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Posted (edited)

Here's one to start: Parasyte and Akame ga Kill were part of a package deal. Specifically, Parasyte was the series Toonami wanted to air to start relations with Sentai, while Akame, they were saddled with in order to air Parasyte.

My support for this theory:

  1. Both series are licensed by Sentai Filmworks and premiered around the same time (late 2015).
  2. It's well-known that Parasyte is objectively better than Akame ga Kill, even with the weird environmentalist theme that pops up occasionally. The fans certainly agree.
  3. Parasyte's announcement for Toonami was apparently huge enough to be spoiled via food truck before Comic-Con, while Akame had so little internal hype that it was announced at Toonami's Momocon panel as scheduled.
  4. The effort put into either show's TV version is best expressed in their ending themes. Parasyte a la Toonami actually got shortened versions of both "Let Me Hear" and "It's the Right Time", while instead of getting the same for Akame's themes, we got recycled instrumentals in their place, with the one-time full run of the first OP being the only exception. Hell, it took Akame four episodes before they thought to book-end it with the Sentai Filmworks watermark, while Parasyte got it from the get-go...
  5. Apologies for the autism, but the TV content ratings are also important. Parasyte had a wide variety that accurately reflected the show's content, whereas all 24 episodes of Akame were TV-MA straight, no variations even attempted. Not even Turner S&P wanted to put up with Akame! As to be expected from the folks who flaked after one test-watch of Elfen Lied.
  6. Recently, our despot Demarco revealed on his ask.fm account that he actually hates fanservice and that he thinks it detracts from a show. Akame has tons of fanservice, while Parasyte has barely any.
  7. Of the two shows, only Parasyte got a full rerun.

What wild theories do you have about Toonami, and are they as damning about Demarco as mine?

Edited by PokeNirvash
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It makes sense, but it also shows why DeMarco is getting his ass kicked in the ratings, because while Parasyte floundered like a fish, “Anime: The Anime” got ALL THE RATINGS.

  • Like 3

I suppose that’s a reasonable theory. Though they did say Akame was heavily requested at the time so that may have been a factor.

I have a couple.

The most obvious was DBS was forced to air in prime time until Toei could see kids weren’t interested.

I figure JoJo has gotten priority over several premieres due to the cost of airing it. The EDs play a big part in the cost.

Black Clover was thrown at Toonami for a very good price. There was probably an initial stipulation it had to get a good time slot but as soon as they could they tossed it to the back because it was cheap.

  • Like 1

If by cheap you mean they had pictures of Demarco violating children then I agree.

You don't just pick up a show that had a universal backlash against it like that without reasons.

Demarco's anti fanservice so we now know conclusively why Fairytail never aired despite years of requests.


  • Like 1
On 3/6/2019 at 6:58 AM, PokeNirvash said:
  1. Recently, our despot Demarco revealed on his ask.fm account that he actually hates fanservice and that he thinks it detracts from a show. Akame has tons of fanservice, while Parasyte has barely any

Didn't he once say that a little fanservice is fine?  How recent was this ask.fm post?

10 hours ago, Top Gun said:

There are more people than you'd think who agree with him.

No one’s saying air harem shit, at least I’m not, but the ratings are clearly pointing in a different direction.

Then again Black Clover has more than 0 viewers, so who really knows how the average viewer thinks?

  • Haha 3

I'm actually kind of depressed by this.

Anime is the last vestige of animation in the world that revels in mature, adults themes on a routine basis - you even find some of that in their kids programming - but now that DeMarco apparently did a 180 on his opinions of fanservice from 6 years ago, Toonami is less likely to run cartoons with fanservice, further making this country more PC on the very field I put my passion into.  Maybe him being a father had something to do with it?

14 minutes ago, elfie said:

I'm actually kind of depressed by this.

Anime is the last vestige of animation in the world that revels in mature, adults themes on a routine basis - you even find some of that in their kids programming - but now that DeMarco apparently did a 180 on his opinions of fanservice from 6 years ago, Toonami is less likely to run cartoons with fanservice, further making this country more PC on the very field I put my passion into.  Maybe him being a father had something to do with it?

The Toonami and Adult Swim crew have always had a distaste for boobs, which is why it’s extra hilarious when a boobie show slips through, it gets monster ratings without fail.

