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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 17 "深く罠をはれ!" Discussion Thread

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The Deeper Plan (深く罠をはれ! Fukaku Wana o Hare! )

Toonami Airdate: Sunday morning (February 19th, 2017) at 12:30am 


The seventeenth episode of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime and the eighth episode of Battle Tendency

Manga: Half of Chapter 75 through Chapter 80

Original Airdate: February 1, 2013


Opening: Coda performing "BLOODY STREAM"

Ending: "Roundabout" performed by Yes




Script: Kazuyuki Fudeyasu


Storyboard: Taizo Yoshida


Episode Director: Yuuta Takamura


Animation Director: Aki Takahashi


Assistant Animation Director: Kenji Yokoyama, Yukitoshi Hotani, Tomoaki Kado


Key Animation: Yuu Utsugi

Kenji Kanie

Motoki Kurihara

Yasuhiro Saiki

Keiji Hanzawa

Yutaka Sugiura

Aki Takahashi

Akira Takeuchi

Ichiro Hattori

Akihito Fujiwara

Jouji Yanase

Si-eun Lee

Hideki Watanabe

Toshimitsu Watanabe



MK Seoul

Led Door



Previously on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure:

Wanting to teach Joseph to control his Hamon powers, Caesar takes him to Venice to meet his teacher, Lisa Lisa. Lisa Lisa orders Joseph to wear a mask that limits his breathing for the duration of his training so he can better focus his Hamon. To start their training, Lisa Lisa tasks Joseph and Caesar to climb the Hell Climb Pillar, a 24-meter pillar covered in oil, that they can only climb using Hamon or else they will starve to death at the pillar's foot. Observing Caesar's efforts, Joseph learns to climb up by focusing Hamon energy into just his fingertips. As the days pass as they struggle to climb, Joseph assumes there's an easy break when he spots a crack in the pillar, but this turns out to be a trap, causing the pillar to start spewing oil at high pressures from its 20-meter mark. Caesar manages to break through the barrier by using Hamon energy to simultaneously grip the pillar with his feet and repel the barrier, eventually reaching the peak. Joseph eventually manages to get past by travelling across the barrier to its weakest point so he can leap over it. As Joseph ends up running out of breath at the last meter, Caesar helps him up. As Joseph becomes pleased with the results of his training, now able to keep a glass of water from spilling when held completely upside down, and asks for the next test, Lisa Lisa brings in her servants, Messina and Loggins, to teach them how to master the Hamon over the next few weeks.


Everyone can breath easy


width=600 height=337http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-MfyH7icFkqA/USwlTkSy6gI/AAAAAAAA44E/S6SLDhvSiUE/s1600/%5BMMM%5D+JoJo's+Bizarre+Adventure+16+-+%5B1A04BE2F%5D.mkv_snapshot_05.49_%5B2013.02.25_21.47.00%5D.jpg[/img]




because Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is back at it again this saturday night/sunday morning


Only on Toonami

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Wait, they're already immortal?  I thought they made the masks to become immortal?  What the fuck... I don't get it...


So what is the explanation for their powers and immortality, then?  Is it, like... some kind of Highlander thing, and they just exist?

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could still be a nazi refference since Hitler apparently thought asian people were magical space aliens with superpowers(it's why he made Japan his allies)

Haha.  Well, there was also the whole thing about how he and the Nazis thought Japan was so successful was because it was composed almost entirely of one race.
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all this talk of the stones is reminding me of the 5th element



a similarly gay as fuck science fiction work


I like that movie.  It was pretty ambitious.  Perhaps overly so.  A good bit of trivia is that Bruce Willis willingly took a pay cut to star in the film because the project didn't have the budget to pay his usual price.

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How was The Fifth Element "gay as fuck" exactly?

overall campyness and Ruby Rhod in general (they only show him giving cunnilingus to a woman but he had a harem of Gay black men following him and one of the things he said about Corbin in his report implied he thought corbin was sexy so he's seemingly Bi or Pansexual)
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