PokeNirvash Posted December 18, 2017 Author Posted December 18, 2017 It's about time we got another page-turnover... DRAGONBALL SUPER - I know the feel of a strained muscle, I actually had one of those two weeks ago. Pan is so kawaii. Huh, I never knew they had tumbleweeds in space. This guy looks like he might be from Sorbet's race. (ACCIDENTAL BULLHORN.) This scene feels like it came right out of an '80s porno. Monaka helping out with an experiment? Bulma laying on her back and beckoning him over? Yep, this definitely feels like an '80s porno about to happen. EXCALIBURRRRRRRR. That inflatable plushie looks like fun. You gotta love space radio. Ah, they're half-Saiyan, they'll be fine. WE GET IT, THEY'RE FROM SPACE. I just can't picture Monaka as being fat. Although... I heard that "That STAND of his looks pretty strong," shows how far in the gutter my mind is right now. THE PACIFIER OF POWER. One does not simply drink the Superhuman Water. Is this game review hinting that they're gonna air Food Wars? I really kinda hoping it is. Still the only one on this board who even remotely likes Jaco. If that's the guy you're looking for, all the more reason to visit planet Pot-au-feu! Forget the mustache, the poo he's holding is even more of an issue. MATERNAL SCREECH. Oh hey, Goku's house got fixed, and it's less annoyingly bright than before. Of course Chi-Chi would blame Goku for this. And here's the obligatory Goku scene. And then they all became jelly. And then Vegeta got absorbed into the jelly. By the way, yes, that's Vegeta's Ocean Group voice actor as Jelly Vegeta. Seriously, Brian Drummond is the best possible thing FUNimation could have done to make Jelly Vegeta seem less stupid than he already is. DRAGONBALL Z KAI - Oh goddammit Chi-Chi, as if blaming Goku for Goten's disappearance wasn't the worst thing you've done this week. If TFS ever defies Toei's C&Ds and reaches the Buu Saga, I can only imagine how they'll deal with Mr. Popo in all these scenes. Well, so much for actually going down to Earth to kill the rest of humanity. Huh, apparently Mr. Satan's immune to those death rays. NOT EVEN THE CHILDREN ARE SAFE. I never knew Piccolo had the power to summon giant eggtimers. That's cold, Super Buu. Supreme Kai's over there worrying about humanity's almost-extinction, while Gohan's just pissed that the Elder Kai's really enjoying that comic book. GOHAN'S GONE MAD! "It's like those two are in their own little world." Goddammit Chi-Chi what are you up to now? Getting yourself killed, apparently. "My mom's gone..." And we wish she stayed that way, considering how mostly terrible she is in Super. So what does the black kid being accused of cheating have to do with realizing his parents are black like him? Trunks can't be doin' with this Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Reminder that Piccolo knows everything. Welp, so much for being patient. AND KRILLIN GETS PWNED YET AGAIN. So much for complete and total defiance, too. And Top_Gun says the show isn't aware that it can use the Dragon Balls to fix everything negative. Roshi's got an hour, and he's using it. You telling me you've got a problem with the scenic route? And Gohan is still annoyed by Elder Kai's obvious laughter. AUTOMOBILES DO NOT WORK THAT WAY YOU STUPID COMMERCIAL. BLACK CLOVER - Huh, so it looks like we're starting with a narrator's account of the first Wizard King's rise to power. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: "It's been two episodes and we're already in filler how the fuck is that even possible." Pierrot, uh, finds a way. I like that Asta's still putting effort into his physical training, even after learning he was special enough to get the Devil's Grimoire. It's always the 1001st strike that shows the first sign of damage. Dammit priest, quit repeating your words and put a little faith in Asta, why don't you. The irony is, she'll miss Asta's multiple failed marriage proposals most of all. This rivalrous friendship makes more sense than Naruto vs. Sasuke, I'll consider that a point in the show's favor. Firewood for days years. Even in his sleep, he's babbling on about becoming the Wizard King. So do they wanna fuck, or don't they? It's hard to tell with these Star Wars nerds. Say what you want about the show's quality, the background staff did a good job making Asta's training grounds look surprisingly comfy for the inside of a giant demon skull. This kid's in the wrong anime and Asta knows it. "I might not have any magic, but I'm strong enough to wield this big-ass sword, and isn't that what really matters!?" Fuck you, priest. (Huh, never thought I'd hear myself saying those words.) You know you're in filler when the overreactions are brought up to 11. This menu sounds extremely varied and yet not varied at all. "And, of course, pot potatoes and beef, minus the beef." This small child is so tsundere for Asta. Like that, it was love at first sight, and without all the tact that normally comes with it. Funny enough, being almost drowned only made him love her even more. Asta's a plucky shounen protagonist, it's not in his nature to be nervous. As the great Joseph Joestar once said, if stupid people can believe in themselves, then you can believe in anything! "Bet you can't catch me!" "Challenge accepted." And then they learned the joys of eating pork. Even if he isn't doing as much as Yuno, at least Asta isn't being left out entirely. We tournament arc already? JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - Have you ever experienced a sun so hot that the sky around it looks darker than it has any right to be? If you think the road to the Royal Capital is treacherous, try taking the road to finding DIO. Good move, it's best not to get involved with the Axis of Evil when you've already got some of the more peaceful countries of central Asia on your ass. Polnareff, you flirt. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "How does Polnareff's hair even work?" Johnson's Water Seal. [clang clang] RIDIN' IN STYLE. What's a "cessna"? Some type of fancy off-road vehicle? Oh, a cessna is a type of plane. That's... not exactly concerting. Thank god for the existence of camels. Joseph is the coolest anime grandpa. He learned how to ride camels from the movies. If you know so much about Lawrence of Arabia, then do you know that the real Lawrence of Arabia paid men to beat the shit out of him for personal gratification? THE MORE YOU KNOW~. I'd honestly have lost it if the camel stood back up while Joseph was celebrating his success in making it sit. Tell me some of these stupid camel jokes, do they involve cigarettes in any way? CAMELS, HO! If you're worried about the heat so bad, did you know that deserts get super-cold at night? Oh good, he got his Tag Hauer back from Steely Dan. Welcome to the heat death of the universe, boys. Even with the hot new duo of the Rock and Kevin Hart backing it up, Jumanji just won't be the same without Robin Williams. Funny enough, the sand and rocks are exactly the color of Rotisserie chickens. Huh, looks like Emerald Splash can't solve all your problems. NOOOOOO CAMEL. SHIT COUNT: 1. And what an appropriate time to let an s-bomb drop, too. It's like every STAND user they come across is more powerful than the last, even if it's just compensation. We Off the Air now. LAUGHING JOJOS. Turns out they were laughing at finally figuring out where they're up against. And like that, the STAND user was defeated without any major fanfare. [rimjobshot] Mel Gibson, you a busta. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS - BTW, they cut last week's post-credits sequence, all it really did was show that Takaki managed to find a stable job after ditching Tekkadan. Poor Hush wants to be useful and keeps getting shot down, just like Asta. Of everyone who died on Dort, Fumitan is still the greatest loss. That OP cut is still the best in Toonami's history. I keep forgetting about most of these Brewer kids. Hmm, didn't even know Barbatos was some Satanic buzzword. Yeah, Barbatos Lupus is kind of a pointless name, if it's still Barbatos. You're one of the biggest crime bosses in space, and you haven't heard of McGillis before now? For shame... Screw you, butt-chin man. The man in the yellow hat became a real jerk after Curious George died. It isn't, it's for fetish reasons too. REVEEEEEEEEEENGE! I still wanna know who voices Kudelia's black secretary. Mika is really growing into his role as the easily annoyed mentor. TWIST OF THE WEEK: Merribit's gettin' dat BBC. Hey, what's the problem with bean stew? I totally feel for Chad, being the last to know something everybody else did. Funny enough, I don't really care about what bureaucratic stuff Orga's got himself wrapped up in. Screw you, Nobliss. Good ol' chess symbolism. GOLE VIDAR HAS ARRIVED. Ah, he'll always be "that dude who coincidentally sounds like Gaelio Bauduin" to me. For a real deal battle, this feels an awful lot like a mock war. Friendly reminder that McGillis is a dirty lolicon. The moment he gets thrown in jail, I call dibs on his sweet-ass house. HUNTER x HUNTER - I HAVE TO GIVE BIRTH TO THE WIZARD KING. If I was rich enough to afford the property taxes on McGillis's house, I'd keep one of those unicorn tigers as an exotic pet. REPLY TO ANGEL 3: "These ants were once adorable little girls who got fused with their pets." A dark FMA joke. Gutsy. Dear god, the furries have started to take on human form! Spin is best girl, now that Shizuku is offscreen for the next several episodes. Wait, so these guys aren't even Hunters? Afro Dinner guy is annoying. Funny how they allow the dog's asshole here but not on Samurai Jack. Seriously, he gets on my nerves more than Asta. In case you forgot, that's the auction in Yorknew that Gon and Killua attended an arc or two ago. This Asian kid and brown loli are sure to be offensive to somebody watching this. Shut up, Stick Dinner. He got kidnapped by the Phantom Troupe twice and lived, that's as pro as it gets. I don't get what's so great about Destiny, let alone Destiny 2. That's probably because I don't play video games. It hasn't rained in months, you say? I blame STANDs. Fag O Genesis? Well this car ride sure got tense. I have a feeling something bad's going to happen to these small children. Yeahhhh they and their mother are totally doomed. If you want the best food possible, go to the nearest convenience store and buy some instant ramen. I'd be careful saying things like that, you know how people on the Internet tend to react when you actually go through with marrying your brother. OHHHHHH SNAP. Welp, so much for those small children. Meanwhile, those small children look like they should've been eaten instead. Gon the dog-boy. I just finished watching the 2002 HxH OVA yesterday, so it's not like it's been forever since I've been back to Yorknew. I'm surprised he can drive with his eyes closed. This ant's voice sounds awfully familiar. CAWWWWWWWWWWW. Oh, that ant's voice is Genos. You know the deal, Lupin through GITS thoughts come tomorrow. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 19, 2017 Author Posted December 19, 2017 [sigh] Freaking Star Wars nerds... LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE - I'd make an Amtrak joke here, but that's beneath me. So apparently this takes place back before Robson grayed. I'm honestly surprised Rebecca's still fairly young. Hoy malloy not another marriage proposal. Turns out it was just a movie, but it was based on a true story so there's a little truth to it. You go to eat sushi in Italy when there's a perfectly fine pizza place right next door. Lupin's a thief, he doesn't have to pay for your food! SURPRISE ZENIGATA. That Zeni really needs to get a hobby. Now this is train racing. This guy is like all the negative stereotypes about otaku rolled into one, but without any of the herbivorous tendencies. Okay that was too quiet what did he say. Man the Italian police really suck. SHEEEEEEEEEEP! "Don't shoot anything important." I think I get what he meant by that. Man his car is surprisingly resilient. Zenigata brandishing that fish like a knife. (Fuckin' knife!) "You knew the risks when you decided to drive drunk become a fireman." Okay, now the Japanese guy going for sushi in Italy? That makes sense. And people say the Italian soundtrack is shit. I love how this is more Lupin and Zenigata on a road trip than I expected it to be. Easy, you catch him with your combined wits. At least Asta never used his marriage proposals as a threat. And people say they never wanted Lupin on Toonami. SIDEWAYS WHEELIE. And in the end, nothing exploded, and for the better. Lupin/Zenigata is the best friendly rivalry. So they wound up combining Lupin and Robson into one character in the end, huh. And now we're back to where the whole season started. REPLY TO ANGEL 4: "That was nice but wasn't Da Vinci about to take over the world?" That's what the last three episodes are for. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - If your episode implies that Tenten is gonna have a lead role, you're gonna have a bad time. Ah, so it's Gai's fault all the team formations in Filler Hell are how they were! Tenten the best choice for captain on this mission? Inconceivable! Neji's embarrassment's running pretty high, and he isn't even blushing. Sounds like a lot, but at least it's better than picking up ninja dog poop. I feel like I've heard that phrase before. I don't know who this kid is but I don't like his look. Clearly what they need are special gloves to handle the double-bladed kunai and thousand-bladed shuriken, so they aren't as dangerous to the wielder. Naruto: The Human Shuriken. Well at least it hit the bullseye. What a nice little conversation between those two. My word, that trowel is infused with Nen chakra! Welcome to Deathtrap City, population: you. Oh goddammit Neji. You think they have any brick buildings at all in that town of pig-people? Fuck yeah, electronic dance music. "We need tungsten to live! TUNGSTEN!" Not even Naruto can believe how useful Tenten is being this episode. Tenten, you weapons nerd. That's a big-ass scroll. Because you can't have a filler episode without a couple enemy ninja. You fucked up now, nerd JYB. I'll admit, those weapons are pretty cool. It also ain't filler unless Naruto's using Rasengan in a situation that doesn't really require it. A giant spiky ball of sorts. I don't think that shield's meant to defend against a giant spiky ball of doom. It appears that getting her back broken by Temari was a step in the right direction for Tenten after all. This was definitely one of the better fillers of the bunch that aired so far. Huh, so that's what Tender Touches looks like... Weird. OUTLAW STAR - What an ominous opening narration. What an equally ominous gathering of assassins. Of course the XGP would be the reason they're after Gene's head. Aisha likes playing dating sims. Melfina's looking especially '90s today. Is this guy Jigsaw? BELIEVE IT COUNT: 1. When you're tryin' to propose and all else fails, always rely on the lollipop and cat-o'-nine-tails. (Bullhorn.) HEART BLAKE. Gene's too depressed to get laid tonight. I wonder what they replaced "smartass" with on the Toonami version, considering it's not in the list of edits for this specific episode. I don't know if I should cower in glory or in fear of Aisha's cooking. What a nice friendly chat about mortality. Dammit Gene, don't be a jackass, especially to Melfina. Too soon, Grand Theft Auto. Way too fucking soon. So if Gene dies, that means Aisha's the main character now? DOUBLE KILL. Or perhaps not. Well, at least that guy had his priorities straight. Gene's lip flaps are all shot to hell this week. Turns out Gene's drinking buddy was the true Shimi after all. SURPRISE MISSILES. TRUMP CARD COUNT: 1. Why am I surprised that he knows Melfina's name? You know, I wasn't really all that big on Melfina's voice when I first saw this clip on Toonami Pre-Flight. LAAAAAAME. So much for the power of friendship. That shot of nervous Gene is pretty effing kino. I can't help but wonder if he lost purely by accident or completely on purpose. Gene's luck stats are maxed out. And then Aisha was white, how disappointing. Looks like Shimi's alive, but at least now he can quit the Anten Seven in peace. COWBOY BEBOP - I find it interesting that they're keeping the old rating for this episode, of all episodes. Bebop really does the original music box melodies well. Man, what does this night's block have against scorpions? I wonder who the first one was. Getting up after getting shot is hard work. Glasses guy has had a rough day. "He's one of those kinda guys, huh?" Only now do I get that. Is this Steve Conte singing this insert? [checks the Bebop wiki] That it is. Meanwhile, Ed's waiting for everybody else as patiently as she can. Damn that Vicious, always playing dirty. I had a gut feeling Julia was the "first one". Vicious should participate in these space cruiser battles more often. Huh, so the box still works after all. AND HE SET IT UP THE BOMB THAT MADMAN. Oh yeah, this is the only time Spike and Gren actually interacted face-to-face. The difference in the color of Spike's eyes is very subtle, but it's there. So what gender is that kid who was hanging out with Sitting Bull anyways? Hell, why's that kid even hanging out with him to begin with? Good, they left in "Do you have a comrade?". "You shot Dad!" Yeah, with a paintball gun. Besides, he's Christopher Walken, he's been through worse. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG - I knew there was something familiar about the odd way the Major and Prime Minister Kayabuki were drawn in certain scenes this episode, and that's because this episode's animation director was the character designer for MOUSE. You know, that anime about the master thief whose assistants are also his obedient sex slaves? Surely one of you bought it as an instrument of torture over the past ten years I've known you all... Goda was a real scoundrel this episode, but him freaking out during the helicopter jump was rather amusing. Damn straight the Major's scary, she was called "Queen Kong" during the last World War for a reason. I swear, it's like I'm watching a completely different show, now that I'm 23 and actually paying close attention. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 19, 2017 Author Posted December 19, 2017 (edited) And now for some replies to Foley. On 12/17/2017 at 9:52 AM, FoleyisGood149 said: Almira and McGyllis' discussion, with her sitting on his lap face-to-face was creepy and made my skin crawl. The people in Kite's group seem like nice people with no strongly objectionable qualities or traits. The flashback to Lupin saving Rebecca was fun and all, but so, SO much with the car chase and the train derailment were plain wrong, it was ridiculous. The car would've crashed, blown one or more tires, killed the engine with water, and been shredded by the passing trains. Also, once the engine jumped the track, it would've pulled the rest off the track with it and continued in the direction of its momentum, which it to say off the cliff and into the lake. Yes, Ten Ten's jutsu is a variation on the summoning jutsu. Did Naruto really need to have that explained to him? As to be expected from our resident anti-lolicon crusader. Eh, I personally wouldn't write off Stick Dinner's manner of speaking and terrible jokes as "not strongly objectionable". Lupin's car, like Lupin himself, runs on the power of sheer toonforce. In all fairness, OG Filler Hell Naruto (the character) is kinda dumb. Edited December 19, 2017 by PokeNirvash Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted December 23, 2017 Posted December 23, 2017 True. It is tough to be strict on realism with Lupin, because the show is so fun, even when it goes almost to Looney Toons levels of absurdity. I would say that it isn't just in filler that Naruto can be as dense as a brick. I won't watch either marathon the next couple weeks, since I'll be traveling on both Saturdays. I could take my dvds for CB and watch those beforehand, but I won't. I might record the most recent DBS episode on the dvr to refresh my memory for when the regular schedule resumes next year, though. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 23, 2017 Author Posted December 23, 2017 I don't think tonight's marathon needs any explanation. Just sit back and enjoy the nostalgia, unless you're either not watching or Ben. 10:30 - Cowboy Bebop #1 - Asteroid Blues - TV-14LV 11:00 - Cowboy Bebop #2 - Stray Dog Strut - TV-14LV 11:30 - Cowboy Bebop #3 - Honky Tonk Women - TV-14LV 12:00 - Avey Tare: Ms. Secret - TV-14 12:05 - Cowboy Bebop #4 - Gateway Shuffle - TV-MALS 12:30 - Cowboy Bebop #5 - Ballad of Fallen Angels - TV-MALSV 1:00 - Cowboy Bebop #6 - Sympathy for the Devil - TV-14LV 1:30 - Cowboy Bebop #7 - Heavy Metal Queens - TV-MALS 2:00 - Cowboy Bebop #8 - Waltz for Venus - TV-14LSV 2:30 - Cowboy Bebop #9 - Jamming with Edward - TV-PG 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #10 - Ganymede Elegy - TV-PGLV 3:30 - Cowboy Bebop #11 - Toys in the Attic - TV-14L 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 30, 2017 Author Posted December 30, 2017 Wow, two of these schedule posts in a row... That's new. Anyways, enjoy your near-end-of-the-year Dragonball Super marathon, focusing on the 6th Universe Tournament and the filler following. Except for Botamo. Nobody cares about Botamo, not even unironic fans of DB Super. 10:30 - Dragonball Super #34 - Piccolo vs. Frost: Stake it All on the Special Beam Cannon! - TV-14 11:00 - Dragonball Super #35 - Turn Your Anger Into Strength! Vegeta's Full-Bore Battle - TV-14L 11:30 - Dragonball Super #36 - An Unexpectedly Uphill Battle! Vegeta's Great Blast of Fury! - TV-14 12:00 - Dragonball Super #37 - Don't You Forget Your Saiyan Pride! Vegeta vs. the 6th Universe's Saiyan - TV-14 12:30 - Dragonball Super #38 - The 6th Universe's Mightiest Warrior! Engage the Assassin Hit! - TV-PGLV 1:00 - Dragonball Super #39 - A Developed "Time Skip" Counterstrike? Here Comes Goku's New Move! - TV-PGV 1:30 - Dragonball Super #40 - A Decision at Last! Is the Winner Beerus? Or Is It Champa? - TV-14 2:00 - Dragonball Super #41 - Come Forth, Divine Dragon, and Grant My Wish, Peas and Carrots! - TV-PGL 2:30 - Dragonball Super #42 - A Chaotic Victory Party! Showdown at Last? Monaka vs. Goku! - TV-PGLV 3:00 - Dragonball Super #43 - Goku's Energy Is Out of Control? The Struggle to Look After Pan - TV-14 3:30 - Dragonball Super #44 - The Seal of Planet Pot-au-feu: Secrets of the Unleashed Superhuman Water! - TV-PGLV Quote
Bad_Witch Posted January 5, 2018 Posted January 5, 2018 *posts so Poke won't have three schedules in a row* I've missed Jotaro and can't wait to see him on Sat. Quote
Top Gun Posted January 5, 2018 Posted January 5, 2018 Don't blame me, I'm still back in November somewhere. Poor DVR's stuffed to the gills. Quote
Blatch Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 I'll probably try to watch more of the block this week... regardless of when. For one, I'm now fully caught up on Cowboy Bebop (thank you, inexplicable marathon), so I can watch that through DVR recordings as well. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 8 hours ago, Top Gun said: Don't blame me, I'm still back in November somewhere. Poor DVR's stuffed to the gills. Do you live in a past where Avdol's still alive and Black Clover's not on, and if so can I join you? Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 6, 2018 Author Posted January 6, 2018 (edited) He said November, so I'm somewhat certain that Avdol's still dead where he is but he hasn't been "graced" with Black Clover yet. Tonight on Toonami, Vegeta finds himself facing off against a jelly clone that stole his powers (seriously), Piccolo continues buying time for Trunks and Goten to prepare to fight Buu, Asta and Yuno check out the Clover Kingdom's various sights as they head for the exam site, Kakyoin wakes up in a crazy noisy bizarre dream world, Orga tells McGillis of a current excavation project of Tekkadan's that's more important than he realizes, Kite and crew trace the Chimera Ants' whereabouts to not-North Korea, Rebecca chases after Lupin during a bank B&E spree to confess her love for him, you know you're grasping for filler ideas when you start having ostriches flashback to previous events, the Outlaw Star crew fights a demon tasked with protecting a special ore they're tasked with recovering, the Bebop crew tracks down a chess-playing serial robber and learn some history about the hyperspace Gates along the way, and Section 9 decides to investigate the Individual Eleven themselves after Goda's latest abuse of their services. 10:30 - Dragonball Super #45 - Vegeta Disappears? Menace of the Duplicate Vegeta! - TV-14 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #144 - Training Complete! You're Finished Now, Majin Buu! - TV-PGV 11:30 - Black Clover #4 - The Magic Knights Entrance Exam - TV-PGLV 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #19 - Death 13, Part 1 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #35 - Awakening Calamity - TV-PGL 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #78 - Very Rapid Reproduction - TV-14V 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #24 - I'm Going to Get You, Lupin - TV-14 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #185 - Animal District - TV-PGL 2:30 - Outlaw Star #16 - Demon of the Water Planet - TV-14L 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #14 - Bohemian Rhapsody - TV-14L 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #8 - FAKE FOOD - TV-14 By the way, here's a news flash for those not in the loop: Lupin's scheduled replacement got pushed back, so Dandy reruns are replacing it instead, January 27 at 2:30 (or so). Edited January 6, 2018 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted January 7, 2018 Posted January 7, 2018 (edited) 20 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: you know you're grasping for filler ideas when you start having ostriches flashback to previous events Mother of god, the filler is still going? Clover- That's a lot of money for a rock. I envy all those people who don't have to hear you anymore. That sounds horrible. You will absolutely let them down and are also an embarassment. WHY DO YOU NEVER STOP SCREAMING YOU DIPSHIT. I hope the birds shit all over him. They're trying to kill you because they hate you and they're right. Please rip his throat out. Why is Marilyn Manson here? No go back and kill him please. His hair is stupid. Who let the Gundam crew name these characters? I wish I could just sleep through this show. I am never gonna remember who any of these people are. Crush them, trees. Is the entrance exam a game of quidditch? I sincerely hope none of these captains hate themselves enough to pick him. This is just sad to watch. That just sounds like advice for gay sex. I don't think you're supposed to talk to the princess like that, dude. Stop screaming you jackass. IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-DUEL. I don't trust this guy at all. Thank you for saying what we're all thinking, dude. So he doesn't have magic except for the times where he totally has magic or some shit? Jojo- When did Kakyoin get so much cleavage? Babies are indeed terrifying. Oh hi doggie. Well that seems ominous. DOGGIE NO. Why would any of you get in a plane with Joseph? Hey I bet the sexy fortune teller would have had a lot of valuable insight about weird dreams but someone got him shot in the fucking face. Oh no dog, now you definitely have to kill the enemy. HEY HEY HEY HEY. I don't trust that baby. I would absolutely rather let that baby die. Have you seen these men, they're twice the size of regular people. Yeah that's not suspicious at all. Well now you're both fucked. Polnareff you stupid bastard. We've got a combination of dream murder, evil clowns, and asshole children here that is the ultimate horror. At least Poolnoodle will die first. Goddammit Joseph why dd you wake him up. Haaa, they blurred the shit. I do enjoy the random and gratuitous French. Do not give babies to Polnareff. I like Joseph's cool shades. STOP FLYING WITH JOSEPH, GUYS. You're gonna have to fight a baby, Kakyoin. Oh christ that is an excessive amount of eyes. Well this could be going better. Oh fuck the eyes have spider legs. Never trust a baby. I like those apples, Joseph. GODDAMMIT JOSEPH THERE'S A TREE. Kakyoin's about to have a nervous breakdown. Okay Joseph playing daddy is adorable and I'm into it. Eat shit, baby! The running tally of things with stronger spirits than Holly Kujo include a monkey sex offender, Steely Dan, and an actual baby. Gundam- I don't even remember what's going on in this show. I like that one wife where's she been lately. Sometimes you can't get off without seeing a certain color, we all have our weird fetishes. He is literally twice her size how do they bang without killing her? Yeah this sounds like it'll all go just great. I don't think "deviant" is a strong enough word for a dude who's trying to nail a kid who had her last birthday at Chuck E Cheese. I don't care who does it I just hope somebody takes down the child-fucker. I got a bad feeling about that. HOOKERS, AHOY. Y'all enjoy writing shitty poetry or something meanwhile the rest of them are gonna go get their dicks sucked. Oh my god get off his dick, kid. How nice to name such a good thing after the woman who lied to her for years so she could have her murdered right up until she died. Kids is dumb, lady. They banged. Someone please shoot him. I have already lost track of this conversation. Yeah you probably should have brought the other robots anyway. You're wrong his main interest is banging someone half his age without going to jail for it. That was probably not supposed to happen. Hunter- Ohh this is not gonna go well for anyone. I have a terrible feeling that bug spray and a magnifying glass won't help you at all here. That is way too many ants. You kids are hunters don't you have special internet privileges? I think they'd react by dying in horrifying amounts. This guy is just Killer Croc dressed as a high school wrestler. Oh no that one's a penguin. OH COME ON SHOW THAT'S NOT EVEN FAIR. Kill them all, sad lady. FUCK YEAH, GUNS. Aw crap turtles beat guns. All these side characters are going to die. Well that complicates things a bit. Man, the Amish are more violent than I expected. Oh hey I remember these two. Surprisingly helpful BEES. Buddy I know they're adorable children but you'd be surprised how much violence they can take. Ohhh that better not be some horrible foreshadowing, show. I probably shouldn't like this evil penguin monster as much as I do. Scratch that, hot scorpion lady is the best. That is a lot of dead humans. Do whatever you want, she doesn't give a shit. Uhh I'd guess you have a lot of human tissue in you and not in a fun way. THIS BETTER NOT BE SOME HORRIBLE FORESHADOWING, SHOW. Ging is a dick and has no right to be disappointed in the son he goddamn abandoned. Lupin- I'm glad she's doing well. Aw crap what are you up to now? Butler doesn't get paid enough for this. I'm pretty sure what he's up to is stealing boatloads of money. Sorry Rebecca but rompers as a fashion trend need to die. I like how he's just a reverse Alfred. Dude even if that's not the money you want you shoul at least take enough to make it worth the effort. Aw shit it's a booby trap. I do like her bunny phone. Y'all know you could just fuck, right? HI FUJIKO you could ride with me any day. Oh you don't have to steal anyone they'll go willingly. Rebecca what the hell kind of plan is this? You guys are gonna need a bunch of Febreeze. Oh my god you idiots, just hire a maid. Just fuck already. Lupin's not himself if he's not desperately chasing after Fuji's rack. Maybe call that guy who made the Slutty Hog wine and ask for some advice. You might wanna take those heels off before you make a break for it. Girl you are actually exhausting I can't blame him for not taking the bait. Oh shit that's a rocket launcher. Robsen needs a raise and a vacation. Goddammit Fuji that's so unnecessarily petty. Your boss orders you to drink and drive. Edited January 7, 2018 by EmpressAngel 1 Quote
Bad_Witch Posted January 7, 2018 Posted January 7, 2018 BC: Why do you have to be so damn annoying Asta? If a random stranger just punched you I would defend them. Did snake seller lady just say that the snakes are responsibly harvested...something, something sustainable, cause that's what I look for in my snakes. Damn it Asta, did you not watch Yuno at all? That's how one properly approaches a window for exams, not by screaming at them. They should have refused you on the spot. Oh look birds. Great explanation there show; we all forgot that Yuno is a god among men and Asta is....not. See, it's stuff like that that makes me want to like you, but then you scream. Your names are stupid and I will assign you all new names. My god, even Neville could handle a broomstick better. We know he has no magic show....this is just sad. Great, now that I've seen Asta try, I feel bad for him and I now hate you character who name isn't important because you are about to be eliminated. How exactly does the sword thing work? That's what we want answered show. JJ: Jotaro I've missed you soooo much. Never leave me again. Oh, we're starting with Kakyoin and Frenchie first. You better be in this episode. Weird dreams are weird. Frenchie you annoy me. Dead dog is sad. Joseph and a plane...who thought this was a good idea. Poor sick baby. Why aren't you demanding to be stuffed in the cargo woman? And you call yourself a mother. That child is sleeping too soundly to have a fever that high...wait what the the kids temp again? Why do I think it was 37 Celsius? That's....that's a normal temp if right. So, you're not the kids mother. You heard it in a dream you say. Well shit. Is Frenchie going to die now? You're flying Joseph, you shouldn't be waking Frenchie. All of you have had ample warning about Joseph and planes. Kakyoin doing what he can, failing but still a better job then Frenchie. Joseph saves it at the last minute. Stop celebrating. How the hell to you crash into a tree in the middle of the desert? No, sorry, you're wrong. Joseph, the lovable grandpa that he is, is the reason the plane crashed. Kakyoin may have started it, and he has a good reason, but Joseph took his eyes off the ball. That's actually really good Kakyoin. I thought you were just cutting yourself. Good job. Now get the baby. IBO: I think this show has soured on me. I blame the baby raper. HH: I think I'm going to like Gon and Killua's new friends. So are they Amish, homesteaders, mormons? I guess the queen still needs feed. No show. I SAID NO! Why? Why do you need to rip my heart out? I was really hoping we weren't going to see the kids mother again. (I imagined she just died due to grieve shortly afterward...no need to suffer) Fuck those villagers...you're a good mom. God I'm so sorry for you. No show. NOW DAMN IT I SAID NO!! I don't want to know that the human looking one is her son. That's it. I'm closing my eyes and sticking my fingers in my ears. You can't hurt me show. L3: Hi Rebecca! What are you doing Lupin? Is this foreplay? Go get you man girl. Rob,hey I know the butler's name now, you cannot stand in the way of true love. Hello Fujiko! Sure climb on in. What is it you want Rebecca? Men will do anything other than housework. You to are still married right? Time to make it legal. Or not. Lupin's such a gentleman. Yep, getting drunk is a good idea. