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Appropriate Texting Hours


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This is one of those more issues that I find myself bumping elbows with people about given the strange hours I keep at times.  Now this has nothing to do with booty calls or social blather among people who are married or any of that nonsense.  Say you are interacting with someone on a business level and need to get some information to them immediately but don't have their email address.  Is there a clock hour after which it is inappropriate to send them a message?

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This is one of those more issues that I find myself bumping elbows with people about given the strange hours I keep at times.  Now this has nothing to do with booty calls or social blather among people who are married or any of that nonsense.  Say you are interacting with someone on a business level and need to get some information to them immediately but don't have their email address.  Is there a clock hour after which it is inappropriate to send them a message?


If it's work related, I've always been under the assumption that it's wholly unacceptable to text about business related stuff  after normal business hours (usually 5pm).  But, my line of work usually entails some form of emergency contact, so I will accept business texts 24 hours a day as long as they are related to emergencies (pipe burst, hole in the roof, toilet explodes, anything that involves an immediate danger to the public).  I would imagine that the only other exception is if that person specifically asks for the information to be sent as soon as it's available.  Otherwise, the text is likely to be ignored and/or forgotten.

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Despite being entirely unqualified to give advice on etiquette, We would say no. Texts are relatively unintrusive. If someone doesn't want to be bothered to read a text, they can wait until they feel like it.


If you're hesitant though, a general guideline could be to ask how likely they are to act on the given information tonight. If it's not something they're going to deal with till the morning anyway, sending it earlier doesn't serve much purpose. Whereas if it's not too late for them to put it to use, it's certainly not too late to send it.


A further point to consider, since a difference in schedules is an issue, are they going to be more put-off by not getting it until whenever you would eventually send it than they would from getting it afterhours?

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I always turn my phone on silent or vibrate when at home, period. I don't care if you're upset that I'm not responding to you instantly, I don't bother to be bothered by a shit ton of people that want to talk to me about mundane things all at once.

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I don't answer my phone for work when I'm not at work  :D


I  may reply to a text if its from an coworker I like .... but mostly if I'm off the clock I'm not responding to jack.


Yup same here, unless it's the boss making an easy request then I ignore it till work the next day.

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