominent on his back at 6 years lol but he is still has super cool blue eyes.


My fixed older male is a big sleepy baby, it's the kitten we got during the summer that does that bolting through the house trying to play with anything I'm trying to clean in my torn constantly apartment space. Most destructive cat I've ever had lol


So in my case, nobody.


#selfburn #ohsnapsIjustusedahashtag


why would i live my life trying to impress people? i mean what purpose does it serve me?  that being said i like getting into a freshly made bed and the sheets are all tight....makes me feel all snug


I just don't see the point when I know I'm going to mess it up later.  Even if it's snug when I go to bed, it'll just get messed up again within minutes.

The sheets get too hot to have them all tucked in.





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