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I don't know the exact number of days, but it's had to have been several months since the last time I had a drink of anything.

The last time I remember getting drunk was after the hurricane last year.

I think I just got tired of it, because it wasn't a conscious decision on my part really.

Oh well.

I think I'll go grab a Java Monster and some scratch tickets.

7 hours ago, pail said:

I don't know the exact number of days, but it's had to have been several months since the last time I had a drink of anything.

The last time I remember getting drunk was after the hurricane last year.

I think I just got tired of it, because it wasn't a conscious decision on my part really.

Oh well.

I think I'll go grab a Java Monster and some scratch tickets.

Good for you...now the next step is weening off your substance abuse...


i make it a point to enjoy a few of the various vices, within reason of course. it's the shit that gets put into nearly everything on the store shelf that you should be watching out for. processed sugars, food dyes, HFCS, preservatives, etc. a can of beer is generally far less harmful than a can of java monster.

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4 minutes ago, wacky1980 said:

i make it a point to enjoy a few of the various vices, within reason of course. it's the shit that gets put into nearly everything on the store shelf that you should be watching out for. processed sugars, food dyes, HFCS, preservatives, etc. a can of beer is generally far less harmful than a can of java monster.

That's if you assume he'll only drink one beer

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8 hours ago, Gogo Yubari said:

That's if you assume he'll only drink one beer

Also, if you assume he's not chugging two Java Monster's after a night of blackout drinking.

2 hours ago, SwimModSponges said:

I enjoyed 3 alcoholic beverages last night.

2 cans of light beer with dinner and then some Canadian Breakfast Stout for desert.

i shared a bomber of CBS last night with my wife and her brother. i'm on the fence with that one; it's really damn good and makes for a respectable digestif, but it's almost too sweet for my taste. still trying to track down a bottle of KBS though. haven't had that one yet, but i hear it's better if maple sizzurp ain't your thing.

then i switched to pseudo sue and happiness ensued. the pints of happiness, to be exact.

10 hours ago, Gogo Yubari said:

That's if you assume he'll only drink one beer

even after two or three, i think you're still being nicer to your body than if you drink one of those coffee-flavored sugar bombs.

3 minutes ago, wacky1980 said:

even after two or three, i think you're still being nicer to your body than if you drink one of those coffee-flavored sugar bombs.


"Beer is fine. Sugar is poison. Didn't you know? Beer is sugar-free!"

8 minutes ago, pail said:


"Beer is fine. Sugar is poison. Didn't you know? Beer is sugar-free!"

the average beer contains about a gram of sugar per pint (the yeast attenuates the sugars during fermentation. that's how you get alcohol, btw). java monster has 35 grams of sugar per 16oz. the calorie content is about the same (some beers have more than java monster at 220, but many have far less). however, java monster has over 450mg of sodium. beer has maybe 15mg. also, beer has no fat or cholesterol or caffeine. i mean, if you want to compare the health risks of the two beverages, you're gonna have a bad time.

as with all things, moderation is key. if you can't control your drinking, then it's probably best that you stay off the sauce.

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I didn't realize you were a medical professional now.

How about you pull up the stats on alcohol VS caffeine related deaths per year, then right below those numbers explain, in great length, how my morning eye opener and shit mobilizer is gonna make me have a "bad time."

I also want to hear about the spike in CA chapters across the country and all the harrowing tales of people drinking themselves into early graves with caffeine binges.


i specifically put the "as with all things, moderation is key" in there because of things like alcoholism, liver disease, etc. alcohol contributes to more deaths than sugary beverages. no one is denying that. but we're talking about people who drink a lot more than one or two at a time. if you drank six java monsters every day and i drank six pints of beer every day,  we're both gonna be fucked over time.

if you think it's safe to guzzle canned coffee drinks, go for it champ. hell, double it up for all i care.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, pail said:

I didn't realize you were a medical professional now.

How about you pull up the stats on alcohol VS caffeine related deaths per year, then right below those numbers explain, in great length, how my morning eye opener and shit mobilizer is gonna make me have a "bad time."

I also want to hear about the spike in CA chapters across the country and all the harrowing tales of people drinking themselves into early graves with caffeine binges.

Yep. Subtract the number of a deaths caused by alcoholism from the total number of alcohol related deaths and it'd be minute for sure. Alcohol related deaths are only high statistic wise because alcohol related deaths include those caused by alcoholism as well as those caused by operating motor vehicles while intoxicated and tons of other deaths caused by impared cognition.

Edited by PhilosipherStoned
49 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

Yep. Subtract the number of a deaths caused by alcoholism from the total number of alcohol related deaths and it'd be minute for sure. Alcohol related deaths are only high statistic wise because alcohol related deaths include those caused by alcoholism as well as those caused by operating motor vehicles while intoxicated and tons of other deaths caused by impared cognition.


I love this engrained mentality of "muh freedom" you all get into a tizzy about whenever someone says alcohol is dangerous and causes disease and death. Just because the government temporarily banned it one time you all get huffy when any slight against your precious alcohol gets brought up and you all turn into psuedo SJW "legalize it" types.

Good God.

There is nothing more pathetic than someone stroking their 'baba' of Maker's Mark and whispering "Shh. Shh. No one's ever taking you away from me again. It's gonna be alright."

1 hour ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

Lol Bucket. You were bragging about getting drunk and doing drugs not more than a year ago. Take yourself to the "dry drunk" thread and do some research. xD


You really don't understand how to drugs, huh.