I am seriously wondering if given the corporate merger, DeMarco is declared redundant,  Crunchyroll takes over, and goes “Here’s Shield Hero!”

  • Haha 2
57 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said:

Between Demarco's dislike of boobs and Lazzo's claim about how promos don't work, I wonder if [adult swim] actually secretly wants anime to fail.

Let’s not start THAT again.

  • Like 3
2 hours ago, Jman said:

I am seriously wondering if given the corporate merger, DeMarco is declared redundant,  Crunchyroll takes over, and goes “Here’s Shield Hero!”

Oh holy shit... I almost want that show to air on Toonami out of my fascination for seeing the world burn. It would make the controversy of every SAO season put together look like a cupcake.

5 hours ago, Jman said:

The Toonami and Adult Swim crew have always had a distaste for boobs, which is why it’s extra hilarious when a boobie show slips through, it gets monster ratings without fail.

I am seriously wondering if given the corporate merger, DeMarco is declared redundant,  Crunchyroll takes over, and goes “Here’s Shield Hero!”

So why the hell did he say on that one Pre-Flight that a tiny bit of fanservice is fine??

3 hours ago, Blatch said:

Oh holy shit... I almost want that show to air on Toonami out of my fascination for seeing the world burn. It would make the controversy of every SAO season put together look like a cupcake.

Raccoon waifu is precious.

1 hour ago, elfie said:

So why the hell did he say on that one Pre-Flight that a tiny bit of fanservice is fine??

Because that's exactly what he's still saying? The block has never had any issues airing some cheesecake, but the line gets drawn at bouncing funbags and crotch close-up all over the place. 

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, Blatch said:

Oh holy shit... I almost want that show to air on Toonami out of my fascination for seeing the world burn.

You really need to see a therapist about that.

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

Gimme my s-CRY-eDxD power hour already, Toonami! Those two shows are just perfect for one another!


To the point where Issei and Kazuma share the same Korean dub VA.

The other two match-ups I got from ANN there were Kiba/Ryuho and Rias/Scheris.


Edited by PokeNirvash
On 3/7/2019 at 11:08 PM, Jman said:

Have fun competing with streaming services, including one under the same umbrella with THAT mindset.

With the corporate overhaul, someone might get the bright idea to let Crunchyroll run Toonami and cut out DeMarco.

It's become and more apparent that Demarco is another fallen genius, like Frank Miller, George Lucas, or Vince McMahon.  Demarco was once cutting edge and ahead of the game, with his finger on the pulse of the anime zeitgeist, and now he's out of touch and set in his ways, and getting eaten alive by the competition.

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
On 3/7/2019 at 1:58 AM, Daos said:

If by cheap you mean they had pictures of Demarco violating children then I agree.

You don't just pick up a show that had a universal backlash against it like that without reasons.

Demarco's anti fanservice so we now know conclusively why Fairytail never aired despite years of requests.


I don't know if I would call it a universal backlash.  Maybe a vocal backlash magnified by the internet, which we see with things quite often.  It certainly hasn't done anything to dissuade Black Clover's success.  And watching it, it doesn't live up to the horror stories at all.

Maybe that is the reason.  I know at one point he had said he never even saw it before. -_- InuYasha and Bleach were long-runners with some fan service but I don't know if they match Fairy Tail.  Either way, fuck you Demarco for not getting Fairy Tail!

Edited by ben0119
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  • Haha 1

Nothing too crazy, just that they picked the generic shonen based on glimpsing at a "#1 rated anime in Japan at the moment by young kids" list and anime like Gundam Unicorn, Parasyte, Hellsing Ultimate, early AOT, Sword Art Online, and even Megalobox have made the rest of Toonami look bad because they were so much better than what was being shown alongside them. 

  • D'oh 1
On 3/9/2019 at 11:52 PM, elfie said:

I wonder why DeMarco didn't just have the bright idea to revive Toonami as a streaming service, or move the shows to an existing one?

DeMarco hates streaming services, and he’s gone off on them at length.

On 3/8/2019 at 2:13 PM, OwlChemist81 said:

You want a crazy theory?? I've got a doozy for you! Toonami will FINALLY air Seasons 1 & 2 of Psycho-Pass, to replace Hunter x Hunter, because THIS is happening:


Interesting... although this would go better in a thread about predictions, as this has more to do with rationalizing stuff that happened before. I guess I could see it, even though I don't know why the show is getting a new season when people hated the last one and the new movie that recently came out (the first in a trilogy) was tepidly recieved.

