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How do I keep my weight under 140?


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I love it regardless, but the point is that I'm about to play tennis again and I like being around 135 max so I can fly around the court. If I go up to 150 or more, I won't be able to do that. Also, you can't suggest any vegetarian solutions since I eat meat all the time.... every day actually... 🦌

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1 minute ago, RainyDayJizz#35 said:

If you want to maintain a weight one steak in a day is plenty of meat. Humans don't actually need as much meat as we eat. Just don't eat more then two or three pieces of fruit a day or you'll start shitting your guts out every day.


Are grapes, bananas, and apples enough? 

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2 minutes ago, RedemptionZeni said:


Are grapes, bananas, and apples enough? 

Possibly? You get more vitamins making sure you have a good vegetable intake. And if you tend to snack keep water around. I remember reading about this ages ago, if you tend to feel hungry a lot when you do drink a full glass of water. If you don't feel hungry after you weren't hungry. I naturally drink lots of water but I assume this works.

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No sugar, limited to less than 30g of carbs a day, no fruit, take vitamins to get your vitamin d, c, potassium. 15 to 20 grams of protein with every meal (3 a day). No more than 1000 calories a day.

your meat portions should be less than 8 oz.

this is essentially the ideal protein diet and you can lose 30 lbs in a month. Or maintain current weight by altering this plan slightly increase sugar intake.

Edited by Sawdamizer
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Intermittent fasting, keto—omad.

i eat under 20g of carbs a day and one meal a day. Work out for an hour and walk 5 miles a day. In 6 months lost over 100lbs. 

increase macros to maintain, use 16:8.

Edited by Baby_Yoda
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