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A Race Toward the Brink (死の崖へつっ走れ Shi no Gake e Tsuppashire)


The nineteenth episode of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure,

the tenth episode of Battle Tendency


Toonami Airdate: (03/05/2017) This Saturday night/Sunday morning at 12:30am


Episode credits:


Script -

Shinichi Inotsume


Storyboard -

Masashi Abe


Episode Director -

Masashi Abe


Animation Director -

Hirohide Shikishima

Minoru Morita


Animation Director Cooperation -

Ryo Kobayashi

Yukitoshi Hotani

Megumi Itoi


Assistant Animation Director -

Tatsuo Amemiya

Jimra Jim


Key Animation -

Hirohide Shikishima

Minoru Morita

Tomoki Kouda

Tatsuo Amemiya

Genki Yagi

Hiroaki Kawaguchi

Toshihiko Masuda

Yoshiaki Tomita


2nd Key Animation

Sakurako Sagano

Setsuko Shibuichi

Shinichi Suzuki

Studio Liberty

Nakamura Production



Meta Studio


Design Cooperation -

Masahiko Komino

Jun Ishigami

Gorou Murata



Original Airdate:

February 15, 2013


Opening: Coda performing "BLOODY STREAM"


Ending: Yes performing "Roundabout"


Previously on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

As Joseph awaits to warn Lisa Lisa about the Pillar Men, Esidisi's brain takes over the body of Suzi Q and sends the Super Aja off on a boat bound for Venice before confronting Lisa Lisa. Before Joseph and Caesar can pursue the boat, Esidisi stands in their way, knowing full well they cannot kill him without killing Suzi Q as well. As Esidisi prepares to use his boiling blood to kill everyone in the room, Joseph and Caesar combine their Hamon in opposing forces, forcing Esidisi's brain out of Suzi Q without killing her and into the sunlight, where he burns into nothingness.


After healing Suzi Q, Lisa Lisa learns from her that the Red Stone has been sent to St. Moritz in Switzerland, where Kars and Wamuu are waiting. Joseph promises Suzi Q that he will see her again before he, Caesar, Lisa Lisa, and Messina head off to catch up to the mail train bound for Switzerland. Upon catching up to the train at customs, the Germans arrive and claim the Red Stone of Aja for themselves, inviting Joseph and the others to join them at their lodge. As Kars appears to attack the lodge, Joseph learns that the leader of the German group is none other than Stroheim, who has since become a cyborg



Make sure to allow your eyes some room to wander this Saturday night




because they might land on a new episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure




Only on Toonami


I hope we can make up the rent money comcast swindled out of us




but I'm too drunk to dwell on it, I panic drank when our cable went out


I hope we can make up the rent money comcast swindled out of us




but I'm too drunk to dwell on it, I panic drank when our cable went out


>: Just hearing about it makes me angry. 


also we're done with comcast now



we're gonna look for a new provider on monday because this is highway robbery and it's disgusting


I hope we can make up the rent money comcast swindled out of us




but I'm too drunk to dwell on it, I panic drank when our cable went out


I posted it back in the Kai thread, but have you guys considered donating plasma?  If you go the full two times per week, you can get $50 a week per person.


apologism fr nazis is unacceptable.


that said, I can remember at least one fictional nazi character who had a huge boner for German world domination, but was disgusted by his country's racist and homophobic policies


"Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes. Here he comes....."


also we're done with comcast now



we're gonna look for a new provider on monday because this is highway robbery and it's disgusting


What are your options?  AT&T U-verse (which I have) isn't too bad.  AT&T also owns DirectTV.  There's also Dish Network. 


And every company offers super discounts for new customers.  And actually AT&T is offering for both Direct TV and U-Verse an 80$ a month TV & Internet package for two years if you go into a two-year contract.  I suggest you look into it because that's not bad.  Not sure what channels that includes but you can usually add more based on that as a starting point.


What are your options?  AT&T U-verse (which I have) isn't too bad.  AT&T also owns DirectTV.  There's also Dish Network. 


And every company offers super discounts for new customers.  And actually AT&T is offering for both Direct TV and U-Verse an 80$ a month TV & Internet package for two years if you go into a two-year contract.  I suggest you look into it because that's not bad.  Not sure what channels that includes but you can usually add more based on that as a starting point.

verizon and MAaaaaayyyyybe DirecTV



we actually left Verizon for Comcast because we found out Verizon was charging us for a package we had stopped using years earlier in addition to our (at the time) current one


namely they were charging us for dialup after we switched to Wifi

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