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I thought they didn't make that anymore.

Nah, they mostly just don't make it like they used to...  I mean, the higher quality stuff is still out there, it's just hard to find. Everybody is gonna tell you they got Grateful Dead Fam stuff and 99% of the time that's B.S.

the first time I ever tripped on LSD the visions I had became the basis of my own religion

We're all trying to describe the same reality, and I think it's better for people to experience as much as they can and arrive at their own conclusions than to placidly accept information that is spoon fed to them. I'm a musician, and as an act of civil disobedience I decided to follow in the footsteps of my predecessors like Jimi Hendrix and John Lennon, etc. and see what all the hubbub was about. People loved their music in a special way that you just don't see these days....

i held my breath for a really long time and saw spots once.  :|

That was your eyes ceasing to function properly from oxygen deprivation. :|

This one time I saw a field of sage brush turn into a labyrinth filled to the brim with a wide variety of rainbow coloured cartoon pigs, just marching around in lock-step. The whole scene was highly reactive to my emotional state and it really helped with my social anxiety.


Too long a trip

Yeah, I hate it when that happens.... I always try to limit the dose and intervals so I don't wind up some totally gone trippy kid.

if reality was so absolute then people would not have different perceptions of it. it would just be.

All the same things really are happening, we just can't agree on the intervals at which they occur because our velocities are not identical @_@
  In other words, reality is like an illusion because it's nature depends so heavily on our perception of it, but that means there is an ultimate reality, it's just not self-defining, it's dependent on observation. That is to say, we are the imaginations of ourselves...

lsd doesnt show up on drug tests, right?

Nope. :D There's a lot of hearsay about it, it doesn't show up on drug tests and it will change how you look at things. They were trying to cure headaches when it was discovered on accident. Science is great like that. "Ooops. We created a miracle..."

Too long a trip

I've been wanting to try it, but the 8+ hours it's supposed to last freaks me out. A bad shroom trip is scary as fuck and can last way too long, and that's not even as long.

Indeed. and observation in and of itself can effect on it

Yep. In that case, everything is moving faster than light because there is always some other frame of reference for the scale of the universe, which means the past, present and future are all connected...

I've been wanting to try it, but the 8+ hours it's supposed to last freaks me out. A bad shroom trip is scary as fuck and can last way too long, and that's not even as long.

Worth it, if you're not tripping too hard that whole time. Don't dive in with a huge dose if you try it, and make sure you have the time and space you need to fully process everything that's going on without any distractions, and so you don't disturb any normies. Always trip outside.... Tripping inside is scary. lol

Yep. In that case, everything is moving faster than light because there is always some other frame of reference for the scale of the universe, which means the past, present and future are all connected...

yeah I know I seen that in my trip. I seen the past, present and future all at once

yeah I know I seen that in my trip. I seen the past, present and future all at once

My buddy and I got caught in a time loop. We were walking and we both got the impression that someone was walking behind us, we both look back to check at the same time without saying anything and there was no one there. I made a joke and said maybe it was our future selves. We walk up a little ways and right as he has this idea to climb the hill to our right, I accidentally started walking up it because it was dark and I was on lsd for the first time before he had the chance to say anything, so he's like, we gotta climb this hill. We climb it and I have this awesome experience of universal one-ness everybody is always talking about (finally) and then we find this guys tent right around the corner of the hill and he says "you guys came up the steep part of the hill right there? Wow. There's an easier way back down..." Which took us back to where we started, and we both simultaneously got this deep sense of deja-vu as soon as we get back on the trail for a second. We had a good laugh about it. :)

My buddy and I got caught in a time loop. We were walking and we both got the impression that someone was walking behind us, we both look back to check at the same time without saying anything and there was no one there. I made a joke and said maybe it was our future selves. We walk up a little ways and right as he has this idea to climb the hill to our right, I accidentally started walking up it because it was dark and I was on lsd for the first time before he had the chance to say anything, so he's like, we gotta climb this hill. We climb it and I have this awesome experience of universal one-ness everybody is always talking about (finally) and then we find this guys tent right around the corner of the hill and he says "you guys came up the steep part of the hill right there? Wow. There's an easier way back down..." Which took us back to where we started, and we both simultaneously got this deep sense of deja-vu as soon as we get back on the trail for a second. We had a good laugh about it. :)

I once used a "black magic" to cause a time loop on purpose. my next door neighbor was in it with me and was able to perceive it. still to this day, I don't know why or how he was able to perceive my magic. and I'll never find out

Salvia was fucking weird. I want to do it again.

Salvia is a diterpene hallucinogen and a kappa-opiod receptor agonist. The chemical receptors in your brain that trigger the effect with salvia have that distinct weirdness because salvinorin A does not act on any other receptors, like serotonin, which is the classic receptor that generates experiences in most other hallucinogens like LSD.

