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The Daimon Devil Bats were the best, most likable shounen boys. It's no wonder Dr. Stone is knocking it out of the park. Senku isn't quite up to Hiruma's level of awesome, but he's close. 

Really though the writer has a knack for characters. He can make you feel for even the worst of the villains and he can bring amazing depth to a joke character. I shouldn't be surprised that I enjoy the show as much as I do, but I am.



It's amazing what being in love with someone who's actually allowed to marry does for public feedback towards your shouting all the time.

11:00 - Dragonball Super #128 - To the Noble, Proud End! Vegeta Falls! - TV-14L
11:30 - gen:LOCK #7 - It Never Rains - TV-14V

12:00 - Dr. Stone #4 - Fire the Smoke Signal - TV-14LV

12:30 - Fire Force #8 - Infernal Insects - TV-MAS

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #11 - The Magician That Came from the East - TV-MAS

1:30 - Black Clover #87 - Formation of the Royal Knights - TV-14

2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #48 - The Genin Documentary - TV-PGL

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #267 - The Brilliant Military Advisor of the Hidden Leaf - TV-PG

3:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin #11 - The Battle of Loum - TV-14LV

3:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #14 - How to Steal a Kingdom - TV-14SV

4:00 - My Hero Academia #57 - Rescue Exercises - TV-14DL

Featuring Yang Wenli as "Sir Not Appearing in This Episode of Food Wars".


GenLock- Are these two gonna fuck or what. So they're definitely tracking Hologram Man here aren't they. Gee maybe they're using the mental link you have with your evil twinbot. And then the robot was the doctor. Well, that's convenient. This "you're all very special to me" speech rings kinda hollow knowing he recorded it before he knew most of them. Welcome to NASA. Find a way to fuck the hologram. Well this is ominous. Oh hey it's that guy. Oh shit is that ProZD? This is the ex-wife ain't it. Oh hey there's some form of backstories here. This seems like it's going way too well. At least they look cooler now. ROBOSHOGUN. She's a bunny. Whelp, somebody's gonna die.

Dr Stone- GUN. Aww happy science boy. Awww Taiju. He's a good boy. :D Cooking show. TAIJU SCREAMING is my favorite gag. MECHA SENKU says don't make bombs. NEED A POUNDIN', BRO? Well shit. And then they blew up. Stop killing people and we won't shoot you. Fuck you, Kars. Yeah he definitely knows where you are now. WHAT. Blow more shit up! Uh maybe you shouldn't use up all your gunpowder. Oh damn that's the secret fourth use. FUCK YOU, KARS. Senku's got some balls of steel. Don't hurt her, Taiju will cry. Hey her hair looks cute. To be fair, we all love Taiju. EAT SHIT, KARS. Science boy no. There's more people! Oh hey it's a girl. Senku x Science is my OTP. Tiny Senku is adorable. AWWWW. :D This random old man is great. Tiny Taiju! :D Oh my god Tiny Senku. Aww look at the dolls. SUCCESS. Really shouldn't have used up all that gunpowder. Jesus christ. You could still be friends it's not too late. NO NOT MY SCIENCE BOY. That's it, show's over.

Fire Force- Hey there boyfriend. Goddamn mosquito. Again, what is it with the nun fetish, Toonami? I can understand the guy who's just here for titties. Every time they pull the bullshit fanservice with her I age like that guy at the end of Indiana Jones. Whelp, somebody's dead. Shit's not suspicious at all. Don't blow your cover, asshole. Maybe she wouldn't get molested as often if they let her have actual clothes. JUGGERNAUT. Excalibuuuur, excalibuuuur. Y'all done fucked up now. Yeah just believe him whole hog no questions asked. Oh what the fuck now. Whelp, they're about to kill a bunch of kids. Yeah sure waste that time here while the kids get immolated. Well, thanks for kicking her into silence at least. "I'LL MURDER AS MANY CHILDREN AS I NEED!" Well, the kid didn't die at least. He's Gen Lock compatible. Or you could grow a set and fight him yourself, you pathetic waste of tits. Boot to the head. Not gonna lie, I kinda hope boyfriend gets killed off so I can drop this show sooner rather than later.

Food Wars- Expel him. You look less attractive with clothes on. Stick by your decision to expel her and you'll be my favorite character. This is bullshit. He's got a point, she sucks at everything. "He'd tear us a new one, and not in a good way," dude what the hell does that mean. Oh no, she has to actually fucking work. Thank you, someone FINALLY calls them on their shit. "Petrified dimwit" is an accurate description of her. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER, BITCH. Can we see your dad again instead of this bullshit? So you've wasted like half the goddamn challenge at this point. To be fair, Megumi absolutely deserves to be expelled for the complete lack of skills she's shown. No shit it has to be done quickly, you wasted the entire challenge shitting your pants. He's still doing all the goddamn work, how is this allowed? It's a cabbage hot pocket. Aging like the Cryptkeeper here, show. Just fuck the cabbage already. The Legume Magician is a terrible name. And then Sailor Moon. So are we actually supposed to like Megumi or what.

Clover- Hi there, fairly decent character. Hey she brought booze! Did she always have that weird little fang? I enjoy watching Yami hate things. Oh my god you're an unbearable bag of garbage. You fucking failed, obnoxious Dandy. Wait who else got in is there another one I forgot? Stop insulting me, show. Wait the fat guy's on their squad? Kill them all, angry fire lady. Oh no what a shame Dimestore Griffith isn't here. Oh, there's Hisoka. Wait since when is he on the Bulls team? Hey Captain Sexy. Stop screaming you dipshit. This uniform kinda sucks. Nobody likes you, Asta. How do you just run out of fabric you have magic you can just make more. Oh, it's that douche. I don't know if this is new information or if I just don't give enough of a shit to remember it. Just save time and kill them all now. Oh god what the fuck now. At least somebody got laid. I don't know if these elves? are supposed to look like other people or if the character design is just that lazy.

Lupin- I hope Fujiko's still in her underwear. Oh you bastard. Aww she put her clothes back on. Oh hey, it's Lupin's friend who shot him. Sweet car. Jigen and Goemon are confused by technology. Jigen can't smoke, we can't stay here. HI FUJIKO. We all dream of banging Fujiko in front a natural wonder of the world. Ami's just here to help her friend. Oh she's cute. Fujiko's tits can solve all problems. Awww she loves her. Huh, so that's how he makes the masks. SHE'S TOO YOUNG FOR YOU, LUPIN. Poor guy got uniform jacked on his birthday. This is probably not a good thing. Fuck the CIA. :D Ami's fucking brutal. Sweet dance moves. Oh hey Zenigata. Well now he's suspicious. Yeah this definitely isn't a trap. Hey there Lupin. Wow that's a little intense for you. Never trust a man with a southern accent. Go save your friend! That's definitely not Jigen in disguise. Oh you're gonna get shot again, Ami. Fuck you, sir. Kick him in the dick! Hey Lupin. And then he was Best Jeanist. Awwww. Aw shit. WHAT. Man, Lupin's racking up a lot of projectile wounds in this series.

13 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Fire Force- Every time they pull the bullshit fanservice with her I age like that guy at the end of Indiana Jones.

Food Wars- So are we actually supposed to like Megumi or what.

Clover- You fucking failed, obnoxious Dandy.

Knowing you, I think you melting like the other guy at the end of Indiana Jones would be more appropriate given the situation. (Unless that's the same guy, I dunno, I never watched Indiana Jones.)
More than Soma, at least.
His name's "Virgin Street Punk Dandy".

DRAGON BALL SUPER - At least there's only three episodes left.

GEN:LOCK - Considering how we don't know what happened with ANVIL after the Union released their nanotech clouds, I assume they'll pop up again either in the finale or the second season (if RT ever makes it) to explain what went on. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled an "and then they also died, end of discussion" like they did with Chase's family.

DR. STONE - I enjoyed Mecha-Senku popping up to tell us not to actually make gunpowder at home. That said, things are looking pretty bleak, even considering the presence of more people than just our main four.

FIRE FORCE - Yep, this show's got me again. Say it's legitimately bad all you want, your "objective opinions" won't stop me from not loving this show (outside of Hibana's horrendous first impression, that is). As for episode-particular enjoyment, I like that starry-eyed evil fire soldier guy sounds like Bryce Papenbrook but with actual range. :D

FOOD WARS - Uhhhhhhhh cabbages aren't legumes, show. I'mma hafta dock you points for that.

BLACK CLOVER - You know, I wouldn't be surprised if Angel ever got tired of Mereoleona's anger just like she did of Vanessa's being a drunken floozy.

BORUTO - Technically, Naruto did take the Chunin Exam, he just never passed.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Gaara's taking this whole "my dad just came back to life" thing pretty well, even though he's primarily angry about it above all else.

MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: THE ORIGIN - I'm gonna make a meme this week to celebrate the debut of OTN Mask Kycilia, because of course I'd do that.

LUPIN THE 3RD PART 5 - CIA guy's a dick, should've expected that from the Japanese. Zenigata actually being Lupin caught me off guard for once, at least until ten seconds before the reveal. I'm not sure whether the traditional headdress makes me like Dolma more, or if it makes me trust her less. It probably has nothing to do with her arrowing Lupin without realizing it.

[read: it totally does]


At last, an episode without explicit sexual content!

11:00 - Dragonball Super #129 - A Transcendent Limit Break! Autonomous Ultra Instinct Mastered! - TV-PGV
11:30 - gen:LOCK #8 - Identity Crisis - TV-14LV

12:00 - Dr. Stone #5 - Stone World The Beginning - TV-14LV

12:30 - Fire Force #9 - The Spreading Malice - TV-MA

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #12 - The Memory of a Single Dish - TV-MA

1:30 - Black Clover #88 - Storming the Eye of the Midnight Sun's Hideout!!! - TV-PG

2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #49 - Wasabi and Namida - TV-PG

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #268 - Battleground! - TV-PGDL

3:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin #12 - Char, the Red Comet - TV-14LV

3:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #15 - Her Relationship With Lupin - TV-14SV

4:00 - My Hero Academia #58 - Special Episode: Save the World With Love! - TV-14V

I'm totally betting someone still gets naked though.

6 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

4:00 - My Hero Academia #58 - Special Episode: Save the World With Love! - TV-14V

I'm totally betting someone still gets naked though.

Is it me because they're showing All Smite for my birthday?


You were right, it was Science Boy.

Gen Lock- Oh good that guy's alive. Doc blew the fuck up at point-blank range I don't think he's coming back. Well, that was a lucky save. "Oh, oh damn" is also how I react to most bad news. You could always date the robot, he's got like half his brain in him. Tell him he's got a small dick and wait for him to rage out. Oh, you're fucked. YEET. Please tell me somebody combines Gurren Lagann style before the end of this. Shut up and merge. Aw fuck he just regenerates. Get it, Val. You're wasting time just get in the mind orgy. Whelp, you're fucked. Sorry dude you're never getting your dick back. And now you're dead. That can't be a good thing. Who the hell is that? I'm not being snarky I genuinely don't know who this is. Oh hey it's your ex. How many times is he gonna die this episode? MIND ORGY, GO. That went surprisingly well. Oh that's a lot of clones. Whelp, that guy is fucked. Can you still fuck in the hologram world? I still have no idea what the Union is.

Dr Stone- Oh right Senku died. :( They could have been friends! Taiju's gonna need a hug. Fuck you, Kars. Don't you touch my good boy. Take your anger out on this rock. FUCK YEAH, SCIENCE. Eat shit, Kars. OH COME ON. Uh honey I think you're a little late for CPR. Well that's some horrifying foreshadowing. He somehow switched his neck with a fake one, calling it. Oh shit it's a rock. Now try mouth-to-mouth. That is some conveniently growing moss. Hey monkeys. :D Censor scribble. :D The monkeys. You lost me on the math 10 seconds into this conversation. I love these douchebag monkeys. You need to work on your handjob game. Fuck these rocks in particular. :D SHINY MONKEY ACQUIRED STONE TOOLS. Oh sweet he made a fire thingy. Suck it, monkeys. You'd think he would have gotten stronger over all this time but I guess not. RIP Bambi. Senku honey that's not how you make clothes. I like hte implication that he hand-stitched the E=MC2 into his shirt just for the aesthetic. Meanwhile, he's still dead.