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 7, 2018 Author Posted January 7, 2018 6 hours ago, EmpressAngel said: Mother of god, the filler is still going? Yes, still. It'll go back to canon after episode 196, but until then you can keep ignoring it (and Outlaw Star, apparently). There is some plot-relevant stuff going on in-between flashbacks, but the only things of importance right now are Tsunade falling into a coma and Danzo (the shady eyepatched old dude) suggesting he take over as interim Hokage on the pretense that his rule wouldn't lead to another attack like Pain's. Also, the old bridge-builder and his grandson from the Zabuza arc showed up to help with the rebuilding effort, which is kinda neat. DRAGONBALL SUPER - Dammit that title actually did have an extra exclamation point. "And now you're going to Hell!" "Don't you mean HFIL?" Drummond's still got it. Thanks, Jaco. And then he got tentacle raped. Or at least, he would've, if not for his rocket boots. That's a corny joke, but I love it. We biological warfare... then? I'm a real sucker for fictional histories like this. He feels like he needs a fake ID to rent Ultra-Porn. My question is, why is the key shaped like a pacifier? Two evil Vegetas, actually. So they die like s-CRY-ed characters, that's somewhat terrifying. Jelly Dad's making Trunks uneasy. Now that we know his origins, I actually feel pretty hyped for Gotenks (though I really shouldn't be). I appreciate them throwing in the Dandy clip, but Attack on Titan still being there baffles me. At least they managed to make Black Clover's clip pretty hype, amazingly enough. ORA ORA ORA ORA. "I raised half of that?" Nipples twitching in fear. Welp, Monaka's out for the rest of the episode. Goes through him like he's made of Jello. Meanwhile, here's the obligatory Goku scene. AND HERE HE IS TO GET INVOLVED IN THE A-PLOT. Well at least he recognizes the oddity with both of them. HE'S FREELANCE! I don't hate this, but I can understand why others would. In what universe does checking your credit score lower it, anyways? What logic does that run on? DRAGONBALL Z KAI - Last time, Chi-Chi died and there was much rejoicing. And so Mr. Satan faces his toughest dilemma yet: should he or should he not eat his dog? All that power, and it still wasn't enough to beat Jelly Vegeta. "Somebody's impatient." The most impatient, in fact! If time runs slower in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber than it does outside, how is Piccolo able to communicate with them 1:1? Because seriously, even 4 people in the HTC at once makes more sense. That manual dramatic sting. Super Buu is so impatient. I CALL A REDO! He couldn't beat Jelly Vegeta, there's no way he's beating Super Buu. Even the narrator broke convention to cheer them on! "Mother, May I Dance with Mary Jane's Fist"? Isn't that the name of a porno? DYNOMITE DYNOMITE. Like a helicopter taking off from port. No way, the Hyperbolic Time Chamber actually has a sky!? And legitimate ground too? DOUBLE SUNDAY! This is so professional wrestling it hurts. If Piccolo's facepalming, that means you fucked up big. Little does Gotenks know that Buu has super-hearing. ORA ORA ORA ORA. In the end, showmanship is always about making an ass of yourself. YOU WON'T LIKE HIM WHEN HE'S MAD. Piccolo's legitimately excited, that's a start. That's just Destructo Disk with a piece cut out of the middle! And also a bondage tool, apparently. BLACK CLOVER - Apocalypse stories need more people like the Wizard King. Considering all the street vendors, this feels more like the prelude to the Hunter Exam than it does the Chunin Exam. Why can't more anime rivalries be as friendly as this one? Oh no, it's a family of gingers! She says that, but I bet she's relieved at the quiet too, or at least the lack of proposal attempts. "Mmm... snake." Hey, that clover's red, this show cheated me! These numbers have more meaning to me than you could possibly care about. Twenty bucks says Asta gets swarmed by those birds. Called it. [facepalms] Goddammit Asta. Hey, I didn't know Marilyn Manson was in this show! (Spoiler warning: yeah I did.) Between the Chris Sabat voice and his getting lost, this guy is clearly a Zoro knockoff. Don't tell me he's 100% serious about killing the main character, I can see why everyone thinks he's got a screw loose. And now for a bunch of important people nobody cares about. Wait, I thought Jack the Ripper got turned into a vampire before getting killed by Hamon. Sleepwalking girl is a cute. A CUTE! Huh, he didn't look down on him as badly as I thought he would. I can't tell where this guy's hair ends and his mask's ornamental fur begins. You get a broom, and you get a broom, and you get a broom! Everyone in the studio audience gets a broom! A pizza with less toppings that costs more money is also less likely to be complete SHIT. Yuno rides his broom like a skateboard because he's cool like that. Sometimes I feel like part of my mind really is too far in the gutter. I agree, blonde dude is too nice to be treating Asta like a good acquaintance. Okay, this dude's an asshole. What did that girl who's likely related to him even do wrong to be considered less worthy to exist than Asta? He truly is the anti-Saitama. At least he's now aware that he screams too much. Surprise, surprise, this dude was an asshole all along too. MAGNUM SUNDAY! STOP. ASTA TIME. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "So he doesn't have magic except for the times where he totally has magic or some shit?" Eh, it's more like he can't do magic without the aid of his grimoire, and when he does use the book, all he can do is summon his giant sword and use it to whack people unconscious. Huh, I wonder why they didn't credit anyone with the old lady. Maybe she's secretly important? JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - Oh great, we're starting with a crying baby. WELCOME TO HIROHIKO ARAKI WORLD, THE BIZARREST PLACE ON EARTH! Aha, so Hisoka's the one behind this! DOGGO NO! Even if he was partly responsible for Avdol's unfortunate demise (and paid dearly for it four episodes ago), I like that Polnareff's still trying to be everyone's friend. "Who would do such a thing!?" An Araki villain, obviously. This show has a lot of dead dogs, you could've seen it anywhere! HEY HEY HEY. Thank you, burqa lady. I just proclaimed that the baby had fangs and my dad thinks that'd make for a cool movie. Jotaro's right to be worried, but I'll have him know that no plane crash could possibly kill Joseph Joestar. And now they're dreaming again. What a waste of perfectly good popcorn. BUCKLE YOUR SEATBELTS CUZ SHIT'S BOUT TO GET WEEEEEEEIRD. This clown creeps me out more than Hisoka because the creepiest creepy clowns have the red nose. Speaking of creepy clowns, the one in the sewers I can buy, but the viewmeister moving on its own is just fucking bullshit, IT! Meanwhile, the Joestars really know what's up. Or maybe not. "I'd like that diaper changed this year!" Funny because the year just started. Polnareff, you stupid idiot. Goddammit Kakyoin, you doomed us all! So you could say he's a... Baby Genius? [ba-dum-tss] Oh shit, eye-spiders! Fuck yeah Joseph. And then it crashed anyways. Thank god they landed near an oasis. Wait, why's the baby wearing pants? RERO RERO RERO. No Polnareff, it is you who is the idiot here. Kakyoin, meanwhile, is a freaking genius for coming up with that failsafe message. BABY STAND BABY STAND IT'S AWWWWWWRIGHT! When the situation seems at its most dire, always ask yourself: what would Avdol do? Crimes don't get any more perfect than stealing the supposedly vanquished. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS - I don't like Mr. Yellow Jacket. I do like his dialogue muffling after putting his cigar back in, though. Because nothing says fired up like piloting a giant pink robot. Holy shit did Bryce's balls drop or something over the holiday break I'm not used to Blonde Kirito sounding so manly. REPLY TO ANGEL 3: "He is literally twice her size how do they bang without killing her?" A combination of training dildos and anime physics. "Speaking of blacks, where is Orga?" I like the floor window in that one room; you could see whole planets pass by under you with that! So Mobile Armors are like Mobile Suits, but only deadlier? Strive for that high honor all you want, McGillis, that still won't make marrying a loli any less illegal. IOK KUJAN: PEDO HUNTER. And then they awakened calamity, just as the backdoor schedule predicted. It's sick. It's twisted. It's still less than half. This is the best day of Young Dandy's life. As for Blonde Kirito, apparently he's finally moved past his lofty dreams of a harem and will now begin searching for his Asuna. They're going to Kudelia's for a threesome. Dammit Hush don't be a fourth wheel. REMEMBER FUMITAN. ;_;7 REPLY TO ANGEL 4: "How nice to name such a good thing after the woman who lied to her for years so she could have her murdered right up until she died." A scoundrel she may have been, but I'd still tap that. "It's simple enough to read a name." BUUUUUUUUUURN! I agree with Mikazuki's financial policy, best not to burn a hole in your pocket when you can instead save up for whatever. Lemme guess, Devil's threesome. Welp, McGillis's here, guess that means the party's over. Or maybe Mobile Armors are the anti-Mobile Suits. Mars could really use better roads. Somehow animals and Mikazuki are always the first to know about incoming dangers. If you're gonna arrest him, at least pronounce his name correctly. You done fucked up now, brown Sanageyama. HUNTER x HUNTER - QUOTE FROM MY DAD: "Have you met my ant?" Those rice farmers are soooooo doomed. When all else fails, it's time to hit up the Interweb! ANOTHER QUOTE FROM MY DAD: "Micronesia's never looked better." So NGL is North Korea... only they're hippies. Funny how we're actually spending time with some of the villains. Meanwhile, depression. "If only we had a calendar." This woman looks like she could be one of Machi's relatives, as could that little girl. Maybe she's an NGL native who managed to escape the country and started living in Meteor City because she had no place else to go after that? How nice of you to spare them, Ant Genos. And in comes pest control to save the day. This bump feels less relevant, now that they actually have raided that area. Shut up, Stick Dinner. "Have you heard of DD?" Have I? Oh hey, it's that guy and girl from the Hunter Exam! Who are these uggos they're talking to? I can't help but feel that they're doomed. Dammit Kite don't set up death flags for yourself like this. Fancy Penguin Man is the best Chimera Ant. IT'S A SONIC ATTACK! Dammit why does that one female Ant have to look so sexy? I see she shivers with antici... Ging had no reason for you two to meet, other than he's a socially awkward sonuvabitch. Gon's capable of mental simulations? I heard "cool fate", who else heard "cool fate"? Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 8, 2018 Author Posted January 8, 2018 LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE - How sweet, she named her wine after Lupin. I love that they still remember her love of fries. It's raining parchment! Of course Lupin would recognize that lipstick mark. OOH, THAT SMELL. Aw man, she didn't go for the catsuit this time. ...Those aren't sunglasses. Robson's starting to care a little too much. REPLY TO ANGEL 5: "I like how he's just a reverse Alfred." As a faithful watcher of Gotham, I'm inclined to disagree there. So he's looking for a specific kind of money, huh? I bet Zenigata sprung that trap on him. Or maybe it was Rebecca, that works too. Dirty pool. Hee, her phone has bunny ears. "I am not a little girl!" But you kinda sound like one. SURPRISE MACHINEGUN. And then it was a battle of the burns. That voice didn't sound very computerized to me. Stop being a what now? Suddenly Fujiko? I don't know what to think about Fujiko and Robson teaming up. What Lupin was after all along: a single banknote. A single banknote with a terribly drawn dickhead on it, apparently. Never trust Lupin when he suggests a good ol' round of Rochambeau. It was all a bet? I'm only just a little disappointed. Lupin's not ready for a long-term relationship, I think. You named the damn wine after him, of course he's what was missing. Oh shit it's Italian SWAT! All these cops surrounding them, and surprisingly enough, Zenigata isn't one of them. ARRRRR PEEEEEE GEEEEEEEE! Convenient boat escape, go! I like the secret wine compartment. In the end, it was Robson that was the missing link all along. GODDAMMIT FUJIKO. Nothing follows a fine wine better than a less fine but equally good beer. Don't drink and drive, children. Oh Vegeta, you and your Saiyan pride. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - If your filler episode starts with a talking ostrich, you're gonna have a worse time than a filler episode centering around Tenten (which at this point is more a coin-flip than anything else). Alright, so we're finally in the realm of the Filler Hell episodes, things are about to get really tiring now. In which the filler references other filler. Chunin Liam O'Brien is so happy he gets to be relevant for one episode. TO GROUND ZERO, EVERYBODY. "That's the tallest chain-link fence I've ever seen!" Oh Lee, you and your itching desire to punch something. I agree, I think this is the first time ever I've seen the three-man cell of Naruto, Lee and Shino. I feel like this episode's gonna get most of its humor out of Shino being ignored. You know you care about filler too much if you're complaining about people in the other room drowning out the dialogue. Naruto's sour about being jewed out of the position of first lieutenant. Tsunade's a real business idiot, like Michiru Satomi before her. [presses Easy Button] Depressed Shino is best Shino. (Hey, that rhymed!) Filler or not, you gotta love boxing kangaroos. Talking ostriches... not so much. I wonder how that Lifetime movie parody turned out... SCREAMING ANGRY OSTRICH! Flashbacks within flashbacks, Pierrot really takes filler to a whole new level. Why is the animation for this filler so much better than it should be? We Animal Farm now. Even with the anteater, you're still one short of four. RIDE THE ANTEATER. Huh, wasn't expecting the punching kangaroo baby. GONNA GETCHA. "Save me, Izumo!" That was no meteor blast, it didn't even break the ground! And then the ostriches became the chased. Clever move there, Shino. Truly this filler was about their bromance. That ninja syrup sure is iridescent. Of course they outsourced this one to the Koreans. Shut up, Chubby Webbers. OUTLAW STAR - FUN FACT: This episode was actually one of two that didn't air on Japanese television with the rest of the episodes, and the only one of those two to have aired on Toonami previously. Dragonite sounds like an amazing mineral. Okay show tell me who this suspicious pirate-looking guy is. Aisha's always stuck doing restaurant jobs, it seems. Melfina's way too nice for it to be even the least bit suspicious. "Eating lobster without me, I see..." Ah, so the pirate dude's their client. He even sounds like a real pirate. "There's something fishy about all of this, and I'm not talking about his smell." Because you can't have an Outlaw Star episode without a spontaneous shootout. You won't like Aisha when she's angry, but I think I love her even more now. That was a cute pouting face Melfina gave there. Aw man, so Aisha and Suzuka are just occasional members? I should've guessed. Such paperwork. Pack your bags, we're going to SeaWorld! WE ARE IN SILENT. RUNNING. I'm surprised the Outlaw Star can handle that much pressure, considering spaceships normally deal with levels between 0 and 1. DAT'S A HUGE FISH. They're also not stupid enough to betray you and run the risk of finding out. So in other words, you could possibly call it the Sar-gas-sum? [insert Stick Dinner's laugh here] Yeah, those things look pretty primitive. For an OVA, the animation budget sure looks like it took a major hit. Jim, you're such a child. Again, Melfina may be a best, but Aisha is a very close second. When all else fails, rely on grenades. But if those don't hold up, rely on Aisha's strength. Oh shit, they've got a hold on the tunnel! It's kind of adorably unsettling that the sentient spaceship can feel pain. AW SHIT, IT'S A SUPER DEMON! The old man's sacrifice was a noble one, and badass too. Finances are a real bitch. I know I'm not supposed to know who the Value Colonel is, but who played the Non-Value Colonel that just showed up at the end? COWBOY BEBOP - Even when he's just storyboarding, my boy Toshiyuki Tsuru remains a directorial genius. It's a shame he never directed any whole anime past Gungrave, season 2 of Neo Ranga, and the third Naruto movie. Oh well, that's what my fake anime idea is for. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG - Cyborg food is 90% gluten? BOOOOOOOOOOOO. [pation] Quote
CAC Posted January 10, 2018 Posted January 10, 2018 Ah I haven't kept up with any of these shows anymore, doesn't help that I keep up with the anime straight from Japan so I've seen everything (that I wanted to watch) that we get already. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 13, 2018 Author Posted January 13, 2018 Tonight on Toonami, Goku fights Jelly Vegeta while Real Vegeta somehow roots for both sides, Gotenks finally gets the upper hand on Super Buu, Asta may be finally excelling in something during the exam but will his sword-swinging get him into one of the magic knight squads?, Kakyoin tries to prove to the others that the baby they brought with them is an enemy STAND user, the Mobile Armor hidden under the excavation site wakes up and begins wreaking havoc on all sides, Kite's party arrives at the NGL border but the country's special restrictions force most of them to stay behind, Da Vinci finally comes back into the scene with a plan to trap the entire nation within the Italian Dream, this week's flashback is one to Naruto helping find a rare flower essential for Lee's recovery from getting his limbs broken, Harry MacDougall tries to woo Melfina while his brother distracts the rest of the crew, Faye shares the most recent portions of her backstory (which apparently need editing), and Motoko hacks into the CIS's main database to figure out what Goda's deal is. 10:30 - Dragonball Super #46 - Goku vs. The Duplicate Vegeta! Which One is Going to Win? - TV-14 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #145 - Eliminating Buu with Ghosts: A Knockout Kamikaze Attack! - TV-PG(LV) 11:30 - Black Clover #5 - The Road to the Wizard King - TV-PG 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #20 - Death 13, Part 2 - TV-14LV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #36 - Stained Wings - TV-14 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #79 - No Good NGL - TV-14V 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #25 - World Dissection, Part 1 - TV-14V 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #186 - Ah, the Medicine of Youth - TV-PG 2:30 - Outlaw Star #17 - Between Life and Machine - TV-PGLV 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #15 - My Funny Valentine - TV-14 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #9 - AMBIVALENCE - TV-14V Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted January 14, 2018 Posted January 14, 2018 I had to work last Saturday night, so I had to record everything up to OS. I messed up that, though, and ended up recording OS instead of Shippuden, but given the preview, I don't think I need to watch that on my own. It's also been several days since I watched anything, so my memory is fuzzy, which should lead to shorter comments. Plus, I haven't watched Lupin yet, so I'll get to that some other time. DBS - I can't say that I liked Gotenks' antics when fighting purple!Vegeta, but I did like that purple!Vegeta proudly resisted his "boss," even killing him, when ordered to kill the boys. I'm not sure whether it's Vegeta's baseline state being that strong now or his training with Whis about keeping his energy contained, but purple!Vegeta, who