I once used a "black magic" to cause a time loop on purpose. my next door neighbor was in it with me and was able to perceive it. still to this day, I don't know why or how he was able to perceive my magic. and I'll never find out

Is he all freaked out when he sees you now? :D

Worth it, if you're not tripping too hard that whole time. Don't dive in with a huge dose if you try it, and make sure you have the time and space you need to fully process everything that's going on without any distractions, and so you don't disturb any normies. Always trip outside.... Tripping inside is scary. lol

I have to try outside, day. I've spoiled night trips. They tend to feel like everything between trips was a hallucination and I start worrying that everything I care about was fake.


Inside freaks me out. There's a noise in my house that I can't find the source of and it sends me into existential crises.


After a handful of overkill weed doses, I have weird patterns show up when I close my eyes or look at a solid color while very tired. If I'm tired enough, or took enough weed, it turns into constantly changing images, like cartoons and landscapes and faces. I'm starting to get more control over what I see, too, so that's cool.


I 've often wanted to try, but ive been forbidden.


Did salvia once, that was an experience.


Observed 4D reality.


Good timrs.

Forbidden, how?


The way I trip out sometimes without hallucinagens has always made me weary as to whether I can handle it.

There's only one way to find out!  ::spin::

After a handful of overkill weed doses, I have weird patterns show up when I close my eyes or look at a solid color while very tired. If I'm tired enough, or took enough weed, it turns into constantly changing images, like cartoons and landscapes and faces. I'm starting to get more control over what I see, too, so that's cool.

I get visual effects when I look at complex images like leaves in a tree or the patterns in a side walk even when not tripping now. They don't move at all, they just pop up and freeze in place. At any rate, you should smoke more weed.

Salvia even in the most potent miligrams hasn't ever made me trip that bad..


well except for the time it looked like my nose melted off, and I was somehow trapped in the

inside of my bedroom wall. good times. Apparently my friend that had just smoked it with me

didn't notice me pressed up against the wall like...how did I get inside this wall.. I mean if I

got in theres gotta be a way out right..and spacial orientation was backwards like when Palkia

throws the "spacial rend" on smash bros 5.  :|  I guess homey had his own spirit vision goin on.


I get visual effects when I look at complex images like leaves in a tree or the patterns in a side walk even when not tripping now. They don't move at all, they just pop up and freeze in place. At any rate, you should smoke more weed.

I don't do much smoking. I've smoked salvia once but that's about all. I do weed in edibles from time to time, though.

I hear salvia can be hard to use if you have a high tolerance.


I got caught in a time loop while sinking into a staircase amd the universe shrank with every iteration. Weird stuff.


lol yeah I could only imagine what would happen if I tried to actually trip on acid and it didn't do anything

with a tab or something..but from what I hear a tab or very small dose is enough for the whole colors and

little spinning images kick in.. The problem with salvia is I was even told by the headshop lady (back when

it was legal here) that the hallucagenic stuff wont happen unless you hold in 30 second hits..


I experimented with it cautiously at first until I was like ok I guess theres nothing left now to do except

hold it in as long as I can and jump down the rabbit hole.. I've never got hurt or tripped out long enough

for it to be a bad experience though.. after the hallucagenic effects wear off you still have a nice weed like

high for a while with the highest milligram. I usually ended up laughing my ass off about the dumb shit

the hallucinations made me think or do with the giggly weed like high amplifying it.  :D

Guest IncoherentBabbling

DMT is where it's at.


DMT is where it's at.

I took that for the first time on accident. I was totally not paying attention, lost in thought, and I had the notion weed was being passed to me... Everything was pulsating like a heartbeat, all together and in unison. Like, the pulse of living vitality of reality itself. That was a cool one.
Guest IncoherentBabbling

I took that for the first time on accident. I was totally not paying attention, lost in thought, and I had the notion weed was being passed to me... Everything was pulsating like a heartbeat, all together and in unison. Like, the pulse of living vitality of reality itself. That was a cool one.

Pseudo Science says DMT is the proof of afterlife, higher beings and forms of energy etc. It's precisely that though, Pseudo Science. Problem in that lies in everyone seems to have the same type of experience with it. Is that really what it is? Who knows. The only facts that matter about it - are the body produces a large amount when we sleep, and the body releases all of it when we die.

So, Who knows. Either way there was DMT dropped on the bowl of weed you smoked, prob.


Pseudo Science says DMT is the proof of afterlife, higher beings and forms of energy etc. It's precisely that though, Pseudo Science. Problem in that lies in everyone seems to have the same type of experience with it. Is that really what it is? Who knows. The only facts that matter about it - are the body produces a large amount when we sleep, and the body releases all of it when we die.

So, Who knows. Either way there was DMT dropped on the bowl of weed you smoked, prob.

No, it was just DMT. I was seriously not paying attention. xD

To me, it's hard to say exactly what kind of world we live in, but I do know that there's more to it than the established scientific community purports. Experiences on and off of hallucinogens have demonstrated that much to me beyond a shadow of a doubt. I have no urgent need to convince anyone else; what I've seen is for me and any claim I make is ultimately anecdotal, not solid science. When people get fanatical about these things it's because they are experiencing some cognitive dissonance with incomplete information...

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