Jman Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 The hell? There is no way it's possible for anyone to think they could get away with doing that on a kids' network at 5 in the afternoon. I call bullshit on this. Toonzone archives will validate this story. They actually promised this and then naturally, Standards and Practices stepped in. This may have ruined the relationship with then-ADV for a while too.
Daos Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Uncensored? Time for Highschool Dxd and Freezing uncensored then!
naraku360 Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Uncensored? Time for Highschool Dxd and Freezing uncensored then! Maybe if you want to exclusively appeal to 12-year-olds who don't know how to look up real porn yet.
Sketch Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 IBO at least had character development, and forward progress. HxH is an absolute chore. I'll admit IBO had some but astonishingly little in the first season. Especially considering all that time spent chit chatting in the lunch room like it was a workplace comedy. Most of that development came down to a character being like "oh I screwed the pooch, woe is me" and then they somewhat progress. HxH makes a point of showing what the characters do in order to learn more, get stronger and conquer their demons. Would have loved to see more of that in IBO season 1 for sure.
PokeNirvash Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Not that level of uncensored, you dolt. Even though uncut DxD on Toonami would be pretty friggin' sweet. [pair it up with s-cry-ed]
Daos Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 DxD and Freezing uncensored back to back. The boobage power hour. Ratings gold right there. Will blow HxH and Gundam out of the water.
Jman Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Better than the non-existent progress in Hiatus. Or Gon being the definition of a flat character.
moose Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Clearly your obsession with ratings would doom Toonami, quality wise, as you would fill it with god-awful shows just to make a quick buck. And before you say it - Yes... it would be worse than what it is right now (which is not even bad).
Zenigundam Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Gundam Unicorn is getting bad ratings because of IBO.
moose Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 But Hiatus and OP would be gone. That's good! Not if the replacements are mother-fucking Fairy Tail and... that other shit Daos was saying.
Daos Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Gundam Unicorn is getting bad ratings because of IBO. It probably is. I know IBO poisoned me against ever wanting to see another Gundam.
moose Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 I honestly just think Gundam in general will have mediocre ratings because it was never really popular to begin with. Except for Wing, which has nostalgia to back it up. But that's it.
Jman Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 You know what was never popular in the US? One Piece. To be honest, it's the same situation as Comedy. You could dump everything but Family Guy and they'd be fine. Same here, just replace FG with Dragonball.
OwlChemist81 Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 I suppose they could always drop Gundam Unicorn to 1:30 AM and move up Hun... oh what's that? That won't work? Then we'll move up Ship... uh what's that you say? That won't work either? Well I better not even suggest One Piece. So I guess that means they should move up One-Punch Man to 1 AM! That would do well... Oh wait, it's only got 3 episodes left, so that won't work either! Never mind. Actually, maybe best-case scenario they quickly add a hot new show at 1 AM to stop the "bleeding" and bump everything back 30 minutes? What would you suggest?
moose Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 You know what was never popular in the US? One Piece. To be honest, it's the same situation as Comedy. You could dump everything but Family Guy and they'd be fine. Same here, just replace FG with Dragonball. Lol, there you go again. No one can dare to mention another series Jman likes might be doing lukewarm, without Jman getting all defensive and mentioning One Piece. Especially when that doesn't apply anymore (well, it never applied period) given the recent news about the top 20 streaming shows of 2016. But again, nothing new, you ignoring facts. But, yeah, obviously, all people really care about in the long run is DBZ. You have short successess like OPM and AoT every once in a while, but nothing will ever come up to DBZ. And.... thats kinda a shame. I mean, Naruto was getting there but then it just largely stopped.
moose Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 I suppose they could always drop Gundam Unicorn to 1:30 AM and move up Hun... oh what's that? That won't work? Then we'll move up Ship... uh what's that you say? That won't work either? Well I better not even suggest One Piece. So I guess that means they should move up One-Punch Man to 1 AM! That would do well... Oh wait, it's only got 3 episodes left, so that won't work either! Never mind. Actually, maybe best-case scenario they quickly add a hot new show at 1 AM to stop the "bleeding" and bump everything back 30 minutes? What would you suggest? Honestly, at this point, I think all those shows would preform better than Gundam. Even One Piece.
moose Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 One Piece wouldn't. Yeah it probably would. But you hate the show so you wouldn't admit that.