Anyway, here's my offering: Children Who Chase Lost Voices was offered to Toonami by Sentai for a ridiculously cheap price, if not free. It was also meant to be an olive branch to them so more shows could air on TV, but that ultimately didn't take.

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On 3/9/2019 at 8:52 PM, elfie said:

I wonder why DeMarco didn't just have the bright idea to revive Toonami as a streaming service, or move the shows to an existing one?

Initially AS revived Toonami to recharge ASA out of its state of decay. From 2013 till probably at least 2016 AS thrived as a linear network on cable against TV competition and streaming but now it’s definitely losing that battle more and more every year.

But I don’t think there ever was a point where making Toonami just a streaming service made sense. They’d never compete well against Netflix, Hulu or Crunchyroll as just a streaming service. Now any Toonami original can and should stream on VRV and/or CR after the TV broadcast but if Toonami tried to make its own paid service it would fail miserably.

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On 3/9/2019 at 6:53 PM, Top Gun said:

 Because he doesn't want to air a show that's all tits and no writing he's a "prude."

So not only are you a hipster elitist "anime connoisseur" snob, you're a fuckin' puritan.  And do you really want to tell me that Toonami has never aired any "no writing" shows before?  In a rare move, Toonami flat out stated that Panty and Stocking would not air.  Now, I can't speak to its quality, as I haven't seen it, but it was highly requested, and Toonami was unable or unwilling to air it, due to content.  They basically aired Kill la Kill under pain of death.  Also that show is an over-the-top parody, which probably helps its case.  And remember how Demarco made a big deal out of getting  Hellsing and Black Lagoon, to prove they could air the "big boy shows?"  So Demarco has no issue with graphic violence, that type of adult content is a-okay, but fan service and nudity is verboten.  Now, I'm not saying they should go and get a bunch of empty trashy ecchi shows, but Demarco shouldn't be shying away from shows just because of fan service.  In fact, I will actually agree that some types of fan service do put me off and take me out of a show to an extent, like some of the awkward lingering shots that came across basically like a peeping tom or upskirter got ahold of the camera (basically going OKAY GUYS GET READY), which we had a few of those in SAO I, not as many in II.  Thankfully III seems to have gotten away from that.  But Demarco still aired that.  I find the type of more organic and/or comedic fan service like you might see in Bleach or Fairy Tail much preferable to those shots in SAO.

On 3/11/2019 at 12:41 AM, ameakooo said:

is that why kill la kill aired

Kill la Kill was basically aired under pain of death, and being an over-the-top parody probably helped.  And there were a few edits, apparently.

16 hours ago, ben0119 said:

So not only are you a hipster elitist "anime connoisseur" snob, you're a fuckin' puritan.  And do you really want to tell me that Toonami has never aired any "no writing" shows before?  In a rare move, Toonami flat out stated that Panty and Stocking would not air.  Now, I can't speak to its quality, as I haven't seen it, but it was highly requested, and Toonami was unable or unwilling to air it, due to content.  They basically aired Kill la Kill under pain of death.  Also that show is an over-the-top parody, which probably helps its case.  And remember how Demarco made a big deal out of getting  Hellsing and Black Lagoon, to prove they could air the "big boy shows?"  So Demarco has no issue with graphic violence, that type of adult content is a-okay, but fan service and nudity is verboten.  Now, I'm not saying they should go and get a bunch of empty trashy ecchi shows, but Demarco shouldn't be shying away from shows just because of fan service.  In fact, I will actually agree that some types of fan service do put me off and take me out of a show to an extent, like some of the awkward lingering shots that came across basically like a peeping tom or upskirter got ahold of the camera (basically going OKAY GUYS GET READY), which we had a few of those in SAO I, not as many in II.  Thankfully III seems to have gotten away from that.  But Demarco still aired that.  I find the type of more organic and/or comedic fan service like you might see in Bleach or Fairy Tail much preferable to those shots in SAO.

Do you even live on this plane of existence?

  • Haha 1
22 hours ago, Top Gun said:

Do you even live on this plane of existence?

Well, like Aizen said, a two-dimensional being would never be able to properly perceive a three-dimensional one. :)

  • Haha 1

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