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It was funny because they asked me to come up there at like 6 and I was like what for......I mean, I've been sleeping, eating, drinking, just partying in general up there for years.  I mean I really didn't need it, but I liked the extra 3-400 every 2 weeks.


They brought me in and said "We told you several times not to bring your kids to work, and now we are sick of it.....We have to let you go".  I just lol'd......Like it not the sleeping, or eating all of your food....It's because my kids came withme?........Like y'all really feel like you were doing me a favor by keeping me.....I'm an insomiac....I'm Tyler Durden......I won't miss this. 


Honestly, I might though....WTF am I going to do with myself on Thursdays and Fridays besides get shitfaced.  This could turn out bad.


that was a sweet job. now who am i gonna beg for a mediocre hotel room when i need to bang outta town? :(


I'll let you use the basement :)  Just make sure you pressure wash the place when ur done :)


well damn. usually it's a pretty good feeling to be done with something you were only holding on to because

of a little extra cash, I've been in the same boat only the manager got chewed out by her boss for firing me

because even if I didn't kiss customer ass, and I did all the same shit you were doing and more; I got shit done.

She had to call me and offer me my job back.  It was so hard not to be a complete dick to her on the phone

after she told me that, but I tried to be semi-professional and just said something like "nope, too bad too sad"


That was a great feeling.  :D


Burn it........BURN IT TO THE GROOOOOUUUUUUUND  :robotmad



































or not  :robot)


I was like fucking how, but yeah something crazy like bringing kids with you to work multiple times is about what it takes to get fired from night audit.


Those can be get fucked up on the couch and battle nights. Get a naraku or two and we'll battle royale


I got fired for taking a shit for too long so yea.  You're good.  Just get another one.


Nah, I'm good.....I may miss the extra bread but my situation has changed as far as child care so I don't mind chilling at home at night.  It was just 2 nights so no biggie.

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