Jman Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 No it wouldn't. People who do like it aren't willing to put up with Toonami's glacial pacing and go to FUNi or Hulu. People who don't like it...don't like it. It's a minority of a minority.
moose Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 No it wouldn't. People who do like it aren't willing to put up with Toonami's glacial pacing and go to FUNi or Hulu. People who don't like it...don't like it. It's a minority of a minority. And people don't like Gundam here. Besides Wing. Besides, And I believe I've proved this before, but OP preformed better than IBO back when it was on at 1am and 1:30am. But again, I'm sure you ignored that. Now, Im not saying OP would even be the best show to replace it, cause obviously it would not be. But I'm fairly certain it would preform better than Gundam anything (unless it's Wing) at least.
Blatch Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 What does Jman think One Piece would have to do to be considered "popular"? Become a mainstream show? Because I can't tell you how many popular shonen have gained traction among anime fans and not pierced the pop culture veil in the same way DBZ or maybe Naruto have.
moose Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 It could be second to DBZ and he would still say it's not popular cause he hates it. Or maybe he'd like it if it gets that popular. Who fuckin' knows with that guy.
Jman Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 One Piece had its chance to be mainstream and completely crapped the bed. "YO YO HE TOOK A BITE OF THE GUM GUM..." At least Unicorn is only 26 episodes.
naraku360 Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Better than the non-existent progress in Hiatus. Or Gon being the definition of a flat character. You haven't rebutted my points about the progress made. Simply say, "No it didn't happen!" doesn't mean it suddenly didn't happen. And while Gon may follow a simple archetype, he does have an imdividualized personality with growth not necessarily in the expected direction. Yet again, "I don't like it" isn't interchangeable with "There is none".
PokeNirvash Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 DxD and Freezing uncensored back to back. The boobage power hour. Hmm... No, I'd rather watch DxD back-to-back with s-CRY-ed, just to see how long it takes people to figure out that the Boosted Gear totally ripped off the Shell Bullet. And also to wash down the terrible taste of the "Issei tries to get a sexy familiar even though he has a freaking dragon in his arm voiced by Fumihiko Tachiki and ends up getting shocked multiple times by Asia's familiar because it hates men while Rias playfully scolds him, Koneko wishes death upon him, and Akeno stands around and does nothing to make him feel better" episode with Kazuma's fight against Ball Jokes: The Character. At least Unicorn is only 26 episodes. 22, actually.
Jman Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 You haven't rebutted my points about the progress made. Simply say, "No it didn't happen!" doesn't mean it suddenly didn't happen. And while Gon may follow a simple archetype, he does have an imdividualized personality with growth not necessarily in the expected direction. Yet again, "I don't like it" isn't interchangeable with "There is none". Yes I have. I mentioned the pacing was so glacial and the characters so flat that it didn't matter. I also mentioned my opinion was not fact but the pacing is in fact glacial, and even fans admit you have to watch for close to a year before the show magically turns into the next Game of Thrones. This is why I dropped it rather early on.
naraku360 Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Yes I have. I mentioned the pacing was so glacial and the characters so flat that it didn't matter. I also mentioned my opinion was not fact but the pacing is in fact glacial, and even fans admit you have to watch for close to a year before the show magically turns into the next Game of Thrones. This is why I dropped it rather early on. But what constitutes for slow is subjective. Break down the way the characters fall flat. How are they written poorly? What makes them uninteresting? You're using the vaguest terms possible because you're adamently opposed to putting an ounce of thought into your position. You'd rather bitch and moan over buzzwords than really dive into a character to expose how bland they are. Take for instance if I were to criticize Kirito for being bland: he lacks any personality of his own. The progress of Kirito's character is entirely incoherent. One way he lacks cogerence is how he insists on being a 'loner' but only becomes one when the plot necessitates it. He manages to join another person or group every single episode. His entire existence exemplifies this need to be adjusted to meet the plot's demands. For example, he has a melodramatic arc over his guild after they're all killed early on, he spends all of half an episode knowing them, the next half mourning and hoping to revive one, an eventual failure, then it's largely unimportant after the fact. There's no time to develop a connection to the situation and acts as a cheap way to create attachment to a character (Kirito) who will be a completely different character the next time you see him becsuse, apparently, the writer omitted multiple character arcs that take place in-betweeen each of thise side stories. So we end up with a horribly unliksble, largely unrelatable character that's rushed and underdeveloped. I think we can both agree Kirito is s bad character. But where you would simply say "Kirito is a terrible character" I would take the time to explain why he's a terrible character. The former isn't very persuasive. I won't say the latter will necessarily be persuasive, but at minimum cues into the logic behind the statement and thusly has potential to becone persuasive. So, in conclusion: How? In what way is Gon a poorly written character? Break down how my (somewhat rudimentary) analysis of the progression is wrong and address it point-by-point. "Boring" and "slow" isn't good enough to justify your incessant bitching.
