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How goes it? Anything new and exciting going on in the lives of our fellow board members?

Getting to the point somewhat, for me things feel like they're changing pretty fast considering I've been out of school for like 8 years and it really felt like I was stuck in an endless loop with no way out. But now it's different, I got a full time position at my govt union job, and it's only been 2 months and I'm now making an offer on a house.

Even just 4 months or so ago it didn't feel like I'd ever get to this point.

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And just a few minutes after posting this my realtor texted me that my offer was accepted.

It being a 1020sqft 2 bedroom 1 bath house with a full basement, furnace and water heater being less than 4 years old, the appliances and the remaining furniture included (sofas, tables, etc) to some degree it was essentially an estate sale, some elderly folks being in a nursing home. The house being in real good condition and in a quiet neighborhood in a good part of town. My offer that they accepted being 65 grand and they pay the 2 grand worth of closing costs.

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22 minutes ago, Vamped said:

Well look at you adulting to the maximum.


Am 27 now, and yeah up until this past December I felt like none of this was gonna start happening.

and I really am happy about the person accepting my offer. My realtor insisted they would considering the owner is an elderly woman living in a nursing home, and the daughter that's selling the house lives over in Massachusetts, and this house has been off and on the market now for over a year. I'd imagine she'd jump at getting rid of a house in IL, and as for the furniture my realtor felt certain they'd be willing to leave it since it looks like everything the family wanted was already taken, so their choice is either include it or they have to deal with removing it.



Yeah, making good money is life changing, ain't it?  Wait until you make "scary good money", the kind of cash that you start questioning if you deserve it for what you actually do.  Or the kind that makes you a "downsizing target".

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, tsar4 said:


Yeah, making good money is life changing, ain't it?  Wait until you make "scary good money", the kind of cash that you start questioning if you deserve it for what you actually do.  Or the kind that makes you a "downsizing target".

Between federal taxes and state taxes and the fact that I'm unmarried and have no dependents, I won't see any scary good money anytime soon. I typically make around $1050 after taxes every two weeks as my base pay, but I get close to $100 extra each month for something specific to my job, and in my first month there was 4 days I did the lead shift since that guy was out on vacation, so that was an extra $300 on my check, but the problem was they shorted me 4 days on the check before, which came out to around $500. So they added that $500 to the next check, but that plus the $100, plus the $300 from doing the lead shift for 4 days pushed me up into a higher tax bracket, so instead of making around $1900 for that check I only got $1500, over 700 was taken out for taxes as well as benefits. The nice thing I guess is with my job I do get free healthcare since it's just for me.

Edited by Fortnite Guy Keanu Reeves
16 minutes ago, Fortnite Guy Keanu Reeves said:

I only drink 100% alcohol, anything less isn't real booze.

Okay well ... you can get your own booze or you can drink the Kool-aid jammers that I bring 


The whole thing has gone through pretty damn fast honestly.

I first looked at this house this past Saturday, put in an offer. We looked at it again Sunday, this time my step-dad came along, him knowing a lot more about working on houses and stuff than I do, him looking it over and thoroughly looking at the furnace and water heater, things of that sort. He isn't a home inspector but he knows many of the things to look out for and things seemed good to him. Then yesterday around 6 I was told that the seller accepted my offer. And tomorrow I have an appointment for a home inspection. It will be $500, but I am hoping I can save a bit of cash there since my parents are friends with the guys dad and knows him.

It would be really nice if it passed the inspection with no trouble at all, if anything is pointed it's minor enough to still allow residence.

18 hours ago, Fortnite Guy Keanu Reeves said:

Anything new and exciting going on in the lives of our fellow board members?

A big nope for me.

38 minutes ago, Fortnite Guy Keanu Reeves said:

You say that now, but in the next day or two something wonderful could happen, like winning the lottery or getting laid.

Till then, just me and my cat sitting at home getting fatter.

  • Haha 1

Some updates on my path to home ownership.

I hit a couple snags, but I'm hoping things still work out. I'm trying to get a first time home buyers grant through IHDA. With the plan my realtors are having my apply for the grant will cover 4% of the down payment, up to 6 grand. And I'll be at a fixed interest rate of I think 3%. My realtor gave me a checklist of things I'll need, such as tax return statements for 2016-2018, and my W2's for 2016-2019. and some other things such as paystubs, bank statements, etc. I ran into an obstacle in the form of me missing 2 of my W2's. It wasn't until last year that I was told that you're supposed to hold onto 7 years worth of your tax papers, so I was never making a proper attempt at keeping that stuff. I was able to procure pdf's of my tax returns for those years, but as far as my W2's go I'm missing 2. I have all the ones from my current job, those ones spanning 2017-2019, but the job I had from 2016-2017 is dead and out of business and I lost those W2's and there's no way to get those ones. My realtor said all that is required to get the IHDA grant, though he said that it should hopefully still work out for me since I do have the tax return papers, so they should over look my missing w2's. In all fairness with the job I had before this current one I made so little to where I don't think a whole lot of taxes were taken out in the first place. Although, looking at the IHDA grant requirements on their website, with all the listed requirements I'd say that I meet them.