Fire Force- How will this show leave me disappointed and unfulfilled today? I do enjoy how that one guy apparently fights with a fucking tuba. I hate Tamaki a little more every time I see her. Bitch don't you have fire catgirl powers or some shit that are a paper-thin excuse to have your tits out and get molested? Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll all die. The what now? "Oh man I have murdered SO MANY kids for this!" And we pause for gratuitous tits because fuck you, viewers. I hate this show. How is this worse than the show where people literally orgasm on screen over cabbage? COME AT ME BRO. Look, look at her tits, we demand it! Oh right, there's still a bunch of kidnapped children here. I don't think that's how oxygen works. Why wouldn't he set kids on fire, they're weak and easy to trick. You'r'e in a cult, dude. Todoroki intensifies. Thank god at least somebody died. Hey there Seitz are you hot in this? You don't need arms. Shoot them with your magic tuba. I demand she be executed. Arthur is now Zoro. Heyyy Cap'n Sexy. SON OF A BITCH I HATE THIS SHOW.

Food Wars- She made that because she's too stupid to think of anything else. I agree with everyone shitting on her. Fail her. That's impressive considering she spent half the challenge cryiing about it. I'm pretty sure your teachers know how to make sundried tomatoes without your explanation. I hate you all. Y'all do realize that Soma did like 80% of the work on this, right? Fail her. HAHAHAHAHA EAT SHIT. Is the show over now? THIS IS BULLSHIT. Okay but he's right about all of this, she lost fair and square and kick her ass out. Holy shit I don't care about this backstory. And then racism. Man why is he not the main character this is infinitely more interesting than Soma. YEE HAW. Isn't this just Ratatouille? This is some horse shit. And she's saved until the next time Soma has to jump in and save her ass from utter failure. No shit you lost you're like 15 fighting a professional chef. I don't yet hate the bros.

Clover- He still in a coma? Yeah, getting a limb ripped off is usually pretty bad. Y'all really didn't figure out that guy's a traitor? You're both terrible. This is exhausting. Gee that's not ominous at all. Christ Mimosa have some standards. He's not shy he just hates you all. I'm too old for this shit. Just insult me to my face here, you absolute cunt of a show. She's so angry and I relate to that in my very soul. Someone please kill Tinkerbell. Douchenozzle just wants to see some carnage. Holy shit that guy's voice is deep. Your best plan is to use Asta as a human shield. God I hope most of them die. No, you're the goddamn obnoxious one. Murder them, fire lady. Oh I don't like where this is going. This is probably a trap. You're right, you're just gonna get in her way.

Lupin- Last time, Lupin got shot in the gut again. Damn Fujiko's got some arms on her. That necklace looks great. Fuck you, monk dude. Where did she even get that rocket launcher?! Well at least she's nice enough to spare Ami. Don't trust this priest. Well this guy with the tragic backstory is definitely gonna die. It's nice that Fujiko bothered to learn first aid to help anyone else. Distract yourself by staring at her tits. He's definitely playing the cold thing for attention. God I wish that were me. PIRATE FUJI. This is a great birthday gift, thank you show. I mean, I'd also be heartbroken if I lost out on Fujiko. Oh crap Zeni you''re gonna get yourself arrested. Sorry king you're about to get shot. HEY KOOL-AID MAN. Aww they're friends now. You don't know how to throw things? YEET. Congratulations, you just killed your first truck full of people. Fujiko I love you. She's being a diversion, you idiot. HI FUJIKO'S TITS. Fucking drone. God I love her. Well this dude's about to die. LUPIN WHAT THE FUCK. Awwwwww. Wait what. GIVE ME THE JUICY DETAILS.

Hero- I have an unhealthy love for that Villain Might costume. Watching that movie is just putting up with my thirst for 90 minutes straight.

Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Watching that movie is just putting up with my thirst for 90 minutes straight.

It's true!

Edited by Top Gun
  • Like 1

DRAGON BALL SUPER - At least Goku after mastering Ultra Instinct was cool, I guess. God I can't wait for this arc to finally end.

GEN:LOCK - Last night, I posted in the /co/ Toonami discussion that I'm actually enjoying gen:LOCK, while at the same time calling their collective hatred of the show "forced". One guy called me a retard and the other claimed that I can't enjoy it or any other shows on Toonami without getting drunk, which just proves my point that they're forcing their hate. Still, whether the hate is justified or not, especially after the unpleasantness at Rooster Teeth that all but confirmed a second season isn't in the cards, I still liked it, and that's all that matters. I give it a solid 8/10.

DR. STONE - I liked the "what if" scenario that showed Tsukasa as part of Senku's friend group. Shame things had to turn out the way they did. I loved Taiju and Yuzuriha's distraction tactic, a well-done use of Chekhov's Gag. Now to hope the miracle fluid worked while we were treated to that helpful flashback. (Told y'all there'd be nudity tonight.)

FIRE FORCE - I've watched so many fanservice anime/anime with fanservice moments that Tamaki's Lucky Lecher Lure acting up isn't giving me the strong feelings of "DO NOT WANT" that the rest of you appear to be exhibiting, but I will agree that their presence during what should have otherwise been a serious fight scene was most uncool. The only thing more annoying was Rekka's "My stars!" catchphrase. Well, he's dead now, so I guess that's enough of that.

FOOD WARS! - Apparently Japan has a different definition of "legume" than we do, that's my only explanation for why they're referring to vegetables as if they're beans or peanuts. Megumi may have lost in a technical sense, but I'm glad the other three graduates there - the winner among them, surprisingly! - brought it to a draw.

BLACK CLOVER - I feel sorry Angel had to put up with Tabata's caricature of her singing so terribly even Florence Foster Jenkins would balk on her birthday. Oh well, at least Sisgoleon got to beat some people up.

BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - Ah, teenage girl arguments.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - "I'm not into S&M, thanks!" :D Really, what more needs to be said about this episode?

MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: THE ORIGIN - How did they get away with showing the nipples on that statue? Was S&P asleep at the wheel this week? Well, that would explain the lack of an S on Food Wars...

LUPIN THE 3RD: PART 5 - Has anyone ever thought to just shoot down one of those drones? I mean, I can understand why the one in the Lupin Game arc wasn't shot down, being Lupin's own and all, but this is the enemy, so things should be different?

On 9/22/2019 at 1:15 PM, PokeNirvash said:

I've watched so many fanservice anime/anime with fanservice moments that Tamaki's Lucky Lecher Lure acting up isn't giving me the strong feelings of "DO NOT WANT" that the rest of you appear to be exhibiting

I've watched lots of fanservice anime too, but this isn't even good fanservice. Hell I don't even think it can qualify as bad fanservice. It's honestly insulting to the audience. Plenty of decent characters exist for fanservice, but Tamaki's whole personality is "gets molested repeatedly" and it's fucking gross. 

  • Thanks 1

I can agree that it's insulting, in the sense that the accidental molestations have no place cutting into what should be serious action scenes, like I said immediately after what you quoted.


We're nearing the end of an era.

11:00 - Dragonball Super #130 - The Greatest Showdown of All Time! The Ultimate Survival Battle! - TV-14LV

11:30 - Dragonball Super #121 - All Out War! The Ultimate Four-Fold Union vs. the 7th's Total Offensive! - TV-14
12:00 -
Dragonball Super #122 - With His Pride on the Line! Vegeta's Challenge to Be the Strongest! - TV-PG

12:30 - Dragonball Super #123 - Body, Soul and Power Unleashed! Goku and Vegeta! - TV-PGLV

1:00 - Dragonball Super #124 - A Storm-and-Stress Assault! Gohan's Last Stand! - TV-PGV

1:30 - Dragonball Super #125 - A Commanding Presence! The Advent of Top the Destroyer! - TV-14L

2:00 - Dragonball Super #126 - Surpass Even a God! Vegeta's Sacrifice Strike! - TV-14L

2:30 - Dragonball Super #127 - The Approaching Wall! A Hopeful Final Barrier! - TV-14L

3:00 - Dragonball Super #128 - To the Noble, Proud End! Vegeta Falls! - TV-14L

3:30 - Dragonball Super #129 - A Transcendent Limit Break! Autonomous Ultra Instinct Mastered! - TV-PGV

4:00 - Dragonball Super #130 - The Greatest Showdown of All Time! The Ultimate Survival Battle! - TV-14LV

Thank Zeno.


Catching up on lost replies.

On 9/22/2019 at 4:20 AM, EmpressAngel said:

Gen Lock- I still have no idea what the Union is.

Fire Force-  I hate Tamaki a little more every time I see her. And we pause for gratuitous tits because fuck you, viewers. I hate this show. SON OF A BITCH I HATE THIS SHOW.

Food Wars- I don't yet hate the bros.

No one does.

I'm forever disappointed that Fire Force wound up being another Dimension W: a show co-produced by Funimation to the point that their staff is in the Japanese credits, starting out strong only for most people to wind up hating it or at least finding it mediocre by the time we're past the single digits in episode count. And once again, I'm one of the only ones in the "like" category, though with Tamaki's molestation magnet being more intrusive than ever - they could've at least saved the creepy fanservice for after the kickass fight scene! - I'm starting to inch towards the "eh" party.

This is probably the one Food Wars-related opinion of yours that I don't understand. While not to the degree of the obligatory Luci Christian and Greg Ayres characters at their screechiest, the dudebros from the dorm group come off as obnoxious IMO, though that's probably the accents and lack of a solid second dimension making me think that way. If anything, I'd have thought the chainsaw guy with the hentai protagonist hair would be your personal best of the group, but I'm guessing he's a little bland, right?

11:00 - Dragonball Super #131 - A Miraculous Conclusion! Farewell Goku! Until We Meet Again! - TV-PGLV - END
11:30 - Dr. Stone #6 - Two Nations of the Stone World - TV-14LV

12:00 - Dr. Stone #7 - Where Two Million Years Have Gone - TV-14LV

12:30 - Fire Force #10 - The Promise - TV-14LSV

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #13 - Eggs Before the Dawn - TV-MAS

1:30 - Black Clover #89 - The Black Bulls' Hideout - TV-14

2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #50 - The Chunin Exam: The Recommendation Meeting - TV-PGV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #269 - Forbidden Words - TV-PGL

3:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin #13 - One Year War - TV-14LV - END

3:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #16 - Let's Talk About First Loves - TV-14LSV

4:00 - My Hero Academia #59 - What's the Big Idea? - TV-14L

Oh yeah, and here's the schedule while we're at it.

14 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

I'd have thought the chainsaw guy with the hentai protagonist hair would be your personal best of the group, but I'm guessing he's a little bland, right?

I genuinely forget that guy even exists when I'm not looking directly at him.

Dr Stone- Hey look you found a friend! Yeah I'd say "What turned everyone into stones?" is a bigger question. :D These hypotheses are amazing. WHAT IN TARNATION. Okay so figure out what you have in common with these specific birds. Senku/Science is my OTP. The secret is shit. Aww he tried to wake up his friend first. Senku's reaction faces are incredible. Alright buddy you're losing me with the science talk. It's hardcore that he bit his thumb open just to write that equation on his shirt. Try mouth to mouth again. HE'S OKAY! Welcome to the stone age, where the points don't matter. HUGGING. Shut up and do a group hug. SCIENCE FLAG. Y'all might wanna put some distance away from Kars. Hey there whatcha up to? Great you broke her. I love this wholesome dumbass. This sounds like a real bad idea. Oh my god I can't wait for the robots. Meanwhile those people are definitely running into Tsukasa as we speak. It seems like an obvious problem here is that Taiju is too sweet to lie. Awwww. Fuck you, Kars. Oh hey she's cute. KICK HIS ASS. I like her. Oh shit did somebody not get stoned back in the day? You made a new friend! Soap is the real MVP. Bitches love pulleys, Senku. GET IT, SCIENCE BOY.

Shippin' it. "He hit me with a tree." Is your sister also cute? Senku no you have no muscles. Well at least he tried. CAR. Oh shit they have a dog! Hellooo women. Does somebody just go in the recording booth and punch Justin Briner in the balls before he does a character? Kohaku has zero goddamn chill. BUBBLES. He blinded me with science. :D That's a Joestar technique right there. Oh shit he knows some things. Burn the witch! Well kido the important thing is you tried. Stop ruining all the fun, Senku! :D Oh my god. Aww he's like a baby science boy. Eat shit, Kars. Oh my god boy you are going to lose so hard. Look at all the science! Aww look you made another friend. A philosopher's stone, you say? Okay that spear is fucking awesome. He's not gonna get your video game references. Aww that's sweet. Oh dang her sister's cute. Well it's a long story. Whelp she's dying. Tell him about the smartphones. Stop crying you baby. Alright I love this kid. Hell yeah time for DRUGS.

