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Did you know that even with seat belts people die all the time in car crashes?

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No, not really crazy.....Other factors such as velocity, direction, and inertia can change the effectiveness of a restraining harness.......In some instances the crash itself isn't resposible of the death.  It's not crazy at all.


I just thought that was interesting.


I had a friend who was in a rollover crash into a telephone pole and the vehicle landed upright in a field... The cop knew that she wasn't wearing her seatbelt just by looking at the car.


No questions asked, the officer just looked at her and said "Had you been wearing your seatbelt, you would have died." and continued on with his work.


I'm extremely skeptical of the notion that being a cop makes you an authority in physics, but I can only assume that since the story didn't end that she was ticketed for no  seat belt on her way to the hospital that she must have been white.


Did you know that many people die from their own prescription pills by exactly following their doctors' orders?


Wow, why bother doing anything?

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