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You might’ve seen this manga panel floating around of Mineta casually confessing to Deku while trying to get him out of his vigilante phase.


It’s something that’d be interesting to discuss because of how polarizing it’s been. Even though his phrasing 惚れた (horeta) is often used in a romantic light, fans are begging him to be straight and have it be a mistranslation because erasing his bisexuality means that they wouldn’t have to associate a repulsive molester with being bi, especially with the amount of fictional villains who are revealed to be bi only to emphasize their depravity.

At the same time, I think that Mineta being bi would be his one saving grace. He treats women horribly and is a monster towards them for the sake of comic relief, but he has an innocent enough association with men that his one outlet to express his sexuality in the healthiest sense possible would have to be his mild confession to Deku. Unlike the bi villain trope, his confession is an expression of bisexuality that is rooted in genuine affection and admiration rather than over the top lust. It shows far more strength to his character that he can let his guard down and drop his generally sleazy personality entirely for a confession like this. 

I’d be more adamant about throwing him out if he was clearly willing to sexually assault men too or if he assaulted men from the get-go, but at this point, Mineta having a pure romantic relationship with a guy would be the one thing that doesn’t make him a complete dumpster fire of a person.

That, and with how pissy the fandom is about their ships and their willingness to destroy peoples lives if it means representing fanon LGBT+ relationships, it’s amusing that the first character Horikoshi is willing to let come out would be the one nobody would expect but everyone would loathe. 


I say go for it and laugh all the live long day about it.  It actually makes a lot of sense that he’s a stereotypical pervert to the point of utter obnoxiousness if he swings both ways and wants to distract from those urges (and his urges about female company are genuinely sincere so it isn’t like he’s lying about liking the ladies).  It’s also the sort of inadvertent satire I live for where characters people find hot are made gay by the fandom for female fantasies.  Making grape boy bisexual is perfectly valid and puts those biases right in the mirror.


It is just vague enough to be taken either way. I have seen shows and movies were a friend uses romantic terminology to someone when they clearly are just emphasizing how strong their bond is.

12 hours ago, elfie said:

It is just vague enough to be taken either way. I have seen shows and movies were a friend uses romantic terminology to someone when they clearly are just emphasizing how strong their bond is.

I remember back when the manga first introduced Night eye, and when he was brought up to All Might, AM responded (this being the official version of Viz I believe) referring to him as his first or his ex or something along the lines, the phrasing of it I think was intended to be suggestive likely just a joke and not trying to imply anything. Pretty sure when the sub and dub came out they changed the way it was phrased, erasing that. When it comes to Mineta there's always the possibility that it wasn't intended to be interpreted that way, just Mineta spewing random nonsense in the heat of the moment, and whenever the anime catches up to that point they'll probably have a completely different line.

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