Fire Force- Hey there Cap'n Sexy. Oooh he looks nice in a suit. I hate you, lady. There is exactly one good woman in this show. Please get your gun out. Oh god why the fuck is Tamaki here. I'm never gonna remember any of these people. Alright I kinda like this guy who hates everyone. Oh right that one guy exists. No, lock him up. He's absolutely going to get captured before the end of the week. Yes take off your clothes. Wow what a surprise that evil guy showed up the moment you left him alone. PAPERWORK, GO. "Could go poorly, probably will" is how I feel going in to work every week. I want to die. Yes I agree go see the captain. Maybe they'd trust you more if you weren't constantly pointing guns at them. Why can't Cap'n Sexy be the one with the nudity powers. I like the mascots. Of course you can trust the creepy arsonist who appears randomly to threaten everyone. Yeah you're gonna have to kill your brother.

Food Wars- We went into Jojo for a second there. Oh hey, seh actually passed a challenge without Soma doing all the work for her. Who the fuck is this? Why does Soma wear a completely different uniform from everyone else? Eggs for breakfast, groundbreaking. No really, are we supposed to like Erina like, at all? I miss his hot dad. I fucking hate Megumi. The bros continue to be the most tolerable characters. Who the fuck is this slutty albino? Is every show on the block required to have a Sasuke lookalike? Why aren't you playing with your balls. "I'M TRYING TO BE A CUNT TO YOU, DON'T YOU GET IT?" Goddamn kids. Oh yeah nothing gets me pumped for the day like a fucking salad. Big deal if I had a quarter every time I got propose to because of my cooking I'd be rich. Bitch shouldn't you be cooking food or something? I've literally never had eggs benedict. Honestly Denny's sounds better. Wow I bet he's totally failing and isn't going to pull a win out of his ass within five minutes next week.

Clover- Everyone has a better day when Asta's not there. Hey there, other Cap'n Sexy. Fuck you, sister fucker. Charmy really is the best character in this show. They're silently juding you for wainting to fuck your child sister. Is this filler? He's gonna go make a sex doll of his kindergarden-aged sister. I hope these zombies kill them. Holy shit, there's an actual plot in here? I have no memory of this scene. Forget what he said, please kill him. Oh hey, she actually did something. Yami's gonna be pissed if you fuck up his bathroom. I don't give a shit aobut your backstories. It's annoying that the show can't decide whether to give him subtitles or not. Oh hey he can speak at a normal volume. Oh god what the fuck now. Who the fuck are you?!

Lupin- Never trust a man with an eyepatch. Man these guards are awful at their job. Meanwhile, thiings go horribly wrong. Hiiiii Fujiko. Oh that sounds ominous. So does nobody here notice that she's white? Awww, this is sweet. Dolma honey you're going to get yourself killed. Man he moves fast for a guy with so many wounds to the gut in this series. Oh hey Goemon. Oh hey Jigen. Gee who could have guessed that dressing all your hienchmen in obscuring masks would backfire. WOW WHAT A SHOCK THIS BACKFIRED. Tell me more about the harem. Way to take one for the team, buddy. She's right, fuck America. Now somebody give that girl a hug. Can confirm, being a ruthless she-devil is great. He's right, where's Fujitits. Awww, these girls. Oh no sweetie he's too old for you. Oh honey, your boobs are never gonna get that big. Oh my god will you two just fuck already.

On 10/5/2019 at 1:52 PM, PokeNirvash said:

I'm forever disappointed that Fire Force wound up being another Dimension W: a show co-produced by Funimation to the point that their staff is in the Japanese credits, starting out strong only for most people to wind up hating it or at least finding it mediocre by the time we're past the single digits in episode count. And once again, I'm one of the only ones in the "like" category, though with Tamaki's molestation magnet being more intrusive than ever - they could've at least saved the creepy fanservice for after the kickass fight scene! - I'm starting to inch towards the "eh" party.

I wouldn't go that far, as there's a lot more people who like this one than DW. It's got a great art style and some episodes with really fluid animation, and the more recent episodes have apparently been a step up by those who have seen them. And even though it has some misogynistic themes, they're more due to aloofness on the writer's part than the feelings of someone who hates women. I've also heard from people who read the manga saying the series gets a lot better with time, so if you want to like this one, I think you should. It might get you some street cred down the line. 😌

I watched the last episode of DBS on yesterday's block just to send it off, along with my usual choices of Dr. Stone and Food Wars!. All in all, a good night. I'll have to bust out a hideously long essay talking about these shows (and gen:LOCK) at some point.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Blatch said:

And even though it has some misogynistic themes, they're more due to aloofness on the writer's part than the feelings of someone who hates women.

Personally, I think gratuitous fanservice of the degree Fire Force has shown is more "sexist" than "misogynistic". (People acting like they're synonymous is one of my bigger and more logical pet peeves.) If you want an anime that looks like it/actually does hate women, try digging up a little unknown show from 2004 called Samurai Gun, or at least the entry for it on this page. But even then, it ain't all bad, not with its kickass theme song.

DRAGON BALL SUPER - For as long and boring the road to the finale was, the finale itself was actually pretty dang fun. Good on 17 for bringing back the eliminated universes, it's not as if a private cruise for his family is outside of Bulma's seemingly unlimited budget. And of course, you've gotta end it with the obligatory Goku vs. Vegeta sparring match. 7.75/10.

DR. STONE DOUBLE HEADER - Aaron Dismuke talking about equivalent exchange should make us all happy for the same reason. Ah, so that explains why Taiju and Yuzuriha suddenly disappeared from the plot while Senku met up with another cast of characters. Even before the gorilla comparison, I think "lioness" was actually a flattering term for Kohaku. Chrome is equal parts smart and stupid, and we can all relate to that in various degrees.

FIRE FORCE - Contention between the captains? Shinra's little brother hanging with the bad guys? Tamaki in a hadaka apron? And people say I should be on the hate bandwagon with the rest of them... 😏 Though I am a little annoyed we never found out what the deal was with Arthur getting lost at the end of last episode.

FOOD WARS! - Say what you will about the show itself, but Isshiki's nightmare was one of its best sequences so far, from Kenshiro!Soma to Sukeban!Megumi to Zenji getting himself killed. (Also, we just saw a teenager's pubes for the first time on Toonami! What a world we live in...) That pale-looking girl with her ball-fondling Sasuke lookalike companion is very interesting, both in her apparent connection to Erina and her curiosity towards Soma, and that goes without mentioning her minimalist breakfast. I actually wanna try making Takumi's frittata salad. Megumi believing in herself and improving as a result makes me very glad for her. Now to wait and see how Soma wound up screwing up for once...

BLACK CLOVER - You know things are bad when Gauche is the only sane man in a group of three. And his attraction to making his own Figmas is only putting him further down the path to full-blown lolicon. And I've made my decision: I'm no longer sexually interested in Sally. Talks about dissecting people alive too much. 😒

BORUTO - I have faith Toonami will pick up more Boruto eventually. They paused premieres for Bleach after 52 episodes and no one claimed it was never coming back then. Then again, Boruto is less well-regarded than Soul Society-arc Bleach...

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Darui's a pretty cool guy, thinks his way out of harrowing situations and doesn't afraid of anything.

MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: THE ORIGIN - And now I have my excuse to start watching OG Gundam. But the time to actually do that will have to wait. 9/10.

LUPIN THE 3RD PART 5 - I'm glad Dolma got a generally good end. I wish it didn't involve demonizing us Americans in the process tho.

Edited by PokeNirvash
On 11/7/2016 at 5:10 PM, Cidz said:

does trunks even come by anymore? does he even watch the anime block? did he ever exsist in the first place?

its been 3 yrs and i still ponder over these questions. 

also, curiously does anyone still watch anime on tv? 


Tonight, one of three things will happen:

  1. Tamaki will not show up in this week's Fire Force.
  2. Tamaki will show up in this week's Fire Force, but the Lucky Lecher Lure won't.
  3. Both Tamaki and the Lucky Lecher Lure will show up, but the latter will be censored a la episode 3.

11:00 - Dragonball Super #128 - To the Noble, Proud End! Vegeta Falls! - TV-14L
11:30 - One Punch Man #13 - Return of the Hero - TV-14LV

12:00 - Dr. Stone #8 - Stone Road - TV-14L

12:30 - Fire Force #11 - The Formation of Special Company Fire Force 8: Mightiest Hikeshi - TV-14V

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #14 - Metamorphose - TV-MAS

1:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #1 - Cruelty - TV-14V

2:00 - Black Clover #90 - Crazy Magic Battle - TV-14

2:30 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #51 - Boruto's Birthday - TV-PG

3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #270 - Golden Bonds - TV-14V

3:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #17 - Introducing Detective Jim Barnett III - TV-14LSV

4:00 - My Hero Academia #60 - A Talk About Your Quirk - TV-14

The answer may surprise you! Myself included.

On 10/11/2019 at 12:43 AM, Cidz said:

does anyone still watch anime on tv?

Very rarely for me anyways, everything they show that has any interest to me I've already seen.


OPM- Hiiii Saitama. KING EXPLOSION MURDER. Wasn't that guy in Hunter x Hunter? I'm uncomfortable with this. KICK HIS ASS. He looks like discount All Might. Oh I like him. The robot looks cool. RIP robot. Let the man shit. :D Me too, dude. Poor guy's out of his element. I forgot that Genos is cool. Damn, the hair on this NPC. I love this fucking weeb. Hey Saitama. You made a friend! Meanwhile, Genos does things. Aw shit there's anoter smaller robot inside it. Hey you might wanna go help your friend. Saitama knows that feel. REVELRY IN THE DARK. How'd you get that scar? Speaking of super strong dudes. :D Oh my god he pissed himself. Oh, that's how he got the scar. He looks so weird with hair. Saitama is my boyfriend. Genos buddy that might not be the best idea. Ohhhh right, he was looking for one specific dude. Don't listen to the doctor, let the hate flow through you. Ohhh this is probably not a good thing. That's just Tuxedo Mask. HEAVY TANK LOINCLOTH is the best name. Oh it's the guy who got his dick crushed. Okay I do like his outfit. Helloooo new girl. You two should team up. Oh yeah I'm really scared of these people going after him. FRIENDS. I'm sure this guy won't be important.

Dr Stone- Ha, the stone people coming to life. Y'all could just try meeting him yourselves. Come on kids time to make drugs. :D YAAAY robot. I love science boy so much. Be a little more condescending, buddy. SCIENCE TIME, BITCHES. They're going to burn you as a witch if you keep talking. Huh, mystery solved. You made a compass. Fucking magnets, how do they work. The only thing that gives Senku a boner is the concept of science itself. The hell is that. It's a fucking gremlin, shoot it. Awww she's cute. So why is she wearing a melon on her head. I love this child. Wait how do you know what that is. How does Ruri know that??? I don't think that's how the story goes. Calm down dumbass, he's already married to science. Could you just combine like three fires to make it hotter? SCREAMING. Aww melon girl. Give Deku the fancy spear. Congratulations you've found a new dumbass. I'm adopting her. SHERLOCK MELON. Suika is the best. MANLY. Hellooo girls. Me too, girls. Ya gotta seduce the girls, Senku. I can also be pressed into servitude with food. PUPPY. And then it was Food Wars. Alton Brown would be proud. Now I want ramen. And you're not having a proper bowl of ramen now. :D What. This is great. Calm down there Senku.

Fire Force- Hi boyfriend. Holy shit does Cap'n Sexy actually get to be in this episode? They look so young. Oh this flashback friend is definitely going to die. Welcome to Texas, get your gun blessed. And then he died. Oh hey, boyfriend finally shows up in his own flashback. Here's some douchebags. And when you get enough points, you earn a free pizza! Why can't the show just be about these two. Sometimes the kindeset option is just to shoot someone in the head. I'll start my own company, with blackjack and booze! Welcome to our shitty hovel. Maki is my girlfriend. It's a good thing Cap'n doesn't get screentime or I'd have gotten him killed already. I honestly don't remember if we already know this guy or not. Hey Benny, looks like you're on the wrong side of the river! These are some creepy twins. I'm only halfway sure I know who this guy is. This is only slighty preferable to the Soul Societey alarm system of smacking two blocks of wood together. Do you really have to destroy half the village to take down one fire monster? Your method is just to guilt trip the monster until it dies. I mean, I can think of worse ways to die.

Food Wars- Eat shit, you asshole. I'm not lucky enough to see him get kicked out. I disagree about presentation, my fat ass makes a beeline to the mac & cheese station at every buffet and never looks back. I hate this albino already. Okay that's actually a pretty cool idea, you albino witch. Moo. Calm the fuck down it's just eggs. I enjoy watching Soma suffer. I miss hot dad. The jello jiggles less than the tits in this show. He just did like 90 plates in three minutes, 100 more sounds fine. I hate this albino bitch. Of course Soma pulled something out of his ass that's better than everyone else. I admit I do love that onion volcano they make at the Japanese restaurants. Success bros. I'd laugh so hard if he got to 199 and failed. This show does't let me have any fun. Shut the fuck up, albino. The hell, are they sisters? Hi Sasuke. Don't fight I hate you both. I could just be watching reruns of Cutthroat Kitchen right now. This definitely sounds like a trap. I hope the cleaning staff gets paid well for dealing with the aftermath of the mass orgasms.

