FoleyisGood149 Posted February 11, 2018 Posted February 11, 2018 The good thing about Noelle's water-wall defensive spell is that it doesn't need to be aimed, since it just has to form everywhere around her. The only way to mess it up would be to make it form inside her... which I guess would technically be possible, since most of the mass of a human body is water. I forget what the child's toy Joseph used against Kars was. It's a surprisingly difficult call for me to make on worst character between Iok (war criminal nozzle from this episode) and McGillis (aspiring child molester). Pro for McGillis: he only intends to molest one particular child, and he has not done so yet. Con for him: it's still child molestation. Con for Iok: he knowingly and with premeditation attacked civilians with banned weapons. Pro for Iok: he only sought to callously murder children from a distance, not leave them with the physical and psychological scars of being sexually abused. Killing every insect they see might be overkill, but they also can't know which ones are spies scouting out the rest of the world for the C.A. Queen. However, if they look insect-sized and have no readily-discerned ant attributes, then they probably aren't spies. Yeah, it's profiling, but the alternative is the eradication of innocent, or even beneficial, species out of rampant paranoia. DBS - Black v. Goku was fun, and I can completely believe that each would hold back to feel out the other. I find it interesting that only Supreme Kai's get Time Rings. It might be connected to Black having a Potarra. Also, now I'll need to look for such a ring on Shin's fingers. Krillin's idea of using Whis' rewind trick was good, but unfortunately too late. It also would've had the complication that Black would still be there ready to destroy the ship if it would've been within the time limit. I think that Bulma sold herself short on her ability to build a new time machine from the notebook's contents. It wouldn't be easy, nor would it be quick, but I think she would've figured it out eventually. For convenience of moving the story forward, though, I must recognize that Bulma remembering she kept the rendition of the time machine that Cell used was good recall of something she did several years ago, even if finding it took a lot of searching. The manual will still likely be useful in repairing the time machine and constructing the device to produce its fuel. Wait, what? Future Mai is still alive. I'd say good, but she'll have to face the terror of Black seeking to complete his extermination of humanity with no Trunks to help her fight or lead survivors. DBZK - Yep, Gohan is stronger and faster that Buu now, but it doesn't matter how much he beats down Buu. He needs to be able to obliterate every molecule of Buu, perhaps even reduce him to subatomic particles. Buu's self destruction clearly didn't do it, so he'll have to come up with something more powerful than that. In other words, Mr. Popo saved the potential for everyone on Earth to come back and have a future by saving Dende with quick action. Thanks, Mr. Popo! Beer wouldn't be the best thing for a dehydrated Mr. Satan or Bee, but it would work in a pinch like they faced. It's too bad Buu wrecked that possibility, however unintentionally, for both of them. BC - I'm cool with the mayor guy being Magna's first real teacher both in how to be responsible with his magic and how to be a man. It's a fine background story for how close they are now. I hope the mayor guy isn't actually dead. Asta made himself useful not only in dealing with the boar problem, but also in getting the trio in and defending the townsfolk, and he did it without an inordinate amount of yelling, since yelling during attacks is to be expected. Oh, hey. It looks like Noelle is about to learn some control out of necessity and her sense of being ashamed that she was about to abandon a defenseless child. If that's what it takes for her not to be a spoiled, insecure brat, so be it. I'm slightly curious about this stone that the villains seek, but I'm more struck by the inherent injustice of the society that people who have little magic power are almost banished to this Forsaken Zone of the country, wherein they are prime targets for predatory criminals, both in that the citizens are mostly incapable of defending themselves (which says to me that this world needs firearms as an equalizer, but the society is far from that technological development, since they have and rely on magic so much. It's like, if memory serves, how the development of the societies in the world of FMA were dependent upon alchemy and alkahestry. They had firearms and munitions, but it took a lot of firepower to confront powerful alchemists. These people don't even have bolt-action rifles, much less the automatic weapons and explosives they'd need to truly defend themselves from ruthless magicians) and that they are far from the help of authorities like Magic Knights, even though they're the ones who would be most likely to truly need such assistance. JoJo: SC - Joseph's crash-course instruction in scuba-diving was helpful and informative. I already knew about the Bends, but the ratio of depth to atmospheres was new information to me, as was the exit port on the regulator doubling as a spit valve. I want to call shenanigans on High Priestess taking the form of Jean's regulator, but I don't know enough about the materials involved in the construction of the tube to the tank (the tank obviously being metal) and the regulator. Perhaps the distance of the tube length was sufficiently small for High Priestess to jump unnoticed into some appropriate component in the regulator, but if there is no metal or ceramic in the regulator itself, then it would be impossible for High Priestess to disguise itself as that piece of equipment. Regardless, after using H.G. and H.P. to save Jean, they would still have a huge problem in the form of Jean needing to share the air of the others for the rest of the swim to land. High Priestess disguising itself as part of the mineral-rich sea floor, however, is completely acceptable. I'm not sure how it was able to generate an air-filled cavity in the ground to provide a place for the water to flow as a whirlpool, nor how or why it would later fill its mouth with air for Team Joestar to breathe while they were held captive for High Priestess' user to flirt with Jotaro and gloat, but it did give them the chance to provoke a response, which Jotaro and S.P. turned into an offensive opportunity. Once Team Joestar made it to land, I can agree with Jean that High Priestess' user had a hot body, but her mouth would be a bloody mess with all those shattered teeth. I can understand Joseph not wanting Suzie to worry about Holly, but Suzie knows about the vampires and Pillar Men, so would it be that terrible to let her know that there was a resurfaced vampire threat and a new complicating aspect called Stands? I was unaware that Egypt was 97% desert. I knew it was mostly so, but not to that drastic an extent. To me, that's a big strike against it for any future international tourism plans I ever might make, regardless of the archaeological locations with their historical significance. That guy from the Speedwagon Foundation spying for Joseph and finding a group of nine and the promo for the last arc say to me that the battles in these last few episodes will be fast and furious. MSG: IBO 2 - I'll admit it. It was a failure of imagination on my part to realize why railguns would be banned. Even knowing that this show is set in a universe where ready travel between planets and artificial space colonies is a reality, I didn't consider that railguns would be used in space battles. As referenced in an episode of MSG: Unicorn (which I recently finished rewatching from the dvr), I'm bound to the Earth and gravity, and I didn't consider what railguns would do to a spaceship, because I only thought of them being used on a planet or against targets on a planet's surface. After seeing them in action, I can fully appreciate the concern that killing your opponents by exposing them to vacuum via attacks from projectiles which can't be dodged or deflected would be considered inhumane. In that context, I can understand the ban. That said, Iok isn't a dick. He's a whole bag full of them. He planted one banned weapon on a seized Turbine ship, which they were merely charged with transporting. Then he had and used over a dozen of them with multiple volleys against ships which not only signaled an intent to surrender, which he, once informed of this, denied happened when it was on the word of his deployed mobile suit pilots and later again when he had to lie about what he himself and his bridge crew could see, but also against ships laden with non-combat personnel and young children, including on emergency escape craft. As near as I can tell, the nature of railguns being banned weapons and their use against unarmed civilians here would make Iok and at least some of his men guilty of either a war crime or a crime against humanity, if not both. It's no wonder he would need to eliminate all the Turbines; there could be no witnesses he couldn't order to secrecy. Even if only his men survived, if enough of them objected out of conscience, they could preserve recordings of the operation to prove Iok's guilt. Hopefully that's a moot point, though, since Iok, in his arrogance, didn't convert the bridge into combat mode and hopefully died when the Hammerhead's momentum crashed it into his ship. At the least, he lost one ship of his fleet, so he'd need to answer for that tactical fiasco, should he survive. What I take away from the combat between Amida and Julietta is that Amida was an amazing pilot who was unlucky enough to be in the line of fire of an unblockable, undodgeable weapon. I'll miss her and Naze. They were likeable characters. I hope that Azee, Lafter, and the rest of the Turbines (as well as our Iron Flower trio) fare better in the next episode. Akihiro, you dummy. Lafter meant a hug, not strangling you. Maybe, if you play your cards right, it'll be even more than a hug. I can understand the various people who cried upon hearing of Amida and Naze's demise reacting that way, but I think that Mikazuki's reaction was that he was getting angry over it toward the perpetrators. If Iok does survive and isn't locked up for his crime, I feel like Mikazuki will look for any excuse and opportunity he can get to pilot Barbatos against him, if not against anyone and everyone associated with the Ariannerhod (sp?) fleet as well. I'm not sure why Barbatos was in that skeletal state. Maybe it was necessary to strip it like that to effect the extensive repairs it needed. HxH - Well, crap. If partly-human C.A.s are attacked with nen and survive, then they'll gain the ability to use nen. As soon as the boys and Kite learn this, they need to inform the H.A. as quickly as possible, since a large number of Hunters are about to, well, invade the N.G.L., border regulations be damned. It might be couched as the Hunters dealing with a threat to humanity, so the urgency of the threat would supersede that country's absurd entry regulations which could hinder the Hunters in their extermination efforts. Still, something didn't make sense to me. It sounded like Netero and the H.A. were waiting for the show's equivalent of the U.N. to give them an order to go. I thought that the H.A. and it's members were essentially above the law (with the possible exception of kidnapping, murder and rape), so they wouldn't really be under the authority of another international body. Maybe this go-ahead was to grant them the permission to enter the N.G.L. without regard to the entry criteria, since any ambassador that the N.G.L. would have to the show's U.N. would be party to the decision to allow the Hunters unfettered entry. I don't think that's how ant colony propagation works, but the point remains that more Kings and Queens would be very, very bad. Plus, the designs painted on Spinner's fingernails made her look even cuter. Okay, at least not all of the C.A.s are as tough as the one that can use nen now. That's good news. Shippuden - If memory serves, Naruto in the present of the show is still technically a genin, like the old man. Naruto may have the training, skills and special jutsu of a chunin, or perhaps even a jonin, but he doesn't officially hold either of those ranks, meaning he shouldn't be tasked with leading missions. His skills can be recognized, so he can be sent on B, A, or maybe even S-ranked missions, but he wouldn't lead his team. Of course, there's also the concern that the Nine Tails will overwhelm him, so having a jonin like Yamato around on missions is also a good idea. Yes, the old guy was right. You can search for signs of enemy activity and find wild edibles at the same time. Regarding all the traps the big dude set, isn't it technically possible that wildlife could trigger the ground-level ones? If the traps are designed to go unnoticed by humans who are looking for them, then I could fully believe that an animal of sufficient size could trip one. The enemy ninja leader, who looked like she had something resembling a Stone headband, was hot. That's cool. OS - Yep, it was all ancient alien intervention or assistance on all those planets. The survey team did make some good findings, but it's a shame the pirates used their ships and influence to cut the team's supply lines, forcing them to abandon their research. The timing of the earthquake sure was peculiar and terribly inconvenient for any future archaeological expeditions. Harry was still talking like a controlling and possessive boyfriend, but he wasn't quite as creepy about it as last time. The McDougalls also brought a lot of hardware. Gwen was not quite as enigmatic as usual, but he was every bit as scummy, turning Melfina "off" like that. SD - Dandy, it's called "aiming." Learn to do it. Yeah, Mamitas' disguised form sure is hot. It's too bad she'll eat you to death. Given how well Dandy runs away and the star on his jacket, perhaps he's a descendant of the Joestars. I don't think he has the hereditary birthmark, but that could fade away with enough generations. Like one of the title pages from the first run of Futurama read, "you can't prove it won't happen." I still love the line about the native aliens getting out of Dandy's poofy hair. Hooray for a successful registration getting Dandy and Q.T. paid! CB - Yeah, Doohan was just a little on fire. No big deal. Thinking about the virus the pirates use, it could be considered to be stranding the people in the targeted ships, in essence leaving them to die. I'm fine with shooting first, especially on a second engagement. It's a shame that they stole the appearance of a legitimate delivery service. Spike is magic to keep his cigarette hanging from his lower lip while speaking with a fully-open mouth. It's a shame this couldn't happen exactly as shown, since Doohan's ship is in pieces. That wouldn't be restoring it. That would be completely reconstructing it. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Good work, crime lab guys. You noted a peculiarity that led to identifying the mystery man. I think I have a different idea of face sculpting than what the show intends by that phrase. To me, any unique face, which is to say the face of anyone seeking to have their own face on a prosthetic body, would need to be sculpted. If I understand correctly, though, the meaning in the show is that the sculptor is creating an entirely new face which isn't styled (at least not intentionally) after anyone. It's peculiar not only that the face sculptor's murderer had Pazu's face and build, but also that she was wearing the same suit, so I can understand the local cops' incredulity. If the obsessed ex-girlfriend succeeded in killing Pazu, I feel like the equivalent of a VIN on his prosthetic body could be checked to detect the impostor, as well as the subsequent lack of job-related knowledge, skills, and memories which would doubtlessly become apparent. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 11, 2018 Author Posted February 11, 2018 (edited) 3 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said: I forget what the child's toy Joseph used against Kars was. It's a surprisingly difficult call for me to make on worst character between Iok (war criminal nozzle from this episode) and McGillis (aspiring child molester). Pro for McGillis: he only intends to molest one particular child, and he has not done so yet. Con for him: it's still child molestation. Con for Iok: he knowingly and with premeditation attacked civilians with banned weapons. Pro for Iok: he only sought to callously murder children from a distance, not leave them with the physical and psychological scars of being sexually abused. Clacker balls. I'd personally say Iok is worse, not only because just watching him on-screen is aggravating in and of itself, but because there's still the chance that McGillis may wait until Almiria is of age to do anything sexual with her. @EmpressAngel Noelle's new spell appears to be defensive, so I don't think it needs aiming. DRAGONBALL SUPER - Krillin was on fire this week, and I don't mean that like I mean Trunks' time machine. DRAGONBALL Z KAI - Punished Satan: A Man Robbed of His Alcohol. BLACK CLOVER - You know the show is improving when they have an interaction between Asta and Sister Lilly that doesn't involve one asking the other to marry them. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - I can't help but wonder what DIO's reaction would have been upon learning that Speedwagon had made it big in the time he was stuck in the Atlantic. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS - Amida cracked Iok's windshield, and Naze rammed the Hammerhead directly into one of their ships, so it's not like their deaths were completely meaningless. HUNTER x HUNTER - Lotta random insects this episode. Something Togashi included in the original manga, or perhaps an anime-original inclusion by the storyboarder? Edited February 11, 2018 by PokeNirvash Quote
OwlChemist81 Posted February 11, 2018 Posted February 11, 2018 (edited) "I'm slightly curious about this stone that the villains seek, but I'm more struck by the inherent injustice of the society that people who have little magic power are almost banished to this Forsaken Zone of the country, wherein they are prime targets for predatory criminals, both in that the citizens are mostly incapable of defending themselves (which says to me that this world needs firearms as an equalizer, but the society is far from that technological development, since they have and rely on magic so much. It's like, if memory serves, how the development of the societies in the world of FMA were dependent upon alchemy and alkahestry. They had firearms and munitions, but it took a lot of firepower to confront powerful alchemists. These people don't even have bolt-action rifles, much less the automatic weapons and explosives they'd need to truly defend themselves from ruthless magicians) and that they are far from the help of authorities like Magic Knights, even though they're the ones who would be most likely to truly need such assistance."Â Now that's interesting. I need to go back and rewatch the last 4 episodes or so to be sure, but it seems that the Black Bulls might actually turn out to be the most truly heroic of all the Magic Knight squads, especially if they choose to defend weak-magic commoners in the Forsaken Zone, while the other 8 squads will only defend nobles and whatnot. So, worst or best turns out to be a matter of perception! Edited February 19, 2018 by OwlChemist81 Quote
OwlChemist81 Posted February 11, 2018 Posted February 11, 2018 (edited) 4 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said: JoJo: SC - Joseph's crash-course instruction in scuba-diving was helpful and informative. I already knew about the Bends, but the ratio of depth to atmospheres was new information to me, as was the exit port on the regulator doubling as a spit valve. It is quite neat that this show can be educational, a rare trait to find among Toonami shows. I can only wait to see how much we'll all learn about Egypt from Professor Joseph Joestar and his colleagues starting Saturday at Midnight! Just as long as he NEVER teaches flight school--OH THE HUMANITY! Edited February 11, 2018 by OwlChemist81 Quote
OwlChemist81 Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 13 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said: Akihiro, you dummy. Lafter meant a hug, not strangling you. Maybe, if you play your cards right, it'll be even more than a hug. "Squeeze you so hard" certainly has quite a few interesting connotations... Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 12, 2018 Author Posted February 12, 2018 NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - It was different having a filler where Naruto went on a mission with three nobodies and not any actual recognizable characters. Somewhat comfy, too. OUTLAW STAR - I personally felt half of the OS Crew vs. MacDougalls fight was a little inconsistent. How did we get from Suzuka fighting Ron's dogs to fighting Ron himself, exactly? SPACE DANDY - Leave it to Mamitas' character designer to make her outfit so arousing that the reveal of her being the Deathgenarian comes at you like a truck running into an isekai protagonist. COWBOY BEBOP - This episode had more notable screenshots and promo-included quotes than I remember it having. GITS: SAC 2ND GIG - To be completely honest, sometimes I forget that Pazu's even there. Hopefully this episode changes things. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 17, 2018 Author Posted February 17, 2018 (edited) Tonight's episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders is brought to you by the year 1993! Relive this magical year with such memorable moments as Bill Clinton becoming president, the Bombay Riots, the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, and the Asian Airlines Flight 733! And let's not forget the 1993 hit single starring Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg, "Nuthin' But a 'G' Thang"! But of course, this week marks the beginning not of the 1993 OVAs chronicling the second half of the Stardust Crusaders saga - thanks, whoever thought it was a good idea to show DIO explicitly reading from the Quran - but the 2015 "Egypt Arc" adaptation of the TV series. Jotaro, Joseph, Avdol, Kakyoin and Polnareff have finally made it to Egypt after a long 30 days of travel. You'd think the trip would be easier, now that all of DIO's minions have been defeated, but never doubt the connections and charisma of a 100+ year-old vampire, because he's got nine more assassins lined up for our heroes to get through. Lucky for us, the titular Crusaders have a mysterious sixth member waiting in the wings. But who could it be? Elsewhere on Toonami, Bulma gets to work on fixing the back-up time machine for Trunks' mission, Super Buu absorbs Gotenks (because Toei doesn't care if we get spoiled), Asta and Magna start wearing themselves out against Not-Zabuza's persistent ice attacks, if you think things are gonna get better after Naze and Amida's deaths think again, the first member of the Chimera Ant Queen's Royal Guard awakens, Team 7 finds themselves under the impression that Kakashi's dating a spy from the Hidden Lock Village, Gene is forced to break an inmate with knowledge of the Galactic Leyline's coordinates out of space prison, friendly reminder that there is no cure for zombieism, Spike faces off against his most fucked-up opponent yet, and Saito regales Section 9's new recruits with the story of how he first met the Major. 10:30 - Dragonball Super #51 - Feelings That Transcend Time: Trunks and Mai - TV-PGLV 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #150 - Buu's Sinister Scheme: Gotenks is Absorbed - TV-PGLV 11:30 - Black Clover #10 - Guardians - TV-PGV 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #25 - Iggy the Fool and Geb's N'doul, Part 1 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #41 - Natural For a Human - TV-14LV 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #84 - A Fated Awakening - TV-14V 1:30 - Naruto Shippuden #191 - Kakashi Love Song - TV-PG 2:00 - Outlaw Star #22 - Gravity Jailbreak - TV-PGL 2:30 - Space Dandy #4 - Sometimes You Can't Live With Dying, Baby - TV-14DSV 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #20 - Pierrot le Fou - TV-MAV 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #14 - POKER FACE - TV-MA Â [despair and raw meat] Edited February 17, 2018 by PokeNirvash Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted February 17, 2018 Posted February 17, 2018 On 2/11/2018 at 1:36 PM, OwlChemist81 said: ...Professor Joseph Joestar... Just as long as he NEVER teaches flight school--OH THE HUMANITY! Poke: I had forgotten the clacker balls. Also, it's a shame that the ship Iok lost wasn't his own, but one of his other battleships which took a hit from the deflected Hammerhead (steam-of-consciousness moment: when I wrote "Hammerhead," I also thought of Jet's personal spacecraft). 1 Quote
