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Anyone that's taken the Political Compass test will recognize the layout...


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I've taken this test a dozen times or more and I've noticed that as I've aged I've gotten closer to the center. I'm in "Hippy filth" territory but right on the cusp of "decent people".

A few years ago I would have been right on that line between "hippy filth", "definition of degenerate" and "anarchists and other sub-humans" so I guess I've come a ways.


-4.25 economic

-3.23 social

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the person who made this quiz... paints anarchism with a broad brush, and leaves no place for radical anarchists. Like when they say anarchism, they're talking about the anarcho-socialism/communism/capitalism/whatever anarchists, and that's common for someone who doesn't take the more radical anarchist ideologies seriously (or isn't well read on them).


Like for example my beliefs fit best with individualist anarchism & egoism as opposed to mutualism. It's like... there's anarchists who reject the state but believe in direct democracy or voluntary association. Then there's the radicals who reject organizations or associations of any kind as much as possible.


But according to this political compass, I'm a libertarian collectivist...


oh yeah im aware of the multiple types of anarchism as well.

even though im not in favor of anarchism i prefer it a million times over of what we have now in a world where 8 people have more wealth than the bottom 3.5 billion people of the earth.


and wtf does "decent" mean here?

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