Demon Slayer- Time for watch more terrible things happen to adorable children. He's the Little Match Girl. He's gonna come back to his entire famiy slaughtered isn't he. Oh FUCK that sounds ominous. Yes hello I'm adopting this child. Ohhh this is gonna hurt. Aaaaand everyone's dead. Oh look, I'm already crying. Someone hug this boy. That's not normal. Crap she's got rabies. Sorry kiddo you're gonna have to axe your sister in the neck. Wait don't stab her she's okay! MY WEAVE. Get a muzzle on that girl, stat. Um honey she was trying to eat your face two minutes ago. Wow, rude. Dude's got some crazy grip strength to keep her stuck in place like that. Well the important thing is you tried. LET ME AXE YOU A QUESTION. Awwww she's protecting him. This is my daughter please don't kill her. Ohhh this hurts. Okay the feudal-era gag kinda cracks me up. Huh I guess shes like a reverse  vampire. :( They buried their family.

Clover- I just saw a seizure warning, what the fuck is going on now. No really who the fuck is that, I have no idea if he's a new character or not. Is this a Slowpoke gijinka? You can understand this mumbling fucker? Great he's a Disney princess. I hate him already. Yami, continuing to give zero fucks. MY BONEITIS. Throw as many tragic backstories at me that you want, I still don't feel anything for these people. Oh, someone more pathetic than Mumbles. What kind of dumb fucks just leave the priceless magic stone sitting in the middle of the room? And then the house was a mecha. This seems like a move that's going to drain your energy in two minutes and then leave you useless. You can't hurt Asta because he already sucks. Yami's gonna be pissed if you just launched his bathroom across the street. WHY DO YOU ASSHOLES KEEP SCREAMING. This is the worst kaiju fight I've ever seen. Clone jutsu, go. Now can you transform this dumpster fire into a decent show? You people are goddamn awful. Yami's gonna fucking kill you all for wrecking the place. Hi, guy who's definitely not dimestore Griffith. Leave that nun the fuck alone.

Lupin- Hi granny. Oooh murder mystery time. Lady I feel like you could have called in an actual detective for this. Old man killed himself, calling it now. That balcony is definitely suspicious and is gonna play into this somehow. Okay but the facial recognition stuff doesn't inspire much confidence when we've seen criminals like Lupin just casually print a photorealistic mask in about five minutes flat. Bang the cute maid, Lupin. Why don't you rich murder investigation people ever invest in fucking generators? Granny this was maybe not the best plan. This is definitely not Lupin, he's got glasses. The maid did it, calling it now. Granny shot herself in a convoluted plan, calling it now. If you just blindly accuse everybody you'll automatically be right. Dude's drunk as shit. Everyone's in on it together, calling it now. Still not sure why she'd pick the shittiest maid. Oh shit it's the drunk guy. GUN. Hey maybe it's that guy with the gun hding behind the drapes. TWINS. Wow that's horrible, he kinda deserved to die. Holy shit that was Lupin all along.


ONE PUNCH MAN - It's disappointing that Madhouse didn't come back for round two, but at this point in the game, I'm just glad we have a second season of OPM at all. King being in the right place at the wrong time is the best possible explanation for Saitama's heroics having gone unnoticed until now.

DR. STONE - I love these idiot geniuses so damn much. Suika is continued proof that Sarah Wiedenheft is one of the best new voice actresses in the stateside anime industry. But why the melon tho?

FIRE FORCE - The answer was option 2, with the bonus of Tamaki having zero lines! Fire Force is at its best when it's about Obi, Hinawa and Benimaru, there's no disagreement about that.

FOOD WARS! - Soma made it to passing grade at the literal last second, that's a real shounen bullshit move right there. Erina's sister-cousin is easily the better girl between the two relatives. Two-thirds passing is better than I would've expected for a purported training camp from the depths of Hell's kitchen.

DEMON SLAYER - The animation is different but in a good way. The named characters we've met so far are all likeable despite their varied strength and initial intentions. Yuki Kajiura does the whole post-feudal Japanese folk music genre justice. So far, this show lives up to the stellar reputation it's set for itself these past six months.

BLACK CLOVER - I like it whenever a show introduces a new character we've never met, only for it to turn out that the main character met them already. One of my anime concepts actually utilizes this in the second cour, so it was a pleasure to see Black Clover beat me to it in action first.

BORUTO - OTN masks save lives, children. That's why Zabuza didn't kick the bucket until he took his off.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - I have a feeling Tenten grabbing that special fan after Kinkaku's defeat isn't gonna amount to anything. After all, the world just isn't right unless Tenten is being useless.

LUPIN THE 3RD - I haven't seen a solo Lupin episode since episode 10 of Fujiko's anime. Still, that was a fun murder-mystery with a good twist here and a red herring or two there. I'd watch the spinoff where he's solving mysteries with the cute meido (superior fetish to nuns, BTW).

16 hours ago, CAC said:

Very rarely for me anyways, everything they show that has any interest to me I've already seen.

yeah i guess i have cable but not set up doesnt even get adult swim anywhoo. havent watched actual adult swim in like 6yrs i think idk lonnnng time. i just stream everything. even new stuff ill stream as its airing. or ill watch complete series on netflix and hulu. 

i was just curious since this threads still going after like a decade like i didnt know if y'all watched it on tv or streamed it but still talk about it? toonami is still around so maybe ppl do watch on tv. 

Posted (edited)

Replies to Angel from last week:

On 10/6/2019 at 4:01 AM, EmpressAngel said:

Dr Stone- Does somebody just go in the recording booth and punch Justin Briner in the balls before he does a character?

Food Wars- We went into Jojo for a second there. Oh hey, seh actually passed a challenge without Soma doing all the work for her. No really, are we supposed to like Erina like, at all? Oh yeah nothing gets me pumped for the day like a fucking salad.

Clover- It's annoying that the show can't decide whether to give him subtitles or not.

Friendly reminder that Matt Hill (Ed from EEnE) once asked the voice director for Gundam SEED to kick him in the testicles before doing a "Jesus Yamato cries" scene to make the sobbing sound more natural than Soichiro Hoshi's impression of a dying horse.

1. I felt Fist of the North Star vibes from that scene myself.
2. Megumi's really come into her own in the past few episodes, hasn't she.
3. I don't think anyone's supposed to like Erina. I'm even convinced her own VA doesn't like her, otherwise she'd have gone for something besides a valley girl accent.
4. I beg to differ, salad is fucking amazing if you really dress it up.

I have to agree there, either give Gordon subtitles or don't, and if you're gonna go for both, don't switch off the subtitles halfway through the episode, it just makes you look more inconsistent than you already are.

Edited by PokeNirvash
  • Thanks 1

And this week:

16 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Dr Stone- The only thing that gives Senku a boner is the concept of science itself.

Fire Force- Oh hey, boyfriend finally shows up in his own flashback.

Clover- I just saw a seizure warning, what the fuck is going on now. Leave that nun the fuck alone.

He has evolved beyond the need for standard or even non-standard fap material.

Wasn't the flashback always Hinawa's?

1. The seizure warning was actually for Dragon Ball Super after their attempts to pass the Harding Test by decreasing the frame rate made the animation really choppy. I assume something in this week's Clover was considered an epilepsy trigger for someone, but I couldn't tell you what it was.
2. At this point it's become absurdly hilarious how whenever Sister Lilly has any screentime, you assume Asta's just gonna drop whatever he's doing and run all the way over to where she is to propose to her yet again. 😂

  • Haha 1
On 10/13/2019 at 4:44 PM, Cidz said:

toonami is still around so maybe ppl do watch on tv. 

I bet a lot do, haven't heard anything bad about the ratings in a long time.

6 hours ago, CAC said:

I bet a lot do, haven't heard anything bad about the ratings in a long time.

oh true! i guess i have cable but idk where my cable box is to set it up lol. 

also um lets seee i guess to stay on topic what animes have i seen thats currently on toonami? food wars? ive seen a couple eps of that. its intersting.

seen like a decent amount of hunter x hunter than stopped.

seen like the first season of academia it was fun to watch. its on hulu. kinda enjoyable more than i thought it would be. 


Tonight, we say goodbye to the one person we didn't know we wanted to say goodbye to (possibly forever) until its non-renewal announcement.

11:00 - Dragonball Super #129 - A Transcendent Limit Break! Autonomous Ultra Instinct Mastered! - TV-PGV
11:30 - One Punch Man #14 - The Human Monster - TV-14LV

12:00 - Dr. Stone #9 - Let There Be the Light of Science - TV-14DLV

12:30 - Fire Force #12 - Eve of Hostilities in Asakusa - TV-14LV

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #15 - The Man Called Carnage - TV-MAS

1:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #2 - Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki - TV-MAV

2:00 - Black Clover #91 - Mereoleona vs. Rhya the Disloyal - TV-PG

2:30 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #52 - Sasuke's Shadow - TV-PG - END(?)

3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #271 - Road to Sakura - TV-PG

3:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #18 - Fujiko's Gift - TV-14DLS

4:00 - My Hero Academia #61 - Deku vs. Kacchan, Part 2 - TV-14L

Good riddance, Bort.

13 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

Good riddance, Bort.

And nothing of value was lost.

OPM- Call in All Might. Calm down, Captan Nose Hair. I like him he's sassy. We get it you're a monster fucker. RIP arm. RIP all of that guy. Saitama's so great. Believe me y'all got fanclubs. Punch him in the balls again. Oh that's just rude, never override someone's save. :D I love him. Lady, Saitama's not aware of shit. Oh yeah this'll end well. I volunteer to join her. This man could not give less of a shit if he had a running start at it. He's so cool. Oh hey Sonic. Oh hey Genos. Rank don't mean shit, lady. Someone just punch him in the dick already. ORA ORA ORA ORA. My weave! Calm down there Genos. He looks better without the ponytail. And then Sonic died. Wait she's OLDER? Oh it's that guy. Hahahaha King. Lesson one is that everyone loves Saitama. :D Poor Saitama. Sorry to break it to you but they're all going to die.

Dr Stone- I don't trust that guy. Bitches love food, Senku. Never gonna live down that gold spear, are ya. I love you, melon child. Calm down Senku. WHAT. Stab first, ask questions later. I DON'T TRUST THIS GUY. I hate him already. :D SCREAMING. Tell me how they're doing I love them. Yes kill him. Kill him before he squeals. IRON. What the hell do you want in return. Okay but you're ugly. CHILD NO. Just let Kohaku kill him. Oh hey, lightning. Fucking magnets, how do they work? My bridge! Don't you fucking talk to my melon child. Stab him. A WITCH, BURN HIM. I hope that NASA guy's still alive and gets to see himself in an anime. Just give that boy a fancy spear already. MY SPEAR. That was a real close call, girl. FUCK YEAH, MAGNETS. :D Gloat. No honey that's how magnets work. FUCK YEAH, MAGNETS. Dude what happened to your face. :D Oh my god science boy. Call the spear boys. Shhhh, just let them dream. There they go. Oh hell yeah. LIGHTBULBS! Why is this making me feel like I'm about to cry.

Fire Force- This seems excessive for one flame monster. Don't let Tamaki do anything. NAIL GUN. Maki is my girlfriend. I fucking hate this show. Oh this guy is getting turned into a fire monster in 20 minutes. Death flags, death flags everywhere. Maybe wanna keep the burning alive problem in mind, kiddo. It's like the series lets us have a few bright spots to remind us that it could be decent if it wanted and then smothers us with the horse shit fanservice. I hate you, lady. Don't touch his workout stuff. Oh that won't end well. Never eat his food. Alright so what happened with the delusions. Use Tamaki as a human shield. Yeah, kick his ass to prove you don't want to fight! Oh great they can shape shift. GUN. No not my girlfriend! I do enjoy seeing Tamaki get kicked into a beam. Hey Captain Sexy. DRILL. Some people just have a fetish involving fire users and don't you fucking kinkshame me them for it. How many grenades ya got in there. He's just that fucking strong. Dude the show doesn't even try to make sense, why should the characters. You're about to kill your friend. Throw him in the river. Fucking aftershaves. That there's a demon. Sometimes you just have to yeet a man into a river and that's an important lesson to learn.