Jman Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 I need to provide a formal paper on why Gon is boring? Are you fucking real? Ok, fine. For a character solely motivated by revenge, he's taking his sweet time trying to get to it. There's no drive in his actions or the plot. That's what I mean by glacial pacing. And besides, Kirito is less a fleshed out character so much as he is an audience surrogate. A guy who plays vidya games to save the day and have women fawning after him. He's less a character and more a power fantasy which is why he tends to be popular with teens. His Sue-ish tendencies aren't a bug, they're a feature.
naraku360 Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Not an essay, no. I'm asking you to make a point. Gon isn't motivated by revenge.
naraku360 Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 As for Kurapika, the amount of time makes some sense given he's very young and from a clan completely secluded from the outside world. So, as an early teen he had to start nearly from scratch in terms of learning about the world, outside of a single book and a foreigner that helped him learn the language and some knowledge of the cultures, but only had like half a year. He gets the license to open resources to track the Troupe and as soon as he finishes helping with a situation he cared about (the Killua thing, because he does consider Killua a friend), he immediately began hunting the Troupe. Did you not see the time he dropped a massive guy for even pretending to be the Troupe, since so much as seeing anything loosely connected sends him into an uncontrollable rage?
Jman Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 No because I dropped the show well before then. Because I DO NOT CARE. My not caring trumps any slow burn that pays off in two years.
naraku360 Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 It was a handful of episodes in. But what you just admitted is that you don't know how slow it is or isn't, nor how much the characters grow (both major complaints) because you haven't really watched it. You didn't watch enough to even give examples. You don't even know which character is the protagonist In other words, you don't know anything about the show you're talking about. . Stfu 5ver.
Jman Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 No, fuck you. You know what the problem is with shit like this? It's when there's no hook but you're expected to stay on week in and week out. No, fuck you. I'm not watching procrastinating shit from the laziest comic book artist since Rob Liefeld. There's no hook, no motivation to keep watching, no nothing. Fuck this show and let it die. Let Togashi mooch off his wife like he seems to want to. This is why the seasonal model now exists in Japan like every other country.
naraku360 Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 You can't even levy a single complaint about it, other than "hurrdurr im retarded not enuf splosions in da furst ep huurdurr *sux own cock* hurrrrrrrrr"
naraku360 Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Let it be known, Jman got thoroughly decimated.
Daos Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 No, fuck you. You know what the problem is with shit like this? It's when there's no hook but you're expected to stay on week in and week out. No, fuck you. I'm not watching procrastinating shit from the laziest comic book artist since Rob Liefeld. There's no hook, no motivation to keep watching, no nothing. Fuck this show and let it die. Let Togashi mooch off his wife like he seems to want to. This is why the seasonal model now exists in Japan like every other country. BUT IT GETS SO GOOD AFTER ONLY 50 to 75 episodes!
naraku360 Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 BUT IT GETS SO GOOD AFTER ONLY 50 to 75 episodes! He watched, like, 1 episode and wasn't smart enough to figure out which character was the main character.
Jman Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 Let it be known, Jman got thoroughly decimated. Let it be known you lost. Fuck you, At least try goddammit. Why do Toonami shows not fucking try? Super is a cash in of the worst sort, Kai is literally a rehash, FUCK HIATUS X HIATUS UP THE ASS WITH A RUSTY FORK, Unicorn relies on you having at a least a passing knowledge of UC Gundam, fairly common in Japan for their equivalent of Star Trek, but alien here, Naruto meanders through filler and dumber and dumber editorial mandates, and One Piece is glacial. YOU LOSE! YOUR RATINGS LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!