had Vegeta's power, was able to beat Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks without looking like he powered up. The purple stuff actually being a way to turn invaders' strength against them is clever, but that it will almost invariably kill the invader is rather severe. DBZK - There's only so much stalling that Piccolo could do, but he did buy the boys more time. Patience isn't any version of Buu's strong suit. BC - I'm not going to remember those Captain's names or their units, but I do like the one who Asta encountered. Of course the birds would swarm Asta. Yep, Yuno was great at each of the tests, and Asta failed miserably. However, once battle magic was up, Asta made short work of the duplicitous guy, and that was satisfying to see. I feel like this princess girl will become associated with Yuno. JoJo: SC - I should've expected something horrible to happen to the dog in Kakyoin's dream, because this show hates them so, so much. I know that the show has "bizarre" in the title, but this Stand user is a "no." An 11-month-old doesn't have a firm enough grasp of the concepts of what is and isn't a fun time, or what an amusement park is, or the words that this one used though his Stand in Kakyoin's dream. Asking us to accept this kind of adult intellect in a baby is absurd, show. Also, I'm not a fan of Death 13's catchphrase. Jean was dumb as a brick. Has he really never changed a diaper? Did he not understand why one was necessary? Wow. Kakyoin was clever to find a way to warn his waking self of the danger. I'm going to defend Joseph here. Yes, this was his fourth plane crash, but I would only truly fault him for the first two, since he 1. deliberately crashed the plane to handle the threat of the hostage-takers, and 2. tried to use the plane to put Kars into a volcano. The other two times he was under attack, and the attack put the plane into it's rapid descent, so I'm going to say those weren't entirely his fault. MSG: IBO 2 - First of all, I've been using the wrong term for a while now. Thank you for presenting me with the information I needed to recognize my error, show. Mobile workers aren't the same as a mobile armor. Mobile armors are the cautionary tale of why humans should never give A.I. autonomous kill authority. Soooo, if I understand correctly, a ton of people are in danger of dying from the mobile armor's upcoming rampage, and it's because the ginger mafioso felt jealous of the power and influence of a P.M.C. in Iron Flower. HxH - I'm not certain whether the masked men with guns were a criminal group protecting their vested interests from the C.A.s, a militia, or an actual military unit. People really aren't that nutritious, since we have comparatively little fat content, outside of America, that is. Still the C.A. Queen demanding 50 per day is a lot. This NGL country sounds a little like the Amish, but with a militant edge to eschewing technology. Lupin - Haven't watched it yet. Shippuden - Nope. OS - Poor Melfina. She had to sit there while Gene and Jim talked about the guy and the job at a volume which wasn't nearly as quiet as they thought they were. Poor Aisha. She could've lost her job reacting to the deadly threat which came after the old man. I'm not sure I'd call an alien sea creature a demon, but eh. As for the sea creature attacking ships trying to salvage the Dragonite cargo, it makes sense that it would attack shiny ships with bright lights. CB - I can believe that Edward would stay awake for a week playing the game. Of all the crew members, I feel like Jet is the most sentimental. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - It's not just the Taiwanese monks. There are plenty of vegetarian dishes that try to simulate the texture and flavor of actual meat. The reporter on the news program certainly did have a good source. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted January 14, 2018 Posted January 14, 2018 6 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said: Asking us to accept this kind of adult intellect in a baby is absurd, show. The alternative is so much funnier, since most stand babies probably aren't super geniuses and wouldn't have perfect control over their power. Avdol's family must have had the fire department on speed dial for the first couple years of his life. Black Clover- Devilman Crybaby may have broken my ability to feel joy but this show proves that I can still feel unrelenting hatred. The most realistic part of this show is that everyone hates him. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SHUT YOUR MOUTH. Yes we get it he wants to be Magic Hokage you don't have to mention it when every single character sees him. Grimer, I choose you! This guy looks like a douche. Douche confirmed. Wow shocking how that plan went awry. Dimestore Griffith is impressed. I like how this girl doesn't give enough of a fuck to even wake up. Of course everyone wants the guy who actually has talent. These just sound like teams from Legends of the Hidden Temple. I am getting annoyed with Marilyn Manson's random mumbling. Please no one pick him, crush his spirit right here. I'm sure this is a fakeout but hey it looks like watching him suffer makes me happy after all. It turns out that when all you can do is swing a sword really well, you're not cut out for things that don't involve swinging a sword. Insult him more, it's like a late Christmas present. Maybe people would like you more if you were capable of shutting the fuck up. Oh this is some bullshit. Way to ruin a moment, dipshit. I'm rooting for the lizard here. Bye lizard. I would give anything to not have to hear about his shitting issues. I hope that's a portal to hell. I do like seeing him blow up. Jojo- I can't wait to see Kakyoin beat the crap out of a baby. At least the sky is pretty out there. I hope his mom is doing okay. Shut up Polnareff you licked a toilet you don't get to have an opinion. Baby if you kill everyone you probably can't get out of the desert. I'll eat your baby food Joseph. THE SCORPION IS A STA- false alarm not a stand. Meanwhile, Polnareff being a dumbass. Kakyoin is having a bad night. Dad Joseph is adorable. Kakyoin that just makes you lookeven crazier. Great job you're getting outsmarted by an infant. Whelp now you're all gonna die. Eww gross. First you knock him out and then you call him fat, you dick. OH NO. JOSEPH NO YOU'RE SMARTER THAN THAT. What, you just rolled with the monkey having a stand but this is too hard to believe? THE HAIR IS A STAND. This could be going better. Please start with Polnareff and give the others time to escape. Now punch that baby! Well hey at least someone's having fun here. Hey wait didn't Kakyoin summon his stand before y'all knocked him out? TENTACLE ATTACK. If he were my type that line would work on me. Kill that baby Kakyoin. Shut up Polnareff you dumb bastard. You really think none of these guys would punch a baby? Well shit that's not good. SUCK IT, BABY. Is that how he mind-fucked that nurse? Those pancakes look good. Polnareff doesn't deserve pancakes. Ewww. Nah I'd just leave the baby for dead. Kakyoin oh my god. DADSEPH NO. We wouldn't need a new guy if someone hadn't gotten Avdol shot in the face. Gundam- This fight may have been a bad idea. Your mask is stupid and you're stupid. You are not able to defeat it and you will die trying. Shut up Fuck E Cheese. And then this was Eva. Dude I'm not gonna remember any of this story. So basically you're saying everything is screwed. Yeah you might wanna get everyone out of town before hte murderbot arrives. No you should definitely leave or you're going to die. You idiots. Mika continues to give no fucks. Now take off that shirt and be my quasi-jailbait eyecandy again. No let the creepy child fucker pilot that thing I want him to suffer. Whelp you're fucked. Do not trust him he's just here to bang second graders. At least one of these kids is going to die. Get off his dick boy just let him do his thing. This is not going to end well for you, buddy. Really should have made those idiots evacuate. And then everybody blew up. The armor can't handle it and he's going to die. Whelp there goes the town. Instead of torturing the small children why doesn't this show just kill off Hitler already. Oh hi Mika. Yes both of the Geass boys can fight to the death. Hunter- I could give you names but they'd probably involve the fuck word. The bloodthirsty Amish are a strange group. I get the feeling Hisoka is already here, creeping on small children. The hunter girl whose name I forgot a long time ago is cute I hope she comes out of this okay. Alright so we got Thundercat, Titscorpion, Professor Penguin, and Flying Buzzkill. And now there's Karma Chameleon. Oh that sounds creepy and bad. I'm too lazy to think of more names for Shrektaur's minions here. Wait they're Amish why do they have computers. Got it, it's the hidden porn room. You can take the underwire out of my bra when you pry it from my cold dead tits. Those seem like some excessive restrictions. I'm pretty sure Hisoka would hide a phone up his ass just for the experience. Killua just get on the horse like a normal person. Okay you'd think the country would want help with their murder monster problem. MAFIA KOALA I LOVE HIM. Meatballs are pretty great. Thanks, Karma Chameleon. Oh come on that kid wouldn't even make an appetizer. Mmm, fresh baby. A koala in a suit with a gun is hilarious. Oh no I got a bad feeling about this. JOESTAR TECHNIQUE, GO. Thank you arrow guy whose name I forgot. Shrektaur is going to kill all of you. Lupin- Oh right, Da Vinci was here. I got a bad feeling about this. I would not visit that exhibition. I like these dumb jerks. That is exactly how I feel when someone gets on the intercom at work. Oh this is gonna be a mindfuck isn't it. I'd definitely pick Fujiko first. Fuji's ability is that incredible rack. I hope somebody's special skill is just getting fed up and punching him in his pretentious Renissance balls. Yeah it is strange for Zeni not to be 20 feet away. A dream you say, LALLY HO. Yeah sure let's just assume that makes sense. Man you could steal so much loot right now. Jigen could be doing better. It's not the size it's how you use it, Leo. Fuji you should have worn a shirt that shows more cleavage. AIM FOR THE BALLS, JIGEN. Sorry Da Vinci, he's got better echolocation. AIM FOR THE BALLS, GOEMON. That was too easy for Fuji. Zeni did good. God I love her. I am way too dumb to figure this plot out for myself. Goddammit Rebecca. Dude if you wanted a clone orgy for yourself there were easier ways to get it. Be careful with that thing or you're gonna put everyone in a coma. Great job you failed. Go fuck your wife, Lupin. I never realized Leonardo Da Vinci was such a bag of dicks. Quote
Bad_Witch Posted January 14, 2018 Posted January 14, 2018 BC: We really don't need a recap show. Asta beats douche and is quickly forgotten. Why does rich nobility have to be such dicks? Yuno comes out on top. Now time for public humiliation. No hands for you, you, you, you, and you. Nobody wants you Asta, go home. You're going to take him on aren't ya Bull man? Yep. Everyone wants Yuno. Just go take a shit. Trust me, no one cares. Why are you still here douche...I thought if you got defeated no captain would want you. Yuno saves Asta and sends douche packing. One thing I do like about this show is Yuno and Asta's rivalry. *Facepalm* No one needs that much info on your shit Asta. *comment from son* "And he reaches back, just look at that release, and Asta flies through the air and lands on his face. That right there is why he's the reining bitch throwing champ." JJ: Full disclosure, after we're done with the baby I'm going to believe the whole thing was a dream because this is just to absurd. Look at Jotaro being all reflective and sad. I'll give him a hug. Kakyoin trying to convince everyone that the baby is the danger and failing so hard. Done with that, he goes in for the kill and Frenchie stops him, because of course he does. Joseph is an awesome father. Night night time. They're all going to die. Listen to Frenchie...words I thought I'd never say. You can't use your stand Jotaro....or maybe you can. Nope. I was just plain wrong for Star to attack Jotaro like that. I don't know why, but I really liked Star's happy face. Jotaro should smile more. Here's Green. Kakyoin, I was wondering when you'd show up. Wait, hold up, how did you know to keep Green out and hidden from the baby as you were being knocked out. *shut up Bad_Witch and enjoy the show* Please kill the baby, it's only a dream so it won't count. Sure, we're down the rabbit hole let's erase those pesky words from your arm. That's it. Really. Okay, time to wake up eveyone there's pancakes. Kakyoin seems better. He's even looking after the baby. Oh good, since he remembers I never need to see this kid again. That's just wrong, death would have been kinder. IBO: I...I think I'm okay with Skynet destroying the world of the baby raper. HH: There are way to many characters for me to remember all their names. The NGL zone is weird. Whelp I have a filling so that leaves me out. So if you have poor eyesight your shit out of luck. Nature wants you to die. What, did everyone here get picked on by a gang of nerds? Are you paying for these medical tests? The koalafather is my new favorite evil spawn. L3: Hi Leo! We've wondered what you've been up to. And he puts everyone to sleep. Gotta love how the world reacts, at least they didn't try to blow Italy off the map. It's all a dream. Lupin comes out in first once again. Leo, were you always this deranged or was something lost during the process. Everyone else seems to be doing a good job against Leo in their dreams. Sadly, Rebecca doesn't make it...wonder how her butler did? Lupin saving the damsel in distress again. Look at her memories Lupin, search your heart, you know the truth. Now please fuck your wife. She wants its. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 14, 2018 Author Posted January 14, 2018 DRAGONBALL SUPER - This recap feels as long as One Piece. Interesting how Vegeta's body is see-through but his face isn't. "I cannot tell what is going on!" Welcome to DBZ, guy. ORA ORA ORA. Oh Vegeta, you so tsundere. He's also the ultimate heckler, apparently. "At this point, you're nothing more than a hologram." Vegeta says no holding back. A BIT OF DIALOGUE: Jelly!Vegeta: "How do you like that, getting called out by a ghost?" Goku: "I get called out by ghosts all the time, so I'm kinda used to it, actually." You lost him at "Saiyan". His hair's gone full Jelly Jiggler. Well he went right through Jelly Vegeta, of course he's even more transparent than before. YOU MUST WEAR THE PACIFIER. Huh, he took that much better than I expected. Because you suck, Jaco. DANDYYYYYYYYYYY. Huh, I completely forgot Monaka was here. You gotta love all these convenient back-up plans. Yes, Jaco's just that weak. "I've imagined this for years!" And yet it's only been a day. Truth be told, how much longer is this going to go on? KAZUMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! And then Monaka saved the day, as he usually does. >_> Adios, Vejelly Jiggler. And then Vegeta learned the terrifying truth. Man, Future Trunks looks pretty worn out. Though he may be onto something with that blue hair... DRAGONBALL Z KAI - Take that, frontdoor schedule. What is it about Gotenks that makes him so damn cocky? Personally, I'd have called it the Hertz Donut. Goddammit Buu you ruin everything with your immunity fuck you for blocking me for no reason and calling me an asshole you pink piece of-oww! FART JOKES. That headbutt was effective! Some say too effective... Gotenks' ultimate attack: a freaking STAND. Calm your tits, Bulma. This sequence is so Japanese it hurts. "If you mess with the ghost, you'll be toast!" BULLHORN. Whatever Allahu Ackbar means in Japanese. They look like those eyeballs Death 13 was dream-feeding Kakyoin last week. And then Gotenks was a drill sergeant. Where'd he even get that cream soda? And the automotive magazine? And did I see interlacing in that zoom-out sequence? CROSS-EYED. Gotta go back... Back to the past... Samurai Trunks. Even Piccolo is disappointed by this turn of events. Ghostenks, you dumbasses. Okay that was a pretty smart maneuver. Thirty minutes ago we had Goku fighting Jelly Vegeta while Real Vegeta sucked on a pacifier on the sidelines, that's much weirder than this. Oh great, looks like a rejected Pokemon design. It's Kibito's turn to sleep now. The Hypertonic Lion Tamer. Please, like you were of any use to begin with out of spooking Piccolo for shits and giggles. We pest control now. It's the Hyperglycemic Rhyme Chamber, expect intense winds. As if any of us expected Buu to be defeated for good. Don't be such a drama queen, Gotenks. DINGDINGDINGDING. Welp, Piccolo's done it now. "And that's how you scare somebody!" Between the "snake kissies" and Chubby Webber's retard voice, I think I'd take more Zurtrun over Hot Streets. BLACK CLOVER - Speaking of terrible shows better than Hot Streets... I like how Asta isn't even fazed by his magic gun-shield. It's taking all of Yuno's willpower to keep him from socking one of those guys in the face. Because who needs magic when you're fit as fuck? "That grimoire looks awfully familiar..." If you looking for delusions of grandeur, try believing that achieving the first delusion will allow you to screw nuns. And now for the real spectacles. Why hello there, obligatory Todd Haberkorn character. Is he gonna lick Yuno's tears if and when he beats him, because it feels like he's gonna. What's this move supposed to do again? SENRITSU NO TATSUMAKI NO JUTSU. Not even Naruto can believe it. Wow, they were right about none of the background characters moving around, even CGI characters like in Parasyte would be acceptable. At least Asta won't be alone in the "no hands" group. Sleeping girl still a cute. "This is intense." Like the fire at the circus. Lemme guess, he gets all 9 hands. Yep, such predictability. Speaking of predictable, Asta is awarded no points, and may God have mercy on his soul. Chris Sabat's gone mad this week. Well... he's got resolve. Oh hey, Captain Sabat took pity on him. I don't think Asta was gonna say no, no matter how scary you looked while saying it. What even was that flashback montage. Good day, good day... And a good time to take a dump! That's what happens when you drink expired milk. Yuno's way too good for Asta. Anime FMK wasn't kidding about the poop jokes, but at least it didn't involve stepping in it. Don't be a dick, Captain Sabat. HE'S GOIN' LONG! I approve of that hideout, as shabby as it may be. FIRE! FIRE IS BEHIND CURTAIN NUMBER ONE! JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - Of course Jotaro would spend five minutes standing by himself and reflecting on the adventure thus far. There's something odd about that Kakyoin fellow... God I wanna punch that baby. Polnareff you dumbass, I love you, no homo. Sting that baby, random scorpion. "CRAPBASKETS!" Oh, he says that too. And then Kakyoin fell into the depths of Sand Madness. Dewicious. It's so obvious that the scorpion's in his mouth. OHHHH MYYYY GODDDDD. Sand Madness, indeed. WHY POLNAREFF WHY. Welcome to the teacup ride of doom! Oh, Joseph. And what happened next? Well, in Hirohiko Araki World, they say, that Polnareff's hair grew three sizes that day. When you see it, you'll shit bricks. SHIT COUNT: 2. [watcha!] Star Platinum showed up because Jotaro is that cool. Ooooor maybe it's just on strike. Not exactly an earth-shattering plot twist, creepy clown STAND. Fuck yeah Hierophant Green. And by association, fuck yeah Kakyoin. So this means Polnareff technically saved the day? Is that the Galactic Donut? STANDs have weird ways of giving wet willies. This is the most bizarre hentai I've ever seen. That is a nice-looking breakfast, I'll admit. Wow, they really did mat out the baby's penis. That's the power of STANDs, baby. Kakyoin, you conniving bastard. REPLY TO ANGEL FROM ONE WEEK AGO: "Eat shit, baby!" This comment is funnier now that this week happened. Random eyecatch is random. Nice speedboat. We can't save Holly if we don't take this important detour! I didn't even notice Jotaro's chains were moving in the ED. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS - Who the hell is this narrator and why does she show up so infrequently? Mikazuki likey. FUCK YOU BROWN SANAGEYAMA, THIS IS WHAT YOU GET! Yeah, it's scrap metal that blasted a fucking hole in the sky. [teleports behind you] So I take it those things are the reason the Mobile Armors are so hard to beat? "It can't be beaten with spirit alone, sir!" And this ain't Gurren Lagann or even Kill la Kill, so you're FUUUUCKED. Damn, it crashed into that propane tank, no wonder there's smoking coming from that sector. To think none of this would've happened if McGillis wasn't so adamant about marrying that loli. Eh, I'd say it reminded me more of a dragon than a bird or angel. Whoever made those things must've really hated their job. Geez, everyone and their mother knows about the Calamity War! Because everything's an Evangelion rip-off in the end. "Bring me a map book!" And the bullshit gets even bullshittier. Chryse looks like a nice place to live, based on the surrounding terrain. I do like them riding their shields down to the surface. Goddammit Kudelia listen to reason for once. I don't even get the point of the "Lupus" in its name now. Oh yeah, Orga's been in that suit all season, hasn't he? It's more like they're trying to prevent one. Goddammit Iok quit ruining everything you involve yourself in. But you didn't even do anything. Welp, they're all dead, just as Tomino would've wanted. What is it this week with redheads going stark raving mad? LEO LEO LEO LEO GODDAMMIT GODDAMMIT GODDAMMIT GODDAMMIT. That kid's sure got a mouth on him. BIG DAMN BARBATOS. Vidar's here to kick ass and keep lolis pure, and he's all out of ass. I'm gonna wait 'til it goes On Demand to watch Hunter x Hunter, given that my DVR split it in two again. [RYUHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!] Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 15, 2018 Author Posted January 15, 2018 HUNTER x HUNTER - It's not On Demand yet, so I guess I'll put up with the interrupted version for now. The time for each part is a 3-27 split, so it shouldn't be too awkward, like whenever Tokyo Ghoul cut out at the end of its recording during the Five Fabulous Weeks of Sand Whale and Me. Huh, so that's where Yorknew is. [THE RECORDING CUT OUT HERE SO I FILLED THE OBVIOUS GAP WITH A CLIP FROM THE USUAL PLACE.] I still want to know why those two guys were designed so ugly. She's in love with him, isn't she? Sector MA18 sounds relevant to my interests. This penguin has to be voiced by Michael McConnohie, no question. I know I'm trying to keep myself faithful to Shizuku as far as HxH gals go, but goddamn if Zazan isn't tempting me. That Colt guy needs to get laid. I like the chameleon guy. Don't you go tempting me either, Butterfly Girl, with your surgical mask and your ojou-sama laugh... You're lucky you don't know what's going on in there, truck driver. Wow, they weren't kidding when they said they were strict on technology. Good, Stick Dinner's part of the group going in, I hope he dies first. At least Spin and Banana are safe. The TSA's got nothing on the NGL. Ha ha! Rectum. I bet that desert area past the border patrol is their demilitarized zone. Killua's standing on that horse. One of the spies is a cute girl, that's somewhat reconcerting. Oh hey it's the koala from that lineup promo last year. I'm not sure if I should be disturbed or confused that water's coming out of every orifice instead of blood. Human meatballs? Now that's disturbing. ANT GENOS: LOLI PROTECTOR. This guy looks like he was clawed to death by some kind of bear. Even animals want the DxD. NEN ARROW. Funny thing is, this koala's infinitely less punchable than that one from One Piece; oh boy did I want him to eat his own shit. Use your bees! I said not to tempt me, masked butterfly girl. Is that Kim Jong-Un in that chair? That's not a sniff, that's a huff. LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE - Like I said, his name is Leonardo da Vinci and he can do whatever the fuck he wants, the bullies on his home planet be damned to all eternity in the NGL's political prisons. "What was he thinking? Revealing himself to everybody like that." I know, it's almost like it's a season finale or something! I don't think MI6 is gonna try to capture him, not after he killed their leader by jamming his gun. As for every other main character still alive, they're sure to get involved too. "Does he play for ZZ Top?" I'd tell this girl to brush up on her history, but apparently she knows who ZZ Top is in the current year, so I don't know what to tell her anymore. SAY HELLO TO THE BROWN NOISE. Oh shit Nyx has that echolocation deal, he must be going through hell right now. Did they have to give the Japanese reporter such an obvious Engrish accent? It's Lupin, of course they had to. "Nobody's moving..." All these relevant methods of battle... Lemme guess, Lupin's is seeing if he can steal Da Vinci? It feels like forever since I've seen angry Nyx. I'm still not used to Lupin being this much of a genius, fitting as it may be for the greatest master thief since Mouse. "You get a line! You get a line! Everyone in this store gets a line!" Careful, Jigen, if you die in the dream you die in real life! "Congratulations, Lupin, you are the first to arrive." Okay, so Nyx has the hide-and-seek challenge. Well then things are finally turning out good for everyone else. Zenigata just slammed him to the ground. "I could arrest you in my sleep." That you did, Zeni. That you did. What even was that line of dialogue, Fujiko. So he's looking for the meaning of life, then. Rebecca just lost the game... and so did you. "...there's nothing you can do to steal back her personality." Challenge accepted. And we're all the way back to the first episode. Never mind, instead they're in a black hole. REPLY TO ANGEL THIS WEEK: "I never realized Leonardo Da Vinci was such a bag of dicks." If you think he's bad, you should see his home planet! [sigh] Worst episode of Futurama ever. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Reminder that Tsunade's still in a fucking coma. Sakura/Lee is a better pairing than SasuSaku, or even NaruSaku. So this was before the 58% decision, right? Okay maybe it was after, since Sasuke's still in the hospital. I'm surprised Naruto isn't joining in on the yelling, there may be hope for this episode yet! I like Lee's blush marks. NAISU KYACCHI. And then he drank it, like a curious idiot. Ah yes, the rare Ragyo flower. And it's relevant too! This plot is reminding me a lot of this Yona of the Dawn episode I watched a while back. And then conflicted feelings. You sure lucked out there, Naruto. The visual direction this episode is actually pretty good. Huh, wasn't expecting that heartfelt pep talk. At least Naruto knows to keep the nitty-gritty details of his bowel movements to himself, unlike Asta... An optimistic Lee is a best Lee. Yep, totally think Sakura/Lee is a better pairing. This is a more dramatic filler than I was expecting. Possible counterbalance for last episode's "so 'so bad it's horrible' it's good" adventure, maybe? "Alright, time for lucid dreaming!" Steep cliffs with narrow paths running along the side? This is more like Yona than I thought it was. Why hello there, creepy old tea lady. I like the swinging lamp POV. "There's no such thing as ghosts," says the boy who'd chat with the spirit of his father only two and a half years later. Friday the 18th? This is one comfy-creepy looking forest. [Blumenkranz intensifies] That doesn't look promising. FILLER ENEMY OF THE WEEK: Gaara of the Desert's evil twin, Daara of the Gesert. The animation's also better than I expected. I love that sound effect. "You're dealing with an entirely different me today!" I'll say, you rarely if ever use paper bombs. I'm enjoying this more than I should, but that's probably the sakugafag in me talking. And an obligatory filler Rasengan for the finish! Oh boy, another random older lady. I'll also give this filler points for not having the filler enemy be a clone of Sasuke. In the end, Ino was the one to receive the glares of doom. "I will not stay hurt an attosecond more than I must!" ONE TRILLION PUSHUPS. This filler was better than it had any right to be. OUTLAW STAR - Henry McDoogal? That's not how you spell his name! I love these little cold opening world-building sessions. Holy crap, it's the Space Pope. That quote doesn't really sound helpful. BULLSEYE. It's only natural that the two biggest scoundrels in this show would be voiced by Goda and McGillis. Oh hey I remember those two. Spicy omelets sound like a good time to me. I don't trust this "mystery" caller. Finally, some info on the Leyline. As shady as the meeting may be, I sure do like the look of that restaurant. 2000 won says that Aisha's working part-time there. I'm also not used to Gene being this smart. This is a big reveal in the show, and yet they spoiled it in the original promos for it. Speaking of old Toonami, remember when Gene said "bastard" and they forgot to censor it? Aw shit, everybody in the restaurant is packing! I was right about Aisha being there, at least. What was that about the king of the Kei Pirates? Meanwhile, Harry's off securing his waifu. Sometimes going to McDonalds is all you need to do to avoid going postal. And like a sane person she locked the door on him. No words, only action now. Dammit Jim now's not the time for bitching about expenses. It's official, this dude's no mere fanboy. Ron MacDougall has a weapon for every sort of pinch. You gotta love their hovercars. Wait a second, I thought Harry was just a standard run-of-the-mill cyborg! "Nothing good can ever come from staying with normal people." That line always chokes me up. Screw you, Harry. At least Gilliam's still fun. This virtual world is awfully Escher-like. STRANGER DANGER STRANGER DANGER. Welp, he's officially lost his mind. I dunno what the ANN Edit List guy is talking about, that "brown liquid" looks an awful lot like blood to me. Oh shit it's the old guy from episode 12. I don't think he's on the bad guys' side, but I have my doubts... Is that the egg from Angel's Egg? COWBOY BEBOP - I don't know why Faye called Witney "the guy with the thin eyebrows", when they actually look pretty thick. Based on the math, that means the Gate accident happened in 2014. Welp, that's 1998 anime for ya. As great as Spike's "your story needs editing" line was, I'd say the story itself was properly paced. These GEICO ads are getting worse all the time. Why is it only now that I figured out that the "fat implant" was used to keep Whitney off the insurance agency's radar? I guess Foley was right about IGPX ripping this episode off, but I still think Meta's kinda dumb for not even considering that "Andrei Rublev" might not be his real name. "I've heard that voice before somewhere... is that the XGP?" I still think Whitney's crying for his uncle who doesn't exist, though Bacchus being his actual uncle would explain some things... GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG - Hmm, so this was the first episode to include those custom English language producer credits. TUCKY STRIKE. This show is way too relevant in the present year, and that's part of why I'm falling in love with it all over again. When all else fails, blame the refugees. Aramaki's new office looks awfully bright. I think I saw a yellow one of those security monitor bots in Ghost Hound. It's amazing how everything in this season is more or less connected to one another. Part of the reason I comment less on this show than I do all the others is because I'm actually trying to understand all that's being said, and so far it's working to much success. Batou firing on the suicide bomber at the end comes off as much less of an overreaction now. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 20, 2018 Author Posted January 20, 2018 Tonight on Toonami, it turns out destroying the Androids and Cell wasn't enough to keep Trunks' future from being completely fucked over, Buu throws a tantrum after Piccolo traps them and Gotenks inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for all eternity, Asta gets acquainted with the eccentric bunch that make up the Black Bulls Magic Knights Squadron, Polnareff leaves the group again but for not as impulsive a reason as last time, Tekkadan keeps struggling in their efforts to stop the Mobile Armor from obliterating Chryse while McGillis has a fateful encounter with Vidar, the Chimera Ants manage to find the NGL government's secret hideout as they continue to wreak havoc all over the place, Lupin delves deep into Rebecca's subconscious to free her from Da Vinci's control in the season finale of Lupin the 3rd, this time we've got a story from Naruto's two-and-a-half years of training with Jiraiya, Fred hires Gene to participate in a fighting tournament - in drag, no less - to stop him from being married to the strongest woman there, Jet finds himself facing old demons from his past when his former partner from the ISSP tasks him with retaking control of a prison ship from a group of inmates, and Togusa's Lawful Good alignment proves to be his potential downfall when an off-duty altercation results in his being taken to court. 10:30 - Dragonball Super #47 - SOS from the Future! A Dark New Enemy Appears!! - TV-PGLV 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #146 - Gotenks' Ace in the Hole! Transformation! Super Gotenks 3! - TV-PGLV 11:30 - Black Clover #6 - The Black Bulls - TV-PGDL 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #21 - Judgement, Part 1 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #37 - Battle for Chryse - TV-14 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #80 - Evil and Terrible - TV-14V 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #26 - World Dissection, Part 2 - TV-14L - END 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #187 - Gutsy Master and Student: The Training - TV-PG 2:30 - Outlaw Star #18 - The Strongest Woman in the Universe - TV-PGL 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #16 - Black Dog Serenade - TV-MAV 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #10 - TRIAL - TV-14LV Quote