EmpressAngel Posted February 18, 2018 Posted February 18, 2018 Clover- Well hey she didn't accidentally kill everyone so that's something. Joke's on you, he has no power and got in out of pity. You stupid bastard. I gotta root for the ice douche here. This show has done the unthinkable and found me a dude with fire powers that I wouldn't bang. Why won't you just die already? Nice ass padding there, buddy. WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE ALREADY. I don't think he has any problem going through you. I'm sure this isn't a fakeout and Asta's not about to pop out like a methed-up gopher. Oh look that's exactly what happened. Good job you managed to do one single good spell in your life. I'd just kill myself out of shame if Asta beat me in a fight. Avdol did the flame bondage better. Stop shouting you dumbass. Sorry girl he only wants to fuck an unwilling nun. That bird is the best character. Surely this will go off without a hitch. Whelp y'all fucked that up. Grandpa swindled you out of all your money and your underwear, but he did it for a good cause so it's fine. Well shit if this stupid bastard that has literally no maagic ability can get in, they'll just take anybody. THIS ISN'T ABOUT YOUR SHITTY GOALS, YOU SELFISH FUCK. Thank you bird. Alright I have to agree with her this bird is pretty great. I don't care enough to remember if we're supposed to recognize this voice but I'm sure it's not a powerful good guy who's really an absolute dickwad in disguise. Jojo- Oooh sweet new OP. Do not let Joseph touch that helicopter. Well he sounds delightful. Shut up Polnareff you have no room to talk. he a blanket stand? Oh my god it's the world's saltiest dog. God I love Avdol. You deserve this, Polnareff. His stand is cool and I love him. Have some Scooby Snacks. Awwww puppy likes gum. You adorable little bastard. Oh good Joseph got a new hand. That's a good picture. Avdol is loving this. Oh no Holly y'all gotta hurry up. Jonathan's body is just too strong for him. This guy's not ominous at all. Well shit he's blind you can't punch a blind guy. This is gonna be a problem. I want to pet this dog and give him all the gum he wants. Yeah, three giant buff dudes probably take up a lot of room back there. Okay this plane crash was actually not Joseph's fault for once. Ohh that looks rough. Okay he has a water stand but where the hell did that fish come from. OH NOOO. Yeah honey that seems like a pretty obvious conclusion. That is a lot of blood coming out of that thing. Quit whining and do it you baby. OH FUCK IT'S A STAND. Aw fuck now he's blind. Use Polnareff as a shield it's a worthy sacrifice. Oh right the dude can't see he has to go by sound. Okay can anybody spontaneously develop the ability to fly? I like how Iggy's just sleeping through all this. Aw shit there goes the car. Iggy's gonna have to kick his ass. If you touch that dog I will kill you myself. Waaait this isn't Walk Like An Egyptian. Gundam- RIP the best characters in this show. Fuck you, dickwad. I feel like what's best for the company is not letting the backstabbing traitor have free reign. I will comfort these sad and beautiful women. Someone punch him. Well this is depressing. Babies are indeed terrifying. Mika, imagining how tasty that baby meat probably is. JUST BANG HIM ALREADY, GIRL. God I loved main wife. Well now you gotta nail him to honor her memory. Son of a bitch this guy's still alive. Yeah well he's dead now, someone stab that guy in the kidneys. GET IT GIRL. You idiot she's trying to plow you. Oh he's gonna invade you alright. Yeah, rub it in that the best characters are dead. Didn't you have a brother back in the day? This is going too well something bad is going to happen. Now kiss. It takes sex with a dozen women on a regular basis to keep a family happy. Mika what the shit. Get it girl, I guess. Fuck off, asshole. Build A Bear is a fun place indeed. Eyebrow bear. OH WHAT THE FUCK. You still have to pay for that bear. DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK. I hope he dies painfully. Oh no don't trust the baby fucker. You really should have banged that girl when you had the chance. Murder the shit out of them, Mika. Hunter- Aw shit that thing's hatching. Calm down there, Emo Cat. Aw fuck don't hurt my kids. You need a stronger bug zapper, Killua. Yeah good luck with that pouncing plan, dude. Well thi girl is adorable. Hi, Bacon Baker. I hope whoever it is escaped. Oh good it's that one guy and he's alive. I like Professor Penguin he's the only one I hope survives. Ohh that's probably not a good thing. Well that's different. What the hell did you guys do in there? Now's not the time for man oogling, girl! It's the ciiiiiiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiiiife. And knowing is half the battle! Who the hell is this one? Where are they getting fancy clothes in this place? I can't tell if this cat is a boy or girl. Oh no my dude you are so fucked. WHELP he's dead. Oh my god this one makes cat puns I can't hate that. No goddammit why are you helping them? Oh fuck nevermind this is horiffic. Well at least Buzzkill is probably the most likely to turn traitor for the good team. Oh fuck fuck fuck that is a real bad idea for the world. At this point death is probably a relief for him. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted February 18, 2018 Posted February 18, 2018 6 hours ago, EmpressAngel said: Clover- ...Asta's ... about to pop out like a methed-up gopher. Jojo-Jonathan's body is just too strong for him. Gundam- Murder the shit out of them, Mika. Hunter- Well at least Buzzkill is probably the most likely to turn traitor for the good team. I loled. Hopefully the awesome of Jonathan's body will prove too much for Dio's head to control and it will propel his head off of it. That would be a startling and completely unexpected, to Team Joestar at least, way to end the big fight. Yes, Mikazuki going on a battle-murder spree would be satisfying, but I really want Akihiro to get to end Lafter's murderer brutally and to at least set Iok up for Mikazuki's finishing strike. Teamwork on killing the ginger gangster is also welcome. We can only hope so. Maybe he'll get to kill rabbit guy in the process. DBS - I'm not sure what those flashes across Black's body showing images of Goku in his gi mean, but it's somewhat like the same kind flashes going across Goku's body in one of the show's OPs showing him with Super Saiyan god power, and that would be a very bad thing for Black to achieve. Dr. Briefs helping his daughter make sense of her own notes is fine. Perhaps his future self even helped her with the mathematical and scientific basis for the time machine. Poor Krillin and Piccolo, getting tasked with cleaning a mess they had no part in making. Yes, show. We remember that lil' Mai is simply a de-aged woman, so her reacting like that to a handsome young man paying attention to her and speaking well of her future self is perfectly reasonable. As for Future Mai, she had a bigger part in the struggle against Black than I would've expected. It sure sounds like Beerus and Whis may have some insights to Black and his powers, if they can manage to remember where they felt such power at some point in their long lives. DBZK - I feel like both Gotenks and Piccolo failed in two ways here. First, they didn't dodge Buu's ambush. Second, they only struggled physically, when unleashing a large energy attack could've blasted it off their bodies after they were engulfed. Mr. Satan also failed, because while Bee alerted him to the approaching danger, he didn't call out a warning to either Gotenks or Piccolo, which could've been as simple as yelling, "behind you." Yes, a Buu with Piccolo's intellect is trouble, but thankfully if Gohan can outlast Buu for the half hour that the fusion lasts, then he wouldn't be more powerful than Gohan anymore. Probably. BC - Yep, Asta's tenacious, but he should learn not to shout when attempting a surprise attack on his opponent (or just not to shout either in general or at least not as much as he does). I liked the teamwork between Asta and Magna. As for the head of this villainous squad, he should've died from the wounds Asta inflicted on him. Using an implanted magical item or items to kill themselves was cheap. I'm also curious as to for whom he was working and what this mysterious master's plan is, even though we know it will involve the magic stone that Asta's permanent pest bird retrieved. JoJo: SC - A dog that uses a Stand. I'm willing to accept that, since we did have an orangutan Stand-user. However, the dog's personality quirks are completely ridiculous, and one might even kill it, since coffee-flavored gum might include actual coffee, and caffeine is very bad for dogs. Its sense of smell being remarkably keen might prove useful, though, and a Stand made of sand would be ideal in a desert. N'Doul being blind and walking with a cane is fine, but I'm a bit reluctant to believe that he could locate the elevation and distance of a helicopter in flight to target it with his Stand. Also, as to him feeling the vibrations of Team Joestar's movements through the ground, I see several issues with that. For one, he'd need to be more sensitive than a seismograph. For two, I've already addressed the transmission of energy by impacting the ground back with Father and Pride in Brotherhood, and N'Doul isn't even connected to pipes to have a direct line for the vibrations into his body. For three, there are tiny air gaps in the sand which would serve as baffles to disperse the energy and direction of the vibrations, making it even less likely that the energy would reach N'Doul. Lastly, it's totally ripping off the mutant worms' hunting method from Tremors. As for the water Stand, it has no eyes. Even if it could locate where someone is, it couldn't tell whether they were standing, crouching or sitting. Thus, it shouldn't have been able to target Kakyoin's eyes. All it could reliably do is swinging attacks at the location, like to Jean's leg, at a height of one foot, since only someone laying on the ground could get lower than that, and that would produce a larger impact footprint, but soften the intensity of it, since the same amount of force would be spread over a greater area. Speaking of pressure, since the Stand is made of water, it would require a lot of force, meaning a high velocity, to create lacerations. Taken as a whole, the story is asking me to suspend a lot of disbelief on ordinary science things to accept the premise of N'Doul, his Stand, and his combat method. MSG: IBO 2 - First, the positive developments. For one, Akihiro and Lafter did get their date, even if she had to be the one to ask him, and he botched it completely. However, he at least did genuinely flatter and praise her by saying how much he admired her as a person. It was a start for a relationship based on respect, not just attraction or, like her relationship with Naze, gratitude. For two, awww, that was a cute lil' drool monster that came over to play with Mikazuki. For three, that scene led to Atra and Mikazuki having an important discussion, and Mikazuki was open to the prospect of having a baby with Atra. I can completely understand if she, when faced with the gravity of that responsibility, isn't ready to have him impregnate her in the immediate future. For four, at least Atra has someone reliable in Hash to assist her with ship duties when she's overwhelmed by the events of her life. For five, things may not work out well for Iok, since McGillis may be able to find records of Iok taking the railguns that his forces used to attack the Turbines. For six, the Barbatos is now repaired and ready for action. While the Latin may be a mouthful, I think that the new name, Barbatos the Wolf King, actually sounds pretty badass. Now for the negative developments. The ginger gangster was out of line. I'm not talking about him helping to frame the Turbines and thus having a hand in Amida and Naze's deaths. That's an old development. I'm talking about him being so brazen as 1. to attempt, as McMurdo noted, to tell his superior that he couldn't hold a memorial for a dead friend in his own home, and 2. to send a lackey to commit a broad-daylight murder of one of his now-dead rival's surviving subordinates. I find it hard to believe that no one witnessed the shooting, nor was it captured on some sort of surveillance camera. I can, though, believe that any witnesses would've been intimidated into silence. While Saisei (sp?) may be the headquarters of Teiwaz, it's also essentially a colony, and there would be a substantial non-gangster population there to keep the ordinary society and the colony systems functioning. Any local authorities may be on the payroll, but when there's internal conflict with Teiwaz, I feel like there would be the understanding that pertinent findings are to be presented to McMurdo directly, so he can handle the strife in his own house. This said, I find it hard to accept that we truly have a situation where everyone knows that the ginger gangster is behind this all, but no one can prove it, and so any action that Iron Flower takes against them could be decried by the ginger gangster as "unprovoked aggression," making him and his lackeys the grieved party. That said, if he, his lackeys, and his other supporters in Teiwaz are all wiped out by the paramilitary might of Iron Flower, then they won't be around to protest this supposed injustice (which is actually natural justice) against them. As to the details of Lafter's murder, the killer wasn't that great. He was firing from a distance of around twenty or thirty feet at a stationary target, and he only hit her, from what the shot of her lying there on the shop floor showed, no more than three times (we saw what looked like two entry wounds to her torso, and there were two pools of blood under her - one centered on her torso and one that looked to be coming from her head, which could indicate that one round hit her somewhere in the head, but it could also simply be the result of her head striking the floor) with a total of six shots fired. Yes, he was firing through glass, which could alter the trajectory of some of the bullets, but his accuracy likely would've improved, and thus his mission would be more likely to succeed by inflicting more damage on Lafter, had he bothered to use both hands for added control in his firing stance. I can't fault Lafter for dying as she did. She was doing an ordinary activity in friendly territory and was thinking about the man she loves after seeing something that reminded her of him. It's not her fault that she was betrayed and ambushed by an unscrupulous fellow who was supposedly a professional associate. It's made more disgusting by the fact that the betrayer sought to use her murder as a pretext for taking over the Turbine group, claiming that it was proof that an all-female group wouldn't be respected, when he was the architect of this disrespectful and dastardly deed. Regarding the reactions to Lafter's murder, I can understand Akihiro wrecking the weight room. He had to lash out, but he couldn't move against the the aggressor without approval from Orga. Between this and Amida and Naze's orchestrated deaths, Mikazuki looked like he was ready to go and straight up murder everyone involved, but he was frustrated that he couldn't do it without Barbatos. I like that he explicitly asked what kind of retribution he was allowed to exact, since he knew that Orga's station in Teiwaz and his aspirations for Iron Flower could be jeopardized if Mikazuki took things too far and slaughtered everyone when merely putting them in their place (the gangsters are just criminals. Iron Flower are trained to kill their enemies and destroy the infrastructure of their organization) might suffice. HxH - While I like that the rabbit guy got put in his place by sensing the power of this Royal Guard catgirl, it can't be good for the approaching Hunters that Royal Guards can generate and access nen from birth. I was surprised that Pokkle survived, but now I wish for his and the other Hunters' sakes that he hadn't. That way, he wouldn't have been tortured by having his skull opened and his brain probed to make him divulge secrets of nen. However, I have serious doubts that the catgirl would've been able to find the right place(s) in his cortex to stimulate, and I'm also unsure that non-electrical probes would've been able to make him access those memories and speak when he was unwilling to answer their questions. The C.A.s getting more powerful and using strategy in the field, coupled with some of the OP visuals, make me worried for Kite. I'm surprised that neither Gon nor Killua was able to detect the C.A.s following them in the air. Maybe they were too focused on trying to detect foes approaching from ground level and neglected to remember that many of their enemies can fly. Shippuden - The Lock kunoichi reminded me visually of Haku, but she was still pretty. Her introspection jutsu is a clever stratagem, but I find it hard to believe that Inoichi couldn't tell she was poking around in his mind while he searched hers. Yep, Ibiki was there to remind us that even under the "moderate" Hiruzen, Konoha still used torture during interrogations of captured enemies . It's a shame that's probably the most play Kakashi is going to get in the show. I did like that it was based on him being kind to the woman back when they were younger. OS - Hecaton Chairez (sp?) is part of an existing idea in sci-fi that there are plenty of planets where the conditions would normally be fatal for a human, but inside the prison life is possible. The idea is to discourage escape attempts by making it a matter of survival to stay confined. Warden guy was a plain sadist. He also had the one thing that would make living in high gravity easy for a human - a fluid suspension tank. It makes him neutrally buoyant, meaning he doesn't feel the effect of the gravity on his body like the inmates do. However, he would be breathing the liquid, which is possible, since we saw no breathing mask for him. There would need to be some kind of frequency modulation from the microphone in the tank to make his speech intelligible. The warden might have trouble adjusting to breathing fluid at first, but his intercostals and diaphragm would acclimate to the additional exertion with time. The enhanced gravity would make movement difficult, or nearly impossible for Gene's first trip to the polar facility, but with time the inmates' muscles and bones would strengthen in response to the added stress of the higher gravity. However, they would have chronically high blood pressure, which could make them more likely to suffer heart failure or stroke, but it wouldn't necessarily be a guarantee. Now, the food they were served, which they would have no choice but to eat, might be designed to increase their risk of heart disease as well. I don't think extra gravity alone would do it, but it could contribute to otherwise premature death. A magnetic field that strong could also interfere with the function of red blood cells, making inmates sent to the polar facility more likely to pass out and/or die. SD - Dandy's nurse song is still magical, and the nurses were bombshells prior to zombification. I particularly liked the brunette with pointy ears. Q.T. and other A.I.s catching zombie still doesn't make sense, but eh. The zombie hunter carrying his rifle in public says to me that this is a universe of open carry or constitutional carry, and I'm fine with either of those. The universe full of zombies being a peaceful place sounds like it's saying there's equality in death, when everyone is free from the desires and wants that cause competition, strife and ambition. It would also be a world with no drive or incentive to innovate and advance. It would be peaceful, but stagnant and boring. CB - I can't put my finger on it, but there's something about Ed's line, "peek-a-boo... I see you," that I love. I have no idea how Pierrot's nanomachines generate his forcefield, nor how they enable him to fly. The thing about the forcefield, though, is that it would be operating on a limited power supply with a limited recharging rate. It would technically be possible to overcome the forcefield by continuous bombardment, but he can still move while it's active, and it's tough to keep sustained fire on a moving target, especially when it can move as erratically as he can. Spaceland would need to be closed for weeks, if not longer, for comprehensive inspection for damage and repairs. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Regardless of whether Saito's tale was true or not, it does make for an engrossing story. Even if someone has a full-prosthetic body, there would still be some time required to process the input of the incoming bullet's flight path and to aim the cyborg's weapon and fire. The Major and Saito were probably around 100 feet apart. Maybe as much as 120 feet, but I wouldn't think farther than that. Even a comparatively slow round like a .38 special (130 gr FMJ) still has a velocity of 852 fps at 150 feet. Simply using that number, which is lower than the muzzle velocity, with the greater distance I mentioned, it would take the bullet 141 milliseconds to cover the distance. I find it hard to accept that the cyborg body, even with the correct firing control software, could adjust the point of aim in that little time to fire a shot that was close enough to the first bullet's flight path to alter its trajectory. The story also asked us to accept that prosthetic eyes have sufficient visual acuity to locate an object that is less than half an inch in diameter at a distance of 120 feet. Even if we grant that they were closer than that, which would make it easier to spot Saito's bullet, it would also reduce the amount of time the Major had to locate the bullet, adjust her aim, and fire. The bottom line is that Saito, in his haste to fire first, simply missed when he had to emerge from cover, locate his target, and fire. The Major simply had to aim in the general vicinity of where Saito was likely to emerge and adjust her aim when she saw him start moving out to fire. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 18, 2018 Author Posted February 18, 2018 (edited) 4 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said: JoJo: SC - A dog that uses a Stand. I'm willing to accept that, since we did have an orangutan Stand-user. However, the dog's personality quirks are completely ridiculous, and one might even kill it, since coffee-flavored gum might include actual coffee, and caffeine is very bad for dogs. Ignoring this show's bizarre tendencies allowing it to throw logic to the wind, I'd guess that the coffee in the gum is decaf. DRAGONBALL SUPER - Again, why the hell does Trunks' future have to be so damn depressing? It's like it tries to give the deaths in this show some degree of weight, but really it just makes you feel like shit. I felt that I way when I watched History of Trunks when I was in elementary school, and I feel that way when watching the Goku Black Saga now. DRAGONBALL Z KAI - Somehow animals are always the first to know. Welcome to the wonderful world of DBZ, Mr. Satan. I and Toei may have said he absorbed Gotenks, but we never said anything about absorbing Piccolo. Speak fancy all you want, you're still no Mister Perfect Cell. It's been forever since we got a music video speech, and once again, Toonami nailed it. Only here would you see the OS narrator and Sister Lily pull double-duty on the speechgiving. If you're looking for someone strong to fight, there's always Goku. Well, at least Gohan vs. Buu is still pretty hype. Mr. Satan is too good for this dying world. I recognize those stances! Technically it's called the Makankosappo, if that's what you want to call it. Now that's freaky. And then he made like History of Trunks Gohan and lost his arm. BLACK CLOVER - I'm hoping Noelle starts using that superior defensive spell more often, but I'm weighing my options. HOT DAMN ASTA. "Now it's my turn to take a stab at you!" He worded it that way on purpose, didn't they? Time is clearly of the essence for this guy. Never underestimate the resolve of a complete idiot. That's the most badass fanny pack I've ever seen. Because if there's one thing about the Wizard King that isn't trying to fuck nuns, it's doing things for the greater good. I'm gonna confess, I squealed in joy at that tandem attack. Truly Noelle is the epitome of the tsundere archetype. DISLOCATED SHOULDER NO JUTSU. Mmm... Toasted cheese balls. The first big villain is always an underling, it seems. The guy's been spanked and anally violated with gauntlets more times than he can count, no shit he's good at flame bondage. I don't believe it, Asta screamed so loud he finally passed out from exhaustion. I wonder what that bird's deal is. Oh god he's one of those guys. Asta disapproves of suicide more than anything, that's one more reason I like him more than you do. I'll admit, it is a nice view. To think that doll was bought with only a portion of Magna's biannual wages. The Black Bulls may be reckless, but they make good motivational speakers. This bird would rather make Asta his nest, TYVM. Meanwhile, CBS Sunday Morning is up to no good. REPLY TO ANGEL: "I don't care enough to remember if we're supposed to recognize this voice but I'm sure it's not a powerful good guy who's really an absolute dickwad in disguise." The voice is Jerry Jewell, and he hasn't voiced anybody who's shown up previously, so for now I'm gonna assume he's a standard bad guy who happens to be a mole within the Golden Dawn. Why is Mr. Pickles still a thing? JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - That full-length TV size OP is great, but I'm disappointed at the lack of credits. Oh, Kakyoin. "Ze fool? More like, ZE EEDIOT!" Hmm, wasn't expecting Jotaro to actually ask them that. This episode is playing out more like the abridged version than I was anticipating. Polnareff truly is Captain Obvious. Coffee-flavored gum? Only the '80s. That picture will be important in... oh, part 5 or so. And so they finally mention ZA WARUDO. Am I the only one who thinks that logo on the Speedwagon Foundation guys' hat looks like a pizza? NOW I MAY BE BLIND... For a second, I thought he braked hard because calling Iggy annoying was a bad thing. I don't know what's more disturbing, the fact that his fingernails are all opened up or that he apparently drowned on land. That's a cute fish. I don't believe it, Jotaro is actually disturbed by something. You fool, DIO has no concern for civilian life! Oh yeah, I forgot all about the guy's head being sucked into the canteen. Welp, there goes Kakyoin's eyesight. This color scheme looks awfully familiar, and memetic at that. Dude, don't refer to yourself in the third person, that only works when you're a cute anime girl. Well at least his eye wounds have started scarring. Somehow animals always the first to know. SHIT COUNT: 2. What's the point in hanging on for your lives if you're just gonna jump off anyways? It ain't Holy Diver, but a Last Train Home is fine too. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS - It's no surprise that Gundam has its fair share of deaths, but many of these deaths are pointless and stupid. I'd point to one from Gundam 00 being the most pointless and stupid, but for the sake of spoilers, I'll instead point towards Loni Garvey, whose actual mode of death wasn't the problem but the context behind it. Killing a bunch of civilians because the force ghost of your dead father possessed you to is more than a little questionable, and the characters treating it as a literal "blood curse" drove it into pants-on-head retarded territory. Because of that, Loni's death is my least favorite in all the Gundam series I've seen, topping even Lafter getting unceremoniously whacked at Build-a-Bear. We live in a timeline where Kelly Clarkson is thicc, Justin Guarini is advertising Dr. Pepper, and American Idol is getting revived on ABC instead of FOX. To think what things would be like if none of that were true. In lighter prospects, I'm perfectly okay with Hush having been demoted to the third wheel in the Mikazuki/Atra ship. HUNTER x HUNTER - Damn, that Hagya guy sure had a lot of subordinates. I wanna slap that little girl. It's a shame she's got a cute voice. I wasn't expecting Pokkle to still be alive. Smart move, lion fursona man. "Yeah, you better walk away!" Why the clip from the Six-Tails filler, then? Say hello to the obligatory catgirl. She's apparently important. It's what we call "destiny" around these parts. Wait, how does he know what the king's gonna look like? WHAT'S THIS AURA I'M SEEIN'? Welp, looks like he's fucked. MEOW I GET IT~. Wwwwwhy did she just take his antennae? Oh, so they're brain probes. Okayyyyyy this is getting kind of disturbing. That makes sense, he got punched by an Enhancer. In fact, unsealing your aura nodes feels a lot like anal sex, only all throughout your body. I'm curious, what happens to the water if you're an Emitter? Edited February 18, 2018 by PokeNirvash Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 19, 2018 Author Posted February 19, 2018 (edited) NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Because you can't have a bottom-up reconstruction effort without a live musical performance. Screw you, Sasuke, who in their right mind would hate ramen? Oh good, they got a decent replacement voice for Ibiki. Definitely a better means of mind-rape than literally poking around the brain with a pair of antennae. I'm still waiting for a "Village Hidden in the Weeds" to show up in one of these filler episodes. That must be the "mind's eye" I've heard so much about. NOBODY EXPECTS KAKASHI IN THEIR FLASHBACKS! Eric Andre: European Gigolo. Ramen spittakes are a thing now, I guess. I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE SAYING INO. Who the hell designed these background filler characters because they don't look so good. And as per usual, Sasuke wants nothing to do with this shit. "Hey, don't I get a cloud?" She's seen clouds from both sides now. Well, I guess that explains the lack of memory, then. She'd recognize that mask anywhere. NOT-SO-DYNAMIC ENTRY! Welp, that's a new facet of mask fetishism for me to like now. What exactly did Kakashi see that's making him so adamant against returning her? There's your token Hyuuga for the week. It's like it's a Steven Spielberg's Bridge of Spies or something. And now the animation budget is used. That's stupid, old guy, keys can open the locks they close all the time. And that explains the sudden burst of action. These sentimental fillers always get to me somehow. Man, fuck Mr. Pickles' ugly art style. OUTLAW STAR - Methinks this is yet another exaggerated criticism of Japan's "guilty until proven innocent" judicial process. That version of Earth looks too ovoid for me. I want to murder that prison-bot until there's nothing of it's CPU left. Or maybe I should murder the guy in the tank, he deserves it more than the poor robot he's using to punch these people with. THANK FUCKING GOD. "What's an abacus anyway?" Ancient Chinese calculator, much crazier than it looks at face value. Anime sure loves using names relevant to my personal life in their products. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. Welcome to King Kai levels of gravity, boys. As I thought, "goddamn" is PGL-level cursing now. Ah, so he's the coordinates guy, just as I thought. This guy also accepted the challenge, but he chose his escape method... poorly. It really shows the sorry state of today's youth when teenagers eat soap and ink while under the impression that they taste like Fruit Gushers. Beaten to death by those asshole robots is a terrible way to go. Never attempt to eat at three times the normal gravity, kids. Oh boy, it's gang rape time. And apparently "asshole" is PGL-level too, not that I agree with that or anything. Oh good, he survived his beating. Man, the animation for this fight is just laughable, but I love the guy who keeps jumping in 3G like he's on a pogo stick. FUCK YOU, ROBOT. Two. Two assholes and it's still PGL. I could rate this episode better than Turner S&P and their inconsistent asses! Oh well, at least the episode is pretty exciting regardless. FLY AWAY NOW FLY AWAY NOW FLY AWAYYYYYYYY. Fuck you, warden, you suck. Those are some weird passcodes that old guy cam up with. Ah, the acquaintances you make in prison. But at least now they're super-close to reaching their goal. SPACE DANDY - To think this mess of an alternate universe could have been avoided if Meow hadn't stuck his hand in that cage. (And assuming Scarlet still shoves all the rejected aliens out the airlock.) COWBOY BEBOP - The desaturated visual direction. The cinematic camera angles. Tongpu's greeting. Spike randomly playing billiards. The entirety of that first fight scene.Mummy Spike. "Faye-Faye". Everyone calling Spike a lunkhead. The battle at Space Land across several rides. Spike shooting the animatronic Goofy knockoff just because he can. The whole Tongpu backstory, complete with that boss-ass D&B track. Really, the whole Bruce Timm Batman feel that foreshadowed the general atmosphere of The Big O only three seasons later. ("It's showtime!")Â Faye randomly showing up just to job. Spike keeping the dagger. That goddamn ending. Pure. Perfection. Battle Ballad of Fallen Angels may be your guys' favorite Bebop episode, but if only because of its insanely good technical merits, Pierrot le Fou takes the top spot for me. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG - This episode is also a favorite, even before I willingly increased my attention span. That face-off between the Major and Saito, too, was perfect. Edited February 22, 2018 by PokeNirvash Thanks, Foley. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted February 22, 2018 Posted February 22, 2018 Ballad of Fallen Angels is the episode title, and while it is great, I think that it's stronger when taken as part of the overarching Spike storyline. For a stand-alone episode, I love Black Dog Serenade (yes, I realize we know pieces of Jet's backstory going into it, and this mostly finishes fleshing that out). As for the song during Tongpu's backstory, it always reminded me of On the Run, but that might just be me. 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 22, 2018 Author Posted February 22, 2018 ...Crap, I didn't even notice that typo. But I agree, Black Dog Serenade is a great stand-alone too. Quote
OwlChemist81 Posted February 24, 2018 Posted February 24, 2018 (edited) On 2/22/2018 at 9:05 AM, FoleyisGood149 said: Ballad of Fallen Angels is the episode title, and while it is great, I think that it's stronger when taken as part of the overarching Spike storyline. For a stand-alone episode, I love Black Dog Serenade (yes, I realize we know pieces of Jet's backstory going into it, and this mostly finishes fleshing that out). As for the song during Tongpu's backstory, it always reminded me of On the Run, but that might just be me. I don't consider Black Dog Serenade to be a stand-alone so much as a companion to Waltz For Venus--or is it Ganymede Elegy? Whatever Episode #10 is... And it isn't just you. Tongpu's backstory background music TOTALLY seems inspired by Pink Floyd's "On The Run"! Edited February 24, 2018 by OwlChemist81 Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted February 24, 2018 Posted February 24, 2018 As I said, we know some details of Jet's history, thanks to Ganymede Elegy, going into Black Dog Serenade. However, I think of those two stories telling different parts of his history. In B.D.S., we see the kind of man he was professionally - the honest cop who was too good at his job, and thus threatened the operations of the European Syndicate. His zealousness in pursuing the known hitman Udai led him into the set-up that cost him his natural left arm, but my understanding is that he still kept with the ISSP for some time after that. My basis for that is what we learned in G.E., where we saw the man he was in his personal life. In his memory of finding Alisa's (sp?) note, it looked like he already had his artificial arm. He told her that after she left him, he made a pledge to himself that he would leave and start a new life if she didn't return before the pocketwatch stopped. I interpret that to be his transition to the life we see now, being a nomadic bounty hunter. While his attitudes, principles and traits are consistent across his personal and professional lives, the events of one story don't cause the events of the other. He successfully kept his life compartmentalized, leaving his work at work, if you will. We can contrast that to Spike. The events of his story show that his professional and personal lives are inextricably connected. He wanted to leave with Julia, and Vicious wasn't willing to let them go, so Spike was sent into an ambush on top of what he was already expecting to be a dangerous hit job. The subsequent struggles against Vicious' plans and Spike's search for Julia are tied together, since, despite their animosity, Vicious is Spike's best bet on catching a lead on Julia, as Vicious seeks her for "retribution" for her "betraying" him by trying to leave the life, and he has more resources to throw at his search effort than Spike does. Thus, Spike's overarching story is just that, one long story told in multiple parts. Jet's backstory episodes can each stand on their own. Still, I like the way you called them companion episodes, since together they give a more complete picture of his character than either would give alone. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 24, 2018 Author Posted February 24, 2018 (edited) Tonight on Toonami, Trunks meets Gohan for the first time in seven-plus years and can't even begin to understand what he sees, DBZ finally earns itself best rating with Cell-Knockoff!Buu putting Gohan even further on the ropes because Toriyama's a hack, Asta gets his first paycheck (and unlike Seina, doesn't waste it all on fetish stuff for his little buddy), N'Doul's STAND continues to terrorize the group while Iggy just sits there and does nothing, Tekkadan wages war against Jasley for staging the death of Akihiro's not-so-girlfriend, Kite and the boys make it to the Queen's nest while the Chimera Ant squad leaders begin unlocking their Nen, Neji tells Konohamaru and his friends a story where he - not Naruto - is the main character, Gene makes a pit stop to pick up special Caster shells on a planet too hot for daytime Toonami (even when edited down), Dandy finds himself going on an impromptu road trip with a young alien girl, Jet partners up with an old acquaintance's daughter to find him after he mysteriously disappears, and the Tachikomas go in for maintenance, which somehow intersects with Section 9's most recent assignment. 10:30 - Dragonball Super #52 - Master and Pupil Reunited: Gohan and Future Trunks - TV-14L 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #151 - The Elder Kai's Brainstorm! Return to Life, Goku! - TV-14V 11:30 - Black Clover #11 - What Happened One Day in the Castle Town - TV-PGL 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #26 - Iggy the Fool and Geb's N'doul, Part 2 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #42 - Settlement - TV-14LV 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #85 - Light and Dark - TV-14V 1:30 - Naruto Shippuden #192 - Neji Chronicles - TV-PGL 2:00 - Outlaw Star #23 - Hot Springs Planet Tenrei - TV-MA 2:30 - Space Dandy #5 - A Merry Companion is a Wagon in Space, Baby - TV-14DL 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #21 - Boogie Woogie Feng Shui - TV-14L 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #15 - PAT - TV-PG Edited February 24, 2018 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted February 25, 2018 Posted February 25, 2018 Clover- I can't blame them I'd rather off myself than spend more time with Asta too. I am disappointed that captain isn't still naked. That salute just looks stupid. Oh hey, the drunk skank owns clothes after all. I too love that bird. They actually get gold stars like in kindergarten. When you get ten stars you can trade them in for stickers. How the shit do you people suck that much. You're in this squad because you're goddamn terrible and no one else wanted you, never forget that. You should buy your sister a stainless steel chastity belt to protect her from yourself. STILL CAN'T HEAR YOU, MANSON. You leave that nun the hell alone, you stupid bastard. Can she launch a bomb at him through the mail? Yes I want you to fall off. Why don't you just shit behind him so he doesn't have to hold on to you, you dumb bitch? Every time Asta makes that face I die a little inside. I am real creeped out by the sister fucker. Dude just buy a hooker. Maybe you can find a cheat to fix your garbage aiming problems. Should i have any idea who this guy is? Nobody gives a fuck, dumbass. Oh christ it's a furby. How did you not notice the robes they're right on top of their tits. Was this episode filler? Jojo- Save Avdol at all costs I can't lose him again. God you're brilliant now take off your pants too. Kick his ass, husband! NO GODDAMMIT NOT AGAIN. Please save my husband. Thank you Jotaro for saving my husband. Oh hey Iggy whatcha up to? Jojo that's not how you peta dog. He's got a point you need them for gum. I love this dog. Our hero, threatening to murder a terrified dog. Okay while he's distracted somebody please plug up Avdol's gaping neck wound. Whelp y'all are screwed. Kick his ass, Jotaro. Aw crap he found you. I like that Iggy whines his name like a Pokemon. It's cute how you think anyone is Iggy's master. Our hero, throwing a terrified, farting dog at a confused blind man. EAT SHIT, BLINDY. Punch his goddamn head off. Fetch the stick, Iggy! A rare moment when Jotaro's hat isn't fusing itself to his skull. OH SHIT. Man, Dio must be doing goddamn incredible things with that stolen dick. Is anyone in this part NOT gay for Dio? Hey that sounds like a question to ask your resident Egyptian friend after you get him to the nearest fucking hospital. I can't believe you took the time to bury that guy when half your friends are bleeding out in the desert. Iggy is the world's saltiest dog and I love him. AWWWWW HE BROUGHT HIS HAT BACK. You lovable little bastard. No seriously, get those boys some medical attention immediately. Hello there, adorable little child. OINGO BOINGO BROTHERS. Surely this comic isn't showing the future. Gundam- They're gonna kill some people is what's going on. Mika might lose another limb here. Wow what a shock that the douchebag failed to live up to his end of the bargain. I'm going to enjoy seeing him die painfully. Yeah, child soldiers who spent years in a warzone tend to not make the most mentally sound decisions. If you wreck the Wife Wagon you will be punished. Whelp I guess the only way to beat child soldiers is to throw more child soldiers at them. Don't be a little bitch here, kiddo. Kill them all to avenge that ass you never got to hit. Maybe it's time to consider getting a therapist for these kids. You're lacking the ability to be an unrepentant dickwad who's terrible in every way. This mechanic girl is cute. Yeah that'll go well, "Sorry we murdered a bunch of your friends, please forgive us?" Old man doesn't give a fuck. I hope someone still kills the shit out of that guy. Wow it's a real surprise how he figured out your obvious plot to fuck everyone over and now you're screwed. Dude rats can totally kill a human you don't fuck around with rats. Hahahaha you dumb bastard, rot in hell. Thank you Mika. Let me put your minds at ease, I ever get killed by some raging asshole, I will absolutely be happy to see him suffer and die painfully for my honor. Aw crap what now. I got a bad feeling about this. Good luck kids you're gonna need it. Hunter- Look here Meowmix I am never gonna learn how to spell that name. Everybody line up to get punched in the face. Okay y'all better hurry up before Chimera Fight Club starts. Ging put all this effort into a years-long convoluted plan to train his son, but won't take five damn minutes to talk to him. Please don't kill my adorable kids. Remember that time Kite punched a toddler in the face, good times. Did Gon ever get his license back from the pawn shop? Ohhh I don't think this bodes well for Kite please don't kill him. Aw crap Meowmix knows you're here. Ohhhh no run away. OH FUCK HIS ARM. Uh, I think Gon broke. Thank you Killua now run as fast as you fucking can. Clown Scythe to the rescue! GODDAMMIT CLOWN SCYTHE. Please call literally anyone with a nuke to destroy everything now. Thank you, friendly bear man. This is the one time I'm hoping Hisoka shows up. Oh hey it's the president. Fuck you, stranger dudes. I got a bad feeling that these two minions are going to get slaughtered. No shit he's panicking you would be too if you saw that shit. Shut up and go get yourself killed, buddy. Did you say it's assassins, is his sexy dad here? Damn, how hard did he knock that boy out? Aww kids come here let me hug you. I admire your optimism but I have absolutely no faith in it. Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted February 25, 2018 Posted February 25, 2018 The problem with the chastity belt is that the creep would keep the key. Jotaro is in no mood to be sensitive to a dog when his human friends are injured. Sadly, I feel like the time for therapy is long past for Iron Flower. They still have Iok and his forces to kill in order to fully avenge Amida and Naze's blood. Given that the NGL 1. strikes me as a crappy country founded by a nihilist and run by hypocrites, and 2. has a rapidly dwindling population due to the C.A.s killing and eating everyone, I would be more inclined to go with carpet bombing with nukes as a first option rather than sending in three guys with special powers. Maybe it would be different if the special powers were on the level of Superman, Hulk, Green Lantern, Thor, or the Human Torch, but these guys don't seem to be on that level. DBS - It was tough watching lil' Trunks get jealous of and try to imitate his future self. I find it a little difficult to believe that Mai and Shuu knew what these pieces of equipment Bulma named were by sight, unless each thing was labeled. Regarding Trunks meeting the adult Gohan of this timeline, I'm glad for what Trunks and we saw. Gohan fought to help save the world so many times in the course of Z, and I feel like he earned this happy ending - a peaceful life with a loving family. I also had a huge smile on my face when Gohan called Pan a cutie-patootie. It's a little unfortunate for him, Videl and Mr. Satan that Pan evidently remembers how to fly, but Gohan made a game out of it when she didn't listen. It was good for Trunks to see with Gohan's family the kind of thing for which he and the resistance are fighting. It may take generations to rebuild society, but once the threat of Black (and looters) is (or are) gone, then loving families living in peace will make a surprisingly quick return. My understanding of Whis' travel method across space and between dimensions is that he makes a transportation bubble, so Goku wouldn't really need to hold on to Beerus. All Goku needs is not to exit the bubble, if it's even possible to exit without Whis dispersing the bubble. DBZK - Gohan did well to survive Buu's attacks. He's still tough, despite his comparative lack of training. Also, thanks for the world-saving assist, Tien. Buu should know who Dende is and what he did to Gohan from Piccolo's memories. This was the explanation of the Potarra earrings I mentioned a few weeks ago regarding Black. Goku and Vegeta coming back to Earth should be fun. BC - I'm mildly surprised and a little disappointed that Vanessa does have actual clothes, but the outfit was still revealing and flattering, so I can't complain too much. In the job I had before my current one, we got paid every two weeks, and either my supervisor or I, who was first-level management, would be tasked with passing out the paychecks to everyone in our area at the start of the shift on Friday. That said, payday was an exciting thing for a lot of the people, but I would put it in my wallet without opening it until I got home Saturday morning. In my current job, we are paid every week, but everyone is required to have direct deposit. We still get paper copies of our pay statements mailed to us, but it doesn't have that same feel of having the payment in-hand. I can only imagine having a cash payment like the Bulls got would be even more exciting, and what we saw would support that. The characters who came from humble backgrounds got more excited about it than the one from affluence. I can't say that any of the Bulls' plans for their pay was terribly surprising. Huge guy and Mumbles might do something unexpected, though, because they don't speak or don't speak at a volume level anyone can actually hear. I will say that Magna and Praying Mantis guy gambling with their wages isn't a good idea, especially if one of the opponents claims to be a fortune teller. That said, even if she is using a special power, it is a world of magic, so her marks should expect it and try to devise their own magical defenses to counter her power. Somewhat related to that last point, in a world of magic, I would expect Magic Knights to go after purse snatchers like the guy at the end of the episode, since the criminals may use magic to perpetrate their crimes or to facilitate their escapes. Thus, law enforcement with notable magical ability would likely be necessary to stop the crimes in progress or track down the culprit. Fight junkie guy flirting with every pretty lady was fun. As for the first one, I can't say that I wouldn't have made the same assumption that the children were hers, given the resemblance, rather than siblings, but he missed the chance to say that it was a relief that she didn't have a husband, meaning she was available in that regard. When she rejected him, he was unflappable in moving on to the next pretty lady. I'm a bit jealous of that kind of confidence. In Noelle's position, I'd be reluctant to trust any magical artifact found in a black market to enhance my control over my magic, but she must be more desperate than she seems. Also, since the gaudy necklace didn't work, that means it's time to try something else. At least the vendors are willing to let her try the items before buying them. JoJo: SC - Just to get the complaint out of the way, N'Doul hearing the vibrations through the ground is even more ridiculous than feeling them. Using the sound of the sand hitting the Fool at distances over 100 feet is somewhat more believable, but not by much. Avdol did have a clever idea. It's a shame N'Doul figured out the ruse. Jotaro's plan worked, but I must wonder what experiences Iggy had that it would conceive of making a bird glider to stay off the ground. Yes, Iggy is a small dog, but unless it had seen a large bird of prey in action, how would it know what to make with the Fool? How did it construct the bird-like glider so that it was light enough not to fall out of the air quickly? Iggy also did yelp after Jotaro hurled it at N'Doul, which is exactly what Jotaro wanted. Though Iggy was forced into helping Jotaro, it did play its part in the plan well. Given the dick move with the gum in Jotaro's hat (I am relieved that it wasn't some form of waste product, which was my suspicion at first), I can't say "good dog" to Iggy, but at least it didn't actively undermine Jotaro in the fight. N'Doul should've died much sooner from a large head wound like that, but, despite his intention to deprive Team Joestar of intel, he did live long enough to clue Jotaro that they were facing a total of nine more Stand-users (eight other Egyptian god-themed Stands and The World, which they already knew was still out there). The post-credits scene was strange, but the kid with his clairvoyant comic Stand and his older brother must be a team of Stand-users. I strongly suspect the traveling manga artist was styled after someone. Poke can probably tell us who. MSG: IBO 2 - I didn't expect the ginger gangster to have that many mobile suit pilots at his disposal, but since he hired mercenaries and had slaves with the A.V.S., then it's more understandable that he and his forces weren't quickly crushed by Iron Flower. I mean, the fight still seemed mostly one-sided, but the ginger gangster's forces held out longer than I thought they would. It's regrettable that the slaves had to die, but Chad and Dante stated it perfectly; the slaves were the enemy, and if Iron Flower's pilots didn't kill them, then the slaves would kill Iron Flower members. It wasn't ideal, but it was necessary. I liked how and what Orga said to the ginger gangster about only answering the hail to watch him beg for his life. Maybe Orga did get a good look at the sheer terror on the ginger gangster's face as he realized his death was imminent at Mikazuki's hands. I liked the visual of Orga being on the display screen with Barbatos behind it outside the ship as the order to kill came and Mikazuki executed it. Thank you, McMurdo, for making a deal which would keep Iok and his forces out of the battle. I'm not sure how much that will benefit Iok and Rustall, though, given the announcement of their documented involvement in framing and murdering civilians in what could be considered a war crime. I'm not sure about the wording of the announcement from the Earth-sphere. It sounded almost like a call for general mutiny against all of the Seven Stars rather than just an ouster of Iok and Rustall. I doubt it would go the first way, but I must wonder what McGillis' plan would be if it does turn into that scenario. No, Julietta. Don't get the A.V.S. or completely merge with your mobile suit like Ein did in the first season. Yamani may be hot, but she wasn't giving you a good option there. HxH - Well, crap. It can't be good that the squad leaders are having their nen activated. I didn't expect my bad feeling about Kite's fate to be realized so soon. Sure, it was telegraphed by Kite giving Gon Ging's license and asking for Gon both to use it to find Ging and to return it for him. At least Killua did as Kite ordered and got Gon and himself out of there. Maybe Kite could've survived if he got his scythe on the spin, but that didn't happen. Poor Kite, but he does at least have himself partly to blame. Poor Killua. He did not only the sensible thing in the face of the threat, but also as he was told by someone who likely would qualify as a nen master, and yet he faced condescension and ridicule from other nen masters for it. At least Netero was understanding and offered Killua a chance to redeem himself by getting the instruction he and Gon would need to be useful in the coming battles against the C.A.s. Poor Gon. He's convinced that Kite is still alive, hiding, and waiting for them to get strong enough to return. It'll be rough for him to learn that Kite died covering their escape. Wait. How did Killua sneak a beetle phone into the NGL? Shippuden - Yep, the distraction provided by Orochimaru's attack on Konoha coupled with Hinata's weakened state would present an opportunity for unscrupulous visitors to seize upon a tempting target of opportunity. However, I have a hard time believing that Hinata's father would speak of her in such gentle terms in the presence of others. Neji did have a point. He was nowhere near Naruto and his exploits during those events, so if Konohamaru and co. wanted a story on him, then they were talking to the wrong guy. I feel like the Earth-style wolf pack jutsu would take a lot of chakra to power, and I have trouble believing the one guy had the power to keep it going through multiple iterations of the wolves like that. OS - The history of Tenrei was told in an adorable fashion. It strikes me that it may have been the inspiration for Rukia's bunny drawings. Gene is lucky that the Anten assassin was hapless. Jim sure was popular with the ladies. He didn't even need to do anything other than ride trains and enjoy the soothing soaks. Regarding the running gags, the conclusion of Aisha's was a no. That's not a hot spring. That's just a lava pool. As for Gene, he did finally defeat the traps, but had one last snowy plunge into a spring anyway. Gene's bagain and wager were both sensible, but he and the two male wizards were foolish to ignore the countdown. I do like the idea of the casters being spell guns, with casters being the wizards who used them and made the spell shells. It makes sense why they're effective against Tao magic. As for mana on Tenrei fading, I think it might have something to do with the displaced local population and their possible extinction, or at least dwindling numbers in light of their planet being taken over by humans and their widespread development. The rare shells taking some of the shooter's life energy to activate sounds like a stand-in for the natural mana being unavailable to include in the spell. I watched the dvd version of this, so the broadcast may have differed somewhat, but there was plenty of fanservice between nameless extras, Urt, Suzuka, and Aisha, who gave us full-view toplessness. SD - I'm inclined to side with Adelie on the over-easy eggs. Salt (and pepper) is the way to go, but at least taste part of the whites before adding seasoning. It's insulting to a chef or cook to add table seasonings before tasting the food. Condiments, however, are a little different, since those are added specifically for the taste of a topping that isn't (likely to be) included in the preparation of the dish. Adelie's attention-getting tantrum when Dandy first caught her brings up an important alien rights issue. Alien Hunters are licensed to pursue, capture, and abduct aliens for the purposes of registering them. We know from the second season that incidental deaths of aliens are considered professional negligence, and thus don't carry as stern a sentence as they otherwise might, but I must wonder why the rights of these frequently, but not always, sentient beings are ignored. Maybe, in the future, we've had a regression of society in that the rights of these sentient beings to be secure in their persons, papers, and effects, or not to be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law aren't recognized, because no one is recognized to have those rights. CB - If my understanding is correct, this is twice the Bebop crew has used an artifact of the historic hyperspace gate explosion to deal with some hyperspace mishap or the consequences of one. The idea of Jet being more like Meifa's older brother isn't that far-fetched to me. In my grandmother's family, she was the youngest child, and her oldest sibling was either 17 or 18 when my grandmother was born. I'm not the oldest grandchild in my family, and my youngest cousin (I know, not the same) is 20 years younger than me. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Yep, it was another dialogue-heavy Tachikoma episode. What did it really accomplish? The revelation that the Tachi's use a cloud for memory and processing. That, and two other things: 1. the Individual Eleven tried too hard, and 2. a reminder that company-/government-sponsored scientists don't usually retain any intellectual property rights to discoveries or inventions realized when using equipment, software, or work product provided by or created when working for their employer. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 25, 2018 Author Posted February 25, 2018 (edited) DRAGONBALL SUPER - Nothing sucks more than being cucked by you from the future. This shit is too science-y for me. You say that like you're not a fossil yourself, you OG Dragonball character. This Trunks looks like he's gonna grow up to be a chuuni. "I'm so hungry..." "Preachin' to the choir, Goku." Meanwhile, in Trunks' PTSD nightmares... It's a good thing nobody was hanging out in the room with him. Oh, so that's what she had Monaka help out with that on time. DIG A HOLE, DIG A HOLE, DIG A HOLE. And now for a flashback to History of Trunks. Apparently I blocked Gohan's death out of my memory from the first time I watched History of Trunks because holy shit so many people were dying in that special it was almost triggering me why didn't I even consider that it was an alternate timeline that's what I get for not watching DBZ regularly like other people. Trunks really needs to do something about that PTSD of his. SARA thinks it isn't fair that this game review is spoiling Super Saiyan Rose for people who don't know about it already. I bet his blue hair is responsible for that double-take. Twenty bucks says he gets brain freeze. I'd buy Mr. Satan postage stamps. STOP. GREAT SAIYAMAN TIME. Consider this practice for when the two eventually pair up in GT. I love it whenever there's a remote sticking through the TV. SQUEEEEEAL. Some of Gohan's dialogue this episode's been makin' me cringe. IF ONLY BLACK WEREN'T HERE... Oh Beerus, you so tsundere. He looks like the kind of guy who'd eventually snap from the pressure. DRAGONBALL Z KAI - BEST RATING BEST RATING BEST RATING. And he evolved into a lamer version of Cell. This fight is why Gohan's as lame as he is now in Super. IF ONLY BEERUS WERE AWAKE... Who needs a gold finger when you have a gold hand? THANK YOU SATAN. Or maybe the goldfinger was best for him after all. And this was the moment where everyone realized Toriyama was a hack. [gasp] That's Yamcha's move! I'm surprised Gohan still has fight left in him. Turns out Goku's not the only one coming back to life, apparently. The suddenness of his demise is almost comical, in a way, especially with all the dramatic music. Thank Kami that the gods keep their bodies when they die. Super Buu sucks at kabedon. MY MARTIAL ARTS IS A GUN. Vigilante justice is the best unconventional therapy. Fuck yeah, fusion earrings. Shin is such a shitty Supreme Kai that even the show acknowledges that much. MAGNETIC FORCE! And that was the birth of Kibito Kai. There has to be a reversal process for this, how else would they have been able to split during the Universe 6 tournament? What an origin story, that Elder Kai has. THANK YOU, MAGIC MAN. Oh god, this is like Frieza all over again. SUDDENLY TIENSHINHAN. You gotta love that Paradox Beam, even when it doesn't do shit. And where's Chiaotzu, I wonder. GODDAMMIT GOKU QUIT STALLING. I can only imagine how hard these rules are gonna be broken in the future. AND IN COMES GOKU WITH THE SURPRISE DESTRUCTO DISC. Oh Mr. Satan, you and your taking credit for everything. "Was that your commercial?" "I don't know..." BLACK CLOVER - This is the most awkward collection of laughs I've ever heard. I'm not surprised the two biggest sluts in the whole squad went on a mission together. I AM AWARE OF THE HYPOCRISY. That bird's the little buddy of Asta's I was talking about, by the way. A literal gold star. They're so bad a squad they actually owe stars. Menacing Yuno. Where the hell did all the characters I actually hate in this squad even come from, even. KILL YOURSELF, YOU SISCON FUCK. And they all leave in a group, good for them. So pot potatoes are basically starchy yams. She's his waifu, let's leave it at that. At least Magna has the sense to save it all to send in a single go. It's amazing how Vanessa is just as undeveloped a character as fight kid, sweets girl, and that fucking siscon, but she's better than all three of them combined, even without taking her rockin' tits into consideration. "You ever hear of the William Tell Overture?" Of all the original characters I've cooked up over the past twelve years, I have one who's just as attractive and more willing to reciprocate unwanted advances than Sister Lily, and she dresses like a nun to boot! Maybe Asta could try proposing to her instead. This is a pretty kiddy commercial, but at least it isn't those damned crate creature things. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: "Why don't you just shit behind him so he doesn't have to hold on to you, you dumb bitch?" Uh... Freudian slip? BILLY JEAN/JOHN TRAVOLTA! Try not to eat the snake-on-a-stick this time, Asta. Screw you, priest, you suck Yuno's dick too much for Asta to even consider bringing you along. If only there was a sniper on one of those roofs. A girl with bright turquoise hair, she must be important. Now that's quadruple everything. Oh hey, it's the family of gingers again. The older sister looks kind of like she'd be Angel's doppelganger for this show in particular. Oh don't act like you don't want a piece of that, random bystanders. You call it a black market, and yet I don't see a single African-American in the place. This place must be great, if it's got something that can help develop Noelle's character/magic power. And that must be the underground casino, I can tell by how excited Magna is about going there. Wait isn't that the old lady that sold Asta those snakes? And why does she sound like she's being voiced by a dude? Oh hey, it's that guy who tricked Asta and got his ass kicked for it. That praying mantis you passed takes offense to that. You do see their cowls, right? No matter what the universe, aliens are always a constant. "Damn you, Asta!", says over half the people watching this tripe. And then his impulses activated. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "Was this episode filler?" This show's animated by the Naruto and Bleach guys; what do you think? JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - OHHHHH NOOOOO! And in comes Avdol with the ruse-meistering. But doesn't water normally beat fire? Eh, not the best edit, but it'll do. Oh boy here I go hearing Angel's screams of agony again. LEROOOOOOY! I do not mind Jotaro strangling that lazy-ass dog. Dang, that dog's good. This show really knows how to milk the tension out of otherwise non-tense situations. Wait, did Jotaro actually say "ORA!" out loud? That's awesome. Quick, save Avdol before Angel starts mourning again! N'DOUL: SPOTTED. And vice versa, which ain't good in the slightest. SHIT COUNT: 1. Jotaro you stupid genius. I don't know what Japan's deal is with that pitching position, but boy do I love it. FUCK YEAH IGGY. And fuck yeah to you too, Jotaro. What an exchange of blows. Holy shit more information protection via self-sacrifice. "His trapezius muscles rippled through his shirt..." That means the other eight STAND users have STANDS named after the other gods. I take it that smoke was the life energy escaping from his body. David Koresh has nothing on Dio Brando. Is he called Iggy because that's the kind of sound he makes? At least it's only gum in there and not something else. Meanwhile, surprise post-credits sequence! They changed their names for this dub, and yet the book's still called "Oingo Boingo Brothers". At least the dub's wording itself good so there's no plotholes left behind. What a grisly story, when does the movie adaptation come out? Guys, N'Doul's dead, I don't think he's gonna have his injuries treated anytime soon. I like the Egyptian police's headdresses. Poor dude just wanted to find inspiration for his comic book, and now he's dead. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS - You know Jasley fucked up when even the damn narrator lady wants him dead. Merribit has officially made the switch over from asking "Why?" to answering that very question. Dude looks ugly when out of his pimp clothes. Is it weird that I prefer battles suddenly ending in favor of the aftermath as opposed to a battle starting without word of warning? Then again, this show did it before with the battle in Edmonton, so I shouldn't be too surprised. Iok's been grounded, he's not gonna be around for a while. I don't know what it is about Mika killing mooks, but goddamn do I enjoy it. The moment I saw that house I thought it was gonna be more McGillis low-key creeping on Almiria; this is definitely an improvement over that. Like I said, Iok has been grounded. Wow, taking a break already? Young Dandy isn't Dandy enough for this crew. To hell with decency! With all this talk of "extinction" and "global genocide", I can't help but wonder if these movies are making us feel better or worse about real life events. "She's taken quite a pounding, huh?" That's what he said! Is she suggesting she pull an Ein and become half-mecha? Or maybe she was talking about Definitely Not Gaelio But He Totally Is. There's no apologizing for putting out a hit on Lafter. You a stone-cold motherfucker, McMurdo, and I appreciate you for that. SEN-I SOUSHITSU! I dunno, rats can kill you if they're big enough. Mika journeyed here in order to take your lives. FUCK YOU JASLEY. I'm honestly starting to enjoy the anti-corruption themes in this show. Didn't you already say that one part earlier? All this tension, and Mika's just eating like it's no big deal. Because if there's one thing Barbatos needed, it was a tail. You're in a Mari Okada show, you ain't gonna be laughing anytime soon. I'm not used to these puffballs having actual voices. HUNTER x HUNTER - Fuck that convoluted noise, Imma call you Pitou and you're gonna at the very least accept that. It's gonna be weird every time I look at that Ant that shot and ate Ponzu. I still miss Bisky's pigtails. If only they knew the true reason why Ging sent them in Kite's direction... Kite was listening to your entire conversation, by the way. There are Hunter Commandments now? Oh hey, it's Ging's license. I think I remember that from the '99 adaptation. I don't really like the sound of that. I don't like the sound of that either, in fact... YOUR ARM'S OFF! Oh no, Gon's gone mad! Thank you, Killua. Huh, I didn't know how similar Killua and Pitou looked to one another before, at least when you're purposefully blurring your eyes really hard. NOT NOW CRAZY SLOTS. The three same Mr. Pickles ads, in the same order as last week. Now that's what's really fucked up. As dramatic as this whole start of the act is, I'm liking this tune. Was Spin super-close with Kite or something, she sounds awfully distressed. Oh hey, is that Netero back there? These guys with him definitely look like they know what they're doing. I knew Hisoka was gonna find his way into this arc somehow. I'm still confused as to what Pitou's gender is. Speaking of gender ambiguity, Killua's inner voice sounds more feminine than usual. Damn that's some good music, slowly getting on par with '99. Oh hey, Gon's awake. Oh no... he's optimistic. That's never a good sign. And then he turned into a watercolor painting. Welp, that's our story, Kite's dead, good night. Edited February 26, 2018 by PokeNirvash Better wording for the first IBO comment. Quote
Blatch Posted February 25, 2018 Posted February 25, 2018 15 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said: With all this talk of "extinction" and "global genocide", I can't help but wonder if these movies are making us feel better or worse about real life events. I one hundred percent agree. This is why I'll seek out completely wholesome and happy stories like Laid-Back Camp every so often. So... wow, that was one heck of a Toonami. I watched all of it from JoJo's to Cowboy Bebop, in fact, albeit with skipping Shippuden like almost everyone does. JJBA: SC Egypt Arc: Iggy doesn't seem like much other than a comedic relief character at this point, but at least their Stand helped Jotaro get right up beside N'Doul. It almost felt like a lucky break that he was able to do that, and they very well could have died if not for it. It just goes to show how much harder the Stand fights are in this arc, or at least so I've heard elsewhere on the Internet. And then N'Doul shot himself in the head to avoid divulging too much information about DIO. Heh... it's Dan of Steel's schtick all over again. Regarding the Oingo Boingo brothers, I guess Viz forgot to edit their names out of the titular comic book, because the dub did mention them by their localized, apparently reference-free names. Nevermind that Zenyatta seems like it could be a musical reference of its own (to Zendaya), it might be unfortunate. Gundam IBO: I have no idea what's going on in this show, but it seems like Tekkadan is willing to start their own revolution for the good of Mars. Something tells me that it's not gonna end well. Hunter x Hunter: So Kite ended up dying this soon? Oh shit. It didn't really hit me until after I saw a screenshot with Pitou holding his severed head. And that Gon doesn't know about it yet it is pretty damn unfortunate. Let's just hope they decided not to feed his body to the Queen... I don't know if Gon could take having to fight him as a Chimera Ant. Outlaw Star: Excepting the fact that this episode wasn't aired the first time, it already felt on a different state of existence compared to anything else in the show. There were lots of boobies, Gene being treated like a punching bag (seriously, why was this one so mean to him? All he wanted were those sweet Caster Shells), and an exploding naughty video. And not to mention, that vigilante with fake Wolverine claws whose presence was never explained. Oh, anime... you're so anime! But yeah, I did enjoy this one. It was just really dense and wacky. I think rating it TV-MA straight was the right call, since there was a pretty large amount of nudity (personal source: Girl's High #2), but without any explicit sexual motions. And I guess this means Kill la Kill always got the S because of Ryuko's boobs flapping up and down during the Senketsu transformation. Space Dandy: I can't believe Kemono Friends and the entire saga of Grape-kun happened between the last two times I watched this episode, which I was reminded of thanks to Planet... erm, Hululu? That's probably what you're referring to now should you discuss anime penguins, but this episode, one of the OGs, is still one of the best from the first season. I put most of that on Stuffed Penguin Dandy attempting to fly, but not in vain. Cowboy Bebop: I guess it was good. Meifa might be the best-looking female character in the show, for one. The spiritual aspect of her definitely helps. Commercials bonus round: Every progressive promo for Mr. Pickles' new season just made me want to hate it more, but I appreciated the audacity of them. At least they're still not as inherently annoying to me as the twelve thousand different ads GEICO has produced... seriously, I would pay a premium on my cable bill just to not have to see any car insurance ad ever again. [what, do you live under a rock?] Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 25, 2018 Author Posted February 25, 2018 (edited) On 2/25/2018 at 8:49 AM, FoleyisGood149 said: BC - The problem with the chastity belt is that the creep would keep the key... Fight junkie guy flirting with every pretty lady was fun. JoJo: SC - I strongly suspect the traveling manga artist was styled after someone. Poke can probably tell us who. HxH - Wait. How did Killua sneak a beetle phone into the NGL? I dunno about that, Asta seems like the kind of guy who'd mail Sister Lily the key along with the chastity belt. It's safe to say he's proposing to her constantly in the hopes, futile as they may be, that she'll say yes on her own. That said, it'd be fitting for him to give the key to her, expecting that if and when she says yes (which is never), she'll take it off to prove that she means it this time. Luck (fight junkie kid) and Finral (flirtatious guy) are two different characters. I can't say I know who that manga-ka was supposed to be, besides a very unlucky tourist. Killua was on the other side of the NGL border - the side that doesn't ban electronics - when he used his cell to call Kite's associates, so no sneaky tactics were used. He just swiped it out of the belongings left behind at the checkpoint when he passed through. On 2/25/2018 at 3:27 PM, Blatch said: JJBA: SCÂ Egypt Arc: Regarding the Oingo Boingo brothers, I guess Viz forgot to edit their names out of the titular comic book, because the dub did mention them by their localized, apparently reference-free names. Nevermind that Zenyatta seems like it could be a musical reference of its own (to Zendaya), it might be unfortunate. Outlaw Star: ...Gene being treated like a punching bag (seriously, why was this one so mean to him? All he wanted were those sweet Caster Shells)... One 4chan comment I read on this episode suggested that Viz is allowed to keep "Oingo Boingo" as print, but has to change it when spoken to avoid getting sued by the weird little girl-loving scientists themselves. Also, Zenyatta Mondatta is a reference in and of itself, to some obscure album from The Police. Just when I thought Aisha's tits were gonna make the episode an instant 10/10, now I have to worry about Gene getting the "unlucky harem protag" treatment. Le sigh. Besides, if what I heard elsewhere was correct, Tobigera was the real punching bag this episode. Edited February 27, 2018 by PokeNirvash Forgot that Killua had one of those phones too. 1 Quote
Blatch Posted February 26, 2018 Posted February 26, 2018 4 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: One 4chan comment I read on this episode suggested that Viz is allowed to keep "Oingo Boingo" as print, but has to change it when spoken to avoid getting sued by the weird little girl-loving scientists themselves. Also, Zenyatta Mondatta is a reference in and of itself, to some obscure album from The Police. Someone from Twitter implied that they actually aired the Japanese broadcast version of the episode, because the guy who got impaled on the telephone pole at the end had his death censored. Either way, I don't know, but they could've quickly painted over the comic book before the episode was sent to Atlanta for airing. I'm not expecting it to be on the Blu-ray release. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 2, 2018 Author Posted March 2, 2018 NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Hyuuga episodes are very underrated, even if they're primarily about Neji as opposed to Hinata. OUTLAW STAR - Goddammit Blatch, you said this episode was mean-spirited towards Gene on purpose to lower my expectations, didn't you? I mean, about half of that was just pure slapstick, and that which wasn't drew no ire from me. Hell, I think he actually deserved that strike from Suzuka. That said, 10/10, breast episode ever. Now put on Freezing because dammit, the show itself is practically demanding that you air it, [adult swim]! SPACE DANDY - I completely forgot about Dandy lying about going to Boobies so he could pick up leads on where Adelie's grandfather was in secret. That scene really showed how dandy a guy he is deep down. COWBOY BEBOP - I remembered bits and pieces of this one, but I completely forgot all about Meifa's father being a Syndicate consultant, or him being trapped in a hyperspace field. GITS: SAC 2nd GIG - Alright, so I'm still not sure how the dead helicopter pilot from episode 4 is connected to the Individual Eleven. But at least I now know where Anime News Network got all those individual names for the suicide attemptees from. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 3, 2018 Author Posted March 3, 2018 (edited) Tonight on Toonami, Goku tags along with Beerus and Whis to the 10th Universe and picks a fight with the first strong guy he sees, the Goku of at least one year prior steps in to take care of Buu himself, Asta chases after a purse snatcher (that's all I've got), the crew drops Kakyoin off at a hospital in Aswan while DIO's next minions make their move, did you know that getting molested as a child makes someone more likely to grow up into a child molester themselves?, Gon and Killua have to train some more if they want to go back to fighting the Chimera Ants, Naruto remembers that one time he befriended a ghost (seriously), the various parties finally make it to the Galactic Leyline with surprising results, Dandy and Meow find themselves having to mediate war and peace between two aliens with starkly different views on what counts as indecent exposure, Spike's attempts to capture a serial bomber are foiled by his generation's equivalent of Dandy, and Section 9 manages to find some information relating to Kuze's mysterious origins. 