10 hours ago, pail said:


I love this engrained mentality of "muh freedom" you all get into a tizzy about whenever someone says alcohol is dangerous and causes disease and death. Just because the government temporarily banned it one time you all get huffy when any slight against your precious alcohol gets brought up and you all turn into psuedo SJW "legalize it" types.

Good God.

There is nothing more pathetic than someone stroking their 'baba' of Maker's Mark and whispering "Shh. Shh. No one's ever taking you away from me again. It's gonna be alright."

like i said, if you think giving up alcohol and replacing it with java monster is a healthy move, be my guest. i'm not about to stop you. 

14 hours ago, pail said:


You really don't understand how to drugs, huh.

No allow me to clarify my point for the two squares that have the time to be so freaking tedious on this forum. All I did was agree with someone that stated scientific facts involving the consumption of alcohol, and added a few statements myself about the statistics of alcohol related deaths. Then pail gets on a pedastal and assumes I give a fuck about whether it's legal or not. (which I don't). My point was for someone that was constantly posting about drinking and doing drugs to even take such a position is laughable, and it sounds like pail is turning into a freaking preaching dry drunk. Whether or not anyone agrees with the statement makes no difference to me. GFY 

On 1/13/2018 at 11:00 PM, pail said:

I don't know the exact number of days, but it's had to have been several months since the last time I had a drink of anything.

The last time I remember getting drunk was after the hurricane last year.

I think I just got tired of it, because it wasn't a conscious decision on my part really.

Oh well.

I think I'll go grab a Java Monster and some scratch tickets.

I mean, in the long run of things it's better for your health. lol


what the fuck is this thread, the overconsumption denial party?

too much booze is bad for you, too much sugar and caffeine is also bad for you, substituting one for the other isn't going to negate the effects of having abused one or the other, thats not how shit works, this isn't a video game.

Alcoholism kills your liver, know what else kills your liver?  diabetes.  Drinking too much booze and drinking too much sugary soda coffee bullshit can both give you diabetes.  Booze might give you cirrhosis first, but details.  Literally soda is believed to be a leading cause of obesity, and obesity leads to diabetes.  Obesity is the leading cause of ...oh, well, you know, a lot of things.

I am literally an alcoholic, I have quit drinking because of health reasons, and then resumed drinking because "it makes me feel good", all the while understanding that it is destroying my body and mind.  But I'm not going to start abusing caffeine coffee soda to balance it out, because that's not a thing.  It's not balancing out to replace one vice with another.  "Oh, I quit horse tranquilizers by switching to meth."  Giving up booze but going to a fucking coffee soda is not helping yourself.  Quitting smoking cigarettes, but then replacing it with vaping and smoking weed is not really improving your health.  "I don't drink liquor anymore, i just drink beer"

Bruh.  come on now.


someone takes too much heroin so they balance it out with coke, know what happens?  Chris Farley happens.


literally what the fuck even is this, do people really not know these things?  

17 minutes ago, SlappyKincaid said:

Quitting smoking cigarettes, but then replacing it with vaping and smoking weed is not really improving your health. 

That's not true. Vaping nicotine is much better for you than smoking cigs, and smoking weed via combusting plant matter (instead of safer methods) is still a lot better for your health than smoking cigs. 

Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, Nabloom said:

That's not true. Vaping nicotine is much better for you than smoking cigs, and smoking weed via combusting plant matter (instead of safer methods) is still a lot better for your health than smoking cigs. 

nicotine is still a neurotoxin, also "vape" contains a score of chemicals that are not good for you, especially if you get all those cool flavors and what not.  And while smoking weed is arguiably better than smoking cigarettes, is it really "better"?  And I should have made it more clear, but in my analogy, I was grouping vaping and smoking weed together as a replacement for cigs because thats what people I know have done, so think of it like that.  Even smoking pure tobacco ain't really "good for you" there's still a lot of bad shit in it.  I can split hairs and say that combusting plant matter can literally kill you, if the plant matter you combust is something like poison ivy.  Smoking weed is better than smoking tobacco, and smoking tobacco is better than smoking poison ivy.  Also wood.  Inhaling combusted wood kills a lot of people.  In fires, from suffocation.  Smoking cigarettes is better than smoking pine and drywall.

So, sure maybe vaping is better than cigarettes in terms of the bad shit thats in cigarettes, but there's still a lot of shit in "vape", including nicotine, a neurotoxin, and also whatever is in "vape".  So sure, they aren't smoking cigs and inhaling tar and whatnot, except they are instead vaping like ungodly amounts of whatever this shit is mixed with nicotine, a neurotoxin, and also smoking more weed than I can even comprehend.

No one has ever come up to me and said "aw dude, check out this pack of cigs" and then smoked the entire pack, but also while switching off to a different pack.  You can't tell me that vaping is at any point "safe".  It may be safer than smoking an equivalent amount of cigarettes in terms of nicotine, maybe, but that assumes that people vape the same amount that they once smoked.  

and as far as weed goes, I literally know people who started smoking weed for medicinal reasons, and have gotten off opiates because of it.  I'm not saying weed will kill you and rape your family, but it's certainly not a cure-all like some people wish.  But in the analogy I was using, which I'll admit probably wasn't clear, but I'm still gonna use as my reference point, is it though?


I re-read some of this, and would like to clarify that I am a drunk alcoholic, so it is very possible I am calling someone a black kettle... I think I still managed to say what I was trying to say, although those last few lines.... uhhh...

Edited by SlappyKincaid

Yeah, nothing beats clean air but quitting cigarettes and picking up vaping and smoking weed, for all their faults and unknowns, is still a net improvement overall wrt bodily health afaik. Like you're putting better (less bad) stuff in your body than you were when you were choking on cigs, at least

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