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51 minutes ago, Naraku4656 said:

there's no capital in spare you pleb

Sorry, I like to use whatever proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation that I've retained at all times. I know some people think of the Internet as a place where people should ignore proper grammar (and spelling and punctuation), but I don't.

Edited by Doom Metal Alchemist
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25 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

Sorry, I like to use whatever proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation that I've retained at all times. I know some people think of the Internet as a place where people should ignore proper grammar (and spelling and punctuation), but I don't.

then you're doing it wrong

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47 minutes ago, GreatBallsOfJizz said:

People are too dismissive of animals. Our domesticated brethren are smarter than most people give them credit for. Animals understand respect, and if they respect you they will smile for the camera.

Viper is dat u??

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