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How do you create a dance move(s)?


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How the fuck does  a new dance move become, a thing?

Shameless admission, I am a very good dancer. I grew up in the B Boy culture, and I liquid, heal toe, pop lock, etc.....

I see the shit today and I can't even.... fuck I am becoming that old guy.

*I am krumping*

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The .gif you posted is the dental floss.

I got that.

My girl has known me for a very long time, and self admission goes I used to break dance.

I leave bitches in the wake.

The shit I see today is just basic, and no good.

I show a bit of heel toe, and nobody steps up.

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8 hours ago, Clu said:


How the fuck does  a new dance move become, a thing?

Shameless admission, I am a very good dancer. I grew up in the B Boy culture, and I liquid, heal toe, pop lock, etc.....

I see the shit today and I can't even.... fuck I am becoming that old guy.

*I am krumping*

I've never been a dancer, but from the combination of rapping and skateboarding I've met a lot of people into break dance. The process is about the same as how a new skateboarding trick is made. You find something that hasn't been done before and do it enough that it catches on locally and continues on from there. Catchy names help a lot, take the harlem shake for example.

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