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FLCL Alternative, Episode 6


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Now her hair turned to flame.  And using that Progressive OST?

Guess this is the extent of the manga sequence we will get for this series.

Admitting some truths about herself, and unleashing her power.

Did Kana create that whole vortex?!

We would care more about Pets if they had developed her character sooner before the bitch reveal.

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Sigh. You know, I had really high hopes for this one after the first few episodes, but that ending was just fail to me. Oveall, I still liked Alternative better than Progressive, just cuz I liked the characters more and the feel of it to me seemed closer to the original. Still, that ending was just a letdown. I think they were just too afraid to make these real sequels in any way, and as a result they weren't able to add anything interesting to expand the story or universe of the show in any way. I get that they didn't want to risk offending fans of the original, but that wound up dooming these "sequels" to being mediocre knockoffs of the original at best in the end.

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