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Ok guys question for you, when your out at a sporting event or some other large gathering whats proper urinal etiquette?


Im assuming you dont like, gawk at another dudes cock.  But what are some of the "unspoken rules" that you guys have?


Pick a spot on the wall. Don't look away.

Make sure to stand as far away from the edge of the urinal as possible to get as much spittle on the ground around the urinal as you can to make sure the janitor has something to do and so that people get to step in your piss.

Talking is hit and miss. Strangers, almost always no, but if it's a bro it's cool. If other people are having a conversation, it's easier to get away with joining in than it is to start one.

If you being slapped and yelled at, you are not in fact using a mens urinal but the sink in the womens restroom. Contrary to popular belief, this is frowned upon.

Ignore the glory hole.

Do not, under any circumstances, use a toilet stall to take a piss. If someone shits their pants waiting on you when there was an open urinal, you'll deserve whatever you get.

All in all, men's public restrooms are terrible and no one should use them except in a dire emergency.

I think the reason women take so long is that each one of them takes the time to individually clean the entire restroom after use.


What lasty said.


One thing I've been hearing lately at work when I'm getting paid to take a shit is peoples texting and taking pics at the urinal. Seriously a few times now it would just be me in there and a dude walks in to piss, then you hear the damn shutter sound from there phone, wtf you doing at work....


There are no real "unspoken rules" to speak of, other than the obvious - no gawking, no unsolicited conversation, keep the splash to a minimum.  There are some that insist on the urinal buffer, but that's silly since anything other than a sports venue is unlikely to have ten urinals in a row.


Pick a spot on the wall. Don't look away.

Make sure to stand as far away from the edge of the urinal as possible to get as much spittle on the ground around the urinal as you can to make sure the janitor has something to do and so that people get to step in your piss.

Talking is hit and miss. Strangers, almost always no, but if it's a bro it's cool. If other people are having a conversation, it's easier to get away with joining in than it is to start one.

If you being slapped and yelled at, you are not in fact using a mens urinal but the sink in the womens restroom. Contrary to popular belief, this is frowned upon.

Ignore the glory hole.

Do not, under any circumstances, use a toilet stall to take a piss. If someone shits their pants waiting on you when there was an open urinal, you'll deserve whatever you get.

All in all, men's public restrooms are terrible and no one should use them except in a dire emergency.

I think the reason women take so long is that each one of them takes the time to individually clean the entire restroom after use.


Well o_0


Thats one informative list


Really does sound like its not a nice place at all.


What lasty said.


One thing I've been hearing lately at work when I'm getting paid to take a shit is peoples texting and taking pics at the urinal. Seriously a few times now it would just be me in there and a dude walks in to piss, then you hear the damn shutter sound from there phone, wtf you doing at work....


Taking pictures in a public bathroom seems like a horrible idea, for everyone.


If it's a close urinal setup with no barriers I'd say looking ahead or upward is preferable for the most part, since looking down can awkwardly put other mans penors in your peripheral vision. Take any spot/urinal that's more isolated/non adjacent if possible.


There are no real "unspoken rules" to speak of, other than the obvious - no gawking, no unsolicited conversation, keep the splash to a minimum.  There are some that insist on the urinal buffer, but that's silly since anything other than a sports venue is unlikely to have ten urinals in a row.

So what happens at sporting events then?  Do guys alternate urinals before filling in the gaps?





If it's a close urinal setup with no barriers I'd say looking ahead or upward is preferable for the most part, since looking down can awkwardly put other mans penors in your peripheral vision. Take any spot/urinal that's more isolated/non adjacent if possible.

so barriers are good then is what Im getting from everyone here


Well o_0


Thats one informative list


Really does sound like its not a nice place at all.


It's not... I've seen things, man... I've seen horrible things.  -_'


If it's a close urinal setup with no barriers I'd say looking ahead or upward is preferable for the most part, since looking down can awkwardly put other mans penors in your peripheral vision. Take any spot/urinal that's more isolated/non adjacent if possible.


If there are no barriers I automatically hit the stalls, period.


Even if the bathroom is empty.


so barriers are good then is what Im getting from everyone here

Eh, why not. Though other than etiquette I hate when urinals are designed in a way that seems to increase splashback, like the ones that run all the way to the floor, or if a low kids' one is the only one available I'll definitely seek a stall instead. May or may not close stall door, depending how crowded bathroom is.


So what happens at sporting events then?  Do guys alternate urinals before filling in the gaps?

Some dudes insist on going to the exact opposite end of the line.  As a matter of comfort, it's probably a good idea to give at least one urinal gap so as to avoid the aforementioned splash from another urinal, but most of the time, those urinals are filled up so it's moot.  The whole keeping other guys' dicks out of the peripheral vision is just being insecure... or I guess it could also be mild homophobia too.  Either way, it's foolishness.


Eh, why not. Though other than etiquette I hate when urinals are designed in a way that seems to increase splashback, like the ones that run all the way to the floor, or if a low kids' one is the only one available I'll definitely seek a stall instead. May or may not close stall door, depending how crowded bathroom is.

