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the actress playing Moana is suspiciously light skinned, I don't know if she IS white or if She's just pale

but to make it more questionable they showed a promo for this show just now while I was channel surfing and they showed the actress playing Moana in and out of Make-up, and................

long story short she's also wearing black face, because in make up she was brown and out of it she was pink


I'm saying all this without looking up any before - after pics. 


I remember my time in the theater and the makeup used always made people look like they were trying to do blackface. You needed a darker complexation to have any sort of skin tone under followspot and gladiator lights unless you were 'dead' . And even that usually called for a tone just a titch darker than my natural anyway. So it could be a very real possibility that no matter what the actor's true skin tone is, the makeup used to bring it out under the bright lights will be much darker anyway to accent the character. 

52 minutes ago, Gogo Yubari said:

Since Mochi abandoned this thread, I went to go look for the actress playing Moana in this year's DoI, and chis chick is not white


kay then, I did I did say I wasn't sure if she was white or just light,

guess she's just light

2 hours ago, mochi said:

kay then, I did I did say I wasn't sure if she was white or just light,

guess she's just light

You also said she was in blackface, and that out of makeup she was pink.

1 minute ago, katt_goddess said:

You can't skate with big boobies.

If she spins, centrifical force will cause the first row in the audience to lose an eye or two. O.o 


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