Food Wars- I hope this is a trap and the real final test is a fight to the death. Put as many names in the OP that you want I still don't care enough to remember them. Just luck your goddamn door, kid. Megumi is still a pathetic waste of space and should have failed. I hate everyone. I also don't get why those chefs are trying to recruit her. Everyone line up to suck Soma's dick. Why can't we follow the adventures of his hot dad instead. Did...did he just now figure out his dad is the world-famous chef? It's just a hand towel you can get another one for 99 cents. Oh christ I don't care. Everyone else line up to suck Soma's dick. You stupid bastard I hope you get expelled. Erina may be the fucking worst but I can agree with her irrational hatred of him. We've all got a crush on Soma's hot dad. FINALLY, HOT DAD. Why is that guy still naked. He's here to make the show watchable. Do y'all just never talk to each other or what. This just goes to show that children will ruin your career and dreams. I'm gonna fuck your dad, Soma. Even the foodgasms are more tolerable when hot dad's doing it. No, he's absolutely not going to grow into hot dad mode. Hot dad would be such a better protagonist in every way. HEY SOMA I'M GONNA FUCK YOUR DAD.

Demon Slayer- I love my son. Aww she burrowed herself a little hole in her cave. "Is My Demon Kid Sister Turning Into A Mole Now?" definitely sounds like a shitty light novel title. SISTER BASKET. This is adorable. Don't check it out she's going to eat someone. Aw shit it's a demon. Take her muzzle off. FUCK YEAH. Oh my god I love her. It's a demon, why are you surprised? Great now there's two demons. Lot of headbutting action this week. Is this boy just gonna fall off a cliff every week. I don't know what you did but good job you killed him. Let your sister eat the corpse. Hi, creepy mask guy! You could try headbutting him to death. Oh right, the sun kills them. WAIT IT'S THE SUN, GET THE SISTER BASKET. Don't insult my kids like this. Alright so innocent people are off the table but what about douchebags? I love my children. Thank god he's got a sense of smell like a bloodhound. SHIT. Oh my god just watch out for the ropes. Look at him go. I feel like the twist is gonna be that he's got such a great sense of smell because they have a demon ancestor or something. Let my boy rest. YAY.

Clover- Again I hope that everyone kills each other. Noelle continues to be fucking terrible. Mimosa is almost a good character when shes far away from Asta. WHY ARE THERE TWO ASTAS. Cut this shit out right now before I kill myself. Ask them about nuns and see which one gets a boner. Thank you, fire lady. Aww fuck he didn't die. Destroy him, ma'am. How dare you copy his power but not his muscles. Am...am I actually liking a character in this show?Goddamn healing magic. No let him run in and die. It's almost offensive when one of the few worthwhile  characters fight and the show reminds us that it could be decent if it actually wanted to. After what feels like 400 episodes of bullshit, there's finally a character that's girlfriend material. Oh come on how the fuck can he copy Asta's magic he doesn't even HAVE magic! What the hell are you talking about. i would also punch anyone in this series without hesitation. This is the power of hating literally everyone around you with a burning passion and it is unstoppable. Why did she even need the rest of these people? Tell Tale Heart is a great story. Angry Fire Woman immediately shoots up to Least Terrible Character.

Lupin- I wonder how many times Jigen's accidentally shot the others during a nap. Please be a Fuji episode. How do y'all not have a plunger. Well time to shit in a bucket. I like that their disguise is an old gay couple. I like your ribbon. Goemon doesn't like pizza. Oh my god you room full of babies. HIIII FUJIKO. God I'm gay. Please rob me blind, Fujiko. Okay she's hiding something in the toilet what the hell is it. So subtle. GOD I WISH THAT WERE ME. I'm also thirsty here. Don't make Jigen watch you fuck. This is better than Food Wars. It's for a dildo! I can't stop staring at her tits. Hi Zenigata! :D What. Aww Pops. Uh Fujiko where'd you get that gun? Maybe she just has diabetes. And then we learned Lupin has a piss fetish. OH MY GOD ZENI LEAVE. Oh god whose toothbrush is that. No you idiot just open the box! ARE YOU KIDDING ME.

11 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Food Wars- Why can't we follow the adventures of his hot dad instead. Did...did he just now figure out his dad is the world-famous chef? We've all got a crush on Soma's hot dad. FINALLY, HOT DAD. Why is that guy still naked. He's here to make the show watchable. I'm gonna fuck your dad, Soma. Even the foodgasms are more tolerable when hot dad's doing it. Hot dad would be such a better protagonist in every way. HEY SOMA I'M GONNA FUCK YOUR DAD.

Clover- Ask them about nuns and see which one gets a boner.

I had a feeling this episode would be your favorite/least hated.
I was going to suggest that, but then I realized that of everyone there, only Yuno knows about his nun love.

ONE PUNCH MAN - Oh wow, Fubuki's more of a bitch than I initially thought. Oh well, at least Saitama showed that he's no pushover like she thought. And Sonic getting his ass kicked is always fun. :D Oh yeah, and there's that Garou guy. I don't give a shit about the other criminals, but I hope that Blue Fire guy's alright after losing part of his arm to him.

DR. STONE - Wow, we're really speedrunning our way through technology now, aren't we. Also, even though I've never seen Eyeshield 21, I loved the cameo the token big guy from the team made in the man-powered generator pictograph.

FIRE FORCE - My mom actually came into the room to grab her smartphone exactly when those guys asked Tamaki to strip for them, and every day I'm thankful my parents aren't disapproving of what TV I watch (as long as it's not Seth MacFarlane). Benimaru's cool and all, but he really needs to quit with the stubbornness.

FOOD WARS! - Soma and Erina on the way back to Totsuki: most awkward car ride everrrrr. And since they're the focus of the new ED, I'll get this off my chest: female antagonists with fucked moral compasses and somehow worse personalities are bad enough, but their yes-women are even worse. Not only do they put up with the shit their bosses do, be it evil or merely dastardly, they actually approve of it like they have no personality of their own and are just piggybacking off their superior's. (You're your own person, don't like you actually condone that shit!) That's why, even though Ragyo Kiryuin is by all accounts a terrible human being, Hououmaru always gets more of my anger. Same deal with Erina and Hisako; the former may be the worst, but it's the latter who gets me mad.

DEMON SLAYER - I'm a little disappointed that Brook Chalmers (the voice of the demon slayer guy training Tanjiro) isn't just another pseudonym for Michael McConnohie - a reference to his sometimes-used alias of Geoffrey Chalmers - but hey, more new blood is always good. Whatever kills the "dubbed anime has only five voice actors" stereotype once and for all.

BLACK CLOVER - Mereoleona is best girl, and just one of the reasons that I just can't bring myself to hate Monica Rial, even considering my extremely complicated feelings about the thankfully concluded #KickVic saga.

BORUTO - How ironic that we get some new theme songs before the show goes on indefinite hiatus.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Now I see why we've never seen Sakura's parents before now, they're annoying as crap! (Seriously, her dad is dadjokes incarnate.) On the upside, at least I finally got to see the episode with Hinata in the sexy dress.

LUPIN THE 3RD - You can't not love these four (and also Zenigata!) engaging in sitcom hijinks.


Only the classiest of welcomes for our new Italian friends.


11:00 - Dragonball Super #130 - The Greatest Showdown of All Time! The Ultimate Survival Battle! - TV-14LV
11:30 - One Punch Man #15 - The Hunt Begins - TV-14DLSV

12:00 - Dr. Stone #10 - A Flimsy Alliance - TV-14DLSV

12:30 - Fire Force #13 - The Trap is Set - TV-14LV

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #16 - The Cook Who Traveled Thousands of Miles - TV-MAS

1:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #3 - Sabito and Makomo - TV-14V

2:00 - Black Clover #92 - The Wizard King vs. The Leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun - TV-14

2:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #1 - Golden Wind - TV-MA

3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #272 - Mifune vs. Hanzo - TV-PGV

3:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #19 - A 7.62mm Mirage - TV-14LSV

4:00 - My Hero Academia #62 - A Season for Encounters - TV-14LV

  • Haha 1

OPM- Hi Grandpa! King has the best priorities. Don't worry Saitama I still think you're cool. Oh you're about to die. NO NOT BIKE MAN.  Please don't kill Bike Man. I don't like your odds here, Tank Top Squad. Hi, new grandpa. Mumen Rider is the best. ORA ORA ORA ORA. :( Mumen Rider noooo. Tank Top Squad broke. Call Saitama now. Ohhh that's a lot of bodies. Well these redshirts are going to die. Aww he brought him bananas. :D I love Saitama. Awww he's sharing the bananas. I'm surprised Tank Top Seitz survived. I want that hoodie. Run away, child! Goddammit, One Punch Deku. Bananas. Staaaaaaaaring. Yeah but that's a lot of money. MY BEER. Eat shit, Garo. IT'S HIGH NOON. And then there was Polnareff. Good job you gave him one of those slutty boob sweaters. Good thing nobody knows shit about my boyfriend. Evening, bitches. I'm kinda into this. Poor Saitama. :D I love him. Oh my god honey no. Genos is a good friend.

Dr Stone- Tiny Senku! You're gonna make me cry over a lightbulb again. Don't trust this guy. I love my melon girl. You should probably just kill him and throw his body off a cliff so it looks like he fell. I hate both of you. Kars is terrible but I can agree with screwing over the baby boomers. Thanks, angry punchy man. Wow that was fast. Well that's convenient. Suika for MVP. Now THERE'S a shocker. Hey don't be rude. I'm uncomfortable with this. Oh I don't like this. They're sisters you creep, go to timeout. Ya gotta win the fight, Senku. I'd marry her. That one's just here for the titties. Marry my sister please. :D Senku is fucking brutal. Awww. Make some steroids, Senku. Y'all gotta kick that guy out. You should have killed him when you had the chance. He reminds me of Rohan and therefor I want him to suffer. I already don't like these people. Just fuck already. I can also be bribed with soda. My dude weren't you supposed to be curing he sick girl?

Fire Force- Yeah this guy's definitely getting turned into a fire monster later. "Fuck the government" is always a valid choice. This is nice and all but it's all gonna go to hell before the commercial break. And then everyone killed each other. Children are terrible. Thank you, Arthur. Oh, it wasn't a child at all. I'm not cool with this. No shit it's a shape shifter. And then everyone exploded. Maki is my girlfriend. Yeah this'll end well for you dumbasses. I think Zoro's got a better sense of direction. And then he exploded. Tamaki seems like the shittiest nun. Time until Tamaki's tits pop out and destroy the entire mood? You'd probably be harder to spot if you weren't wearing bright white robes in the middle of the night. You're both stupid and you deserve to get beaten by the villains. Oh that's gross.

Food Wars- Hot dad makes this show bearable. Show some respect, put on some goddamn clothes. GET YOUR NAKED BALLS OUT OF THE KITCHEN. Megumi continues to be a pathetic waste of space. And you lost every time. Punch him harder BECAUSE he's your son. It looks like a baby threw up on a plate and you tossed some bacon on it. I could go for some bacon right now. Okay I got a chuckle out of the Snow White bit. Enough of this, show me hot dad. We all want the dilf to put something in our mouth. I'd eat it. Put your sauce in my mouth, I mean what. I will eat my own arm before I give up meat. Eat shit, Soma. Hey Soma I'm gonna fuck your dad. Megumi continues to be awful. No don't leave me, you're the only bright spot in this show. Just an attractive hobo wandering down the street.

Demon Slayer- Oh this sounds cool. Yeah, humanity kinda sucks. So what is she eating while all this is going on? SWORD. There's a boner joke in here somewhere. For the love of god don't break your sword. I love my boy. Hamon time! I'd rather have Lisa Lisa as a teacher. And then he died. God I wish I could sleep for a couple months. Dang that was a quick year. Good luck, kiddo! Well hey at least your sword didn't break. I feel like there's an obvious trick here that we're all missing. Hey, new friend! I'm also slow, weak, and immature but I've got these great boobs to mmake up for it. Oh honey he's gonna break your legs. Leave my boy alone he's trying his best. Don't worry honey you'll get it eventually. Aww she's cute. You made a new friend! Oh, that's a creepy thing to tell us. I'm just gonna assume this is all medically accurate. Were you not allowed to cut your hair this whole time? And then you killed him. Awww, you're friends now. YOU DID IT!!!! I'm so proud of my son.

Clover- I just like watching her hate everything and set people on fire. Meanwhile, people I hate. Why is sister fucker allowed to live. How do you idiots not realize they took the one valuable magic gem that was just left out in the open. Hey there Captain Sexy. Just give him booze. So we're just not gonna mention that the little douchebag was obviousy working for the enemy? Yes, definitely trust Dimestore Griffith. God forbid the Wizard King actually lift a finger to do something. This is a trap and he's going to stab you. GUYS I THINK DIMESTORE GRIFFITH MIGHT BE EVIL. Did anybody actually believe he was a good guy because his face was fucked up? This is stupid. Bitches will ruin your life, I'll agree. You just put the stones in a gauntlet and start snapping. Just let Yami come kill him. This sounds like bullshit but okay. Eat shit, Griffith.

