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i had a dream about joe rogan


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I lived in LA and he came to my house and was all up on me kissing me and feeling me up. Then he's like "Come on it's time to do the show"

And I was like "Wait you want to put me on your podcast? I don't have anything to talk about"

Hes like "That's ok. I bring tons of girls on the show just to fuck em"

Me "Oh ok"

Then I was there in another room waiting to for them to start and I was shaving my legs for some reason that doesn't make sense. Instead of going to do the show, I left and went outside but instead of a city it was like the place was just floating in mid air like a mile over a huge ocean with this chain you're supposed to climb. I fell climbing the chain and plunged into the ocean somehow not dying from the impact. It was daylight when I hit the water but when I surfaced it was dark all the sudden. I swam around all panicked. I realized there was nothing in any direction and I was gonna drown or get eaten by sea creatures. Then I woke up

I don't even watch joe rogan ever since I broke up w/my last ex which was like a year ago

Edited by Poof
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9 minutes ago, Distortedreasoning said:

yeah i remember the last time he was brought up here when we were talking sports. it dont mean anything just interesting since dreams are weird like that. 

i dont like him but hes dumb and strong. it was ok being kissed roughly by him the dream. he was really warm i felt safe in his arms

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