J.M. Matthews Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 On 1/15/2018 at 12:22 PM, PokeNirvash said: HUNTER x HUNTER - It's not On Demand yet, so I guess I'll put up with the interrupted version for now. The time for each part is a 3-27 split, so it shouldn't be too awkward, like whenever Tokyo Ghoul cut out at the end of its recording during the Five Fabulous Weeks of Sand Whale and Me. Huh, so that's where Yorknew is. [THE RECORDING CUT OUT HERE SO I FILLED THE OBVIOUS GAP WITH A CLIP FROM THE USUAL PLACE.] I still want to know why those two guys were designed so ugly. She's in love with him, isn't she? Sector MA18 sounds relevant to my interests. This penguin has to be voiced by Michael McConnohie, no question. I know I'm trying to keep myself faithful to Shizuku as far as HxH gals go, but goddamn if Zazan isn't tempting me. That Colt guy needs to get laid. I like the chameleon guy. Don't you go tempting me either, Butterfly Girl, with your surgical mask and your ojou-sama laugh... You're lucky you don't know what's going on in there, truck driver. Wow, they weren't kidding when they said they were strict on technology. Good, Stick Dinner's part of the group going in, I hope he dies first. At least Spin and Banana are safe. The TSA's got nothing on the NGL. Ha ha! Rectum. I bet that desert area past the border patrol is their demilitarized zone. Killua's standing on that horse. One of the spies is a cute girl, that's somewhat reconcerting. Oh hey it's the koala from that lineup promo last year. I'm not sure if I should be disturbed or confused that water's coming out of every orifice instead of blood. Human meatballs? Now that's disturbing. ANT GENOS: LOLI PROTECTOR. This guy looks like he was clawed to death by some kind of bear. Even animals want the DxD. NEN ARROW. Funny thing is, this koala's infinitely less punchable than that one from One Piece; oh boy did I want him to eat his own shit. Use your bees! I said not to tempt me, masked butterfly girl. Is that Kim Jong-Un in that chair? That's not a sniff, that's a huff. LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE - Like I said, his name is Leonardo da Vinci and he can do whatever the fuck he wants, the bullies on his home planet be damned to all eternity in the NGL's political prisons. "What was he thinking? Revealing himself to everybody like that." I know, it's almost like it's a season finale or something! I don't think MI6 is gonna try to capture him, not after he killed their leader by jamming his gun. As for every other main character still alive, they're sure to get involved too. "Does he play for ZZ Top?" I'd tell this girl to brush up on her history, but apparently she knows who ZZ Top is in the current year, so I don't know what to tell her anymore. SAY HELLO TO THE BROWN NOISE. Oh shit Nyx has that echolocation deal, he must be going through hell right now. Did they have to give the Japanese reporter such an obvious Engrish accent? It's Lupin, of course they had to. "Nobody's moving..." All these relevant methods of battle... Lemme guess, Lupin's is seeing if he can steal Da Vinci? It feels like forever since I've seen angry Nyx. I'm still not used to Lupin being this much of a genius, fitting as it may be for the greatest master thief since Mouse. "You get a line! You get a line! Everyone in this store gets a line!" Careful, Jigen, if you die in the dream you die in real life! "Congratulations, Lupin, you are the first to arrive." Okay, so Nyx has the hide-and-seek challenge. Well then things are finally turning out good for everyone else. Zenigata just slammed him to the ground. "I could arrest you in my sleep." That you did, Zeni. That you did. What even was that line of dialogue, Fujiko. So he's looking for the meaning of life, then. Rebecca just lost the game... and so did you. "...there's nothing you can do to steal back her personality." Challenge accepted. And we're all the way back to the first episode. Never mind, instead they're in a black hole. REPLY TO ANGEL THIS WEEK: "I never realized Leonardo Da Vinci was such a bag of dicks." If you think he's bad, you should see his home planet! [sigh] Worst episode of Futurama ever. the end comes off as much less of an overreaction now. 14 Yeah, Leonardo is so awesome a character. I like how he tested Lupin and kind tricked him to test his resolve. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 Ang: Yeah, if the dudes with guns are citizens of NGL, then that's massive hypocrisy. Forget that country. If the C.A.s get out of control there, I'd be remarkably cool with the rest of the world deciding to make it a radioactive crater before they can spread to attack other countries, if that is an option in the show's universe. Witchy: Your son's comment on BC is funnier because I can imagine Yami thinking something like that as he threw Asta. Poke: The mobile suits skysurfing down like that makes me want to say that those are literal heat shields, which brings me much dorky glee. DBS - It was fun to see Vegeta chastise both purple!Vegeta for not putting up a better fight and Goku for not putting his all into it when his (Vegeta's) life was at risk. Hooray for Monaka accidentally saving Vegeta's life! DBZK - The ghost bombs were clearly the inspiration for Starrk's Cero Wolves. Gotenks clearly overthought things and thus negated all the impressive damage his moves inflicted on Buu. Bluffing Piccolo was a bad idea, Gotenks. BC - Spoiler visuals in the ED aside, of course Asta would eventually be picked by Yami for the Black Bulls. For Asta's sake, I hope he picks up on the clue to simply walk through the teleportation portal when a teammate makes it after this throwing incident. Yuno was perfectly polite in accepting the bid by Golden Dawn. Even if Yuno hadn't intervened, I feel like Asta would have good enough reaction time, even when on a toilet, to escape the poison magic lizard. Thankfully, though, Yuno did intervene and likely saved us from a frantically fleeing streaking Asta. Even I am tiring of Asta's frequent yelling. Less volume, dude. JoJo: SC - I feel like Kakyoin should've shown his carved warning to the other's as soon as he woke up, meaning they would know that he couldn't have done that to his physical body as he slept, and they would've seen the freshly flowing blood, meaning the cuts had just happened. However, due to the quirk of H.G. being active when Jean rendered Kakyoin unconscious making it possible for H.G. to properly manifest in Death 13's dream world, it didn't matter that the others didn't believe him, because he was able to save them anyway. I'm not sure why his hair was almost white at first in the shared dream state, though. Again, b.s. the 11-month-old would have the knowledge of what a scorpion was, let alone the word for it, and the speed and precision to stab it in the air with a safety pin. Kakyoin's punishment/warning for the baby was disgusting, but I feel like it would be incomplete for consequences if the baby came at them again. There would need to be more, like using H.G. to kill him afterward. That was some weird slapstick and S.D. humor with S.P., but it was funny. MSG: IBO 2 - I was watching some things off the dvr earlier this week so I could free up some space, and included in that were some episodes of MSG:U. Aside from feeling like I got more out of it, I had an added appreciation for the power of the mobile armor Loni piloted. Also note that mobile armors can be piloted, but they don't require one. Seeing this mobile armor in action, ummm... no. There wasn't really any running from something like that. The nearby civilians never stood a chance, barring the mobile armor being destroyed before they were within its range. For a moment, I thought Ride was about to die. Thanks for saving him, Mikazuki. No, McGillis. I get that you didn't have an Order of the Seven Stars in mind when you came to apprise the Iron Flower guys of the danger the mobile armor posed, but trying to turn this moving atrocity to your advantage after Iok mentioned a way to do so strikes me as slimy. HxH - Piss all over you, NGL. You keep people with eyeglasses and tooth fillings out of your country. While a filling can be considered the result of the person's actions, there are still some genetic components to their susceptibility to tooth decay, but eyeglasses are another story. That is wholly genetic. You're barring someone from entering your country based on something completely out of their control. Well, I suppose that the person could leave their glasses at the border, but given the dangers of your land, that would be extremely dangerous. Plus, there's no such thing as elastic in your country, so all pants would need drawstrings or a rope belt. Also, I'm tempted to call hypocrisy on the "no metals" thing, since I know I saw someone use a hoe, but I can't definitively make that call, because I didn't notice at the time whether the hoe's head was metal. Koala guy killing people with spat water is impressive, but something about him (other than killing people) rubbed me the wrong way, though I can't quite put my finger on it. Also, there's no way his suit was made of 100% natural materials. I refuse to believe those pants didn't have a zipper. I didn't expect to see Pokkle and Ponzu, but there they were. At least they didn't get killed already. Lupin - What really impressed me was Leonardo's preparations. Whatever technology he used to induce sleep and the proper brainwave patterns to make everyone enter the Dream of Italy, he would need to be able to send that signal across the whole country simultaneously, and somehow make that signal stop at the country's borders. Even good AM radio signals don't go much farther than 150 miles at night when the mass of the Earth itself blocks energetic interference from Sol, and given that Leonardo needed to transmit his signals farther than that, he would've needed to set up multiple transmission sites around the country. I'm also impressed that his genius mind was able to interact with each dreaming person at once. That is, unless each manifestation of the Dream included an imprint of him capable of engaging the person, like Kou did with Lupin. However, I'm curious as to how he would know what happened in each dream. Were the manifestations programmed to relay the developments in their Dream at the conclusion of the conflict? Even then, I'm back to Leonardo impressing me with his ability absorb and process what would likely amount to years of experience in a matter of no more than hours. However, I call shenanigans that each instance of Leonardo, and therefore Leonardo himself, would be proficient, if not expert, at each thing (or the counterpart to it, in Nyx's case), whatever it was, that was the person's specialty. Shippuden - Someone was tripping when they thought of the iridescent rainbow medicinal herb flowers. Of course Naruto went off on his own and caused a problem when he could've simply stayed on-mission and accomplished his sidetrack objective anyway. That's what happens when he doesn't read, or even listen to the mission briefing. I feel like it would take almost all of Guy's time to make all that tonic and food pills for Lee. Plus, 5 liters of any fluid in a day is a lot. I feel like Lee would need a catheter and/or an adult diaper because of the combination of how frequently he'd need a toilet, the urgency of the need, and his limited mobility. OS - I didn't notice in prior viewings that Melfina is 17 and a part years old. For all Ron's talk, he still didn't really give Gene any new information. Big cats are impressive predators, so A.I. weapons based on them should be formidable against human opponents. Harry was way too persistent. Take the hint that she didn't want to see you, let alone leave with you, dude. Caster weapons being able to defend against caster weapons sure is convenient for Gene and Ron, but it made sure that nothing would be resolved in this fight. CB - While hologram advertisements haven't happened yet like the second Back to the Future movie predicted, maybe they will be a thing by the time of CB. Even for convicted criminals, I don't like the idea of identification tattoos. It's too much like what Nazi Germany did to those in the Camps. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Batou calling Borma and Ishikawa "old-timers" is funny to me, since he strikes me as being close in age by birth date to them. The Major's sensorium mask sounds to me like a way to accomplish invisibility to automated security, but if we combine that with the Tachis taking over several humans' cyberbrains, then she might actually be functionally invisible to those people as well without using her thermoptic camouflage. Of course, though, the obvious flaw in this approach is that if someone doesn't have a cyberbrain, the thermoptic camouflage would be the only way for her to hide from them, since, as we saw in the first season, "invisibility" by data manipulation doesn't do a thing to simple cameras, so a non-cyberized person would see her plainly on a monitor with such a feed. Batou was right. As long as that last bomber was able to move, she was a threat to him, Togusa and the other police officers. Togusa was thinking of it as a hostage situation where the culprit could be talked down, not as being a (mostly) premeditated attack in progress. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted January 21, 2018 Posted January 21, 2018 Clover- At least the nun will go unharassed for another couple of weeks. I'm sure this guy is trustworthy. HELLO THERE DRUNK WHORE, maybe this won't be so bad after all. Aaaand we have a creepy sister fucker nevermind. Shut the fuck up nobody cares. This random sheep chef that doesn't talk is by far the best character. I do enjoy seeing Asta get hurt. Okay I like this drunk whore. Thank you for making them shut up. STOP TRYING TO FUCK THE UNWILLING NUN, YOU DIPSHIT. This whore is too good for this show. You're creepy, shut the fuck up. Does he just keep saying "good people" because they couldn't be assed to write half the script? I like how they hate him. Please kill him during training. I hate everyone here except that whore and the leader. It's a good thing his skull is too thick to hurt his brain. That tongue hand is creepy. This show is gonna give me a migraine. I don't think I'm lucky enough to have him die here. You stupid bastard. Why does everyone have to scream in this show. Come on whore, have some standards. That's a damn Naruto headband, you shitty ripoff fucks. Oh hey it's that girl and she also has enough sense to hate him. Jojo- Please be a hot dude. WAIT A SECOND IS IT MY BOYFRIEND. Awwww look at the cocks. I am so confused. Okay so Avdol's dad looks just like him only he doesn't wear pants, I can work with this. Oh no I'm going to cry I need to console these unreasonably buff old men. THIS IS YOUR FAULT, POOL NOODLE. Yes good he should feel bad. Stop letting Polnareff go off alone he always gets attacked. Aw shit it's a magic lamp. THE LAMP IS A STAND. Wish for Avdol to come back to life you asshole. Oh no, that was definitely the stand and you're going to die. Okay it's real now make my boyfriend come back. Oh my god you stupid bastard. YES BRING BACK AVDOL. I forgot about his sister but it's nice that she gets to live again. I mean I'm sure this is gonna go horrifically wrong but I'm willing to risk his life on it. Maybe get her some clothes though. Oh this is not gonna end well. Don't make me feel emotions for the toilet-licker. Well now I'm gonna cry. Ohhhhh that cannot be a good thing. I got a real bad feeling about this. AW FUCK IT'S ZOMBIES AGAIN. Somebody go rescue Polnareff, again. OH NO I WANTED HIM BACK BUT NOT LIKE THIS. Gundam- That is probably not a good thing. Now that's a sword. No of course he doesn't care, he's got a second grader at home to molest. Oh you are going to die. Take your shirt off and get in a robot already. Oh hey that one dude's still alive. This girl is probably regretting her life choices now. Aw crap the buff one's hurt. Aw crap the robot's broken. I don't understand robot science. Shut up, dick rider. Hi wives! Oh no please don't kill the wives. Use this douche as a human shield. She has had enough of your shit today, sir. She is still pulling for that harem end and I wish her the best. I don't know what most of that means but good luck kids. Someone please stab the child fucker. Man I think this is already more throuble than it's worth. Mika continues to not give a fuck. Oh my god you dumbass she is gonna beat your ass. Yeah sure put two of them in one robot so they can both die. Oh hey small child try not to get yourself killed. Aaand this is going right to hell. Aw shit did the adorable small child just die. I wanted shirtless Orga but not like this. Mika kinda has some real issues, doesn't he. Hunter- Man is there any fight happening this week that's not going tits-up? Wow that sure is sad. Come on this is just excessively tragic. Dude that is setting a really low bar for human decency. I don't even remember if we know who Gyro is but this is almost funny it's so over the top. Ohhh that's who that is. Shrektaur doesn't give a shit. Meanwhile, GUN VIOLENCE. At least Nipplegator's enjoying himself. Y'all might wanna just cut your losses and run for it. What a shock, humans with weapons are bad. Professor Penguin is perplexed. Yeah Buzzkill that's what you do with royalty. Aw crap don't give it a name you'll just get more attached. Yeah I'm sure this'll go well for anyone. Oh thank god you're smart enough to leave. SHIT. Oh god that is a huge fucking spider set it on fire now. WHELP Y'ALL ARE FUCKED. Mother of god why does he talk like a muppet. It's too late just use his death as time to run. This is a real bad idea y'all need to get the fuck out now. SHIT IT'S TITSCORPION. Never show me that face again. He's already doomed you need to escape NOW. Aw shit. Fuck you, Nipplegator. I am very afraid for my adorable children here. Okay that horse is cracking me up. Oh god that is a lot of blood. Hey Killua you should call your sexy dad in to murder these things. Lupin- Rebecca's having a rough day. Well that's different. Call Tom Hanks for help. Stop breaking reality, Leo! Bob Ross would not approve of this painting fuckery. Because treasure is shiny and buys a lot of nice things. I don't want to like him but Da Vinci's voice sure is sexy. Yeah that didn't go so well for Orpheas back in the myth. The answer here is to blow smoke on him. Fuck your husband, Rebecca. EAT SHIT, DA VINCI. Oh hey that worked surprisingly well. Let's all point and laugh at his failure. Da Vinci hates disco balls, clearly. IF YOU DIE IN THE DREAM YOU DIE IN REAL LIFE. Oh good they're alive. You don't look so good, my dude. Wow how did you not think of that. Aaaand he's dying. All of you have great potential, except Rebecca apparently. And then he died. Do all Lupin shows eventually fork off into weird shit or is it just this and Fujiko's series? Hey Zeni nice of you to join us. Sorry Nyx you're late to the party. HI FUJITITS. Hey y'all forgot Goemon. The prime suspects are the members of ZZ Top. Fuck your wife, Lupin. Ouch Lupin that's cold. Awww honey that's sweet but Fujiko has a bigger rack. Hi kitty! Robsen needs a vacation. Show, I have no idea what that says. Quote