Jojo- We get it dude, you like Prince. She's fine she landed right in your boob window. The butterflies are a stand. Aww, you're a good dude. I'm sure this man wandering around with a giant goddamn shovel is a trustworthy guy. Jesus christ calm down. Hi Koichi! What the fuck. Fucking Rohan. Koichi you're three feet tall, you don't get to say anyone else looks too young. He's definitely about to try something funny. GODDAMMIT GIORNO. Hi Reverb! Hmmmm. What the fuck is that. And Koichi knows a thing or two about weird stand eggs. Froppy! Okay after that you kinda deserve to get your ass beat with a shovel. That's gross. Giorno continues the proud Jojo tradition of teenagers looking 25 years old. Give him your magic frog. Aaaand picture of Dio. Leave that frog alone. MY TITS. Jotaro what the hell. Bitches. Kick his ass, Koichi! Giorno you asshole. Just a random tree, nothing suspicious at all here. Well that could have gone better. No shit he's a stand user. Jotaro likes fish. Is he another one of Joseph's bastard children? LOOK THERE, IT'S A PICTURE OF AVDOL. :( I still miss Avdol. GODDAMN DIO STRIKES AGAIN. That's a nice suit, zipper man. He must be a stand user, normal people don't dress like that. I don't like where this is going. Oh that's nasty. Sir what in the goddamn fuck? Move along, random bystanders. Hey Bruno what the fuck is this? I like how he says Giorno's name. He can fit almost anything inside your mouth ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Lupin- Just two bros playing chess inthe middle of the Grand Canyon. You're about to get shot again. Oh hey, he's not the one who got shot this time. The fuck kind of chess are you people playing?! This is definitely not a trap. I can't stop staring at that reporter's boobs. Ooh I smell a depressing backstory between him and the sniper. IT'S A TRAP. It's a mannequin. IT'S A LADY. They used to bang didn't they. And here we go with the depressing backstory. Lupin's asking the right questions here. Oh now I gotta see what she looks like. And then Jigen exploded. Not these goddamn drones again. Oh dang she is pretty. Yeah this is gonna hurt when he has to kill her. MY GUN. Ahahahaha eat shit, old man. MY LEG. Loot his corpse before you leave. Jigen doesn't fuck around. Oh shit she's her daughter. I don't know what kind of timeline we're working with, is that his kid? We're just gonna call this a happy ending.

Hero- Reminder that every wall is an instant glory hole when you can just phase through it.

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Dr Stone- I can also be bribed with soda. My dude weren't you supposed to be curing he sick girl?

Fire Force- Tamaki seems like the shittiest nun.

Clover- How do you idiots not realize they took the one valuable magic gem that was just left out in the open.

Knowing Senku, I'm sure the homemade cola factors into his sulfa drug plan.
She isn't wearing a habit, so CLEARLY.
In their defense, they had no idea it was a magic stone when they recovered it, and gradually forgot about it by the time they started giving a shit about them.

ONE PUNCH MAN - For a self-proclaimed hero killer, Garou sure seems to be doing a lot of not hero-killing. But hey, at least that means Mumen Rider, Tank Top Seitz and Charako all survived, as I hoped they would. Genos confusing Saitama's disguise for him wanting his hair back is the best misunderstanding.

DR. STONE - Aw boo, we get the return of Tsukasa but no Taiju or Yuzuriha cameos. I gotta say I hate Magma, guy seems somehow even more sexist-bordering-on-misogynistic than even Gaston. I don't like his #1 fanboy either. CONTROVERSIAL OPINION OF THE WEEK: In anime (especially ecchi and hentai) incest is fine as long as no one gets pregnant.

FIRE FORCE - I'm glad someone smacked the shit out of one of those annoying lolis, even if it was actually some dude in disguise. Oh hey, sniper chick's actually kinda hot. Is anyone else wondering how the hell Benimaru got the nickname "Waka" anyways? Probably some obscure Japanese thing.

FOOD WARS! - If Soma's breakfast risotto was a 10/10, then Joichiro's vegetarian breakfast ramen was an 11/10, if not higher. I'd eat both (assuming the soy sauce in the latter was gluten-free). Also, tempe = Indonesian tofu.

DEMON SLAYER - Okay, I get the deal with Kimetsuverse Meruem and Komugi (same VAs, check em), but at the same time I don't get them. But hey, at least Tanjiro improved thanks to their help.

BLACK CLOVER - If there isn't a name for the trope where an obvious reveal is debunked early on but then turns out to have been real all along, it should be called "Misdirection from the Obvious".

VENTO AUREO - More Ray Chase on the block is good, though part of me still wishes Todd was voicing Bruno instead. My mental reading of "This is the taste of a liar!" in his voice was, and still is, incomparable.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - I don't think we're ever gonna get the token accidental full OP playage this time.

LUPIN THE 3RD - I knew from the beginning that Mirage was going to be a woman - I mean c'mon, what kind of guy sniper names himself that? - and guessed she was the daughter of the Mirage that Jigen knew, once I figured the eye and hair colors didn't match up. Still a fun episode, feels good to not be the kind of person who bitches about predictability.

Edited by PokeNirvash
  • Like 1

Chicken chicken, what combo you pickin'?

11:00 - Dragonball Super #131 - A Miraculous Conclusion! Farewell Goku! Until We Meet Again! - TV-PGLV
11:30 - One Punch Man #16 - The Metal Bat - TV-14LV

12:00 - Dr. Stone #11 - Clear World - TV-14DLV

12:30 - Fire Force #14 - For Whom the Flames Burn - TV-14V

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #17 - Sensual Fried Chicken - TV-MAS

1:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #4 - Final Selection - TV-MAV

2:00 - Black Clover #93 - Julius Novachrono - TV-14

2:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #2 - Bucciarati Appears - TV-MAL

3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #273 - True Kindness - TV-14V

3:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #20 - Zenigata, Gentleman Thief - TV-14LSV

4:00 - My Hero Academia #63 - Unrivaled - TV-14DLS

Personally, I'll have the coleslaw.


OPM- "I AM HERE." Somebody should have thrown this child off a bridge. Oh no don't kill King. Okay you can go ahead and kill these guys. Awww his sister. Just let the monsters eat him. Saitama with that hair is goddamn wrong. Oh no, he kinda is that stupid. I love Mumen Rider. WOLFMAN. Well, you're screwed. Thank god he's stupid too. Wow what a shock it's the douche. Goddammit Deku, again. Oh he's attractive and I'm kinda disappointed in myself. Poor Saitama is too strong. Now beat these rich fuckers with your bat. Me thinks we mayhaps might have chanced the centipede. Okay that one is just a damn Pokemon. Mumen Rider is best hero. I love that dog guy. Go home, child. Somebody might wanna step in and help Bat Man. Damn he's cool. That was awesome. Just leave the rich folks for dead. Thanks...Pineapple Man? TOO MUCH CENTIPEDE. I still vote you let the monsters kill the rich. Good luck with that. There he goes. Not now, gotta fight a bug. Hello new guy.

Dr Stone- FUCK YEAH, GLASS. Leave my melon girl alone. Awwww she's adorable....oh. Me too kid, I can't see for shit. Make her some glasses! Awww I love my melon child. I miss Screaming Boy. Senku x science is my OTP. Melon eyes! AWWWWWWWWW MY BABY CAN SEE. Meanwhile, Kohaku destroys them all. Make everyone some glasses. You're nerds, it is surprising you look cool. Yes, now you can exploit your child labor even more! Honey don't get your face too close to that. Senku's glass suit is unreasonably funny to me. Ya blew it. And then he kidnapped an old man. Kinkshamed by grandpa. Aww tiny Kohaku. Good plan, infuriate him with your failure until he helps. This is how I feel whenever my sister helps with Thanksgiving. Grandpa for MVP. Now can you make her some goddamn medicine? Every time I see tiny Senku it warms my heart. MECHA SENKU. I love these idiots. Senku has never been this horny in his life. FINALLY. Just let this boy have a fancy spear. To be fair, that will make them cool. He's right, he's my favorite. ADVENTURE! Oh christ is he gonna use him as a guinea pig for drugs?

Fire Force- Quit being a little bitch and grow a set. Oh hey, he can actually do something. Okay I'll admit "BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF EACH OTHER" is absolutely a great plan. Welcome to Fight Club. Well at least he looks cool. Oh come on how did Maki drop from one punch, she's built like a tank. Goddamn PTSD ruining everything. Legs aren't supposed to have their own rib cages. I also get violently angry over candy. Okay this is actually a pretty cool fight. I'm amazed that guy hasn't died yet but I don't think he's making it through the week. Kick the arrow out of the sky. Yes show, we remember that she just said that. Try shooting him in the dick. Oh, that works too. Somebody might wanna catch him. Now kiss. Alright now I just feel cheated that this guy hasn't died yet. I hate these children. I too get weirdly friendly when I drink.

Food Wars- I miss hot dad. "I feel like your food raped me" is not a compliment. Where'd he get all these ingredients, you've been closed for years. Everything closed when your hot dad left. Unpopular opinion, fried chicken sucks. The hell are you talking about, depression is the perfect time to gourge yourself. I can agree on that, customers are dicks. Because what this show needed was a second Megumi. And then tits. Quit dressing like a hooker you're like sixteen. "Resident meat expert" is a fantastic title, I have no complaints. "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, LOOK AT HER TITS." The harem bullshit continues to not be funny. I want them to fail just out of spite. What, you're too ashamed to publicly gobble some cock? Calm down it's just chicken. Always remember to slap your meat. What's unique to the area, plague rats? I genuinely don't know if we're supposed to recognize this shadowy glasses guy or not. Put drugs in it, kids love drugs. Oh god I don't care.

Demon Slayer- I'm proud of you. Thanks, creepy mask guy! Good you were due for a haircut. So try not to feed your sister anything stronger than some squirrels. Aw sweet he gets his own mask. A G-G-G-G-GHOST?! That one kid looks angry. Those twins are creeping me out. Oh dang, good luck kiddo. Aw crap you're surrounded. Remember your hamon training! He did it and I'm so proud of him. Aim for the neck like a titan. Oh, did that other kid shit himself. That ain't right. Poor ghost kids. Well that's horrifying. You did it! AW SHIT, RUN. Ohhhh that's not a good thing. You'd think he could just stop carving goddamn fox masks. Well, that could have gone better. I'm sorry, ghost kids. You can do it! Look at my son, slaying demons like a champ!

Black Clover- Dio wants his time powers back. No, your boss being a goddamn idiot is responsible for the breakdown in communication. Kid you're like twelve what are you doing barking out orders. Yami actually giving a shit for once in his life. This is going way too well for time man, he's about to get stabbed in a surprise attack. Bad idea, just kill him. That's not even a book, that doesn't count. If your plan involves taking a sledge hammer to the natural laws of the universe maybe you should rethink things. Oh what the hell is this. Turn the brightness down it's hurting my eyes. Am...am I lucky enough to watch everyone die here? At least if you die, you don't have to be in Black Clover any more. Tonight's theme is "Kill the Rich" and I'm kinda here for it. Oh hey it's Hisoka's dad. Show I lost interest in this backstory after two minutes. Yoshikage Kira intensifies. Are you feeling a sudden fetish for hands? WOW WHAT A SHOCK THAT WAS TOTALLY UNEXPECTED. Fuck 'im up, Yami.

Jojo- DAMN THIS OP SLAPS. Dio was a slut, we get it. Fuck you lady I'm his mom now. This is terrible I'm adopting this child. Poor baby. Tiny Giorno is a good boy. Thanks, friendly gangster! This mobster is the best dad he's ever had. Oh no gangster dad. Drugs are bad, kids. Meanwhile, Bruno getting to first base with an unwilling freshman. Turn the chairs into angry cats or something! Giorno honey zip your face back up. That did not go as planned. The hell just happened. MY FACE. He's definitely got the posing down. Stand fights must look super fucked up to normal people. Bruno's stand looks cool. Yes Bruno stop exposing yourself to the teenager. Bye! He's just wearing somebody like a leather jacket here. MY TOOTH. Oh, his power is like Josuke's. And then Giorno died. Not sure if he's wearing a fancy bra or has a fancy tattoo. MY ARM. Did you just yeet your own arm at him. Giorno's a good kid. Reminder, drugs are bad. We're gonna take down the mafia. This ED is fucking beautiful.

