GuyBeardmane Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 I've plugged a fuckton of hours in the original PS2 version, and a couple years ago I bought the FFX/X2 HD Remaster on Switch. My computer doesn't have the processing power to run it fully, experiencing slowdown when trying the chocobo races and using Tidus's Overdrive moves, but it played well enough I was able to beat the game after a shitload of hours overpowering my team and unlocking mostly everything (I accidentally killed Yu Yevon with a single attack from Tidus that hit the broken attack limit of 99,999). I found out the HD Remaster got released on the Switch and since I just finished Fire Emblem Three Houses, it's time for me to put another few hundred hours into this game.
Lasty Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 They knew you would; that's why they released it again... This almost gives me enough reason to get a switch... two games doesn't quite justify the price tag...
Tricolor Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 so that would make it FF XXX...i could get into that!
Distinct Lunatic Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 The only FF game I've ever played legit was 12, I got it back in the day for like $5 or so from Gamestop, I didn't care for it. Back with the 360 I tried giving 13 a shot but didn't play more than 30 minutes at the most of it. I might look into getting the 7 remake if they release it on pc.
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 Oh, I thought this was gonna be you played it so often the discs kept getting scratched so you had to buy replacements. I held out until the death of cartridge gaming, then stopped gaming all together. To me CDs play music, and a long ass time ago installed computer software.
Chapinator_X Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 Not counting the VII remake, I’ve only bought VIII twice. I might get the remastered version of VII now that I finished the remake.
rpgamer Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 I still have the original and the PS2 to play it. So I haven't felt the urge to re-buy games like that.
GuyBeardmane Posted May 29, 2020 Author Posted May 29, 2020 If it's not the PAL version, the remaster is actually a good time. You get the secret boss fights with the Dark Aeons and Penance in the remaster.
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