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Aisha is spunky.  I like her attitude.  And like her even more now that she's on the Outlaw Star crew's side. :D




Got there first but that other ship still got 3rd!  These race rules don't make any sense!


I don't think that's a guys outfit Jim!  And I thought we were going to see Melfina in it!


space race in three dimensions with a lot of variables. time can't be the only factor


Traditional race is usually determined by placement at finish.  Sure there are other types, but it really wasn't explained.






Is it me or has the opening animation changed a bit?


They're the only ones who successfully went through that detour? Nice!


Sexy holographic anime girl. :)


This green-haired guy's voice is kind of annoying.  But it's kinda cute too.


Gene's so confident. Even in moments where he makes mistakes!


55 miles from Soi-Fong 5?? Oh HAY Fong.


Ahh this is where the famous Cute Aisha Typing gif comes from! :3 :3  Cute Aisha is cute. And her dub actor goes above and beyond in this role.


Gene was once stuck out in space??


lol those lights formed the symbol from The Legend of Zelda. :D


It's Aisha! :3


lol she notices that the ship can't work unless Melfina's naked.  I love this show.


Suzuka is lounging during all this,


No!! :o Uh oh what happens when you go into sub-ether?


"There is no way to determine which direction we're going." …. or no earthly way of knowing. Is it raining is it pouring… is a hurricane a blowing… not a speck of light is showing so the danger must br growing…


Aww Aisha you'd be a great member of the team. She can learn a lot about humility and how to act more polite.


ROCK MUSIC YEAH!!!! *head-banging!*


Guys, you shouldn't underestimate your opponents. … or dress like pizza delivery boys.


The Outlaw Star is .. whoops never mind.  They're fourth, not third. But first in the privateer category.


Hahaha Aisha in a frilly uniform.


Wha…. the El Dorado tried to contact Gene?


2001 Edits:


1. Aisha's "won't move unless you're naked" changed to "won't move unless you're wet".


2. Scene of Suzuka relaxing in the bath cut.


Other than language edits that's it.


Woah not a lot of edits this time.


12 pages here! Awesome.


This is probably just my perverted mind but for me the censored line sounds dirtier


She was wearing a digitally painted bikini in the edit, so the naked line wouldn't have made much sense anyways (but you're right with it sounding dirtier, especially with Aisha exclaiming she thought that was "kinky" right afterwards).


She was wearing a digitally painted bikini in the edit, so the naked line wouldn't have made much sense anyways (but you're right with it sounding dirtier, especially with Aisha exclaiming she thought that was "kinky" right afterwards).

reminds me of when Toonami edited out a scene of Mihoshi and Ryo-Ohki playing but left in a scene of Washu pinching Ayeka's nipple and telling Ryoko her breasts were sagging

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