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ok? pfft, the card's amazing....the thing's stacked...sure, the first 4 fights are a toss up, but the next 7 are popcorn fare...


I just really look forward to and enjoy Demetrious Johnson's fights....He's the last of my favorites still in his prime....been watching him since WEC along with Aldo


Champion will always get the decision in a close fight

It bugs I know


there are close fights and there are draws....I can count a handful of real honest to goodness draws...it would not hurt the bottom line to score them that way...


the system is fucked...always has been...

  • 4 weeks later...

I think Ray is going to continue to grow and become something real down the line, but he's just two fights removed from a Justin Scoggins beat down...it's too soon


Demetrious Johnson is pulling off anime moves in real life fights....


He lifted that guy into the air with a suplex, caught his arm as he fell and arm barred him....that's some Rock lee Lotus shit  applause

  • 4 weeks later...

Joanna losing, especially the way she did, was on par with the Aldo and Silva losses....never in a million years could I have seen that coming...

She is the best striker i've seen in the UFC, man or woman....I don't know if the extensive Muay Thai career and the wars she's had since transitioning to mma have finally started to take their toll or what, but I hope we haven't seen the last of her....


Garbrant and Dillashaw are probably going to play hot potato with that belt, there's very little separating them....I do love their obsession with going down a weight class to fight Demetrious Johnson though...the goat could use some new blood...


God damn Micheal Bisping is a barbarian....what a god damn beast...really wish he would retire though....

GSP wants nothing to do with defending that belt...aside from the aging Bisping who he barely defeated, the top of that division is a mutant shark tank




oh yeah, did anyone else notice that Cody dropping TJ in the first looked just like the sparring tape he released....got caught by the same damn punch  :D

  • 4 weeks later...

Undefeated records pretty much don't exist at the highest levels of mma, so this 25-0 Dagestani savage is one tough muthaaa-fuuuka...

He's fighting this weekend against another top contender who is amazing in his own right...I can't imagine anyone watching this video and not wanting to watch that fight...


  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, StarPanda said:

Joel Romero missed weight so no belt but dam he knocked Luke the f out, sucks for luke he's got a weak chin 

Yeah, Luke got laid out, but I think people put the weak chin label on him 'cause he's an ass....I mean he got knocked out by Yoel fucking Romero and Vitor when he had trt coming out his eyeballs....look at their records, who haven't those guys laid out....

Give the guy some credit, he's been in there with monsters and usually does well....his ego is his real undoing at the end of the day....that Bisping fight was the height of hubris bred retardation...

In any case, barring some outside the cage fuckery, I don't see anybody beating the Reaper any time soon...that guy is a fighters fighter...he essentially defended Bisping's title for him by knocking off the guys Bisping was dodging, like Romero and Jacare...Weidman seems to have lost a step and Gastellum, though game, doesn't have the tools to hang with the top 5....


  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...
15 hours ago, StarPanda said:

@Mix boy tell me you saw that 

Aside from the great fight 

Wtf that ending 

I saw it......I guess now we know what would have happened if Khabib got off that bus 

Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, StarPanda said:

Dude got choked out and then blindsided by a random ass person took 2 Looses tonight 

If you re-watch the scene from another angle, you can see he swings on one of Khabib's cornermen who was on the cage calling out to Khabib....that's what triggered his second beat down....they turned their attention to him after that swing

Edited by Mix
11 hours ago, Nabloom said:

So, the UFC is WWE now... Got it

how so? boxing has a rich history of post fight brawls....

better yet, the nba, nfl, mlb, nhl, all have scenes much worse than this 

  • 1 month later...
6 minutes ago, StarPanda said:

Yo @Mix I'm super late on this even tho I saw the fight live but did you watch that Koeean Zomvie fight vs Yair. Heck of a fight and event 

But man that KO do you think it was luck or some sort of skill

you know I watched it, c'mon....those two are all kinds of fun to watch and a fight pitting them against each other is a can't miss....

look, I'm usually of the mind set that there's no luck in fighting...you meant to throw a punch, you threw it, and it landed...no matter strike you throw, this applies....

BUT, i've never seen that kinda thing before....I've watched hundreds, maybe thousands of Muay Thai fights and i've seen all manner of elbows....nothing like that move Yair pulled....no way he trained that move....I mean just try to move your elbow in that manner and hit something....it's ridiculous

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 11/24/2018 at 5:07 PM, SorceressPol said:

I only got to see clips, but Weili Zhang is badass as fuck.

I had to look that name up....damn, you're pulling from deep in the undercard

she hasn't fought anyone yet, except for the aging Aguilar, but i'll keep a look out


A little late but dam Amanda Nunez that girl can hit, idk why Cyborg went straight at her she could of won the fight she kept her distance and worked her, sure she was gonna get hit but she just went straight for a fist fight......

Jon Jones still a beast cant deny that hopefully we dont get a report that he was on the juice again 

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

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