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One thing I’ve noticed about restaurant recommendations


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It’s hard to find someone that recommends the spaghetti. 

They’ll brag about how much effort went into their meat or seafood, the pasta being home-made, the sauce being perfect, the drinks being tasty, or the produce being fresh but no one ever says “They have the best plate of spaghetti in town!” 

Even “this is the best pasta I’ve ever had,” comes off like a rarity in reviews in comparison to how juicy the meat is, or how flavorful the sauces are. Or the added emphasis is more what goes on the pasta than the pasta itself. 

Is it just because it doesn’t take as much effort to make pasta well? Or is it that gnocchi has more effort put into it that bragging about spaghetti would be strange? Like “congrats, you didn’t fuck up spaghetti!” When I said out loud to myself that somewhere had a nice plate of spaghetti, it didn’t sound right. 

Unless the place was well-known for making fresh pasta, would you invite a significant other out for a fine pasta dinner? Lucious wine, candlelight ambience, spaghetti. 

Edited by imchapp.in
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3 hours ago, Derrick Foreal said:

You never saw Lady and the Tramp

I've seen it, but the movie's from 1955 and the demand for romantic spaghetti between then & now is limited to Disney mega-fans from the ages of 20 to 100. Pasta is no longer an exotic dish, especially since anyone can make it at home. With steak and seafood, that can be tricker to obtain, so the demand seems more centered around making those taste great and the pasta just merely serviceable. And with the Pocky game, there are much more sensual ways of using food to meet lips than doing PDA at a restaurant.

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2 hours ago, imchapp.in said:

I've seen it, but the movie's from 1955 and the demand for romantic spaghetti between then & now is limited to Disney mega-fans from the ages of 20 to 100. Pasta is no longer an exotic dish, especially since anyone can make it at home. With steak and seafood, that can be tricker to obtain, so the demand seems more centered around making those taste great and the pasta just merely serviceable. And with the Pocky game, there are much more sensual ways of using food to meet lips than doing PDA at a restaurant.

Wow, you really beat the shit outta my joke.....It's on it's last legs and my only recourse is to mercy kill it.

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I’ve always considered spaghetti to be...an unrefined method of stuffing your face...not to mention most times those noodles slap about and you end up wearing some sauce....

but I will recommend the FUCK out of some bomb ass lasagna....


i found this place with this meatloaf...it’s like an orgasm in my mouth without the salty suprise...

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