That sounds horrible


How have they not designed a urinal that avoids splashback? 


Some dudes insist on going to the exact opposite end of the line.  As a matter of comfort, it's probably a good idea to give at least one urinal gap so as to avoid the aforementioned splash from another urinal, but most of the time, those urinals are filled up so it's moot.  The whole keeping other guys' dicks out of the peripheral vision is just being insecure... or I guess it could also be mild homophobia too.  Either way, it's foolishness.


It's insecurity with me. I cannot pee in front of other people unless I'm about to burst.


Some dudes insist on going to the exact opposite end of the line.  As a matter of comfort, it's probably a good idea to give at least one urinal gap so as to avoid the aforementioned splash from another urinal, but most of the time, those urinals are filled up so it's moot.  The whole keeping other guys' dicks out of the peripheral vision is just being insecure... or I guess it could also be mild homophobia too.  Either way, it's foolishness.

Huh ok then.


I guess I could see if a guy with a tiny dick doesnt want to use a urinal because its embarrassing or something.  But I dunno.  I dont think guys just go around with their junk out in the bathroom so how could you tell if some dudes packing or not?




That sounds horrible


How have they not designed a urinal that avoids splashback?


That's the thing, they already ARE designed that way. Most urinals have a lip that extends out at the bottom by as much as 6 inches so you can hold your pecker over the top of it.

Somehow, either through negligence or incompetence or just plain being an asshole, people fail to utilize this feature and the ground is always covered in half dried urine.


That sounds horrible


How have they not designed a urinal that avoids splashback?

There's plenty of those, just also the other ones.


Personally I dun really care if another dude is in my view, but I can agree with the feeling that your brain might not let you pee if it feels like you're 'too exposed', leaving you awkwardly standing there doing nothing until you convince yourself to just pee.


That's the thing, they already ARE designed that way. Most urinals have a lip that extends out at the bottom by as much as 6 inches so you can hold your pecker over the top of it.

Somehow, either through negligence or incompetence or just plain being an asshole, people fail to utilize this feature and the ground is always covered in half dried urine.

Well if there is one thing I have learned its to never underestimate the ability of guys to miss the toilet, even with decades of experience.  Im still amazed at how you guys manage to miss so badly even with that much practice.


There's plenty of those, just also the other ones.


Personally I dun really care if another dude is in my view, but I can agree with the feeling that your brain might not let you pee if it feels like you're 'too exposed', leaving you awkwardly standing there doing nothing until you convince yourself to just pee.

Haha now that must suck.  Having to go really badly but cant because you think your being watched. 


Social Pressure strikes in strange ways........


Well if there is one thing I have learned its to never underestimate the ability of guys to miss the toilet, even with decades of experience.  Im still amazed at how you guys manage to miss so badly even with that much practice.


With some dudes it's a matter of not cleaning themselves and various residues and pubic hairs stuck to the tip will cause the stream to split and spray. Also, not showering after sex or masturbation.


It's insecurity with me. I cannot pee in front of other people unless I'm about to burst.

Fair enough.  I mean, there are plenty of reasons why a guy might be self conscious, but, on the whole it's not an issue for most men.  Most guys don't go to the bathroom to have a conversation or hang out (they're not designed to be conducive to either), so it's strictly business.  There isn't much reason to be concerned about getting looked up and down or criticized.


What about looking up?


That's fine too.


As for the other person's comment about not looking down because another person's dick being in your peripheral vision... I've never had that problem looking down before.


Also, I am all in favor of putting an empty urinal in between myself and the next guy. However, if the only urinal available is directly next to someone, I use it.


With some dudes it's a matter of not cleaning themselves and various residues and pubic hairs stuck to the tip will cause the stream to split and spray. Also, not showering after sex or masturbation.




Clean your damn junk!


That's fine too.


As for the other person's comment about not looking down because another person's dick being in your peripheral vision... I've never had that problem looking down before.


Also, I am all in favor of putting an empty urinal in between myself and the next guy. However, if the only urinal available is directly next to someone, I use it.

so just dont make eye contact with guys and dont look at their junk.


Seems like a pretty easy rule to follow. 


It's not just don't make eye contact or look at their junk. Don't even turn your head. Straight up, straight down, or straight ahead.



so like a robot.


Just look right ahead and do not turn in any way. 


How do you get out of a urinal then?  Unless you just walk right in....,and then back right out......




so like a robot.


Just look right ahead and do not turn in any way. 


How do you get out of a urinal then?  Unless you just walk right in....,and then back right out......


It's ok to make a quick turn while leaving.  :D When I do I look a bit up so I don't see the dick of the guy next to me.


I think another part of that is the invention of the urinal makes it so guys can pee in more numbers at once than women can that have to all go in stalls.

Well you can fit more guys in a bathroom for sure. Theres also the whole fact that its way easier for guys because you just have to unzip your fly.  That takes like what, 2 seconds?



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