I had the home inspection done yesterday. They checked the sewer and found that part of it has collapsed, though that was something the seller's agent informed us of beforehand, them being the one that told us to have the sewer checked so it'll be marked down in red, them willing to get everything in red repaired. The next big thing was (me being fortunate it was raining yesterday when the inspection happened, otherwise it would have gone unnoticed) the breaker box in the basement had rain water dripping down inside of it. Other than those two things, all other things marked red seem like easy fixes. The agent already made a repair order for the home. Come March 12th that's when the closing period ends and the title will be transferred to me, and I'll receive the keys. My agent told me all the repairs would be completed by that point.

43 minutes ago, tsar4 said:

Is there a basement/crawl and if so, did the inspector test for radon?

I'm glad you brought up radon, that had me talk to my realtor, and she mentioned that fortunately in our city we don't have issues with that. She did bring up though that if it ever became a concern there's a test kit that can buy for around $18.

And there's a full, finished basement. The breaker box is in the basement, and it is a case where water is getting inside of there when it rains, that being something the inspector pointed out, so it will get fixed long before I move in. From what I saw it looks like it's coming from the hole where the conduit comes in and connects to the switch.

10 minutes ago, Fortnite Guy Keanu Reeves said:

I'm glad you brought up radon, that had me talk to my realtor, and she mentioned that fortunately in our city we don't have issues with that. She did bring up though that if it ever became a concern there's a test kit that can buy for around $18.

And there's a full, finished basement. The breaker box is in the basement, and it is a case where water is getting inside of there when it rains, that being something the inspector pointed out, so it will get fixed long before I move in. From what I saw it looks like it's coming from the hole where the conduit comes in and connects to the switch.

After the fix is in place, you may want to have another electrician verify everything is good.  You don't want what happened to me with some of the stuff I had happen in my condo.

4 minutes ago, tsar4 said:

After the fix is in place, you may want to have another electrician verify everything is good.  You don't want what happened to me with some of the stuff I had happen in my condo.

I'm getting the house for a pretty good deal, the asking price being 69k, I'm getting it for 65k, and the seller pays the 2k in closing costs, them also leaving all of the appliances, washer & dryer, and the tables, sofas, and some bedroom furniture. Them also being cooperative in having everything that was marked in red get repaired.

It is a good house, but it's still 71 years old, there being a few annoyances. While the building itself is in good condition, there's some annoyances when it comes to the way the house is wired. For starters there isn't a ceiling light in the living room, the living room and dining room being connected for a larger room. The inspector when he was checking the attic said that he was able to see signs that they were two separate rooms that were combined, that being why there isn't any lights in the living room, there only being a small chandelier in the dining room half. And when it comes to the two bedrooms, they are really big, the first one is at least 14 x 14 I'd say, it has a king sized bed (that I don't plan on keeping) but even with that there's a lot of floor space; the second room is at least 14 x 12 I'd estimate. But when it comes to them they only have 2 outlets in them each. I'm getting the house for 65, but I plan on getting a loan for at least 71k, that way I have 6 grand over for furnishing the place and making improvements. I plan on hiring an electrician to wire the living room so that I can have a ceiling light / ceiling fan, as well as adding at least 2 extra outlets to each room. So he will be working with the breaker box. One thing about the house is although the furnace and water heater are relatively new, the outdoor AC unit is old as shit. The inspector couldn't test it since it was less than 60 degrees outside and that could damage it, but he recommended getting it replaced for better efficiency, which we were planning on having done.

4 hours ago, Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung said:

I heard Life is a decent cereal. Not only that, but it's also a board game. So not only can you eat Life, but you can win it, too.

Sign me up, yo!

"First you start out with two thousand and a car..."

Art Linkletter heartily endorsed the game.

  • Haha 1
8 hours ago, Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung said:

I heard Life is a decent cereal. Not only that, but it's also a board game. So not only can you eat Life, but you can win it, too.

Sign me up, yo!

Life was probably my favorite board game as a kid.


might be leaving my shitty apartment and moving into a house that's rent-to-own. Just need to finalize some details and get the place inspected.

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I ordered a meatloaf sandwhich for dinner from some new place that opened up. I don't know how they fucked it up, but it's fucked. I've never had a mushier meatloaf in my life, that and the onion in it is pretty much raw. I had to look at to make sure the meat was even cooked because the texture is just like raw meat with raw onion. 

On 2/13/2020 at 10:53 PM, HardcoreHunter said:

I ordered a meatloaf sandwhich for dinner from some new place that opened up. I don't know how they fucked it up, but it's fucked. I've never had a mushier meatloaf in my life, that and the onion in it is pretty much raw. I had to look at to make sure the meat was even cooked because the texture is just like raw meat with raw onion. 

meh, I don't care much at all for meatloaf. I guess one part is I absolutely do not like onions, and have a bad gag reflex for if one is in my food, so whenever my mom would make meatloaf she'd always make a side one for me that's essentially just a ball of meat.

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