Lupin- Who steals the damn door handle? WHAT. Cool statue. Well, that could have gone better. You broke Lupin. Watch out for your hang glider. I'm real confused with what's going on here. Is this just someone wearing a Zeni mask under their main mask? Thanks Goemon. You'd think he'd have more retirement savings after all these years chasing them around. No not my cool statue! And then the boys put the hurt on them. Did you finally break Pops? WHAT. Alright you gotta help fix him. No he's not okay you hit him with a damn car. He's surprisingly good at this. Awww Lupin cares. Those handcuffs are either a clue or a fetish. That is one fancy coat. There's two jewels you can just share. :D Oh my god. It's all good, we're back to normal.



11 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Fire Force- Oh come on how did Maki drop from one punch, she's built like a tank.

Food Wars- Because what this show needed was a second Megumi.

Black Clover- That's not even a book, that doesn't count.

Jojo- Meanwhile, Bruno... Not sure if he's wearing a fancy bra or has a fancy tattoo.

FF - Just another reason Tamaki is the worst character, barring pre-Heel Face Turn Hibana.
Food Wars - I agree with your sarcasm, Mayumi really is just Megumi only even more skittish around Soma and twenty times more useless. 😫
BC - Don't insult the man's magic rolodex, it's the only thing of his that's halfway original.
JoJo - According to Araki, it's part of his outfit, so fancy bra it is.

Mixing the order of things up today because why not.

ONE PUNCH MAN - The CG on those centipedes sure are conspicuous, but somehow better in the special effects department than Genos's arms. Garou sorta-bonding with that hero almanac kid is oddly nice. NEXT WEEK IS OTN MASK DOMINATRIX MONSTER WAIFU AND MY BODY ISN'T READY ENOUGH.

DR. STONE - Suika is amazing in all her forms, especially with the Golden Kamuy-style stank faces. I do like how Senku's putting the sulfa drugs as a higher priority than Gen's cola, that can wait until he gets back from Tsukasa Land.

VENTO AUREO - You aren't a JoJo unless you've had a hard life in some respect, and Giorno clearly had it hardest of all, between the neglectful mom and the abusive stepdad and his real dad being DIO. It's a good thing he turned out as well as he did, even though I think the blue outfit he had in the video games would be better over the pink he has here in the anime. I'm more disappointed that the dub didn't use "Gangstar" than them calling Bruno's STAND "Zipper Man". (The original name was "Sticky Fingers", but you know how fear of copyright suits be.) SHIT COUNT: 4.

FOOD WARS - When I first heard of Food Wars, or at least when I started seeing it more often, I thought Mayumi was going to be a main character, on account of her being on the cover of the first manga volume. Alas, it wasn't meant to be, but the opposite of alas, perhaps it was for the best, considering she's an ineffectual minor character that makes Megumi look like an alpha female. Oh well, at least Meat-Meat's getting more screentime, and that's always good. I feel like my dream last week predicted a few things, including the debut of Smarmy Glasses Man: High School Version.

DEMON SLAYER - When characters die, always consider them coming back as ghosts. If only I had known that, my original ASMB account might not have gotten permabanned.

LUPIN THE 3RD - You just can't not love Zeni, even if you're rooting for Lupin more often than not.

BLACK CLOVER - Just in time to save the people, but not himself. How ironic an end for the King of Wizards (or something along those lines).

FIRE FORCE - Sometimes when I think I'm out of attention for the show, it manages to pull me back in. Truly you can't get me to hate something in its entirety, even after it proves itself not as good as I initially thought. Still, meta discussion aside, I forgot what company they were investigating before dropping by the 7th, the one that burned down. Maybe we'll get answers next time.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Damn, I was hoping those three ninja Asuma roasted would live. Guess this really is war.

Posted (edited)

I bet Demarco feels reeeeeeeally stupid right about now.

11:00 - Toonami: The Forge #1 - TV-PGV

11:05 - My Hero Academia #64 - The Scoop on U.A. Class 1-A - TV-14DV
11:30 - One Punch Man #17 - The Martial Arts Tournament - TV-MAS 😍

12:00 - Dr. Stone #12 - Buddies Back to Back - TV-14LV

12:30 - Fire Force #15 - The Blacksmith's Dream - TV-14

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #18 - The Fried Chicken of Youth - TV-MAS

1:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #5 - My Own Steel - TV-MAV

2:00 - Black Clover #94 - New Future - TV-14V

2:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #3 - Meet the Mafioso Behind the Wall - TV-MA

3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #274 - The Complete Ino-Shika-Cho Formation! - TV-14

3:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #21 - An Outdated Master Thief - TV-14LS

4:00 - Attack on Titan #1 - To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 1 - TV-14LV

Meanwhile, a new murder-waifu appears!

Edited by PokeNirvash

Hero- FUCK YEAH WE'RE BACK. This OP makes me very concerned for this adorable child. HI YOUNG MIGHT. I don't entirely trust this guy. Hi Slutty Vault Boy! Aw shit is this recap I can't jack off to this. I stand corrected, Aizawa's looking pretty good. I love my kids. Mineta continues to be the worst. Man I bet Douche Rogue from the other class is so goddamn angry about this. In case you forgot who everyone was, here's your chance. Oh shit he knows it's Deku. Hey it's All Might. Awww people still fanboy him. Alright he's an All Might fanboy, we can trust him. Oh shit, small world. Cameras everywhere. Good ol' printer nipples. Damn, he did some real work on this. Selfie! That's a shitty title but at least you tried. Aww, look at my kids. :D All Might eating a meat bun, top story. THIS ED MAKES ME VERY CONCERNED FOR THIS ADORABLE CHILD.

OPM- Whelp, Metal Bat is dead. METAL KNIGHT. Oh my god I kinda love the wrestling rhino and this gay chicken thing. Oh hey, Metal Bat's not dead yet. He may be about to die. Goddamn he's cool. Ain't nobody got time for that. This could be going better. Oh no his sister. Please don't kill him in front of his family. That's surprisingly nice of him. That blob looks gross. No you leave her alone. I goddamn love this gay chicken. Slaughter denied. No, kill the rich people. Meanwhile, you're all screwed. I like this geisha lady. Win that money, Saitama. I like the guy who's just named Dave. Genos is the best fan. This champion guy seems nice. This is gonna be fun. Saitama you're so lucky that everyone here is stupid. Like a butcher butches, indeed. Grandpa's so cool. ORA ORA ORA ORA. Oh dang. :D Martial Gorilla. Wow, this is all going straight to hell. I want her and Midnight to be friends. Wait since when do pandas actually want to fuck? HELLOOOOO CATFIGHT. Meanwhile, everyone boos Kaminari. Alright Saitama try not to turn anyone into a bloodsplosion. :D Oh no, that's so depressing.

Dr Stone- Science is indeed super weird. :D I love the spear boys. Ginro will now die for you. Your enemy is SCIENCE. I love this idiot child. Y'all should probably not touch that water. Oh my god you idiot you're going to die. TOKOYAMI NO. Jesus christ. Aaron Dismuke talks about alchemy, I smile and clap like a trained seal. Whelp, you're screwed. This entire series is like a bizarre sequence of side quests and I love it. Senku I don't think we have time for that much science. Awwww you're friends now. I hope Taiju and Yuzu just gave up on Karsland and are just banging out in the woods somewhere. Oh no this is depressing. Awwww Kohaku. And then he was violently murdered. He's sad about his spear. Chrome's about to have a panic attack. Senku, giving no shits. Grandpa knows what's up. OH NO. Oh thank god. That is one angry fairy. Remember your hamon training! I am absolutely no different from nature I am dumb as a fucking brick. YEET. I'm proud of my boys.

Fire Force- Oh god what now. Goddammit evil albino Deku. Tonight's theme is SCIENCE. I liked the old OP better. Oh, you're creepy. "Should I know him" is a question I ask with every goddamn character. At least they know their Roman mythology. Oh no don't send the idiots. :D Okay I like him. Oh shit he's buff and hates them, I can get behind this. Kid what's with the bandage, did you also get a beer can to the skull? Gee I wonder why he hates them. Hellooo there Lisa. :D I enjoy him and his aim with beer. Go fuck yourself, plague mask man. We're not like other companies, we're a cool group. Was...was he molesting that pissing squirrel doll? DEE DEE NO GET OUT OF THE LABORATORY. Oh cool it's a hologram machine. I don't think you can bring dead species back to life like that. Bring your hot girlfriend when you inevitably join. Surely plague mask man's unknown appearance won't play into anything suspicious at all. Oh what the hell now.

Food Wars- I hate you all. I could be playing that KFC dating sim right now if I wanted a combo of fanservice and chicken. Thick thighs save lives. I'll admit that "Meat Master" is a title I aspire to reach. It's just chicken you weirdos. That looks like a salad in an ice cream cone and that hurts me physically. How long is y'alls damn school break that you can spend weeks on this project? I continue to hate you all. Is somebody about to beat his ass? It turns out tonight's theme is actually alchemy.

Demon Slayer- I'm so proud of my son. Oh this is depressing. Awwwww Tanjiro. Look at all those dead ghost kids. Oh right, there's still a bunch of demons all over the place. My poor baby just wants to help his sister. Kid's earned a break for awhile. Morning, creepy twins. Alright everybody lined up to get numbers carved into your hand. REVELRY IN THE DARK. That's definitely not a crow. That kid just wants his sword already. Oh this is probably a bad idea, kid. Break his arm, son. Smell out the best ore. Aww, crow gets a little scarf. Just let my boy take a nap. You're home. SHE'S AWAKE! AWWWWWWWWW. Group hug! Aaand I'm crying. That's good if she doesn't have to eat people. Hey, free sword! Neat. Aww look at burrito Nezuko. That mask is freaky. It's like a mood ring. Oh, that is mayben ot a good thing. Sorry, maybe you'll get a cool red sword next time. Hey Tokoyami. He talks! I got a bad feeling about this.

Clover- Hey there Captain Sexy. Kick his ass, Yami. Of course Yami doesn't get to fight, because I'm not allowed to have nice things. Maybe he can be the next Wizard Hokage. I do like watching this woman hate things and hurt people. ORA ORA ORA ORA. At least if you die you don't have to be in Black Clover anymore. Oh right, Asta's still here. Yes please set him on fire. Shut the fuck up and let her kill him. Oh yeah let's all just hold hands and sing songs together, that'll work out just great. This is why you don't knock up humans. You suck, wizard king. Flashback to racism. I can also be persuaded to do things with free food. There he goes, the luckiest character in this entire cursed series. Somebody stab him in the dick while he's doing this weird glowing shit. This is a trick and you're about to be sacrificed to whatever wacky plan he's got going on. WOW WHAT A SHOCK. Oh what the fuck now.

Jojo- Bruno's so cool. I'm loving the random Italian bits they're throwing into the dialogue. Sorry Giorno you gotta take off your fancy ladybug pins. Uh what. Holy FUCK he's fat. He's fifteen don't let him drink. I like that there's just a random teddy bear in his contraband hole with the guns and grenade. Uh hey buddy that's your fingers. Giorno no that's stealing. Gaaaah don't show me that ear thing again. That's a cool lighter, thanks. Quick, turn it into a firefly or something! Giorno honey burning the shit out of your hand is probably not the best plan. I'm surprised they let him kep that flower. You know who wasn't fat as hell and also had flames as part of his stand? :D Giorno what the hell with the bread holder. Oh hey Koichi. Gee maybe you shouldn't have stolen his stuff in the first place. :D Snake lamp. And then his passport was on fire. GODDAMMIT OLD MAN. Whelp that's it, show's over. Yeah sure this'll work out well for you. Uh hey there, creepy wandering stand. Oh that old man is fucked. OH SHIT IT'S THE ARROW. :D This ED is so out of place.

Lupin- I don't watch TED talks but I'm assuming this is how they go with the awkward comedy. This is just googling him. HI FUJIKO. This is why I don't go on Facebook anymore. Aw shit that's just gonna make crime harder for them. Draaaaamaaaa. NOT AGAIN. Whelp, time to move to Amish country. Jigen's too old for this shit. This is gonna get annoying. Goddammit get out of our house. Oh hey, it's those guys. Just call Ami and have her hack it. Goemon x Training OTP. Oh hey Ami. :D Random Hitler. Awww, she's happy. Not even your old gay couple disguises are safe anymore! Oh, time for an angry mob I guess. Oh hey, that guy. I hope they bonded over both of them shooting Lupin in the gut. Meanwhile, Goemon in the woods. Aww, she's cute! This is a trap. Henchman, that's just rude. Hey there Zeni. FUJIKO NO. FUJITITS YES. Tits out is a great start to an escape plan, let's see where this goes.

8 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

OPM- I want her and Midnight to be friends.

Dr Stone- I hope Taiju and Yuzu just gave up on Karsland and are just banging out in the woods somewhere.

