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i just found a 50 min video of james deen fucking a black girl

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22 minutes ago, nameraka said:

wasn't he accused of rape a few years ago by a couple of well known porn actresses?

never heard anything else about that...

They’re accusing him of the kinda rape that goes like...

Director: “ok the safe word is red, action!”

*james dean rough sexing costar*

Costar: “Red!”

*james dean keeps going*

costar: “RED!”

*james dean stops*

Costar (later on the Internet): “I had to say the safe word twice, he kept going for 7 seconds after I said it the first time. He’s a rapist!”

—end scene—

so yea, you should stop immediately when the safe word comes up, but is it the same offense as rape? I think the distinction matters.

i don’t think he did anything worse than that unless i missed something. 


that makes sense. 

the mainstream press just kind of reported the accusations then dropped it like a hot potato for obvious reasons.

i don't remember the details ever really coming out. 


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