10:30 - Dragonball Super #53 - Uncover Black's Identity! Off to the 10th Universe's World of the Kais! - TV-PGV 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #152 - Miracles Happen Once: Will Goku and He Make the Ultimate Combination? - TV-14LV 11:30 - Black Clover #12 - The Wizard King Saw - TV-PGL 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #27 - Khnum's Oingo Zenyatta and Thoth's Boingo Mondatta - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #43 - Revealed Intentions - TV-14SV 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #86 - Promise and Reunion - TV-14L 1:30 - Naruto Shippuden #193 - The Man Who Died Twice - TV-PGL 2:00 - Outlaw Star #24 - Cutting the Galactic Leyline - TV-14DLV 2:30 - Space Dandy #6 - The War of Undies and Vests, Baby - TV-14LV 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #22 - Cowboy Funk - TV-14LV 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #16 - ANOTHER CHANCE - TV-14V [oingo boingo brotherrrrrrrrrrs] Edited March 3, 2018 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted March 4, 2018 Posted March 4, 2018 Clover- Why are we recapping filler? Don't argue you're both god-awful. Your bike is as stupid as everything else in this show. That window was the best character. Great now you've fucked up that roof too. STOP LAUGHING LIKE THAT. You dumb bastard. Thank you, random thief. This is stupid. Wait, that gremlin is a lady? Oh, guess not. Oh hey it's the WIZARD KING. He actually seems tolerable, I'm surprised. What kind of alcoholic names their kid Mimosa? Dimestore Griffin is shady as fuck. I like that he's just surfing on the damn broom. No that's just how his face looks. That giant flying chariot is so unnecessary. Gee I wonder if those dark and ominous clouds are evil. Y'know you probably wouldn't have fallen if you'd been ridng your broom like a normal person. This definitely wasn't a setup by the rich douchewad nope no way. I like how that girl's cape is positioned to show off a boob. Tooootally not shady as fuck. It must be a nice break for the nun to not get harassed anymore. Spoke too soon, leave that nun alone. You condescending sacks of crap. Jojo- This little boy is straight out of Boondocks. Oh good they got them to a hospital. They seem fun. Who needs a stand when you have a frying pan. This kid's laugh is weird as hell I like it. AVDOL'S ALRIGHT THANK GOD. Polnareff that's a terrible way to make decisions. Surprisingly smart move from Joseph. And if you fuck with the cola, Joseph will launch the cap at you and break your hand. Oh god the cigarette. POLNAREFF YOU STUPID BASTARD. Thank you Iggy you're the real MVP here. Oh hey, free money. This boy is adorable until he starts laughing. ORANGE BOMB, GO. Okay Jotaro avoid all citrus fruits in this town. Aw crap you're caught. The giant hat. He lucked out that they're idiots. Whelp you're gonna blow up. I'm guessing that was the wrong orange. HI IGGY. What the hell. I bet Grandma Lisa Lisa taught him that trick. I can't tell if they know he's a fake and just fucking with him or if they're just this dumb. And then everybody watching stopped to check their thumbs. I like that Iggy should be able to smell that it's not Jotaro and still gives zero fucks. Well that worked out surprisingly well. And then he blew up anyway. Kid your power is a book what are you gonna do, hit them with it? Aw crap, it's the punchy guy. Jotaro is very confused. Oh my god this is beautiful. Gundam- Gee I still have no idea who's in that mask. Somebody's gonna get shot today. Never trust the child fucker. Yeeeah he's still full-speed ready to fuck that second grader. Oh what in the fuck. I am uncomortable with this backstory. Mika's just here for the candy and I can respect that. Do not let that douche into the fight. That's a lot of ships, y'all are fucked. Aw crap Mika's gonna lose another limb on this. WOW WHAT A SHOCK IT'S THAT GUY. He's gonna go fight the guy who's trying to screw his kid sister, which I can definitely understand. Are you sad because he'd rather fuck your sister who still gets visits from the tooth fairy instead of you? Not inspiring a lot of confidence when your mecha is named Bile. Kill them both, Mika. Aw crap I forgot that his dead boyfriend is stuck in the mecha. I feel like that's cheating. At least the hot redhead girl is enjoying this. Yeah this is gonna end well I'm sure. Oh what the hell is he gonna blow up the moon now? Guys, just let these two fight it out and stay out of it. Hunter- Oh god it's gonna be heartbreaking when he finds out Kite's dead. Good luck kids I believe in you. Well I'm creeped out here. Cool it with the sugar, lady. Yeah good luck with getting that dick, weirdo. GET ON WITH IT, BITCH. You're just wasting coffee here. Whelp in a month the whole country's gonna be destroyed. That's some hair there. Chill, dude. My adorable kids are so smart. That food looks good and now I'm hungry. Oh honey it's a little too late for that. Oh hey Bisky nice to see you again. Her hair is cute like that. That crazy old dude is fun. Meanwhile, terrible things. Is she reading a hot dude magazine because I respect that. Aww hi puppy. You're a good dude, guy. Let those boys sleep. I love her stand. This bitch is crazy and I'm afraid of her. My kids are so great. I got a real bad feeling about this. Seriously, just nuke the place. That is one big fucking pipe. BUNNIES. I can't hate someone who makes cat puns. Showerpoof, I don't even need to make up a stupid nickname for this one. What in the hell is this. Oh please tell me this grown woman is not developing a crush on my twelve-year old son. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 4, 2018 Author Posted March 4, 2018 13 hours ago, EmpressAngel said: I bet Grandma Lisa Lisa taught him that trick. DRAGONBALL SUPER - Stupid DVR forgot to record it, I blame Greg Gutfeld. DRAGONBALL Z KAI - Buu is way too OP. Vegito, kick his ass. BLACK CLOVER - If we all rated Black Clover episodes based on how many times Asta either says he's gonna be the Wizard King or proposes to Sister Lilly, this was the best episode by far. I like that Asta didn't mind giving Green Mantis dude all the credit for catching the purse thief. Nor do I have a problem with the priest being treated as comic relief beyond worshipping the ground Yuno steps on. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - This episode was so damn wonderful, from top to bottom. Based on that thumb thing, I guess I really was a woman in a past life. Now my feminization kink makes sense. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS - The technical direction for this episode, or at least from the opening to the end of McGillis's backstory, was Tsuru as fuck. I was expecting something a little less subtle in regards to the whole "McGillis got fucked by his adoptive father" thing, but I appreciate the subtlety. Of all the IBO spoilers I've read since Naze and Amida died in the Japanese broadcast, Ein being integrated into Gaelio's Gundam was a legitimate surprise. Based on her little exposition to Julietta, I take back what I said about the redheaded Arianrhod chick being Angel's doppelganger for this show, but I wouldn't blame her if she wanted to use her as a future icon. If IBO got a Hollywood adaptation, I would accept no less than Neil Patrick Harris as the actor for McGillis, if only for "Challenge accepted." HUNTER x HUNTER - Palm's seriously creeping me out, boyos, and it's got nothing to do with her lady-crush on Gon. (Holy shit not even Abel Nightroad puts that much sugar in his tea.) Bisky's return is more than welcome. I love that Kuwabara as fuck delinquent dude. Also, I'm gonna be disappointed if Johnny Yong Bosch doesn't voice the King. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Ghost dude was pretty cool, sucks that he got the plug pulled on him by Mizuki lite. Also, this episode made me realize I'm even more of a sucker for background shots filled with trees and bamboo than all my family vacations made me think. OUTLAW STAR - About time they started using CGI effects in this show. Quote
Blatch Posted March 4, 2018 Posted March 4, 2018 2 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: If IBO got a Hollywood adaptation, I would accept no less than Neil Patrick Harris as the actor for McGillis, if only for "Challenge accepted." And I guess finding an excuse for him to say "Suit up." Of course JoJo's was the highlight for this week, and that special Oingo Boingo Brothaaaaaaaas ED will probably worm its way through my head for weeks. I did like HxH, thought. People seemed to almost instantaneously ignore the dapper butterfly C.A., probably because Neferpitou is standing right there next to him. Also, Bisky having another appearance made me sad I almost completely ignored Greed Island when it ran on Toonami last year. And the dubbed BDs of that arc aren't coming out for a while... maybe I'll start saving to buy the Yorknew set soon. 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 10, 2018 Author Posted March 10, 2018 Tonight on Toonami, Vegeta puts Trunks through the toughest training of his life, Buu faces off against his newest obstacle: Goku and Vegeta's Potara fusion Vegito, Crunchyroll's description for this week's Black Clover only covers what happened last episode so no synopsis for you today, an young Egyptian man discovers a cursed sword and suffers the terrifying results of its power, McGillis's child bride gets sick of all the bullshit he's been doing this season, Bisky sends Gon and Killua out to fight the Potara fusion of Yusuke and Kuwabara, FUCK YEAH IT'S A SAKUGA FILLER MY FAVORITE KIND, Daylight Savings eats an hour of [as] reruns because Toonami is just that top priority, the fight for the secret of the Galactic Leyline begins between the Outlaw Star crew and their two sets of enemies, Dandy goes head-to-head with the Ginga Bishounen Prince in a wacky space race that's more like Redline than IGPX (seriously, how can you even compare this to that outside of them being on Toonami and you all disliking the latter?), Faye infiltrates a cult to collect the bounty on its mysterious leader, and we learn the answer to the biggest question there is: is it possible for someone with a full prosthetic body to have sex? 10:30 - Dragonball Super #54 - He Who is of Saiyan Blood: Trunks's Resolve - TV-14V 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #153 - Invincible! The Ultimate Warrior Vegito! - TV-14V 11:30 - Black Clover #13 - The Wizard King Saw, Continued - TV-PG 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #28 - Anubis, Part 1 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #44 - The Man Who Holds the Soul - TV-14V 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #87 - Duel and Escape - TV-14LV 1:30 - Naruto Shippuden #194 - The Worst Three-Legged Race - TV-PGL 2:00 - DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME, BITCHES 3:00 - Outlaw Star #25 - Maze of Despair - TV-14LV 3:30 - Space Dandy #7 - A Race in Space is Dangerous, Baby - TV-14DLS 4:00 - Cowboy Bebop #23 - Brain Scratch - TV-14 4:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #17 - RED DATA - TV-14DV CHAKA KHAN LET ME ROCK YA, LET ME ROCK YA CHAKA KHAN, CHAKA KHAN CHAKA KHAN CHAKA KHAN! Â 1 Quote
EmpressAngel Posted March 11, 2018 Posted March 11, 2018 Aw crap it's already Daylight Savings? Clover- I gotta agree with that boy, kids can't live off of potatoes alone. It's not a dick measuring contest. Don't trust that guy. Yep that was totally a random coincidence and not an obvious ploy by the shady douchewad. And off he goes, surfing on his broom for no reason. Not one of these assassins is competent at their job. How much of this show has not been filler? Just hit him in the face with the book. Oh hey, glasses douche is there too. I'm genuinely surprised that he's not that stupid. Oh hey, her power's actually pretty cool. So are y'all allowed to execute a noble? I'm finding it really hard to give a shit about any of this, show. It's nice to see that all her training in punching an unlikable dumbass has paid off. Thanks for putting an innocent woman in danger for your own amusement, your majesty. Please god no more potatoes. Don't trust Dimestore Griffin here. Whelp so much for this episode being tolerable. Jojo- AVDOL'S ALRIGHT I'M SO HAPPY. Did you get blinded in middle school too? "Remain vigilant" means don't let Polnareff go off alone. It's okay, Joseph is filthy rich. Aww the ladies love Iggy. Iggy is the best character. Shouldn't Avdol be giving this exposition about his own country? Hi cow! Oh hey he's cute. You probably shouldn't pick that up. This is some Sword in the Stone shit. Ouuuch I hope that wasn't your jerkoff hand. Congratulations you're the new king of Egypt. That doesn't look ominous at all. Whelp so much for your dad. I'm no sword expert but I don't think swords are supposed to work like that. Huh, well that's a different kind of stand. You can tell he's evil because he suddenly got ugly lipstick. At least the cow's okay. Do what you must but leave Avdol alone. Oh for fuck's sake, put one of those child leashes on that man. Iggy's here for his gum. THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T LEAVE HIM ALONE. It's a good thing that Polnareff heals as fast as a hamon user. I do enjoy his gratuitous French. Dude he is definitely about to pop out of the ground now. And then SWORDGUN. Aww, I liked that guy. DON'T TOUCH IT YOU IDIOT. Iggy to the rescue. Thanks, narrator. Goddamn rats. Surely that's all over and the sword won't be a problem ever again. Iggy fucking hates that thing. Oh yeah that's a great idea, stop for a haircut before you turn in the dangerous murdersword. Can he make your eyebrows grow in? Even Jotaro dropped the ball here. Aw fuck he's gonna go Sweeney Todd on him. Gundam- You sure are saying a lot of words I don't really care about. Please leave that little girl alone. Mika's just here for the candy. I don't remember that fight at all, creep. Oh I guess that was when the one dude turned into a robot. That's no big deal, your child-fucking goals activate my bile too. That sounds like bullshit but I don't know enough about corrupt space militaries to refute it. Everything he's done has been to fuck your daughter before she hits the fourth grade. That hot mechanic girl is the only one here that I hope survives. It sounds like all these people have poor judgement. YESSS LITTLE GIRL STAB HIS DICK OFF. Please kill him, it makes my skin crawl to see them together. Child this is a bad idea. Hand's not good enough, aim for his balls. I sure hope that day in the distant future is when she's a goddamn adult. Someone get this little girl some therapy immediately. Aw crap what's wrong did he lose another limb. That sure is a paradox there, old elf man. Wow what a shock no one wants to help the creepy child fucker. I have no memory of ever seeing this accountant-looking dude before. I'm gonna suggest the therapist thing again, lady. Kid, Mika can take out 2/3 of them on his own. Sorry girl he only has eyes for his mecha boyfriend. THANK YOU FOR PUNCHING HIM. Every time you say "final battle" you dig a grave for another one of these kids. Yes if only you'd grown up as a child soldier instead of a wealthy and privileged diplomat. Awww. I wasn't expecting Atra to actually get her harem ending but good for her. Hunter- That is just an excessive amount of dead people. God, babies are terrifying. I like Bisky's training method of looking at porn and ignoring her students. Have mercy, Biscuit. UNLIMITED FIGHTS, GO. Hi puppy! Please don't hurt my children. Nah my kids are just that impressive. Don't yell at them you asshole! Why are you crying you giant baby? Aim for his dick. My son is so strong and talented. Oh no you scared the puppy. I think you got him, kiddo. Well that was easy. Gon's too nice to just take your scrabble piece and run. Sir that is a terrible outlook, those things are going to murder everyone. I LOVE THAT PUPPY. God she's creepy. Aw crap are they about to die? Welcome to TRONland. I'm glad they're making some progress with killing the murderbugs. I don't like what Meowmix is doing with Kite's dead body. That is too much math for me. Just let them wipe out your problem teams. That sounds good in theory but you're going to die. MORE DOGS I LOVE IT. I'm so proud of my kids they're doing their best. Oh, that must be the other guy. Hold up that's cheating. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted March 11, 2018 Posted March 11, 2018 Just the old stuff right now. I had to work last Saturday night, meaning I was there for the entirety of the block. I watched all the episodes I recorded on the dvr earlier last week, so my recollection might not be that clear. Thus, this should be shorter than most weeks. DBS - I loved when someone (I forget whether it was Beerus or Whis) said that it's like Goku botches his polite routine on purpose. The green Supreme Kai-in-training seemed a bit shady to me. When Beerus and Goku both noted that the guy's energy was similar to Black's, but not quite the same, I immediately thought that since Black's rampage happens in the future, Goku just sparked the creation of Black by showing up the guy. DBZK - Thankfully, all the beatings Gohan has taken over the years helped him outlast the effect of the boys' fusion. Unfortunately, he didn't learn from the ambush he saw and protect himself from it. Between Dende and Mr. Satan, Dende would probably be the stronger partner for fusion, but then the Dragon Balls might stop working. BC - The Praying Mantis guy overreacting to the poison was funny, but my immediate reaction was, "owww! The purse-snatcher just stabbed him in the foot!" I'm cool with the Wizard King going out in disguises to meet new Magic Knights and see for himself what kind of powers they have. Yuno's superior strikes me as a snob. At least Yuno has a cute teammate. That she's named after an alcoholic beverage might increase Yuno's chance of scoring with her. I thought it was funny that Sister Lily, thanks to Asta's shameless persistence, now reflexively lashes out with magic to protect herself when a guy gets too close for her comfort. JoJo: SC - Jean was simultaneously a dummy and remarkably rational. He was dumb to leave the lit cigarette laying there (it takes almost no time to step on it), but he was also right that the odds of enemy Stand users being there and setting a trap for them (with the poisoned tea) were low. Granted, that unlikely scenario was exactly the case, but it was highly improbable. I'm getting the impression that Iggy just loves to torment humans, whoever they are. I'm not sure how writing and giving an immutable prophecy are the same, but eh. The older brother being Clayface was weird, but I like that his clothes stayed the same. MSG: IBO 2 - We finally got confirmation of something we knew for almost the entire season; Vidar is Gaelio. As for him and his new abilities in his Gundam, he got the A.V. implant and has something like the A.V.S. in his mobile suit. In light of that, it's not surprising that he could now fight Mikazuki evenly. However, Ein was a mostly good dude, and he deserved better than to have portions of his remains used to make this pseudo-A.V.S., especially since those remains are what takes the brunt of the sensory overload for Gaelio. Now McGillis has the A.V. implants. Is there anyone who doesn't have that, other than Julietta? Anyway, with it, he can pilot Bael, and some strange, archaic bylaw of Gjallarhorn makes him the leader because of it. Good luck getting everyone to recognize him as the leader and obey. At least McGillis' people were able to get the evidence they needed to prove Iok's wrongdoing and went public with it. Also, the redheaded head mechanic lady is still pretty. HxH - The gloomy lady is kind of scary, but I think she might have the start of a crush on Gon. I'm fine with Biscuit coming back to train the boys some more. The exercise to maintain Ren for a very prolonged period of time is tough to compare to other activities, but I would guess that it's like asking a marathon runner to go at the pace of his final kick for the whole race. It sure is convenient that Biscuit's masseuse Stand can give the boys a rejuvenating massage in a few minutes to prepare them for the next day's training. Shippuden - In other words, had Kakashi not given credence to the warning of his student, Orochimaru's attack on Konoha could've been even more destructive than it was. This soul-sealing jutsu stretches credibility for me. OS - I'd like to know more about the ancient civilization that left the undecipherable data incorporated into Melfina and the Outlaw Star. Sure, it was necessary to get into the Galactic Leyline, but I must wonder why this civilization would leave younger races the information they would need to reach that other-dimensional space. What's the goal of these ancients in doing this? Yep, Hazanko making his play on the Leyline was a statement of rebellion against the rest of the Pirate leadership. SD - From a wilderness survival standpoint, it would be more advantageous to maintaining core temperature to cover the torso, like the Vestians. That said, my Western sensibilities would make me more likely to choose the Undian option for modesty. Dandy was right. Given the aliens' terrible aim, it's no wonder the war kept going for so long. CB - Spike's pitch to Teddy Bommer was witty. It is kind of amazing that in the world of bounty hunters, where many are known to others and some are even famous or infamous, Spike hadn't heard of Andy before now. Spike's mask at the party strikes me as having stylistic similarities to those of the nobles in Wolf's Rain. I can't believe that no one died in all the bombings and the mayhem between Andy and Spike. Spike, in his anger at Andy, forgot his lesson to Rocco. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Personal space, Takakura. Learn the meaning of it. I don't recall whether I noted it previously, but in the last scene of Kuze's exploits on the mainland, it looked like Yosuke, Aramaki's brother, was in the group taking interest in Kuze. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 DRAGONBALL SUPER - Last week's comments basically amount to enjoying Goku fighting Zamasu more than Trunks continuing to awkwardly react to everything in the future. Though really, him meeting a chilled-out 18 was pretty fun in both foresight and hindsight. In other news, I'm glad this franchise is finally recognizing the benefits of best rating. Really, what is Zamasu's major malfunction? It's pronounced "Trunks-sz Resolve", stupid narrator. Was that a BB-8? I'm not entirely sure if Pilaf was intending on sabotaging the time machine or not, but at least he managed to help out, if inadvertently. IMAGE TRAINING IS SERIOUS BUSINESS. And then he bled prosthetic fluid. Sure feels awfully McGillis in here. CANNONBAL-you missed the pool, everything's ruined. Whis's trolling is top tier. Something about the way Trunks pronounces "Zamasu" is kinda pissing me off. Fighting is Goku's first language, with English being a very close second. Vegeta's gonna make a man out of you, Trunks, and I don't mean it that way. [INTERNALLY SCREAMING] What's with the dino-people? Now they're bleeding prosthetic fluid. Zamasu, you fucked in the head. I'm gonna be straight with you, loving this metaphysical archive setpiecing. Tell me about the Strangers! Why do they wear the masks? Kicking them while they're down, I can't blame Zamasu for his judgement. MULTIVERSE THEORY, DO YOU KNOW IT. Oh, apparently you do. Bullshit the fusion is permanent, Shin and Kibito managed to unfuse after they Potara-combined. IT'S OVER ONE THOUSAAAAAAND! The more things change, the more they stay the same, I guess. I like how they're flashbacking in monochrome to hide the fact that Future Trunks used to have purple hair. Super Saiyan 2, you mean. Goku's gonna sit in on this fight. Freezus Iced I completely forgot about Trunks's SWOLE form. Oh good, it was just a decoy. I had a dream involving ducking to dodge a fighter jet once. It was straaaaange. Freezus Iced Goku you have a weird sense of what you think Bulma should and shouldn't see. In the end, it was worth it. OR WAS IT?? I can sorta see the care in that drill sergeant pep talk. WHOA BOY SURPRISE HEADBUTT. Trunks, you cheeky bastard. I'd try Whis's stir fry, sorta homo. NOBODY EXPECTS THE GRAND ZENO. Beerus finally pulled a Homer Goku, good for him. Huh, never heard of an Everybody Screams ending happening outside of Black Clover. DRAGONBALL Z KAI - Fuck you text, Imma still pronounce it Vegito. Ooooooo that's a nasty cut. Looks kind of like a vagina. What is it with fusions and their being cocky? Must be something that runs in the blood of Vegeta's family. "I'm happy to keep pounding you..." That's what he said! SUCKERPUNCH. That Majin Buu's half the man he used to be... only now he isn't. BEEFCAKE! Vegeta's Final Flash is capable of wiping out planets, so I think Vegito's got this one. See, I told you Vegito had this one. Welp, there goes the Moon again. Now he's goin' all BEEFCAKE too. ...That's not next week's topical. DOOOOOOOOOOOODGE! Huh, I wasn't expecting to have a heavy loss of words this early on. Quick, destroy the remnants before he reforrrrr... dammit. It's like one of those literal cartoon fight dust clouds. Kibito Kai, you do know that you have a terrible habit of tempting fate, don't you? And then death by vore. Huh, so that's the origin of that super-swole Saiyan image. So simple and yet so creative. Welp, looks like Super Buu is super-pissed. I can feel the fatigue people are having from these endless anticlimactic conflicts. It's always a sex joke with Family Guy. With American Dad, not so much. BLACK CLOVER - By the way, we get a new OP next week, that should be fun. Okay, now I kinda wanna try these potatoes for myself. Stone cold, tsundere child. Everything's a dick-measuring contest with those two. Those are some big parsnips on that table back there. I have a bad feeling something bad's about to happen... AND IT DID, HOW BOUT THAT. Of course Yuno's the first to rush to the source of the problem, he truly is Asta's adoptive brother and eternal rival. She's being whisked off to the erotic role-play fantasy of a creep even bigger than Asta, who's really just too stubborn for his own good. Don't try to be cool, Priest. Screw you, Four-Eyes. If Yuno is Terrible Tornado, does that make Asta Blast? Yuno actually does the "edgy badass" thing better than Sasuke. First up, hail the size of minivans! Fully-loaded minivans, it appears. I'll be straight with you, kinda disappointed she's just bound and not gagged. Being a fan of both anime and Jam-Orbital truly is suffering. First that avant-garde Tommy Wiseau video during HxH, now this chill-ass lightning bug laser show during Black Clover. I like how they're expanding beyond Naruto as the "obscure music video" timeslot. We flashbacking now? I bet you anything Asta misheard what she told Yuno as a "yes" to one of his many proposals. His fire's deactivated, make a move now before it's too late! Oh dammit. Wasn't expecting him to help Yuno out, though knowing this show I probably should have. Speaking of predictability, of course the noble dude set everything up all along. You so tsundere, Klaus. FUCK YEAH SISTER LILY. That Wizard King sure is one hell of a guy, ain't he. I just realized they're too poor to afford forks. "How many people can say they got a star on their very first mission?" I can think of two. Something tells me this guy has a more fucked-up sense of justice than we're being led to believe. You aren't truly a Griffith knock-off until you have the urge to bang the new recruit seven ways from Sunday. Did he say "Yuno" or "you know"? And in comes Asta to ruin the episode for Angel. You gotta love the Wizard King. Wait, so Brian Mathis isn't voicing the priest anymore? JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - Kakyoin may still have his sight, but he's still blind for the time being. In which we laugh at Polnareff for not understanding the Muslim tongue. Ah, so the Egyptians use pounds too. It's funny when Polnareff gets the short end of the stick. With this many fun facts about Egypt, you might as well put an "E/I" symbol at the start of every episode. Now we're watching a bunch of guys play tug-of-war with a sword while some dude's beta son watches from the sidelines. "MY HAND! MY JUTSU!" You gotta be gentle with it, like you're having sex. To be completely fair, his father deserved it. As I expected, an enemy STAND! "Avdol's Egyptian like myself, so he's cool, don't kill him." Like I said, this show, or at least this episode, needs the E/I. It's like Polnareff is the real main character of this arc. "Stupid dog... he made me look bad." So many ã‚´s... I want them all. You fool, his sword is his STAND! They actually threw up the double exclamation points! Welp, that's one way to end the first act. Clearly it's a humans-only sword. Never mind, guess it's capable of working on inanimate objects too. ROCKET RAPIER. I wonder if everyone else's STANDs have a Trump Card like Polnareff's does. Oh no, Polnareff's fallen in love with the sword! Thank you, Iggy. Sweet Rob Zombie, since when was the narrator's voice this high-pitched? [rewatches] Huh, must've been hearing things. And then it was Ratatouille. I love how Iggy's still growling at the sword. And here's the exact moment Jotaro knew what he wanted to do with his life after fighting enemy STAND users. That barber sure is getting more intimidating as time goes. OH ANUBIS NOW HE'S POSSESSED. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS - This Gundam bump music sounds awfully familiar. I bet that old man only said "What?" because he couldn't hear what Rustal was saying. I too am surprised that Mika doesn't remember the fight that made him blind in one eye and limp in one arm. If Gjallarhorn forbids body modifications, does that mean they have a strict policy against piercings and tattoos? It's like these two were the only ones besides McGillis and Gaelio's dad who bothered coming into work today. I know Iok's grounded for life and Rustal's telecommuting, but where's Carta's old man factor into all of this? It's like he doesn't even give a crap about McGillis trying to get into his daughter's panties, it's all about that attempt on Gaelio's life. Now that he's in charge, I can see the blowhard in McGillis clear as day. I'm the only one disappointed that he's no longer wearing the mask. FUCK YOU IOK GO DIE IN A SPACE FIRE. Around pedos, never relax! No, the whole him wanting to bang you thing is as far from a lie as a lie can possibly be. And then it turned into a PSA against child suicide. Congratulations, girl, now you know that being in love with a man older than you while still illegal is never a good idea. Meanwhile, something more plot-relevant but much less exciting. Didn't you hear them? They said they're abstaining. Wait, why's the closed-caption icon up, it's not the start of the episode. "We won't let you users like pawns in some pit-" "Shut up, Bauduin." REPLY TO ANGEL: "I have no memory of ever seeing this accountant-looking dude before." He doesn't have much presence, but he's been there since the beginning, ever since Orga let him live and work for them because they suck at math. You're a good man, accountant guy. Now's not the time for complaining, Gay Dandy Jr. "Never stop thinking" just sounds like common sense. The scar's what makes him look sexy. Now that's a suckerpunch. Meanwhile, Kudelia's now more unimportant than ever. Which one was the Hotarubi again? Now this is an appropriate age gap for a barely-legal romance. Oh Kudelia, if only you knew how badly you were tempting fate right now. HUNTER x HUNTER - R.I.P. Billy "Aniki" Herrington, the most based and most memetic gay porn star of all time. That "baby bump" is beyond creepy, if you're asking for my opinion. Bisky sure loves her hot men mags. Dammit lady go shlick somewhere else. I like Yusukuwabara and his love of animals. Scratch that, I fucking love Yusukuwabara, no homo. "Less talk, more action," sounds like something Toonami could really learn from. BELLY BELLY BELLY. [presses the Easy Button]Â Dramatic death pose. What a shame, I'd have loved to hear his backstory. This dude definitely looks and sounds like he walked right out of Yu Yu Hakusho. And I take it he gets to keep the puppy now. GODDAMMIT PALM NOW'S NOT THE TIME. Huh, so now we get the eyecatch. That ladybug ant looks too hilarious for me to take seriously. Welcome to the dojo at the end of the universe, how tough are ya? Holy shit what did that cat-femme even do to Kite's body. You shit-talk the Nen-using ants, and yet you're one yourself. Such hypocrisy. Oh hey, more dogs. And so the fight marathon begins. As expected from the fusion of the two worst punks at Sarayashiki Junior High. You a dirty bastard, discount Goemon. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 15, 2018 Author Posted March 15, 2018 Nobody cares, unpaid anti-tobacco spokesperson! NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Huh, I never knew Kiba had a grandmother. Unless that's just some generic title... In which Sakura teases Naruto about his man-crush. Dammit young Sakura quit thinking with your ladyboner all the time. Good ol' electroshock therapy. Not a single female among those thieves, that's new. Dammit Naruto quit thinking with your regular boner all the time. Well, at least Sasuke's no better than he is in rushing in head-first. NOOOO NOT THE HORSE. Take that, Sakura. GOROU SESSHA SAKUGA SPOTTED. So it was a golden teddy bear this whole time. Using your own viscous chakra as a weapon, that's definitely new for filler. I love it whenever Sasuke gets all wacky-looking like that. And I would've watched it, were my HD TBS working, my non-HD not saddled with poor audio sync, and the online version not only accessible if I whitelist the NCAA site on Adblock, but crapped out partway through the team reveal at that! I never thought they'd use the sexy music for a scene like this. It's like the music knows they're gay for one another. I knew that was gonna end in a mouth-to-mouth kiss. I also knew that guy was gonna mention the afterlife. "My Sakura senses are tingling!" Dammit Sasuke come up with an original insult for once, you can only call Naruto a loser so many times before it gets more tired than "Believe it!" Oh boy, bathroom humor. At least it isn't poop this time. Make sure not to cross the streams, fellas. "Tell me, why are you gritting your teeth so hard?" Because they're just itching to kick your ass, why else? Hey look, a distraction! Goddamn this episode's sakuga game is fierce. PACHINKOOOOOOOOOO. Curse you, Sakura's ladyboner. I will get you back. Somehow. Theeeeere's the poop. I can totally see why Sasuke betrayed the village now, if he had to put up with that at least once. OUTLAW STAR - Remember when this episode aired during the Toonami April Fools' stunt six years ago? This is a decent English translation of the first ending theme. I don't have an answer to that, all I'm getting is that she was clearly "born" in the Leyline. PERFECT LANDING 10/10. EARTH TO JIM. Irrelevant! Okay so apparently everybody got split up from one another, making it a literal race there. GOTTA GO FAST. You a cryptic motherfucker, Gwen Khan. To quote the protag of my current personal writing project, "every ‘why’ is just as important to a case as the ‘where’." Now for a little game we call "bridge the gap". "You're looking quite well, Hitoriga; at least, as far as I can tell with that bag over your head." So does that mean her attempted assassination of Fred was just a farce? Yeahhhhh I'd say that's a very good reason for her to hate you so. Oh no he's a shapeshifter. Double oh no, Gene's running out of animation budget! Note how he never said he wasn't interested in a woman whose face was half-covered. Well this wasn't a sudden confrontation or anything. Aisha's got this. And then he shot a black hole at her. That's one hell of a recoil. Well he isn't acting all rapey towards her, and that's fine with me. And then Harry became Torso Boy, and that's also fine with me. How rapey of you, Hazanko. IT WAS YOU WHO BROKE MY MASON PLATE. Okay since when did he have that weird accent? Well that was anticlimactic, I think? I'd a humanoid Aisha with post-coitus snuggling from her beast form. And now he's bleeding water for some reason. YESSSSSS NAKED AISH-oh right, I saw her full-frontal two weeks ago. So why's she need dragonite, exactly? DOUBLE CASTER. And then Ron fell into the abyss, where ascension is all sorts of fucked. We standard-def flashbacking now? Well that sure was one nostalgic-sounding flashback all right. That voice puts new meaning to the word "broken record". Oh hey, Harry's still alive, that's a shocker. Thanks for the help, Harry, at least you were pretty alright in your final moments. SPACE DANDY - Prince looks like he came right out of Code Geass, or at least Star Driver. Huh, never noticed all the crowd peoples were CGI. Hmmmmmmyeah, this race is nothing like IGPX, it's more Redline, or even the space race from Outlaw Star. Why the oversized breasts though. He actually made one girl faint. Prince's robot and rat sidekicks suuuuuuuck, and that's why I will always prefer Team BBP. A lesser show would have Dandy in dead last. Warping and skipping gates are the only forms of cheating in this race, didn't you hear the plant guy say that earlier? Oh hey a heart pun. Team BBP is the best underdog. "I promise to never compromise." Whereas I promise only to compromise if doing so benefits me more than the alternative. I just realized Masked Racer's truck looks like a boob at the end. Oh, all the things I missed when I watched this on the small TV. Damn, Gate 6 already? And now Honey's part of the race because why the hell not? Middle finger Dandy. NOOOO NOT THE SPARKLES. FUCK YOU ZED. Fuck you too, Prince. Same to you, rat bastard. Meow, you precious idiot. Huh, turns out Dandy was the lesser show after all. I never knew QT had a plug back there. If you don't like Dandy, kill yourself my man. "THE GORILLA HAS PASSED THE BOOBIES" is the greatest line in anything ever. This is the gayest metaphor ever and I love it, all of the homo. Welcome to the Galactic Leyline, Dandy, now what is thy desire? I'm sure this ending is an obscure reference to something. I flipped off the lead singer of Imagine Dragons on my TV screen and I have zero regrets. COWBOY BEBOP - I finally watched the Bebop movie a few hours ago and it was fan-freakin'-tastic. But enough about that, onto this episode. I legitimately love how the first several minutes are just channel-flipping through mostly plot-relevant programs with the occasional off-topic amusement like that DJ exercise machine. (By the way, SAO totally ripped off Bebop by modeling the Nerve Gear after Brain Dream, given all of you more reason to hate the former.) I had read that one of those three old dudes that show up every now and again was a corpse this episode. Finally found which one he was, but I wish I hadn't. Between the failed extra-long telethon from the movie and the lack of information on Londes, on top of their ratings soiling the sheets like it was JoJo and Black Clover's butt-baby, I'm not surprised Big Shot got canned in the middle of broadcast. So that's where GinaSzanboti got her username from! Meanwhile, I already knew this was the point we all figured out what they meant when they called Ein a "data dog". Now this is what I call super-philosophical. In the end, he did all he did out of jealousy over being trapped in a useless body while everyone else had it better off. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG - Funny how the whole "can someone who's full prosthetic have sex" thing is an inconsequential part of the episode, and yet it's the only thing most people remember from it. [might as well go gay for dicks now] Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 17, 2018 Author Posted March 17, 2018 Tonight on Toonami, Beerus and Whis try to weasel their way out of having to bring Goku to meet Grand Zeno at the tiny overlord's request, Vegito continues to take the fight to Buu so hard that the pink monstrosity can hardly stand it, the Wizard King himself assigns Asta and Noelle the mission of clearing out a mysterious dungeon, Polnareff's battle against the STAND Anubis continues as it finds a new bystander to possess, McGillis and Tekkadan finally go into battle with Rustal and his Arianrhod Fleet, Gon and Killua's training continues as the one-month deadline inches ever closer, Shikamaru flashes back to a joint mission between Teams 7 and 10 in the penultimate episode of this specific chunk of filler, Gene rushes headfirst into the Galactic Leyline to rescue Melfina in the finale of Outlaw Star, we finally find out what happened to the fridge Spike jettisoned from the Bebop and the mutated rock lobster inside, Faye rediscovers some key pieces to her past on Earth while the rest of the crew go after the real "smallest of the small fries", and remember when [as] aired this specific GITS episode with fart noises as a goof and then took it out of rerun rotation for several years afterwards? 10:30 - Dragonball Super #55 - I'd Like to See Goku, You See: A Summons from Grand Zeno! - TV-14V 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #154 - Buu's Ace in the Hole! The Warriors Are Absorbed! - TV-14V 11:30 - Black Clover #14 - Dungeon - TV-PG 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #29 - Anubis, Part 2 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #45 - If This is the End - TV-14LV 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #88 - Rock Paper Scissors and Weakness - TV-14LV 1:30 - Naruto Shippuden #195 - Team 10's Teamwork - TV-PG 2:00 - Outlaw Star #26 - Return to Space - TV-14V 2:30 - Space Dandy #8 - The Lonely Pooch Planet, Baby - TV-14DS 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #24 - Hard Luck Woman - TV-14L 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #18 - TRANSPARENT - TV-14V [pepperidge farms remembers] Quote
EmpressAngel Posted March 18, 2018 Posted March 18, 2018 13 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: penultimate episode of this specific chunk of filler Aw crap I'm gonna have to start watching it again. Clover- Or the king could just handle this shit himself since he seems to be swimming in free time. God I wish I could be that drunk during this show. Holy shit I hate most of these people. That angry bird is by far the best character. I hope most of them die in this dungeon. So are all the kingdoms just named after playing cards then? I can respect how Yami gives absolutely no shits about his job. I want the sister fucker to die painfully and violently. The wizard king sees all but cannot be assed to lift a finger for anything. What kind of dumb fucks only bring one light with them? God you're terrible. Every time he makes that face I lose an hour of my life. On what the hell now. Waste that time it's not like you have a finite number of episodes to tell your story or anything. Please leave them to die. Shut the hell up nobody cares. Of fucking course there's a tentacle vagina monster. No you should have just let the vagintacle monster eat them. Hi, somewhat tolerable character. Jojo- Ouch that's gonna leave a scar. Good job you sliced up an innocent dude back there. Whelp you're fucked. Iggy is great and I love him. Thank god Avdol's the brains of this operation. Aim for his balls. WHELP YOU'RE DOUBLE FUCKED. And you said punching wouldn't work. Run away, generic fat man. Star's real strength is the fact that Jotaro is batshit crazy. Quick call Avdol to melt that thing down. Aw crap it's the cops. POLNAREFF YOU STUPID FUCK. Out of all of them, I'm most okay with Polnareff dying. Aw fuck he can use both stands. Throw Iggy at him, nobody ever sees that coming. Punch him in the balls! Don't let Star Platinum finger you. Well this could be going better. NO NOT HIS ABS. Whelp Joseph is gonna have to bang his way into a new descendant now. EAT SHIT, SWORD. You owe him a new belt. That's called blood loss, buddy. Oh no little kid don't touch that! If only Kakyoin was here, he would absolutely fight a child. Thanks Polnareff that bandaid is really gonna help. HI IGGY. Dude you did A LOT to deserve this cruel fate. OH NO COW. Meanwhile Jotaro is bleeding out here you stupid French bastard. It's fun to watch it suffer. I love Iggy. Thanks for the cultural lesson, narrator. HELLOOOOOOO LADY. Gundam- I have no faith in most of these kids getting out of here alive. I don't really care who wins as long as the child fucker dies. Do it for the promise of whores! Mika is gonna lose the rest of his limbs. Oh you are gonna die, girl. At least she knows that she sucks. Yeah sure this is gonna work out great for you. That's a big goddamn ship. Whelp y'all are gonna die. Wow what a shock the clearly evil guy screwed you over. Oh no, you are absolutely gonna die in a place like this. Joke's on you he's a creepy, creepy idiot. Oh hey that kid's not dead yet. I hope that wasn't your jackoff hand. You're not gonna hear anythig from him, because he's going to get you all killed. Oh what the fuck are you doing. I hope you can pilot that with just one arm. Do it for the promise of whores! So then it's a suicide mission good luck with that. There's no stronger battle cry that "RALLY AROUD BILE!" That man's just trying to get into his pants but unfortunately he's much too old. Well that's a lot of shit blowing up. Isn't this how Harem Man died? Are these two gonna make out? Ohhh you are just spitting in fate's mouth here, kid. Maybe let Atra get off the ship before you use it as a battering ram. Oh yeah get in front of him, you can definitely shield him from the giant ship bomb with your puny meat body. Well that was probably the least surprising death in the show. Hunter- Leave my kids alone you jackass. Christ Bisky, give them the spa stand again. Okay, SHOOT MCMAN is a great fucking name. Real inconspiculous there, buddy. Why are you crying you weirdo. I enjoy this guy and his unmanagable amount of dogs. Bisky is a harsh mistress. That lady is so goddamn creepy but at least she can cook. I am uncomfortable with her being around my children. HE'S SO CUTE OH MY GOD. Lady you stay the fuck away from my son. I'm cautiously optimistic that the hunters are doing well. Welcome to the Thunderdome, fuckers. This is going well you shut the hell up and don't jinx it. Y'all are running out of time to abort that demon fetus. That is still 14 squads too many. This fucking thing just kickstarted my period as a self-defense mechanism. Bisky is being surprisingly generous. This bitch scares me. I love these dogs. Aw crap another one's here. Where the fuck did you learn the violin!? You're gonna have to fix that wall, asshole. Why do you guys have such terrible names? GOOD LUCK KIDS I BELIEVE IN YOU. Aw crap this is about to go terribly wrong for the good guys. Don't talk about my sons like that. Whelp there goes Gon. Ooh them's fightin' words. Sacrifice the big jerk wearing the sunglasses at night. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 18, 2018 Author Posted March 18, 2018 9 hours ago, EmpressAngel said: Aw crap I'm gonna have to start watching it again. Sadly, yes. But remember, the only canon you missed in there is that Tsunade's in a coma and the shady eyepatch dude voiced by Aramaki convinced the national government to elect him as interim Hokage. DRAGONBALL SUPER - Fuck you still, opening theme Chi-Chi. If Whis is shocked, you know it's serious business. If only there was a way for him to Instant Transmission his way there. Oh hey, they actually answered my question, that must mean my psychic powers are recovering after that bracket debacle. Whis is the greatest troll. Being Bills is suffering. ZA WARUDO. It was in self-defense. WHOA WHAT THE HELL SUPREME KAI TOO CLOSE. Also, you look shorter than you usually do. KAI KAI. His homeworld looks like one of those space jellyfish. You suck at being formal, Goku. WAZZAAAAAAAAP. WORD OF CAUTION: This schedule is only for next week. Don't take that as meaning double Bebop is gonna stay a thing. FLAWLESS VICTORY: FRIENDSHIP! And then he was Zeni. Those guards definitely act higher and mightier than they should. Well that went well. Oh goddammit Goku. Wait, how long were they gone, exactly? BEERUS HAET ZENI. Nope, it's anger in that cup, you see. Welp, the tea's ruined, so much for that meal of the day. When everyone is good, no one is. Hmm, didn't expect the tea to turn back like that. Who even pronounces "mature" that way? TRUNKS' TIME MACHINE, I CHOOSE YOU! Goddammit Goku you landed on your butt don't complain about your head. The funny thing is, I can't blame them for trying to shoot Goku. DRAGONBALL Z KAI - Oh good, Buu remembered his breathing exercises. SUCKERPUNCH... DENIED. Something something foreverially delitized. This confirms the outfit's just part of his natural body. FUCK YOUR ANTENNA. He's gonna Humpty Dumpty his ass. It took me a while to remember that he was doing the ghost thing and not laying an egg with his mouth. Oh shit, the ghosts can use the Kamehame-ha now. DOOOOOOOOOOODGE! Am I the only one who thinks those dust clouds look like turds? Elder Kai is definitely the audience surrogate for this arc. Of all the things Vegito was expecting... he wasn't expecting that. By the way, happy 21st birthday, Toonami. Buu seems to be gloating an awful lot, I'm expecting something to happen. AND BY LAWD DID IT HAPPEN. The strongest candy in the world, natch. This is the most ridiculous shit ever, I love it. Well that was short-lived. It sure is taking a long time for the title to come true, maybe it was a misnomer all along? RULE #1884: Do not fuck with Vegito. SUCKERSTAB. Okay, so maybe it's not a misnomer. And in a move no one would have guessed, turns out getting absorbed was Vegito's plan all along. Yeah, gloat all you want, Buu, you gonna get fucked in the next couple of episodes. At first I thought it was just a 12 oz. Mouse thing, but chinchillas really do look like they came straight outta the newspaper. BLACK CLOVER - Pierrot may still have problems with filler, but they've gotten better at condensing the plot of the first 13 episodes into a short recap. This old man picked the wrong day to go backpacking in the woods. And that, colored folks, is how dungeons are born. Something tells me I shouldn't trust that well-meaning laugh. FUCK YEAR NEW OP. Battle junkie kid is still one of the most one-dimensional motherfuckers in this squad. SHUT THE FUCK UP SISCON. If only I knew how to turn on closed-captions so I could tell what he's saying. I love how Asta's just doing push-ups while all of this is happening. But not anymore apparently. Okay battle junkie kid, you're getting closer to earning that second dimension. Asta: so dumb he doesn't even know what a dungeon is. Is Yami doing alright, his voice sounds different than usual. Call me crazy, but I'm proud for Asta here. Manson doesn't get to do nothin'. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: "I want the sister fucker to die painfully and violently." Same, preferably at Yami's hands. Was Finral just shipping those two? Any fall that doesn't end in the main character in a suggestive position with the lead female is a good one. These two have surprisingly good chemistry together. I'd call this the M.C. Escher dungeon, but I'm gonna wait 'til I see any upside-down waterways before making that judgement. I understanding wanting to get away from your kids to watch TV, but why do it in your art deco bathtub? And then Asta had an existential crisis. Okay, battle junkie kid's kinda starting to grow on me in an entertaining way. Damn straight he's got a busted personality, he's spent the entire first cour asking people to fight him and nothing else. LET'S GET DANGEROUS. Man, everybody seems to be shipping these two. I think I might get in on that action also, come to think of it. "And do you know why? 'Cause I'm gonna become the Wizard King~!" "Here we go again..." [cue 20th Century Fox music] Old friend? More like adoptive brother. Somehow her tsundere-ness is endearing. Before someone says anything, no, this is not the kind of bondage that gets me excited. And now plant vore? Man, the fetishists who get their rocks off easy are gonna have a field day with this one... Sweet, surprise backup. "And with that, my national debt is paid." SWANKY DANK is the most stupidly awesome Japanese rock band name since Scoobie Do. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - Polnareff's about to be killed by a demon barber, and Jotaro can't be assed to lift a finger. "My beautiful pecs!" Joseph, you're the greatest. Okay, so maybe Jotaro not doing anything is a good thing. [INSERT STOCK BLACK POP STAR SHOUTS HERE] Thank you, Jotaro. Anubis confirmed for most OP STAND yet. WATCHAAAAAAA. I applaud your maneuver there, Jotaro and Star Platinum. Kudos. Aw fuck, it's the Egyptian Police, here to hinder the plot. YOU FUCKED UP AGAIN, POLNAREFF. Friendly reminder that Avdol's the one who fought Polnareff when he was under DIO's control, not Jotaro. Goddamn I love watching the fights in this show. WE DUAL WIELDING NOW. Oh boy they're being lazy with their DB Super topicals again. Huh, surprise eyecatch. GAH MY SEXY CHEEK. The return of Star Finger. Never underestimate Jotaro, jackal man. CAPCOM FINAL THRUST. I love that hand-to-ear motion Star Platinum's doing there. Fuck yeah Jotaro. He was definitely OP, I'll agree with that much. DON'T YOU YABBA DABBA DO IT KID. What a waste of a good lollipop. Nevermind, looks like Iggy's taking care of it. And then Anubis was a boomerang that never came back. SHIT COUNT: 2. That poor cow. Suck it, Anubis. If only it knew that animals know when shit ain't right with things like you. In the end, it sure sucks to be Polnareff. Oh hey, another surprise eyecatch. And now for this week's E/I corner! Is it a random example, narrator? Is it really? [shamon!] Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 19, 2018 Author Posted March 19, 2018 MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS - Oh boy, another episode beginning in medias res of battle. Chad knows shit's about to get fucked in these last few episodes. Why go after Tekkadan and Tekkadan only? You're tempting fate something fierce, Orga. I still have no idea why Iok's here and not in some type of punishment dungeon. The worst part about Gundam is that it's very hard to keep up the witty remarks during the action sequences. NO NOT THE BURRITOS. I don't trust this shady dude who I'm 99% certain we haven't met yet. That weapon... it's like a certain scientific railgun! [TARGET LOCKON STRATOS] RAILGUNS RAILGUNS EVERYWHERE. To break up the intensity of the action, here's a quick shot of Atra being a cute. So that's why Tekkadan is being targeted first. YOU FOOL! I'm sure those body bags are filled with people we've never seen before now, and likely never will. Blonde kid is totally gay for Shino. On second thought, I should've set up a bastard count for this episode. GAYYYYYYYYYY (not that there's anything wrong with that). I hope and am kind of expecting these three to survive to the end. More Atra being a cute. Well doesn't that sound like anime reiteration if I've ever heard it. I love how he isn't even surprised at hearing his voice out of the blue like that. Isurugi is loyal as fuck. I wonder how many times they would've kissed were they not wearing those helmets. Even more cute Atra. Forget the failure to connect the strike, was that an S-bomb I just heard? Yeah... I doubt he survived that. HUNTER x HUNTER - I don't trust Discount Goemon. Did somebody say walking stick? That is the most normal last name I've heard in the show thus far. He's too nervous to actually ambush them. The narrator delivered that line perfectly, I told you the NGL leader's backstory was practice for future lines like this. I like that they're steadily improving within the time limits. Okay, her caressing the knife is okay, but as long as she doesn't lick it... Didn't expect her to be a good cook, I'd consider that a plus. On the other hand... SOOOOOOO YANDERE IT HURTS. And then Gon taught her the joys of the pinky swear. [ladyboner intensifies] What animal is that guy supposed to be. His tail says lion, but his face says space vampire. And then Netero kicked their asses so hard, it wasn't even fit for broadcast. Whoa, didn't expect to see the aftermath. The longer it takes for the King to be birthed, the longer it'll take to find out if JYB is voicing him or not. Twix really needs a new gimmick for their commercials. Indeed, that was fast. I never realized how much I love Bisky's fishnet gloves before now. Ara ara, how unfortunate. As always, the animals are usually the first to know. [dramatic violin music intensifies] Oh hey, there actually is a violin being played! Okay who's the giant ant that's using Kite's corpse like one of those Taiwanese fighting puppets? OH YEAHHHHHHHH. I have a feeling Steve Blum would've voiced this guy if this were A. a union dub, and B. an era where Steve Blum still regularly did voices for anime. Alternately, A. choice B in the previous sentence, and B. he kept using his David Lucas alias. You thought you were behind me, but I was the one behind you! He's using the ladybug as a seat. These guys sure love underestimating the real main characters. Not sure if that answer was absent-minded or sarcastic. As to be expected from the studio responsible for no less than three gambling anime. Hey, it worked in one-on-one battle before. And now I have to wait another week to find out what those flaws are. Way to be cryptic there, Netero. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 21, 2018 Author Posted March 21, 2018 NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Ino chasing boars, I must be the only one who gets the subtle joke here. Clearly this synergy proves that Team 10 is one of the best. We Seven Samurai now? Oh Naruto, why must you be so overenthusiastic all the time? Ah yes, Shikamaru's thinking pose. DRAG COUNT: 1. I knew that monkey-faced guy couldn't be trusted. This filler villain has no idea what kind of shounen anime this is, does he. People who treat G-level curses as being obscene need to get their brains checked in the most intimate manner possible. Oh yeah, I forgot all about the granddaughter. And there was much wringing of hands. KEIKAKU DOORI. Then laryngitis sets in. Team 7, you a buncha dumbasses. SUDDENLY SUPER SLO-MO. Oh hey, they knew he was suspicious just as much as I did. "The rooster crows at midnight." And that's why Shikamaru was the only one to graduate to chunin that year. I bet they just told Sasuke to go nuts with it. How many of these goons are voiced by Vic Mignogna? I'm thinking at least three of them. Huh, surprisingly groovy music. So apparently it was just coincidence that the jutsu activated and deactivated during the whole "mute jutsu" deal. That's one hell of a suicide vest. And Kakashi and Asuma didn't even need to do anything. But I don't remember Sakura ever doing anything. Asta had it easy compared to Choji right now. OUTLAW STAR - Saving the best rating for last, I approve! Gene keeps running, but it doesn't look like he's going anywhere. DO NOT MOVE WHILE THE LEYLINE IS CALIBRATING. Even at his most serious, Gene's always got a quip ready to fire at whoever's in his way. Gwen didn't have to do anything, and yet he still decides to play the anti-hero. Akashic Record, you say? I think Gene's kinda pushing it a little, but damn if he doesn't pull it off well. NOTHING CAN KILL HAZANKO. Muda muda. "Shut up, Khan." I love how bluntly he says that. My heart says no to all this talk of Melfina being a puppet, but another part of me says yes. Who to listen to? And then he died, I think. Tobigera's just glad that no Looney Tunes bullshit is happening to him this week. If I weren't planning on rewatching this as part of my s-CRY-ed/Outlaw Star/High School DxD/REIDEEN quadrifecta sometime in the next couple years, I'd rewatch this just for Aisha. (And Melfina too, I guess.) Huh, both MacDougalls survived, that's a legitimate surprise. MACDOUGALLS, OUT. We spirit battles now, I guess. Sweet space Jesus I was not ready for that, and I was ready for this! Okay so it's definitely some kind of afterlife. A machine god, you say? What is it with Mitsuru Hongo anime and full-body suits? Not that I'm complaining or anything. GWEN KHAN, OUT. First off, money for Aisha, and a cancellation of the assassination order on Fred for Suzuka. Gene and Melfina kissing is one of those things I didn't know I wanted until it was given to me. Oh yeah, we still have to deal with Super Hazanko first. Poor dude's gonna get his ass kicked by a bunch of sweaty men, no homo. UNLIMITED POWERRRRRRRRRRR. So much for Tobigera being completely safe from cartoony bullshit. Gilliam sounded surprisingly excited at that jolt. I JUST WANNA GO GO GO GO GO. Well that's definitely a freaky transformation. Can't talk now, enjoying the action. You can't not love random headbutts. POWER OF FRIENDSHIP, ACTIVATE! I kinda like the XGP's new look. WHOA IMPALEMENT. Turns out that new outer hull was just a decoy. AW YEAH I WAS WAITING FOR THIS ZOOM-IN SHOT. And then Melfina became the anime multiverse's one true man god machine. Well that wrapped up nicely, even with the plot starting way later than it should've. And now for the long-awaited epilogue. It's over the top, but kinda fitting. You know, Gene's epilogue haircut scared me away from giving the series a shot for a while. I got over it when I learned that it only showed up for all of five minutes. And apparently no time has passed at all. Oh hey, Suzuka really did get that assassination cancellation, in a way. And Aisha's delivering pizza now. I like Melfina's new outfit, but I'll always miss that suit-and-tie combo. These two really are cute together. And yet, why am I not surprised at Gene being his good ol' horndog self? I STILL DON'T GET HOW MELFINA GETTING UNDRESSED BEFORE ENTERING THE COMPUTER TANK WORKS, SHOW. Okay, I'll be the first to admit, Gene's new top looks kinda gay on him, especially with the haircut. Was that maintenance guy just blushing? No way, Gene's that young? ONLY ANIME. This is a nice written-word ending monologue. The only downside to this ending is that Mitsuru Hongo then went on to direct Pilot Candidate, but he did IGPX after that, so it evens out. All in all, it was great in spite of its flaws. As I mentioned before, I would watch again. 9.5/10. SPACE DANDY - So what exactly is the difference between a Graviton and a Gravitino? Because I'm not seeing it. COWBOY BEBOP - Judging from all of his scenes, I can safely say that Ed is definitely Appledelhi's daughter. Also, Call Me Call Me is the best Bebop insert, barring Want it All Back and Pushing the Sky. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG - Is there anyone out there on the Internet besides me who has a full-length copy of the fart noise version of this episode? If so, you need to upload it, because you probably have more skill at this sort of thing than I do. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted March 24, 2018 Posted March 24, 2018 I've been really busy at work the last few weeks. I had to work last Saturday night, and I will again tonight, and most days have been 12-hour days, so there hasn't been much time to write things. I'm going to cover the episodes I have watched off the dvr, but on a show basis rather than strictly an episode basis, since I don't think I can remember exactly what happened in which episode to separate them. Also, I haven't watched anything off the dvds yet. DBS - Yes, future!Trunks is a punk compared to blue!Vegeta, but at least he did term his disappointment in his son in a way to challenge him to become better. Zeno (I smiled when Goku called him "Zeni" ) is a nice kid, and I like that he just wanted someone to play with him. Here's hoping Goku can come through on his promise to bring another fun playmate (I would guess Pan). I would think that they would want to take more than a single trip's-worth of fuel for the time machine, but eh. I know that Goku is on the simple side, but either or both of Trunks and Vegeta should've realized they were taking Goku to a place and time where he looks, clothing aside, exactly like the world-devastating bad guy. If they wouldn't make Goku cut his hair drastically first, they should've al least made him put some kind of covering on his head to make it more difficult for denizens of the future to recognize him. Zamasu strikes me as being ideologically aligned with Light Yagami. DBZK - Comparing this to what I remember from reading the manga last year, a lot of these two episodes seemed like filler. Vegitto can pummel Buu to his heart's content, but unless Vegitto can obliterate Buu into sub-atomic particles faster than he can regenerate, eventually Vegitto will tire or make a real mistake. I know that he intended to get absorbed, but it is a risky ploy. BC - Yeah, the shady dude whose dad was in the government was behind it all for revenge. At least he was exposed in his shady conduct, and they got his also-shady dad, too. Fight guy (I think his name is Luck) doesn't seem like the most reliable senior to take on a mission, but he is entertaining. Remember, Asta and Noelle, that dungeons also frequently have traps and magical creatures to defend the secrets and/or treasures contained therein. JoJo: SC - If Stands are connected to the person from whom they arise, I don't know how Anubis would be able to survive as a cursed sword after the man who forged it died. At least Jotaro and S.P. were able to break it into mostly unusable pieces. I get the feeling that either Iggy is the smartest dog ever, coming to our heroes' aid just when they need it and in ways which could plausibly be denoted happy accidents, or he has the luckiest timing anyone or anything has ever had. Dio's Stand, The World, is, we must remember, not his, but rather that of Jonathan Joestar's stolen body. Even now, over 100 years after Jonathan's death, he's still amazingly badass. MSG: IBO 2 - I was impressed that Almiria armed herself to stab McGillis for trying to kill her brother. I was disappointed not only that she couldn't bring herself to attack him, but also that she tried to kill herself instead. At least McGillis did have the decency not to allow a gradeschooler to commit suicide. However, we could consider this an act of cruelty by forcing her to stay in an arranged relationship that she no longer truly wants, and she would have the knowledge that one day he would want to consummate their formal union. If we think of it that way, the only option she has which isn't horrible is to succeed in murdering him, and she could face prosecution or execution for that if she can't paint it as self-defense. Yeah, it was a bad sign that the Iron Flower guys were getting pumped up for this engagement by calling it "the final battle." That practically guarantees obscene fatalities on their side. Yes, Iok. Rustall is planning for the aftermath of the battle in regard to the planetary defense forces. It's like he said almost the exact same thing you did to you, dummy. Should Rustall end up dying and any Iron Flower members survive, I think the Iron Flower guys would be within their rights of revenge and spite to piss on his grave/memorial. He planted an operative in McGillis' ranks to use a banned weapon on his (Rustall's) own men, which is to say that he betrayed their trust by murdering some of his forces through a false-flag attack in order to have "justification" to use AN ENTIRE BATTERY OF THOSE SAME WEAPONS, WHICH HE WOULD'VE NEEDED TO EQUIP AND BRING AHEAD OF TIME FOR THIS BATTLE! Yeah, there's nothing fishy there at all. In the moment, I was rooting for Shino to hit the bridge of Rustall's ship with their makeshift railgun, and I, like Shino, was sorely disappointed that he not only missed, but also died in the process of the attempt. Thinking about it now, the alliance of Iron Flower and McGillis had better win, because Shino having and using the makeshift railgun gave credibility to the story behind the first false-flag attack, since Iron Flower did have such a weapon in their possession. As long as Rustall and Iok die, then Iron Flower might not be branded as war criminals by an actual war criminal in the subsequent spin to the media and populace. HxH - Knuckle seems like a good guy. It's a shame he and the boys must fight. So what they're saying is that Shoot is a coward whose nerves get the better of him. Scary lady got scarier, but Gon was remarkably smooth about figuratively disarming her without trying, and it looks like she might be getting a crush on him. Maybe they can have a date when he's a few years older. It's hard to believe that Netero has killed all the squads in single-combat (on his end, anyway). Recall that this is the same man who challenged the boys to that game on the airship during the exam, but I don't think he used any nen in that encounter. Shippuden - In the one where the art style seemed off, I don't know why Naruto and/or Sauce didn't simply try to cut the goo. Maybe they didn't know Asuma's technique of channeling chakra into a blade at that time. Yep, Shikamaru was the cleverest of that genin class. Also, the monkey-looking sideburns guy was completely shady from the start. OS - Haven't watched them. SD - The Little Aloha is a very tough ship to withstand that may explosions and collisions. I didn't count how many "last resort" moves Dandy had, but there were surely no fewer than three. Plus, riding slipstream with a spacecraft would actually make the following vehicle slower, because they would be hit by the effluent of the other ship's propulsion system. Not!Laika was a good doggie. How did the door on the Bebop fridge get closed? (Recall that the door was open when it exited the Bebop.) Getting smothered in hair gel would be a terrible way to die. If the damage claim Admiral Perry had was for the explosions from the sick beats missile launch, then that was outstandingly fast claim processing by the grieved parties' insurer(s). CB - Haven't watched them. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Haven't watched them. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 24, 2018 Author Posted March 24, 2018 Tonight on Toonami, Trunks meets up with the remaining resistance fighters with his secret weapons against Black in tow, said secret weapons journey inside Buu to rescue those he's absorbed but not digested yet, Asta and Noelle meet up with Yuno and his Golden Dawn comrades inside the dungeon, a bizarre electrical mishap turns Joseph into the Human Magnet, the continued battle against the Arianrhod Fleet takes its toll on both McGillis and Tekkadan, Knuckle reveals to Gon why his Rock-Paper-Scissors attack is weaksauce (or at least tries to), the first bout of Flashback Filler Hell finally ends with Sasuke reflecting on another Team 7 mission, Dandy goes traveling with a bunch of sentient plants on their psychedelic homeworld, and Bebop would sing us out with a full hour of the Real Folk Blues, if not for Section 9 enacting their plan to capture Kuze in the wake of the refugees on Dejima declaring their independence coming right after. 10:30 - Dragonball Super #56 - Rematch With Goku Black! Enter Super Saiyan Rose - TV-14LV 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #155 - Rescue Gohan and the Others! Goku and Vegeta's Infiltration Mission! - TV-14LV 11:30 - Black Clover #15 - The Diamond Mage - TV-PG 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #30 - Bastet's Mariah, Part 1 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #46 - For Whom? - TV-14LV 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #89 - Compassion and Strength - TV-14LV 1:30 - Naruto Shippuden #196 - Drive Toward Darkness - TV-PGV 2:00 - Space Dandy #9 - Plants Are Living Things Too, Baby - TV-14LS 2:30 - Cowboy Bebop #25 - The Real Folk Blues, Part 1 - TV-14V 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #26 - The Real Folk Blues, Part 2 - TV-14V 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #19 - CHAIN REACTION - TV-14V [be kind rewind] Quote
EmpressAngel Posted March 25, 2018 Posted March 25, 2018 Clover- That vagintacle monster should have eaten them. Dime-store Griffith is still shady as fuck. Shut up, douche. You're awfully high and mighty for a bitch who can't even aim. Don't fight, you're all terrible. STOP SCREAMING YOU DUMB BASTARD. Excuse you at least Yami is nice to look at. STOP SCREAMING YOU DUMB SHITS. Her plant magic is fun. I'm thinking the first one there is gonna be the one who's not running on foot. I hope they get lost and die. Escape while you can, bird! No bird don't help them they're awful. To be fair, Yami was probably hungover as shit at the time. This diamond guy looks like a douchebag. Wizard King gives no shits about his job. Maybe they'll kill each other and I'll have less people to annoy me. LIGHTNING BOOTS. Oh right, our terrible main characters. Please god be a trap. What in the fuck? God why can't Yami be here to kill everything. You suck, lightning boy. Good job kid you're fucked. Hey now that girl wasn't awful don't kill her. Oh good, another kid who looks insufferable. One of you just die already. Jojo- Oh hey Kakyoin. That's not funny, doctor. Man it's gonna suck if any of them die before Kakyoin sees them again. Show me around the city, Avdol. Do not let Polnareff use the bathroom alone. They blurred the shit. That seems like an uncomfortable way to poop. THE OUTLET IS A STAND. Noooo Joseph don't touch that! Surely that won't come back to bite him in the ass. Hiiii Mariah how you doin? Nah you won the magic manga battle pretty easily. Oh no what did that do to you? Ouuuuch his face. Oh, he's a magnet now. Thank god for Avdol. Calm your tits, Frenchy. Good morning, pantsless Joseph. I'm waiting for Joseph's magnet ass to summon Avdol's giant metal codpiece. This is gonna be a tough day for grandpa. Joseph is all our type, granny. RUN AWAY. Oh no don't get on that escalator. Gee maybe that weird unexplained power outlet in the middle of a rock in the desert was suspicious. Ohhh I'm into this. Joseph calm down it's like six inches away. Thank god for Avdol, again. I love these idiots. That is one lucky statue. Who cares about her face, look at that ass. Is it time for the return of TEQUILA JOSEPH? I like how his first thought is "THEY'RE EATING WITHOUT US" and not that they're being attacked. Sorry Joseph now you're gonna have to bang that old lady. Avdol is having a rough day. AVDOL NO. I volunteer to get between them and separate their pelvises. Ohhhhh this is gonna be FUN. Gundam- Aww that kid never got his whores. Crazy Mika is a hoot I love that kid. He's dead, Jim. No hard feelings lady but you're gonna have to die now. Whelp now Atra's never gonna get her harem ending. Sorry, child fucker doesn't know the meaning of stopping shit when it gets uncomortable. They both suck but I gotta root for the one who's not trying to bang a girl scout. No don't die for him. Man, who would have guesed that things would go so bad for these child soldiers? At all costs, save that hot redhead. Oh hey, the annoying girl's not dead yet. Orga needs a break. Sorry about your boyfriend, kiddo. People just died, you whiny bastard. I hope Atra makes it out of this alive, even if she doesn't get her threeway. Please get these kids some therapy if they survive. Shut up, Fuck E. Cheese. Please punch the pervert. Get off his dick, boy. Oh hey, she's awake. It's nice that there's exactly one decent person on their side. Well that dream sure went tits-up, didn't it? Pretty sure that's called PTSD, buddy. Welcome to space-Alabama, where relatives don't matter. Ohh that's a punch to the gut. No you can't, because most of you are going to die. Well this sure is depressing. Eat shit, fuckboy. Hunter- Thank you narrator we just heard him say that. He's trying leave him alone. Yes let's go with that it sounds cooler. Dude this is a boy who got his own hand blown off, he doesn't care about flaws. Well this could be going better. Please don't kill my son. I guess this counts as a tie? Haaa, tiny baseball Leorio and Kurapika. This is an adorable way to explain things. I'm so proud of him he should just forget about his shitty dad. Whelp you better end this in real time then. Aw crap energy is a harsh mistress. GON NO IT'S A TRAP. You know damn well he's not thinking anything right now. Child what the hell are you doing? Okay that's a new one. Never turn your back on my insane boy. Did...did he knock himself out? Well at least you tried. Killua you are putting a lot of faith in yourself to beat a guy you've never seen before. Now bring back the dogs. Bring out your spa stand, Bisky. YESSS SUPER BISKY GO. Don't waste your aura before the fight. Biscuit is your mom now. I hate Killua's creepy brother. Wow how dare you, he'd never abandon him. Don't you dare split up my kids. I will kick that man's ass myself. God that lady makes me uncomfortable. GOOD LUCK KIDS I BELIEVE IN YOU. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 25, 2018 Author Posted March 25, 2018 DRAGON BALL SUPER - Trunks sure knows how to time his resheathing to those explosions. "Don't you remember the battle on Mango Hill? He fought Black to a standstill!" BULLHORN. It's Vegeta's face's fault he was so evil. Dammit Trunks quit assuming Mai's dead just because she fell limp, you didn't even check her goddamn pulse! Bet you feel like an idiot now, don't you, Trunks? "I thought you were dead!" "Nope!" Just kiss already, you two. She was part of the Pilaf Gang, that means she can survive almost anything. FIGHT BACK AGAINST BLACK. You probably wanna tone it down a little, Goku. Buffet time. Oh hey, it's Yajirobe. I too would have thought he was killed upon learning Korin was taken out. That's Saiyans, they're hardly ever worried. John Cena is finally the proud papa. Goku Black sounds more like Zamasu every day. HE'S HEEEEEEEERE. Oh hey, he referenced the Jelly Vegeta filler. I think Trunks is onto something there. So many different Super Saiyan hair colors. I'm surprised they actually did a British accent for this form. A rose by any other name... is still Goku. Welp, Vegeta's dead. Again. That Kamehame-ha looks pretty black hole-y, if you ask me. Wait, that voice! ZAMASUUUUUUUUUUU. DRAGON BALL Z KAI - So Buu's gloating is dramatic irony, then? Kibito Kai, you a pussy. He's so happy he could run in a stream. Elder Kai knows what's up. Air backstroke. So are those clothes part of his body, or aren't they? We now return you to "Journey to the Center of Buu", already in progress. Like a village idiot. That crystal ball has crazy good reception. You a dirty bastard, Vegeta. Saiyans be crazy, yo. The cake is not a lie, not when Buu's got his sights set on some. How convenient, his face being exposed. It feels so good to see Buu on the losing end. VICTORY DANCING. I dare more horror movies to quit being so goddamn cruel the youth who kind of deserve it but not to the point of being ridiculously fatal. It wasn't fun when Final Destination did it, and it's much less fun now. I enjoy these two's banter. Oh hey, they found OG Buu. I almost panicked at the sudden glitchiness before realizing I was watching this on an HDTV. Again, Buu is too OP. It's good to see those three are still around. If he was a statue, he'd be monochromatic. AND NOW WE'LL NEVER KNOW. (I pray to god you're adopted.) That was a different comedy-visual moment. HOT CHEEK ON CHEEK ACTION. Shut up, Buu. Okay, Whack-a-Buu was pretty amusing. BLACK CLOVER - Funny how Asta and Noelle aren't the ones most likely to keep this mission from succeeding. Thanks, Yuno. I still can't see Dimestore Griffith's hair with all that unnecessary fur on his mask. Nice to see that glasses dude is still a major buzzkill. A filter she may lack, but at least Mimosa's nicer to Noelle than her immediate family is, especially Captain Rattail. I'm starting to unironically love Asta's shoujo manga eyes. I agree, he is nuts. The dungeon is your girlfriend, and the Black Bulls are gonna do what they do best and NTR the shit out of you. It's Golden Dong, Asta. I can't believe I'm enjoying their bickering as much as I am. Fuck yeah, 3D maps. Tornado hoverboard, go! Truly everything is a dick-measuring contest between these two. You have the clothes on your back, but no shoes or even socks. Also, I love that they aren't even trying to hide Jason and Gill's player names. This is an oddly listenable song I'm hearing right now, and the "sunset in the forest" atmosphere really helps. Smarter than the average bird, I see. Never underestimate the main protagonist! As a normal person would expect, the enemy troops were who Luck ran off to fight. At first I thought he was a coward, but now he isn't. Damn, this guy is hard to read. "Your daughters can kiss my ass!" WELCOME TO ZERO-G, CHILDREN. Oh hey, a mimic. And an anatomically correct one, at that. When you get beaten so hard by the token tsundere you actually vomit. Even before his heyday, Yami was a total badass. And then Black Clover got a brief taste of what it's like to play DDLC. Finally this kid is starting to get a bit of comeuppance for being so annoying thus far. Oh boy another ice guy. "Yes, first ones here!" Oh good, that surprise attack missed her vital organs. This dude's come to claim his runner-up prize. IT'S TRUMP CARD TIME, MOTHERFUCKERS. FarCry 5 City looks like a fun place to live. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - Meanwhile, Kakyoin still can't see shit. The Speedwagon Foundation is the best foundation of its kind, all others need not apply. Screw you, episode title, I'm still calling it "Bastet's Mariah". Oh, so they're in King Tut's final resting place, that's pretty neat. I love it when they pixelate out the bowel movements. Why can't they do that in hentai instead of covering up the genitals? OH MY GOD indeed, Joseph. Power sockets? In my desert climate? It's more likely than you think. STATIC SHOCK. Iggy just don't give a fuck. That's not how "Bastet" is pronounced, translators! Coco Cola. That poor, poor carpenter. NICE CATCH. Now that's really waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Conspicuous CGI rolling chair, I like it. Oh hey, it's Tenten. And she's still prone to fits of murderous rage, good for her. Holy shit it's a horny granny. JOESTAR SECRET TECHNIQUE, ACTIVATE! Congratulations, Joseph, you're now a human magnet. Make sure not to visit any video rental places while you're like that. This looks like a Final Destination death just waiting to happen, I blame that damn Truth or Dare movie. Micro-mini-skirt. Of course we'd get a hot lady STAND user sooner or later. If SwimModBast were still around, I think she'd appreciate this episode. (As for convincing her to unban my original account, it's much too late for that.) Thanks, Avdol. Congratulations, now everybody in the hotel thinks you're crazy. Okay, maybe Blatch was right about me having to go easier on rating Freezing, which I have been. Running is what Joseph does best. Oh hey, it's the men's room only with cramp couches instead of urinals. And they're still waiting. Avdol needs an adult. I dunno, those fishnetted legs looked pretty nice. The woman they belong to, on the other hand... Oh no, it's the horny granny again! And she's hornier than ever! SHIT COUNT: 1. To quote one translation, disasters in the bathroom are Polnareff's department. MORE HOT CHEEK-ON-CHEEK ACTION. Now this truly is the worst three-legged race. If next episode doesn't get a TV-MASV, I'm gonna be livid. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS - SHIT COUNT: 1. Yeah, pretty certain he ain't making it out of that mobile suit alive. You know shit's 'bout to get real when Mikazuki puts on the serious voice. Listen to Blonde Kirito for once, Orga, he actually knows what he's talking about. RETREEEEEEEAT. Sucks for you, Mika doesn't believe in talking as a free action. Just ask Carta and her subordi nates in Gundam Valhalla, a.k.a. the Build Fighters universe. PURPLE SMOKESCREEN NO JUTSU. Meanwhile, McGillis and Gaelio are still taking it to one another. MIGHT MAKES RIGHT, BITCH. You can blame Gaelio' sister for that brief moment of weakness, even though that stab wound wasn't meant for you at the moment of stabbing. I'm not exactly surprised that he's dying, though I can't say it's predictable either. You a dick, Gaelio. You know, I'd have assumed J.R. Cricket's was a fake pizza place, I too am surprised that it's real. I too am surprised that Julietta managed to survive that thrashing. For being all banged up, that ship sure looks like it's still in working order. Thanks for the report, Gon. Gay kid could really use more reasons to live. I also wasn't expecting Gay Dandy Jr. to not be human debris like those other guys. This kid should be the new face of post-war depression. Something tells me this plan for the future is going to go awry. Right now is Mikazuki's quiet time, do not disturb him. Well, that's Mikazuki for you. That Orga ain't right. Shino was a pretty alright bi guy. In which Orga realizes he fucked up bad. ACTION MONTAGE. Huh, it took longer than usual for the channel watermark to disappear. There must be a post-credits sequence coming up. THAT THERE IS. You don't have to hate pedophiles to not want to be in McGillis's space boots right now. HUNTER x HUNTER - Knuckle doesn't approve of your move, but he approves of the name; I can respect that. What he's doing is a little something we like to call "tough love". Damn Gon, that's intense. Here's Kurapika and Leorio's obligatory cameo for the arc. Fuck yeah, I love me some psychological fight analysis. ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA. Nobody knows what Gon is thinking. I'm at a loss to whether or not Ballmasterz is gonna be good or not. Cool, he finally used Paper. That was an awesome finish, even if he didn't win as a result. I'd listen to Killua, personally. For a second there, I thought Bisky was gonna wake him up with a bucket of cold water. And then she revealed her true, textbook beefcake form. Yes, let's all blame Illumi. JoJo!Bisky is best girl that isn't Shizuku. LOSER YOU'RE A LOSER. Hey, where's Palm been all this episode? Oh, there she is, and she's acting all DDLC-creepy as she usually does. Hey, we went an entire episode without seeing any ants, it's a goddamn miracle. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Yes, these four have been traveling to the village on foot this whole time. For some reason, the episode looks less HD-quality than these several past episodes have. Keep it in your pants, Sasuke. Oh god it's a little girl singing a stupid song, I'd bail out right now if this wasn't the last episode of filler. (Not that I'd bow out permanently to begin with... ) Even little girls have the hots for Sasuke. There should be a name for this law, that every conversation ends in talking about Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry. I like how Tsunade's threatening to kick Sakura's ass just as much as she is Naruto's. Keep it in your dress, little girl. I can't get over this sexy jazz music. The answer is to drag her there kicking and screaming. Or just transform into Sasuke, that works too. I never knew I needed Sasuke with Naruto's personality and mannerisms. Wait, where're Naruto and Kakashi going with that stupid dance? And that was the first time Sasuke got murderously jealous of him. Can you feel the secondhand embarrassment? Eh, what a ka-winky-dink! TOO MANY SASUKES. For those of you who wanted to see Sasuke use a Rasengan, there you go. And so the facade drops. Lotta fade-ins and fade-outs this episode. To be a ninja is to be able to kick ass even when bound and gagged. That sounds creepy coming out of your mouth, stock villain guy. SASUKE, IN. As I expected, he wasn't human all along! Or at least, that was a false face. Don't speak of Itachi in front of Sasuke, that's his main trigger. And then he murderized the hell out of that guy. That Sasuke kid sure has brain problems, doesn't he. That's an interesting setpiece to end the episode on. Next week, we're back to canon, finally. [i love mein job] Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 25, 2018 Author Posted March 25, 2018 (edited) Surprise second post in one day. SPACE DANDY - I remember seeing someone watch this episode on the [adult swim] stream on one of the computers in my uni's First Year Engineering lab. Personally, I found that to be pretty neat, almost as neat as this episode's unique visual direction and heavily Kaiba-inspired atmosphere. Also, I kinda wanna taste one of those colorful-looking food balls Meow was being fed all episode. COWBOY BEBOP - It's amazing how basically outside of Spike's "too much virmouth" comment and that aside about Judy marrying her agent, these last two episodes are practically devoid of humor. But it's not like that lack makes them unwatchable, the whole two-parter is excellent regardless. I'm sure some of you know this already, but that song playing during Spike's raid on Syndicate HQ, I thought it was The Real Folk Blues for the longest time, but it's only now that I discovered it's a completely different song with the same tune as TRFB, but with a slightly altered arrangement and completely different lyrics. (Also, it was planned to be the original ending theme, but it wasn't finished in time, so they had to use TRFB instead.) The anime staff nerd in me loved the background studio references I was able to spot in the HD version; the DEEN brand chips in Annie's store and the Sunrise box (complete with the iconic S) in Laughing Bull's hideout. And no matter who says what, Spike dying at the end is the only right way Bebop could've ended. I wish I'd still preserved Angel's rundown on why that makes sense, because it was really well-written and explanatory. All in all, I finally got to watch Bebop in its full, mostly uncensored form, and it was glorious. Though if [as] reruns it again after the April Fools' stunt, I'll probably skip it. You can only take so much before it gets old. 100/10. You're gonna carry that weight, indeed. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG - That ending reveal confused me to about the same level as everyone else. At least, I think it did. Oh well, the fact of the matter is, I'll be able to actually remember what happened this episode now. Edited March 25, 2018 by PokeNirvash 1 Quote
Blatch Posted March 25, 2018 Posted March 25, 2018 You know Poke, it's kind of refreshing to read a complete paragraph from you in this thread. Those stray observations all in a row usually make my eyes bug out. But yeah, talk about an amazing finale for an awesome show. Spike was a one-man wrecking ball for the entire syndicate, and he did it for Julia as well as to get one last attack in on Vicious in general, and it was tremendous to watch. The action, all of it, was so well choreographed. Being a big, dumb action show was theoretically all Cowboy Bebop needed to be for people to like it, but having so many emotional beats without getting bogged down in any of them is precisely what's caused it to shoot up to the status of being one of the greatest. And that final shot is the stuff of legend... I would often listen to "Blue" after any major Toonami show finished as a measure of finality, but being able to hear it on the real thing was second to none. Now I just wish my DVR hadn't gone all wonky and missed recording two episodes ("My Funny Valentine" and "Black Dog Serenade"), although I still need to watch the movie (which I don't own) anyway, so I guess I'll buy both releases at once. Either way, this is a must-watch for anyone else. 1 Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted March 31, 2018 Posted March 31, 2018 I separated the comments in CB and GitS by episode number, but not for OS. Also, if CB stays part of the lineup, I don't intend to watch it though again immediately, either on the channel or off my dvds, meaning no comments. The same goes for GitS when its run ends. Ang: Yes. If anyone from Rustall's forces should survive, it's the pretty redheaded mechanic lady. Poke: You have a point. At the time of the show's setting, any video rental place Joseph could visit would have magnetically encoded videocassettes. DBS - Aw, crap. Black has his own Super Saiyan form. I'm disappointed that Vegeta got to be the punching bag to show off Black's new power. At least Trunks was reunited with grown!Mai. DBZK - For Kai being the filler-free version of the DBZ story, there sure was a lot of it this episode. The only part I remember from the manga was Goku and Vegeta rescuing the people Buu was tapping for power. Vegeta was a bit rash to crush his Potarra earring. BC - I'm fine with Yuno saving Asta and Noelle from the monster. The digging banter between Mimosa and Noelle was annoying, though. It's easy to think of Luck as being just a fight junkie, but after he was paralyzed by the enemy magician, I thought I heard a girl's or woman's voice which sounded like it was part of a memory telling him to win. Maybe he lost a fight, magic or otherwise, at some point, and this female died either protecting him or as a consequence of his defeat. If so, he could understandably develop the need to fight and win in order to push himself to improve so he'd never fail someone close to him like that again. That memory seemed to push him to overcome the effects of his enemy's magic through force of will, and that's impressive. I would like to see the Bulls clear the dungeon rather than the Dawn, if only to humble Klaus a bit. He strikes me as an elitist jerk, but I feel like he's ripe for character growth to move beyond that. However, that would require good writing, and I don't have high hopes for that in this show. JoJo: SC - Oh no! The enemy Stand-user is a hot chick! It's tough to pull for our heroes when their opponent is a babe like that. The comedy of errors and mishaps with Joseph, his magnetism, and the search for Mariah was a little tedious, but this is a real problem for him. The danger of the escalator aside, I would think that a magnetic field emanating from Joseph would cause him some difficulty in using his mechanical hand, eventually making it mash against his body and rendering that arm immobile. With enough time, even if Joseph could survive the the impacts of metal objects, he would eventually suffer failure of his autonomic systems, since the nerve signals to his heart and lungs wouldn't be strong enough to transmit effectively due to the magnetic field interference. MSG: IBO 2 - I watched part of this earlier in the week, but didn't finish the episode, and I don't remember much beyond Shino dying. I'll try to work these comments into next week's stuff. HxH - I'll agree with Knuckle that Gon's Janken Rock takes too long to charge and leaves him vulnerable while doing so. It also burned a lot of nen when Gon used it as a fake-out to try to manipulate Knuckle into reacting the way Gon wanted. Biscuit had a point that Killua didn't make good use of his training time. Sure, his likely opponent, Shoot, isn't likely to bring as fierce a fight as Knuckle would, but he still should've tried to push himself. Since he didn't, I can support Biscuit challenging him to a fight and whupping him. I hadn't considered the philosophy behind Killua's fighting style previously, and I think Biscuit nailed it, but such a style makes sense for a paid assassin, which is the Zoldyck family trade. I doesn't make sense for a paid assassin to die in order to carry out the mission when retreating, regrouping, and planning the next attempt will accomplish the objective as well while preserving the assassin's life. Also, presuming the worst-case scenario makes the decision process of the assassin easier, since overestimating the opposition would lead to an easier victory than expected, while underestimating them can easily lead to the assassin's death. Shippuden - Naruto was a good friend to try to cover for Sauce's psychopathic rage. Itachi was one of his trigger words back then. OS - I can understand Suzuka wanting blood vengeance against the Kei Pirates and Hitoriga in particular for their role in her family's deaths. Gene sure recovered quickly from using the Caster shells that should've drained all his lifeforce with three shots. I feel a little sorry for Harry, since his last act in his body was to get to somewhere that he could help Melfina. I'm not entirely sure how his "backup copy" saved Ron (as in I don't know what the name was of the robots he sent to retrieve his unconscious brother), but I feel like having them escape was a set-up for a sequel series or movie that didn't happen wherein they'd come back to beleaguer our crew again. Aisha being exhausted after her win against an Anten Seven member is fine, but we must remember that when Jim was sent back to get the ship and crew ready to rescue Gene, if necessary, he would've gotten an eyeful of naked Aisha when he had no clothing with him to offer her which would be large enough to cover all her censorable parts. In her position, I would think she'd take his jacket to tie around her waist and cover her breasts with her hands for the walk back to the ship. Well, that is if she did mind being naked. If she didn't mind, she might politely decline the offer of his jacket and tease him about how lucky he was to get the visual treat she was supplying. I call shenanigans on Hazanko climbing back out of the black hole Caster spell, but they did need someone to fight for the big battle at the end. Simply having Gene talk Melfina into returning with him and her separating the Leyline Maiden program from the rest of her personality would've been tough to stretch into the rest of the episode without having the Outlaw Star crew in the ship fight Hazanko's inhuman abomination form. I'm fine with the group returning to Sentinel 3, and I'm fine with Gene getting arrested and fined, even though he wasn't solely responsible for the damage to the spaceport, but they can't arrest and fine dead pirates. SD - The math was wrong. If the transporter took 30 minutes previously to send someone, and it now is 50 times faster, then that means it would take 1/50th of the time. The previous time was 1800 seconds, so the new time would be 36 seconds. What we saw was more like 3.6 seconds, meaning it would be 500 times faster. Shame on you for getting that wrong, Q.T. Well, that and the inaccuracy of the targeting system, I guess. I'm fine with eating meat from a philosophical perspective, but even I will admit that force-feeding geese to fatten them for foie gras is inhumane. Meow got a little taste of that here, but he didn't get the feeding tube down his throat. With the loss of Code D, the plants losing their intelligence isn't like them dying, but the "people" they were are no more, and that's sadder to me than Dandy let on to it being to him. CB - 23: I'm not sure that before this viewing I ever caught the part of Faye's interview on the television show where she was asked, "and what are you going to do about the money you owe?" "Those debts belong to my body; they have nothing to do with my spirit." I once took a cue from Spike in this episode and poured a beer on a bowl of cereal. The flavors didn't meld very well, so I can understand his reaction. I feel like the image of Londes was modeled after Marshall Applewhite. Also, the chick Scratch member to whom Spike spoke looked like she could've served as an inspiration for Tatsuki's character design. 24: I'm not sure how Ed would've left daycare at less than three years old and survived wandering alone. Appledelhi is a strange one, but McIntyre has to be a little crazy also for him buy into the mapping mission. Back in college, I went through my whole time living in dorms on a 14-meal plan. After I learned about a kind of take-out option where we could get two entrees and three sides for a meal, I started using the posted weekly menus to determine which meals I would eat in a dining hall and for which ones I would utilize the take-out option. I did this so I could stretch those meal usages into more meals and thus decrease my grocery expenses by eating breakfast in a dining hall. After I had seen this episode a few times, when I would get hard-cooked eggs as part of breakfast, I would start to sing "Call Me, Call Me" in my head as I peeled the eggs and ate. 25: Last week at work on Saturday night into Sunday morning, TRFB part 1 was airing during lunch, so I turned the channel on one of the televisions in the lunchroom to CN. When one of my co-workers got to the table, I started telling him about what was happening in the episode, like the gray haired guy (Vicious) just tried and failed to carry out a murder-coup on his criminal syndicate superiors. He responded that it sounded like I'd seen it a few times. I also told him what was happening in the scene where Faye meets Julia, and I think that I termed it that she (Faye) was about to shoot at the armed gangsters because their stray gunfire had almost hit her and did hit her ship, so she wasn't about to stand for that. He said she seemed like the kind of person who'd shoot you right between the eyes, and I said that she didn't directly kill anyone in the show, but that the guy who was about to be thrown from the car at which she was going to shoot probably would die from his injuries. Julia must've still had connections of her own to know who the people around Spike are, including Faye. Vicious was lucky that the guy who shot his shackles was an excellent shot, or he could've ended up with holes in his arms or hands. 26: The problem with a shotgun is that it has a remarkably puny round capacity. Sure, the rounds are powerful, but there are so few of them without reloading. In Spike's raid on the Red Dragons to kill Vicious, he kills or wounds 11 people, including Vicious. At the end, after Spike has collapsed, presumably dying, on the stairs up to the platform where he fought Vicious, there are 24 armed Red Dragon soldiers arrayed in front of him. Thus, in order to escape, he would need to kill or wound more than double the number of men that he did while fresh and well-armed with ammunition and explosives while he was now unarmed, severely wounded, and facing all those men with no cover or concealment to use. Thus, even if Spike could've survived the wounds he'd sustained up to this point, he and any reinforcements in the form of Faye and Jet, would've needed to overcome more than twice the number of men Spike had killed or wounded in the raid and extract Spike alive and get him substantial medical attention quickly in order for Spike to survive. Thus, I don't hesitate to presume that Spike died in the finale, ending the story of our main group. This is why the Bebop movie is set somewhere during the series, between episodes. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - 17: I'm going to presume that full prosthetic bodies are incapable of contracting infectious diseases, since they are mostly mechanical. Thus, it would be a safe first-time experience for the kid to bang the Major. Kuze was a terrible person to tell a child gang how to smuggle hard drugs. I never knew I needed to watch a coked-up Tachikoma trip out, but it put a grin on my face. 18: I want to know when motorized wheelchairs like the girl's which can climb and descend stairs will become widely available in reality. Yes, yes. Even premeditated murderers like Angelica could have families, but that doesn't exempt them from justice. Drunk Tachis were even better than the high one, which crashed hard afterward. 19: I would think that those trawlers would be easy to render identical, since they're likely part of a model line, meaning only superficial things like the paint jobs and identification numbers would need to be made the same. Charisma is a hard thing to explain, but Kuze has it. Maybe his honesty has something to do with his appeal to the Refugees as well. Okay, the teaser for the wrestling match between a Tachi and an Arm suit has me ready for the next part. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 31, 2018 Author Posted March 31, 2018 (edited) On 3/31/2018 at 6:49 AM, FoleyisGood149 said: CB - 24: I'm not sure how Ed would've left daycare at less than three years old and survived wandering alone. Wait, are you referring to the daycare Appledelhi dropped her off at, or the orphanage she and Faye stopped at? If the latter, I'm pretty sure it was three years ago that she left. You've seen it all. Mustaches. An unfinished Squidbillies pilot. '80s cartoons and appropriately timed anime farts. A VHS-quality Perfect Hair Forever marathon and a baby-sized pre-theatrical Aqua Teen movie premiere. Pilot sneak-peeks with no rerun opportunity. Three years of the Plan 9 From Outer Space of our day. The night no '90s kid slept. Cat faces. A Pop Team Epic-style Perfect Hair Forever premiere followed by a Space Ghost marathon. Aqua Teen does FishCenter. Advertising a prank that wasn't there to begin with. (Which is actually quite genius, if not extremely lazy.) And soundboard dickery followed by the Endless Eight, Rick and Morty style. Throughout the years, [adult swim] has provided many an April Fool's stunt to either please or anger us, as April Fool's stunts are typically wont to do. And as usual, they always happen when the clock strikes midnight on March 31st. Meaning yes, tonight, Toonami is when this year's stunt will take place. We don't know what it'll be (though I'm expecting some new show announcements), but I can safely say that the regular schedule will be postponed for the night. Well, all besides the first three. So yes, Goku and company having to deal with both Goku Black and a more obviously evil Zamasu, last year's Goku and Vegeta struggling to defeat Buu within his own body, and Yuno's party being confronted by a considerably powerful mage from the Diamond Kingdom are definitely going to happen tonight. Everything after that? Who's to say, but... Happy Fool's Day. 10:30 - Dragonball Super #57 - A God With an Invincible Body: The Advent of Zamasu - TV-14V 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #156 - Emergency Escape from the Body! Buu's Retrogression Into Evil! - TV-14V 11:30 - Black Clover #16 - Friends - TV-PGV 12:00 - FLCL Alternative #1 - Flying Memory - TV-14V 12:30 - Mind Game - TV-MALSV 2:45 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #31 - Bastet's Mariah, Part 2 - TV-MAV 3:15 - Hunter x Hunter #90 - Interest and Curse - TV-14V 3:45 - Naruto Shippuden #197 - The Sixth Hokage Danzo - TV-PG 4:15 - Space Dandy #10 - There's Always Tomorrow, Baby - TV-14DL 4:45 - Cowboy Bebop #1 - Asteroid Blues - TV-14LV 5:15 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #20 - FABRICATE FOG - TV-14V 5:45 - Scavengers - TV-PG [YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH] Edited April 1, 2018 by PokeNirvash Quote
Blatch Posted March 31, 2018 Posted March 31, 2018 This week's Dragon Ball Super is rated TV-14V. Check the manual backdoor for that. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted March 31, 2018 Posted March 31, 2018 I was referencing the nun telling how Appledelhi said he forgot he dropped Ed off at daycare and had been looking for her for seven years. I wouldn't think Ed would be much more than ten years old now, so that would put her in the vicinity of three when she was neglectfully abandoned. Yes, it's not certain that she left the daycare before becoming a ward of the state after Appledelhi failed to retrieve her for several days, but how and when she got out on her own is a mystery we'll never solve based on what the show tells us. If the shows don't air normally tonight, that'll actually save me some time. I can watch something else off the dvr before Coast to Coast AM starts at 1 A.M. Eastern. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted April 1, 2018 Posted April 1, 2018 13 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: The April Fool's Stunt Oh hell no I better get my quasi-gay shenanigans with Avdol and Joseph. Quote
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