Jman Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 You can't even levy a single complaint about it, other than "hurrdurr im retarded not enuf splosions in da furst ep huurdurr *sux own cock* hurrrrrrrrr" Fuck you for thinking this shit is anything resembling intelligent. I want an intelligent serial, I'll watch Westworld. Slow burn, but it had a fucking hook!
naraku360 Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 Fuck you for thinking this shit is anything resembling intelligent. I want an intelligent serial, I'll watch Westworld. Slow burn, but it had a fucking hook! I tried Westworld. Seems okay, but I actually couldn't find a good hook in it. That aside, fuck you for thinking that post was supposed to be nuanced intellectualism.
Jman Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 I tried Westworld. Seems okay, but I actually couldn't find a good hook in it. There were like, four in the pilot alone. Dolores' sentience, the Man in Black, the mechanizations from the park staff, and exactly what Dr. Ford thought about his creations. That's four more than Hiatus. Westworld had everything moving at a brisk pace while building its mysteries, mysteries which took time to unravel but always kept me engaged. At no point in watching Westworld did I feel the inner rage Hiatus caused.
naraku360 Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 Gon wants to find his dad to find out why he was abandoned (a pretty human emotion), Kurapika wants revenge, Leorio is hiding something. That's 3 hooks. The 4th main character hadn't been introduced yet. But comparing a hour-long HBO drama pilot to a 20-minute shonen pilot is comparing apples and oranges. It's intellectually dishonest. Different kinds of shows approach introductions differently especially when one has 3 times the duration to develop. Not to mention the consideration that the early arcs of HxH are for a shonen magazine aimed at children. Although it does over time become a much more adult series (despite being in the same magazine - which accordingly led to quite a bit of censorship), the introductory pieces do need to be fairly simple so a kid can "get" it. But to me, most of the hooks in Westworld were kinda.... eh. I wasn't very interested in Dores' sentience, I didn't really care for the behind-the-scenes characters, and the Man in Black was probably the piece of it I had the least interest in.
Daos Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 Unleash your rage Jman! Destroy HxH! HxH actually reminds me of a joke from an early Family guy episode where they lick toads to get high. "Dude I finally get Aarron Sorkin's sports night... it's a comedy that's TOO GOOD to be funny!" We just don't get HxH. It's a Shonen that's too good to be entertaining or have anything happen.
naraku360 Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 Unleash your rage Jman! Destroy HxH! HxH actually reminds me of a joke from an early Family guy episode where they lick toads to get high. "Dude I finally get Aarron Sorkin's sports night... it's a comedy that's TOO GOOD to be funny!" We just don't get HxH. It's a Shonen that's too good to be entertaining or have anything happen. But things do happen. Just because you don't like those things doesn't mean they don't happen. You didn't like the candle thing, I was fairly entertained by it. You don't like that characters sometimes gamble instead of punch, I love Kaiji and Liar Game so a little gambling in a shonen is welcome and I enjoyed it in this case. These are things happening, whether you like them or not. It's fine for you to say you don't like them, but to say nothing happens is disingenuous. And simply because you dislike them doesn't mean nobody does. This is why both your and Jman's arguments are colossal failures.
Daos Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 Know what else is a colossal failure? HxH's ratings. Zing.
Jman Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 The only failure is this belligerent insistence on watching a show (a god damn shounen no less) on the grounds that failure to do so is a strike against ones intelligence. We live in the binge era. You provide a hook or provide more content. And if Ajin's second season is out and all 13 episodes are ready, it's a better watch.
naraku360 Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 The only failure is this belligerent insistence on watching a show (a god damn shounen no less) on the grounds that failure to do so is a strike against ones intelligence. We live in the binge era. You provide a hook or provide more content. And if Ajin's second season is out and all 13 episodes are ready, it's a better watch. See, now your twisting words to make yourself into a victim. I don't care if you watched the show or not, that doesn't lessen my opinion on your intelligence. What's a strike against your intelligence is that you barely seem to have even watched a full episode, paid so little attention you can't distinguish who the main character is, and have spent the better part of a year ridiculing it for not moving fast enough WHEN YOU HAVEN'T EVEN WATCHED THE SHOW. You know what smart people do when they criticize a show? They watch the fucking show before making an extreme negative opinion to forcefeed everyone around them! You aren't obligated to watch anything you don't want to. You are obligated to watch something before forming an opinion on it.
Sketch Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 Better than the non-existent progress in Hiatus. Or Gon being the definition of a flat character. Not the least bit accurate.
Sketch Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 Gundam Unicorn is getting bad ratings because of IBO. Yeah IBO sort of poisoned the well.
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