Food Wars- That looks like a salad in an ice cream cone and that hurts me physically.

Jojo- :D This ED is so out of place.

I'm inclined to agree, especially since Super S is now part of my harem of femdom anime girls alongside Midnight, but seeing how she's a villain and Midnight's a hero, I wouldn't count out at least one fight between them.

Back when I first learned that Taiju and Yuzuriha were just going to disappear from the series once Senku met the village people, I was hoping they'd be doing romantic stuff instead of acting as moles in Tsukasa's sovereign nation.

It's called an Ebi Roll and I'm not surpised that it doesn't gel well with you either.

I know. Isn't it beautiful? 🤩

Thoughts coming tomorrow when I've got the back fifth of the night's programming squared away.


THE FORGE - Oh boy, implied TOM backstory! Can't wait to see where that goes. Though I could do with less quips, even if it is Steve Blum having fun with the one non-union role he does nowadays.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - If you told me a year and a half ago that I'd like Bakugo more than Mineta at this point, I'd have called you crazy. That's what happens when one character develops while the other gets more incorrigible.

ONE PUNCH MAN - Three best girls debut this episode, each with their own drawbacks. Metal Bat's sister is too young, Ring-Ring didn't even do anything but get her ass kicked (on top of her name being even more problematic than the non-broken English equivalent), and I'm probably reaching on this last one, but I'm fearing Super S won't get the screentime she deserves. Though considering next week is also TV-MAS, I'd say I'm definitely reaching now.

DR. STONE - Annoyingly smug Justin Briner is the best Justin Briner. Hearing him do that voice as Ginro might actually make rewatching Black Clover episodes (wouldn't be the first time) with Luck in them more tolerable than they were back when the show just started.

FIRE FORCE - Mad Scientist Dandy returns, now the show is good again. But is the pissing robot squirrel really a preferable substitute for half-naked Tamaki in the awkward comedy department?


DEMON SLAYER - The angry kid who passed the selection definitely has that Bakugo energy. (And what luck, he shares his VA! :D) Good luck with your future demon-slaying endeavors, Tanjiro. Hope your sulfuric acid sensor sword serves you well.

BLACK CLOVER - Asta literally canceling Rhya's self-destruct was honestly pretty hype, even if it was ruined by his poor yet earnest attempt at peaceful resolution. And then the Clover Kingdom was Alfheim Online.

VENTO AUREO - Considering Polpo's size, I'm not surprised he bit into his fingers. I am surprise at Giorno assuming that's some type of STAND-based hallucination, though. Nice to see that Aramaki's VA's still getting work, too bad his janitor character died so unceremoniously.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - I kinda like how Asuma's last words included him saying "by the way, I knocked up Kurenai". And Choji worrying about ever getting married is hilarious, now that we know that he does score a wife - albeit a random choice of one - and a daughter who's easily one of Boruto's better side characters.

LUPIN THE 3RD - Goddammit Demarco, thanks to your hateboner for fanservice, we're never getting past the Code Geass days of blurring boobs without nipples! 😑


I'd have posted this earlier, but I just wanted to make sure that MHA's rating was available first.

11:00 - Toonami: The Forge #2 - TV-PGV

11:05 - My Hero Academia #65 - Overhaul - TV-14LV
11:30 - One Punch Man #18 - The Monster Uprising - TV-MAS

12:00 - Dr. Stone #13 - Masked Warrior - TV-14LV

12:30 - Fire Force #16 - We Are Family - TV-14LV

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #19 - The Chosen One - TV-MAS

1:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #6 - Swordsman Accompanying a Demon - TV-14LV

2:00 - Black Clover #95 - Reincarnation - TV-14V

2:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #4 - Joining the Famiglia - TV-MAV

3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #275 - A Message from the Heart - TV-PG

3:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #22 - Answer Me, Zantetsuken - TV-14SV

4:00 - Attack on Titan #2 - That Day: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 2 - TV-14LV

Better late than never, if at all.

  • Thanks 1

I don't know who programmed that Hot Pockets commercial to play something like fifty times tonight, but I want them to know I hate them.

Hero- I love Granpa. Fuck you and your creepy plague mask, buddy. I could watch United States of Smash for hours. I feel like this isn't gonna end well. Magne's pretty cool. Whelp, bye Magne. Bye Compress' arm. Bye Overhaul's redshirt. Meanwhile, Aizawa. Bakugo being angry. :D Emo Might. :D I'VE TO-GATA GO SEE! I love this wholesome motherfucker. God I wish that were me. Oh my god just call your ex. Awwwww my son. He's dumb as fuck but he's got a personality like a golden retriever. To be fair, it would be irresponsible to give me Vault Boy with All Might's powers and expect me to survive. Mineta continues to be the worst. Well it's good that he has a sense of humor. Helloooo underboob. That is definitely a sex thing. :D:D OH MY GOD.

OPM- KICK HIS ASS. Or his face, that works too. Oh right there's monsters popping up everywhere. Genos is a good friend. I still love how that guy is just Dave. Genos doesn't fuck around. FACE. Dude he's metal you probably should leave his face alone. Aw shit that's a lot of down hereos. BUG MAN. Good job Sour Face. Try not to kill him too hard. Saitama please date me. :D Mr. Saynothin. Goddammit Deku. Just let the rich people die. He's a cockroach how fast can he actually move? GO GO GADGET GLUEGUN. Lt Dan you don't got no legs. Kinda rooting for the dominatrix here. Whelp, so much for Blizzard. False alarm, we're good. Sister team up, go! ...Or not I guess. I forgot how much of a bitch Tornado was. I don't like your odds here snake man. He's cute but I don't trust him at all. Mumen Rider is the best. Fancy Cat Monster! Aw shit. GENOS NO.

Dr Stone- Dog! You've only got about 20 steps left in this 400 step process. :D He was doing that Salt Bae meme there. It's a bong! These sure are a bunch of words I don't understand. You gotta piss in a bottle. Calm down she's not an enemy on Jojo. Time for booze! Quick, get that boy some glassses. Those are some unreasonably lax rules. Senku no! :D I love these boys so much. Tonight's theme is apparently snaaaaakes. He finally gets to come in the village. Wait what. Stop hacking up a lung and tell me what's going on! Yes, shout about how you're going to murder her as soon as you marry her. GRAB HIS DICK AND TWIST IT! No such thing as a fair fight with science. AW FUCK. New plan, drugs! :D This fucking idiot. I love my melon child. Quick somebody kill that spy. You son of a bitch. GODDAMMIT. You should have tracked down Taiju and had him fight. Your eyes stiil shitty? Senku what the hell. MY BABY. Oh my god I love her. Give him your melon! Heeeeeee. THE EYES OF SCIENCE. This is goddamn incredible.

Fire Force- Aww he brought them beer. YEET. Like dicks, dicks should ideally never break. I don't need a diatribute about his life's phiilosophy, just keep hurling beer cans at the main cast. Time for a good ol' murder-suicide plot. That's a lot of Klansmen out there. Was...was he facing the wrong way this entire time. In case you needed more proof to never trust a man in a plague mask. RIDE THE LIGHTNING, BITCH. Arthur you fucking idiot. RIP piss squirrel. He's stupid enough that a cape will help him. :D Okay that donkey dick got me. It works because he's literally just that stupid. DOUBLE DONKEY DICK. RIP donkey dick. I'd like to thank whoever was responsible for that "You can bust my poor ass" line. Aw shit y'all built that thing? FUCK. You betrayed me, boobs. Meanwhile I genuinely forgot how Shinra got captured. I hope the sex was good at least. I lost track of this bridge metaphor a lont time ago. Whelp, kid's dead. Surely she's not about to betray you because she's secretly loved them the whole time and now you've hurt her family. Enough with the bridge thing! Beat him into a concussion, that'll help him remember.

Food Wars- Erina is still the fucking worst. Oh fucking christ Megumi passed somehow. Everyone is goddamn terrible. Hi new girl I hate you already. I don't even know what this tournament is supposed to be for. Did the bros pass? No really, why is she such an unlikable bitch? I'm with these guys, Megumi is fucking awful. No, Soma did all of that for her. Yep, he does everything for her and she just follows along like a confused rabbit. And then there's a crazy lesbian stalker. Just sitting around in the midle of the night polishing your blade. Put pants on you gross fuck. I miss you, hot dad. Nothing says talent like using your daddy's influence to garner special favors. Oh jesus christ there's two of them together. Scratch that, I can get on board with this. I don't care about this flasback. Your dad was a creep back in the day. Can this guy just be the main character instead, he seems a lot more tolerable. It seems like cheating to have the curry teacher's assistant playing in a round that's curry. Kick his ass, curry boy. I enjoy seeing Soma in pain. Follow your nose!

Demon Slayer- DESTROY. Heee Nezuko burrito. Oh it's like Inuyasha's robe. Sorry kid you're doomed. I love my kids. Sister box! Awww I love the sister box. This is so sweet. It's daytime, she's probably sleeping. This guy's looking rough. Aw crap it's a demon bride thing isn't it. Don't mind me, just a weird kid sniffing the ground like a bloodhound. Someone hug this boy. Find his sister please. Whelp this girl's about to get kidnapped. Ewww it's a blob monster. Ohhhh that's a lot of slime. SCENT ACQUIRED. Fuck you, ground! You saved her, I'm so proud! Aw crap it's one of them super demons. It speaks in the language of nails on a chalkboard. You should let Nezuko out and let her help you. Aw shit you're looking for the Ultra Demon. That's a stupid name and I hate him. KICK HIS ASS, KIDDO. I'm serious just let Nezuko out. Oh, fuck you. Oh no I hope her bow's not there. OH NO. FUCK YEAH NEZUKO. I love my sleepy little demon daughter. Oh, I'm gonna cry. Hey thanks for that. YOU'RE DOING AMAZING, SWEETIE.

Black Clover- The OPs for this show are deceptively decent. I continue to not care about any of this backstory. I'm honestly not sure if that's supposed to be Mimosa in a previous life or if the character design is just lazy. You're book twins now. SQUIRREL. And then they fucked. Somebody give the sex talk to that kid. Yeah I'm sure this will end well. Any time I go to a wedding I'm just in it for the cake. And then the Fire Nation attacked. Run away squirrel, you're the only one worth saving! Whelp, sorry about your dead bride and kid. Oh what the fuck is this. What is this bullshit? This sure is a thing that's happening. And nothing of value was lost. Yuno's just an elf now I guess.

Jojo- I'll admit this stand looks cool as fuck. Hey maybe you'll get some cool time resetting powers if he stabs you. MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA. Well, that didn't work. Aw shit it's got shadow powers. And a short attention span, apparently. Oh hey Koichi. KOICHI GET OUT OF THE SHADOW. It's funny that Giorno's half-vampire but this thing is the one that dies in the sun. Well Koichi is is gonna be kind of a long story you might wanna just have a seat. Y'all might wanna call Jotaro about this. In general, fuck you, Polpo. Ohhh crap he's going through the bird shadows. Reverb's gotten a much nicer attitude over the last couple years. Just get Josuke on the next plane out, he can fix it. Fuck this tree in particular I guess. Oh that was a good idea. Giorno's theme is a fucking banger. I kinda miss our old hand pervert friend. Alright fatass where'd you go. The sheer cost of feeding him must be enough to bankrupt most countries. I don't respect you. Well hey at least you get a cool button out of it. Uh whatcha up to there Giorno? Oh hey Jotaro how you doin'? Koichi's earned some fun. :D BANANA GUN. Welcome to Olive Garden. They're all teenagers.

Lupin- Hey there Goemon. Please go rescue Fujiko. :D The mascot suits. Oh hey Goemon. Awww no fair she put on clothes. Oh that's terrible. Aw fuck is Ami gonna turn out to be his long lost kid? RABBLE RABBLE TECHNOLOGY IS EVIL. Ami is the real MVP of this season. I don't understand all this computer talk either. Princess Fujiko is objectively the best princess. Goemon is angry. Oh my god you innocent child of a samurai man. Fish is serious business. I mean, it's kind of a little funny. Nah dude, y'all are friends. This is a trap don't fall for his bait. Goemon no don't feed the troll. Shut up, sidekick guy. That giant bird cage is giving me Sword Art PTSD war flashbacks but damn it works for her. Just fuck already. Oh hey Goemon. NOW'S NOT THE TIME, FRIEND. Try not to kill the girls during your pissing contest. Jigen just shoot him. YOU SHUT UP. Sometimes you just like a good old round of Fight Club between friends. Aw crap. Man Lupin's really getting the shit killed out of here this season. I know I called it but OH SHIT.

I've lost my goddamn mind from the never-ending onslaught of Hot Pockets and I will never know peace again.

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