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We'll have a new OP, but the ED is good ol' Roundabout!


Gee, where will we ever find time for all these new OPs? Super, KFC, JoJo, and Gundam Unicorn will ALL have one!


Dig deeper into the 1938 New York world of Joseph Joestar, tomorrow night (1/7/17) at 12:30 AM


Only Toonami!

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I knew the guy wasn't going to be dead.


This is Joseph's first vampire encounter, and he already knows what to expect. His nanny probably told him more than enough about the creatures.


"If you don't stop crying, I may have to make out with you!?"



Alright, our Toonami homework for this week is to find someone and use that line on them. And report the findings.


I caught up on the TWO JoJo episodes I missed thanks to being out driving through a big trail of Christmas lights a decent drive from home.  I didn't expect JoJo to die.  Very sad about that.  I'm surprised we skipped a generation, though.  I thought Erina would raise the baby she saved along the one she had from JoJo as brothers/siblings, and hopefully this time the adopted brother would't be evil.  If we're already in 1938, the show is going to run out of time in future arcs!  Unless... it goes into the future way later on? : o


The JoJo of this arc is kind of fruity with how he talks and acts, but I like his weird sense of humor and his anger management issues, haha.  Plus, he's like the Sherlock Holmes or Psych of warriors, with how he's so super-observant and "predicts the future", haha.  This is gonna get really good, I have a feeling.


So, That One Guy who was studying under Tom Petty decided to become evil!  And there's a whole slew of masks, plus an ancient slumbering Emperor!  And I'm still not clear if the ancient culture is supposed to be the Mayans or Aztecs?  Either way, it seems we're not done with vampires, and we get to hear more of Dave Mallow!  For some reason I thought he had Byakuya's VA in Part 1, though.


"I know what you'll say next." :)


"Too much time meditating in the Tibetan boonies has dulled your senses."


"Straitzoaf" :D


Oh yeah, I like Smokey, and it was nice to see Joseph stand up for him against the cops and in the restaurant.


Why isnt this show getting better raitings!?


I can see why.  You will either love it or hate it.  Frankly, I don't really care too much for it.  It's way too over-the-top in the worst way.


I'm gonna need to listen to the opening again later cause OH MY GOD!, I think I just found my all-time favorite anime opening


also it's incredible to me that such an old Manga had such a diverse cast



it's very rare for Black people to be a thing, let along important characters in Japanese media


I can see why.  You will either love it or hate it.  Frankly, I don't really care too much for it.  It's way too over-the-top in the worst way.

maybe it's just because I'm kind of a Gay stereotype but I love how campy it is


it's the same reason I love magical girl shows they're so campy and out there xD

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