Bad_Witch Posted January 21, 2018 Posted January 21, 2018 BC: Great more people I won't remember. Hey I like you drunk lady. I don't like you sister lover. Why does everyone have to scream? Everyone ignore Asta. Leader Bull (I forgot his name already) knows how to keep the misfits in line. Everyone's good people. It's true...he keeps saying it so it must be. Let's fight. You're not going to kill Asta, sadly. He's a baseball enthusiast. Asta thinks? Don't lie narrator. See, holding the sword like that doesn't take thought. Asta doesn't deserve a pat on the pat. You know what...keep patting, you just might break his back. Pigtails girl doesn't like competition. Comments from son: Dude, she's your sister...just no. Leave the nun alone and take the hot lady. You're a fucking idiot. What....the ....she's like 3. His sister is 3. Why do you want to fuck your 3 year old sister? I know what that nose bleed means. What the hell is wrong with Japan? Asta thinks (laughing). Why you gotta lie? JJ: We made it to the island, so who is this mystery person. Quick don't let him get away. That voice...it can't be. Way to break my heart show. Poor Avdol's father That's right Frenchie run walk away. He's going to get into to trouble, I just know it. It's a lamp. That's no genie. Come on Frenchie. You know stands are a thing. Bring out S.C. Where'd that gold come from. Maybe it's a genie after all. You have one wish to make, don't fuck it up. Those are stupid wishes. Okay, you can bring your sister back too. I don't trust this genie. Why are you running away from him? Not flashbacks. Yes, I feel bad for Frenchie and hope his sister is back. Somethings not right here. Zombies! Well that was a bitch comment. Nooooo! Not Avdol too! IBO: I just watched this. It should be fresh, but I must not have been paying attention. HH: So many characters. Did they mention this Gyro before? This is a tragic backstory. Some people should not have kids. So he founded the NGL to destroy humanity. I can get behind that. He's dead now right, and the point of the backstory was.... Hello other hunters. It might be a good time to leave. Are you going to die? At least I don't have to feel bad about not knowing your names. The body count is high in this arc. I like her, glad she got away. Or not. Send those other two back to bring more people I'll never remember names for. Be safe Gon and Killua and Kite. That horse L3: Save your wife Lupin. This is like inception right? Dreams are weird. Leo, you are one crazy genius. God I hope you wake up before hitting the ground. Awwww, he got through to her. Time to wake up. You two go life happily ever after. Leo, you aint looking so good. And he dies. We have time for one last chase. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 21, 2018 Author Posted January 21, 2018 DRAGONBALL SUPER - Y'know, I thought this new OP was gonna be the same ol' junk... but then I noticed Jaco, Monaka and Pan. And then I knew things were gonna be different. Welcome to Dumpsville, Population: You. Ah jeez, you'd have thought after he destroyed his universe's androids and Cell, things would actually get better for him. And what's with the blue hair? Lemme guess, time travel juice. I feel like there are some blanks that need filling in. Wait, by Mai, does she mean... It's a well-known fact that Trunks' timeline is the only place in the DBZ multiverse where death actually means something. That said, BULMA NOOOOOOOOO. Ah, turns out Goku actually has some work ethic in him after all. It's only work if you view it as such. I'm surprised Toei still has decent masters of OG Dragonball. At least Chi-Chi isn't bitching out Goku this time. It's probably the fact that it involves food, but I'm enjoying this more than I should. Goddammit Krillin. Damn, Vegeta sure has a thick neck. "Hey there, Lord Beerus. Want some lettuce?" Yeah, it's that Mai, all right. That black bastard? OOH, WATCHA! And they say TOM and SARA don't banter anymore... Damn, this extra large ramen cup makes me wanna go all out with making my own instead of just boiling some vegetables, throwing in some tuna, and calling it a night. Zeno is the biggest Mary Sue in all of anime. Mmm, imitation crab meat. Oh hey, it's Dr. Briefs' shoulder cat. So I take it the time machine's totally busted. Oh hey, actual greenery. SKYGINA TIME. NAOKI TATE SAKUGA SPOTTED. MAI NOOOOOOOO. Goddammit everyone in Trunks' timeline dies so easily it actually kinda pisses me off. That said, fuck you Evil Goku. Huh, so that vanity plate's back. Huh, so the Black Panther film's finally here. I almost forgot about that. DRAGONBALL Z KAI - Goddammit Gotenks this isn't professional wrestling, this is real life we're talking about here! WE INDORAGA MANO NOW. And then Buu threw an autistic fit. You know what happens when you assume, Roshi. This show understands the connection between death and the Dragon Balls much better than TopGun gives it credit for. And then he literally REEEEEEEEEEEEEE'd his way out of the chamber. You din't say "head's up" when you're rolling the ball over to him, you old coot. He looks like a question mark without the dot. I know they'll be revived and all, thanks to logic and Super, but this is still pretty terrifying regardless. Welcome to Dragon Ball Z: the one show where yelling for long periods of time is a legitimate plot point. Throw a carrot at him, Krillin! Well, the important thing is that you tried. I feel like he targeted them next on purpose. See, the deaths here, while easy, don't piss me off because I know they aren't permanent. Though it may take a little longer than originally planned, since Dende got taken out also. BAD NEWS GOHAN, YOUR FUTURE WIFE IS (TEMPORARILY) DEAD. Huh, so the time machine isn't busted after all. Still won't make me not mad that Mai's dead. Well, at least Satan's here. Sadly, this city is just as abandoned as the rest of the world. On the upside, free convenience store food! Oh hey, that cloud looks like Buu. MEANWHILE MORE YELLING. FUN FACT: If you freeze-frame at just the right moment when Piccolo bops Gotenks on the head, you can see chibi version of both Goten and Trunks with red bumps on their own heads. What is it about Super Saiyan 3 that robs people of their eyebrows? Good, so he'sno longer messing around. HUZZAH! There's at least six Super Saiyan variants that I'm aware of. "Looks like the Earth is in good hands!" Is it, Goku? Is it? Every person here, even Mr. Popo. YOU WON'T LIKE GOTENKS WHEN HE'S ANGRY. BLACK CLOVER - Suggestive dialogue, you say? Now I've gotta watch this episode. Suck it, Todd Haberkorn. Here's how I imagine Yami's thought process went after Asta showed his determination to him: "This kid is nuts... He's perfect for our crew." Rule #1 of the Black Bulls: never open the door to the explosives storage without taking proper precautions. Wow, talk about a total douchebag. Holy shit Ian Sinclair's in this show now I can't hate it. Dude, if you wanna read your erotic incest friend fiction out loud, do it on your own time while nobody's around to hear you. At least everybody's loud enough that Asta's "Wizard King" declaration of the episode isn't being met with immediate ridicule. It's kind of ironic that Captain Sabat is the only sane one here. Yep, definitely the only sane one. Damn you, Asta's nun fetish, you're ruining his chances with other women. I mean, can you really go wrong with a hot drunk woman who lounges around in her underwear and vomits rainbows? I bet this guy can't see his sister because she has a restraining order against him. Yami may be sane, but he ain't necessarily good. Well, at least Asta doesn't have a complex about his height like Ed Elric does. Virgin Street Punk Dandy wants to fight. Asta says, "Fuck the haters, I'm Toonami now!" If you want feats of physical prowess, Asta's your man. "Too bad magic's all that matters." Go fuck yourself, kid. IF YOU CAN DODGE FIRE YOU CAN DODGE A BALL. Ganbaruzoi~! Looks like Asta's compensating for something. BATTER UP MOTHERFUCKER. It's like every word the hot drunk woman says is some kind of double entendre, no wonder Angel likes her. ANIME CLICHE #641: It's not impossible to move while unconscious. You fool, nothing can kill Virgin Street Punk Dandy! Country boys gotta stick together, apparently. And that's how Asta finally found his people. He even gets a custom headband, luckyyyyyy. Wow, the token twintails tsundere is just as much of a jerk as her douchebag brother, who would've thought. This avant-garde ad actually kinda makes me want to see Baskets. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - This place looks pretty comfy for an allegedly deserted island. Polnareff, you dumbass. Okayyyyy face. That man looks suspiciously like Avdol! Oh look, I was right about those five cocks. I can't help but wonder what drove Avdol's dad to become a hermit in the first place. ZETSUBOUSHITA! The reminder that he's partly responsible for Avdol's death has put Polnareff in despair! Is this Ave Maria? Angel's been blaming him for it since October, of course he feels he's ultimately responsible. A random genie lamp? That's not good... This guy is so obviously a STAND that even Polnareff is smart enough to tell that's the case. HAIL 2 U! "If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't believe it!" I too would love to see Polnareff fight Mickey Mouse in a fight to the death. So in other words, Sister Lily but not an actual nun. And then he was the Dragon Balls. Just curious, is the Price of Right theme in the public domain? What kind of leaves are those anyways? Menial comments aside, it's nice to see that Polnareff's still skeptical about all of this. Dammit Cameo why did you have to bring Polnareff's sister back naked? He doesn't have a complex for her like that one dude. Huh, so Jotaro knows there's an enemy on the island. As to be expected from a kid raised on Columbo. Damn, that girl runs like a snake! She was a cute kid. Man, screw Centerfold and his ugly ass. Because you can't have a JoJo episode without at least one dead animal. The longer this scene goes on, the more I'm starting to think Polnareff might actually be a siscon. And then she was a Ghoul. YOU RANG? Yeah, but you're supposed to be a genie, not a monkey's paw! Next week, Polnareff fights zombie Avdol. Oh, so it's a literal elephant in the room. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS - I don't think there's anything weird with Mikazuki having random nosebleeds. Between the voice actor and all those cryptic hints, I think it's pretty obvious that this masked dude is Gaelio. Now Akihiro's having random nosebleeds, that's what's really weird. Don't be stupid Chad, you just got out of a coma, we don't need you going into another one. Huh, that went better than expected. There's just something right about seeing Orga with his Tekkadan jacket on. This Iok dude could really use a couple of brain pills. I love the "what the hell is he talking about" look on Julietta's face. Thank you for your useful report, Gay Dandy Jr. So we're looking at a second propane convention in Alberta, then. THE BASTARDS ARE FASTER. I hope you die from that Mobile Armor, Brown Sanageyama. BURRRRRRRN. The best haremettes are those who love each other just as much as they love the object of their affections. The Earth having no crust doesn't work that way, those houses in the background shouldn't even still be standing! Mikazuki doesn't like being told what to do, apparently. Oh McGillis, you and your superiority complex. Yes, shut up, Brown Sanageyama. I sense some heavy Ho Yay between these two. IT'S HEEEEEEEEEEEEERE~! That Ride kid sure is impulsive, isn't he. DOUBLE CANTI SNIPER RIFLE MODE, ACTIVATE! I'm not even sure which side to root for now, as long as that Mobile Armor's taken down, I'm just fine with whoever delivers the finishing blow. You gotta love those beam weapons. FUCK YEAH BARBATOS. Gayyyyyyyy. I have a feeling his bum eye's gonna explode at the end of all this. HUNTER x HUNTER - Okay so maybe NGL isn't really North Korea like I thought. ISIS, maybe? Why is Michael McConnohie so good at playing the role of narrator? Between this and Bo-BoBo, he's got this role down to a tee. So this is how dictators are born. HAMMER TIME. I agree, DxD is pretty addictive. And that's our story, Gyro's dead, good night. This ant with the guns disturbs me for reasons you'll soon find out. Those two guys still look like they came out of a different anime. I'm kinda loving this tune in the Hot Streets promo. Can't remember where I heard it, though. Cheetah guy sounds younger than he should, but even at his stiffest I still love the one guy's Genos voice. The answer is Nen, the answer is always Nen. Penguin Ant is still more likeable than he should be. An extermination team would be useful right about now. IT'S HEEEEEEEEEEEEERE~! Oh god if him being a spider wasn't enough, he has shojo eyes and an inappropriately darker nose and lips, that's what's truly terrifying. At least arrow boy got to go out being stung by one of the hot ones. Spider dude's like the chimera ant personification of one of those ugly malesubs you see in all those femdom videos online. I haven't heard this song before, but I like it. I assume those bees are carrying her last will and testament. PONZU NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Told you I hated this guy and for good reason. AND HE'S EATING HER RIGHT THERE, GOD YOU'RE WORSE THAN THE DUDE WHO WANTS TO FUCK HIS SISTER. Oh good it managed to find our protags. Sad bee. GOTTA GO FAST. Such is the fate of a female character in HxH. We Quarantine Level 0 now? LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE - Never underestimate Lupin if you know what's good for you. It's like one of those living paintings from Harry Potter, the one book franchise that I was too bored to even start. So that's what it looks like inside the Mona Lisa-verse. Nice. For a man like Lupin who runs on toonforce, it takes a while for gravity to really kick in. All these painting world obstacles are pretty fun to watch in action. [insert theme to Clockwork Fighters: Hiwou's War here] I yam who I yam, or so they say. Huh, so cigarettes are Da Vinci's one weakness, that's an interesting twist. Oh hey, it's a recreation of that moment from the first episode. Excellent. So much for your replica of Aincrad, eh, Leo? Beer, fries, and disco lights; sounds like a party. Clever escape tactic, there, Lupin clone personality. I'm honestly getting tired of these Amazon Echo commercials. Welcome back to the world of the living, Rebecca. In real life, in Futurama, and even in this show, Da Vinci will always be a sore loser. Fujiko is the original likeable tsundere. So Da Vinci is the dumbest person on his home planet in this continuity too, it appears. And then he started coughing up motor oil. He was born 600 years too late. "Poor Leo... he was so stupid." Shut up, Futurama loli whose quote I brought back for this one occasion. Whenever Fujiko isn't onscreen, everyone should ask "Where's Fujiko?" You can't have a Lupin finale without one last encounter with Zenigata. Now that's what I call a 10/10 landing! Huh, wonder what was going on with Nyx's voice there. What a ridiculous cover story, that makes less sense than the real deal, believe it or not. Aww, what a nice moment between those two. And then she stole a cat. If there only was a narrator to recite that goodbye message. FINAL THOUGHTS: ...I really gotta watch more Lupin after this. 9.5/10. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 22, 2018 Author Posted January 22, 2018 NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - So apparently these flashback episodes are denying the existence of Filler Hell, if the implication of Naruto heading out on his 2.5 years of training right after getting out of the hospital is telling me right. GAYYYYYYYYY. Ah yes, I remember the balloon training (but only barely). Oh god it's the gay frog. This is one weird genjutsu. I feel like I need booze to get through the rest of this segment, WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE 9:30 IN THE MORNING WHERE I'M WRITING THIS!? "I doubt that boy and I are going to get along very well..." From the other filler where you showed up, I can buy that. No dinner until he does it right. Or maybe different. Well he is the Fourth's son, so the resemblance is far from surprising. If nothing else, he's improving. Oh hey, a Netflix anime commercial. I'm sure some people will get their asses hurt over that. So it's the Bewildering Forest from the Ninja Dropouts filler, then? "Why is there a wall here?" Trump, that's why. This kid's a real jerk, but I'm sure he's got his reasons. This guy looks too old to be voiced by JYB. It's bandits, the answer is always bandits. Don't be a hero, dimestore Speedwagon! And the whippings continued until morale improved. Fuck you, child. Thank you for knocking his underestimating ass out, Jiraiya. Huh, wasn't expecting it to be a two-parter. OUTLAW STAR - Say what you will, but I enjoy Fred. Gene's boner no longer knows what to think. "Why not just get married?" "You do know that I'm gay, right?" Add a one and two zeros in front of that number, and you've got yourself a deal. So it's an Aisha episode, I'm already excited. A female catgirl Mike Tyson, huh? Part of me thinks this official is exaggerating just a bit. Is it wrong that I think Gene looks pretty good in that get-up? It's official; if I had watched Outlaw Star during its initial Toonami run, it'd be responsible for my femdom and my feminization fetishes. That one woman back there looks awfully suspicious. Oh Aisha, you so crazy. Just as I expected, it's one of the Gung-Ho Guns-err, I mean, Anten Seven. Fred, you say that like you've already got a gravesite reserved for you. I feel Gene's starting to enjoy this, and I say good for him. Post-apocalypse movies are the stupidest shit ever, outside of regular apocalypse movies. Well, so much for Gene being useful this episode. Wait what'd she say again? TRUMP CARD COUNT: 1. In the end, it was the Anten Seven that saved Fred from the terrors of heterosexual marriage. Ah, screw you Fred, they deserve that cash. If it were anyone but him in that embrace, the broken bones would be more than worth it. This is some heavy foreshadowing I'm seeing with this final round. I'm really enjoying this fight. Of all the Outlaw Star background songs, "Hack" was the one I listened to the most often, and I'm glad they finally got around to it 18 episodes in. Huh, so she's a Ctarl-Ctarl too. I bet she was the one who who caused that huge stir 5 years ago that got her race banned from the tournament. I should've guessed those two suits were Kei Pirates in disguise. And we finally get to see Aisha in beast mode. You know things are bad when the building's on fire. AISHA THE BEST THERE IS! STUDIO CAMEO OF THE MOMENT: Gene's "Sunrise" girlie mag. Fred, you're a good man. To the Galactic Leyline, everybody! COWBOY BEBOP - Childhood is idolizing Spike. Adulthood is realizing Jet makes more sense. That said, that track during his raid on the ship was hella Toonami. Sluts who wear latex are the best sluts. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG - This is a Toshiharu Murata episode, all right, I can tell by the Major and Togusa's wife's MOUSE-style faces. This is my first time noticing that the courtroom jury was a bunch of Jameson units. Even in an episode without a mention of the Individual Eleven or the refugee crisis (at least, until the suicide bombings were brought up), Goda somehow always manages to worm his way into Section 9's happenings. I completely forgot about the lawyer getting in a traffic accident, and I love the hint that Section 9 was behind that "divine retribution". Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted January 27, 2018 Posted January 27, 2018 Ang: I feel bad for you about Team Joestar likely having to fight zombie Avdol in the next episode. I don't think that protecting humanity from ravenous abominations is enough motivation for Silva to fight the C.A.s. Now, if the Hunter Association paid him enough, he'd give it his all. Plus, I'm more scared for Kite than the boys, because he's fairly new to the story and supposedly has the most nen of anyone in the group. Witchy: You're right. A lot of people are dying in this Hunter arc. Poke: My impression is that it was a panel of judges at remote locations linked to those output devices with the green and red lights. Since this was a hearing to determine if the evidence would warrant a full trial, a jury wouldn't necessarily be involved. DBS - Wait, what? Have I not been paying attention? Why is future Trunks' hair blue like Bulma's? I thought it was that pale purple on his younger self in the present. Even in a ruined world, future Bulma was still a good looking woman, as was future Mai, but that makes sense, because prior to her de-aging (along with Pilaf and Shuu) from a Dragonball wish, we know Mai was a pretty woman back in DB. It's a shame that evil Goku, who Trunks called "Black" for some reason, killed them both. Regarding Black, what is going on there? Did his brain get unscrambled, and his Saiyan bent toward destruction and conquest return? Why is he wearing a Potarra (DBZK will explain it in a few weeks, I think)? Maybe it's not actually Goku, but a clone or android made in his image. We need information, show. Those lettuce heads would be badly bruised from being thrown into those containers. DBZK - Buu's yell to get out of the Hyperbolic Time dimension looked a little tame compared to the manga. Chill, Bulma. The reason the boys were selected to fight is because no one else would last more than a few seconds against Buu, and there's no reason to rush off to such a death when they could survive. You are dealing with a galactic terror here, capable of devastating planet after planet with the only reprieve from his devastation being the time it took to reach the next inhabited world, after all. Well, I guess Cell could have qualified as that, but Gohan, who was still a child then as well, was the one who defeated that threat back then. BC - I'm probably going to take a while learning the names of the other Bulls beyond Vanessa and Yami. We have a battle junkie, a punk, a girl who constantly eats, a sister-obsessed guy, a silent huge dude, and Vanessa with her boobs and underwear. I think Asta may have picked up on something when he noted that Yami was the only one not described as being good people. I like that they already told Asta to be quiet. As for proving himself to the rest of the squad, yes, his physical conditioning was excellent. I like that the sword can both cut magic and block/deflect it. All it takes to switch approaches is a quarter-turn of the handle. No, Asta. Give up on Sister Lily and get with the voluptuous woman who made an advance on you. Well, given her technicolor yawn, Vanessa may have still been drunk at the time, so maybe you should wait to see if she's still interested when she's sober (if that ever is the case, that is). JoJo: SC - Oh, so Avdol's dad lives on the island. That's fine, but why does he live in such isolation? I like that Joseph, a man seeking to save his own child's life, considered it his responsibility tell this man of his son's death. Jean, you idiot. Haven't you ever heard to be careful for what you wish? Now you, in your ill-considered good intentions, are making it so that aside from your own physical and psychological agony of having to fight your zombified sister, Avdol's father, who is about to be informed of his son's death, will be faced with the cruel prospect of seeing him "alive" again after that, only to confront the very real possibility that they may have to fight to the death. Jean, you really messed up here. MSG: IBO 2 - Iok is an idiot who romanticizes heroic sacrifice, and I feel bad for Julietta having to protect him from his own willful stupidity here. I didn't notice that McGillis was piloting Carta's repaired mobile suit, so I can absolutely understand that bothering Gaelio, Vidar, or whatever he wants to be called now. Barbatos and Gushian (sp?) having conflicting protocols when facing the mobile armor make sense only in context of protecting the pilot from nerve damage through the A.V.S. It would explain why Iok's suit didn't stop operating. HxH - A few things struck me about Gyro's backstory. First, we spent several minutes on it to come back to the man being dead in the present, and it's tempting to think of that being a waste of time. However, then we come to the second thing, which is that given his horrible childhood, it's no wonder that he wanted to make a place that felt as cold and unforgiving for the rest of its inhabitants as he felt the world was to his younger self, even if he had to impose that on them by way of forbidding modern technology. Third, I must wonder how the NGL was established. It looked on the map to be an area with a sizable land border to another country, which makes me think that it was either conquered, usurped, or otherwise seized from that other country by force. His personal army was armed with automatic weapons, after all. That brings me to the fourth thing, which is that Gyro and his personal army were hypocrites who died (well, at least some of them) through the instruments of their hypocrisy. Last is that his alcoholic father was a terrible parent, both in the example he set, the lack of care he provided, and that he sent his son to be a child laborer. With that in mind, 1. where was Children's Services to remove Gyro from the custody of an unfit parent, and 2. are there no child labor laws in the world of HxH? I think we have more evidence that the show is set in a crummy world for anyone who isn't a Hunter here. I hope that none of the C.A.s can figure out how to load magazines, but I would expect that they will. If that hope for our group doesn't pan out, maybe they'll catch a break in the C.A.s not being able to manufacture new ammunition or operate reloading equipment. Crap. Pokkle and Ponzu are dead now. I'm not sure why Hunters would more nutritious than other humans. Maybe it's because of nen. At least Ponzu's bee got the information to Kite. Given the threat, I can understand Kite sending the other two from his group back to the border to inform the Hunter Association of the news on the C.A.s. Gon, Killua, and Kite running because they're faster than the horses is a little funny. Lupin - It's sweet that the memory of wanting to be Mrs. Lupin was what saved Rebecca. It was sentimental that she tore up the marriage certificate, because she wanted to become a woman worthy of name Mrs. Lupin someday, and that marriage certificate would be even more meaningful to her. It sure was convenient that Lupin's use of the link unintentionally made him appear to everyone in the Dream. I'm going to presume that he somehow inspired them to leave as well. After the plan was foiled, Leonardo sure started dying quickly. I'm not sure whether that was due to a flaw in cloning process or a planned mortality on the part of the cloners to keep some measure of control, even if he did escape. It wouldn't be a Lupin show if he didn't need to flee Zenigata. I smiled when Lupin got a face full of Fukijo's magnificent rack after diving through the car's open sunroof. In all, this was an enjoyable show and a fine addition to the Lupin franchise. Even when it had completely ridiculous moments, I couldn't be too hard on it, because the show made the ridiculousness so much fun. Shippuden - I do remember Naruto having trouble with breaking genjutsu. As for he and Jiraiya going into this forest with magnetic fields that disorient like a genjutsu, I feel like little wildlife would live there, much less people. Of course the village in the forest was invaded. It looked like Jiraiya and Naruto plan to help, and the plan involved a transformation jutsu. If the show didn't call him Mr. Gamariki, I would've presumed that was a female toad. OS - I don't understand why Fred made that promise in the first place. Still, the woman is cute if you can get past her bodybuilder physique, and she seemed nice, too. Haaaa, Jenny Starwind. Of course Gene lost once he stopped dodging. Aisha impersonating Firecat struck me as taking a page from Goten and Trunks with Mighty Mask, although Firecat's costume fit Aisha well. I can respect the Ctarl-Ctarl being barred from competition because of a past rampage by one of her people leading to them being deemed too dangerous for the other competitors and spectators. Iraga is a werewolf. That seems like a useful trait for a hitwoman. Aisha's full beast form looked more like a tiger than a wolf to me, but her face was a little long for a tiger. CB - There are times at work when I find myself having to fix the things that coworkers have done incorrectly, and when some particular thing is done the same or a similar incorrect way four or more times, I find myself thinking of Faye's line, "this is the fourth time. The fourth time! Even Buddha gets upset after three times," and that lightens my mood just a little for a moment. Jet would've left a lot of forensic evidence on the hijacked ship, and he knew it, so he probably had to face a long interrogation by the ISSP after this. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - This is tough one for Togusa legally. While he was obligated as a member of Public Security to intervene and protect the woman from an armed assailant (the part about him being off-duty at the time is irrelevant, at least in America), and he was informed by the assailant that his pain receptors had been turned off, he did fail to disarm the suspect. My impression of the witnesses sitting and the attorneys standing is purely about the power dynamic of the courtroom. Refusing to follow the judge's instructions could've gotten Togusa a contempt charge, though. I would say that the assertion by the defense of a prosthetics control system malfunction is easily disproven. After Togusa had shot the assailant several times in the limbs at joints, which should've immobilized them, we saw that the assailant did, with great difficulty as evidenced by the slowness of his motion, raise his weapon toward Togusa (at which point Togusa could've fired at center-mass in defense of his own life). That the assailant was able later to repeat that action and align a shot on his victim indicates to me that he had exceptional control over his prosthetic limbs. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 27, 2018 Author Posted January 27, 2018 18 minutes ago, FoleyisGood149 said: BC - I'm probably going to take a while learning the names of the other Bulls beyond Vanessa and Yami. We have a battle junkie, a punk, a girl who constantly eats, a sister-obsessed guy, a silent huge dude, and Vanessa with her boobs and underwear. I think Asta may have picked up on something when he noted that Yami was the only one not described as being good people. From what I recall, Yami wasn't the only one Finral didn't call "good people". He also left himself out, but that I'll chalk up to self-deprecation. Tonight on Toonami, Trunks does battle with the surprisingly Goku-esque Black out of revenge for Mai; Gotenks and Super Buu resume their fight on the now-empty lookout; Virgin Street Punk Dandy (or Magna, as he likes to be called) takes Asta on a tour of the Black Bulls' hideout; Polnareff finds himself face-to-face with his most dreaded enemy yet: zombie Avdol; Mikazuki risks what little control over his own body he has left in using the Barbatos's full power against the berserk Mobile Armor; Gon, Killua and Kite head deep into the NGL to begin their battle with the Chimera Ants; Naruto and Jiraiya learn the truth behind the bandits that took over the village they recently came across; Gene and crew meet two of the characters from their failed spin-off; Dandy returns to the block for the first time since the downsizing because right now, he's the hero this block really needs; the Bebop crew crash right in the middle of a blaxploitation movie set on Io as they struggle to stave off starvation; and Motoko hears a story about herself from the owner of an antique shop in the allegedly abandoned part of town. 10:30 - Dragonball Super #48 - Hope!! Redux: Awaken in the Present, Trunks! - TV-PGLV 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #147 - On a Roll! Buu-Buu-Volleyball! - TV-14 11:30 - Black Clover #7 - Another New Member - TV-PG 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #22 - Judgement, Part 2 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #38 - Hunter of Angels - TV-14 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #81 - The Fight Begins - TV-14V 1:30 - Naruto Shippuden #188 - Record of the Gutsy Master and Student - TV-PGL 2:00 - Outlaw Star #19 - Law and Lawlessness - TV-14L 2:30 - Space Dandy #1 - Live With the Flow, Baby - TV-14DLS 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #17 - Mushroom Samba - TV-14 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #11 - AFFECTION - TV-14 [stay dandy my friends] Quote
EmpressAngel Posted January 28, 2018 Posted January 28, 2018 Clover- I already have a headache I am going to murder this boy tonight. Dude I'm pretty sure the creepy sister-fucker is shameful enough. Never make that face again you're creeping me out. Oh fuck me is this gonna be a thinly-veiled recap episode about his journey so far? Fuck you too, rich douche. Asta wrote a terrible sext trying to beg the nun for nudes. Dudes just enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts. It's like a shitty, tetanus-riddled version of Hogwarts. That random bird is the best character. I CAN'T HEAR WHAT YOU'RE SAYING, MANSON. Just let that man shit in peace. Hi puppies! I am already exhausted by these guys. Oh hey it's the bitch princess. Shut the fuck up. Don't fight, you're both bad and unlikable. And nothing of value was lost. Haaa, she sucks at magic too. Ouuuuch. No you're a failure and I'd pity you if this was a better show. Good job bitch you knocked yourself out. Good lord dude how long were you shitting? I like how the whore appears to just not own any clothes. Dipshit on cue. I enjoy how their leader could not give a fraction of a fuck. The lesson here is that they're both awful in exact opposite ways. There continue to be exactly two people in this squad that I don't want to see suffer painfully. Jojo- Maybe Polnareff will luck out and Avdol's dad has a stand that's perfect for taking down zombies, and then I'll have to cry because he has to fight his dead son. Why was Sherry's zombie naked but Avdol's zombie is fully clothed? I mean I'm not saying I'd bang the zombie I'm just saying show me his dick, you cowards. Oh jesus this is gonna destroy me. Polnareff is having a real rough day. They're zombies remember to go for the brain. Never trust a genie. This was all Poolnoodle's fault but it's hard to watch. WAIT WHAT? Please be real please be real please be real. HE'S BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK. Oh how I've missed that huge, muscular cock. Eat shit, genie. Aww Polnareff is crying and I can forgive him now. NO DON'T HURT MY BIRD. Please don't kill him again I just got him back. That's gonna leave some emotional trauma. If you touch Avdol I will kill you myself. God I love him. I'm so glad that Avdol is alive and now he's wearing a solid metal codpiece that absolutely makes me focus on his crotch. Poor baby I'll nurse you back to health. Where the hell is he hiding? Set his breathing tube on fire. I'm glad they're having fun. AVDOL OH MY GOD. That guy must have a great view. You might wanna get Polnareff to a hospital now. Haaaa, everybody else knew. I like how Avdol's dad disguise was just white hair and no pants. YELLOW SUBMARINE. Polnareff you're forgetting that Joseph is disgustingly rich. Wait, who's taking care of the chickens while Avdol's gone? Today was a great day. Gundam- Really hoping Mika doesn't die here. Did...did they skip over the entire fight? "King of Mars" does have a nice ring to it. Be careful kid, eyes don't grow back. Now that's a sword! I'm sure there's a valuable lesson we all learned here today but I couldn't tell you what it is. What is that an ashtray? Don't fuck this up, you'll get harem man killed. I mean, I'd choose basically any ally over the child fucker too. Well this dude sure is screwed. Hi harem man! Mika might be broken. Oh fuck he's paralyzed. This is probably a real bad thing. Does Mars not have doctors who could take a look at this boy who basically had a stroke? Everybody stop and take a hug break. Atra what the fuck. Oh yeah that dude is definitely alive. Someone please shoot this guy before he screws over everyone. You look like a Musketeer-themed hooker and you suck. Paint racing stripes on it, it'll go faster. I shouldn't find it so funny that Mika's getting hauled around like a sack of potatoes. I got a bad feeling about Orga's mental stability. Oh this is gonna get depressing. Sooo are we just gonna ignore Atra's sudden fetish? Hunter- I don't wanna suggest you call Hisoka in for backup but he's probably jacking off just behind the nearest tree. That is an excessive amount of humans. Buzzkill, living up to that name. Hi Titscorpion. Somebody please fucking kill that spider. A decent attempt from Buff Minotaur. Nooo not the horses. You're gonna have to kill this guy. Oh this cannot be a good thing. What in the FUCK. Oh god why is it wearing a speedo. Please don't hurt my adorable kids. Is it time for Kite to bring out his weird clown scythe? I love my children. RIDE THE LIGHTNING, BITCH. Aim for his speedo, Gon! Aw crap, he lived. Big deal, Hisoka's threatened them with worse and they still hang out with him. I'm pretty sure my kids will get out of this alive but I'm nervous about Kite's survival. Please kill the speedo rabbit. If you touch my kids I will destroy you. Yeah well if the other squads jumped off a bridge would you do it too? Wow, Thundercat's squad is hardcore. That weirdass thing in the background with tennis balls for eyes is freaking me out. Sheer willpower and rage are the only things getting me through work too. That sure is a lot of dead bodies. I got a bad feeling about this. Quote
Bad_Witch Posted January 28, 2018 Posted January 28, 2018 (edited) BC: Exactly how long do we need to pad the episodes with recaps? If I hear about the wizard king one more time.... It's tour day! This is where we eat, sleep, take a shit. "You're dead." Okay twintails let's get it all out in the open. So, you're the bitch of the squad, got it. She has massive amounts of magic and no control. Horrible anime families always make me feel better about my own. It's because she's too emotional right? And now she's trapped in her own spell. Yami maybe add some fiber to your diet. And another tremendous display of the bitch throwing champion. No Asta, you're not going to die...we're not that lucky. Faceplant! One big happy, wet family. Side not: does anyone have any idea what Mumbles is saying? I thought I'd like him with his "kill me now, kill me now, kill me now" mantra during the test but I can't tell if I can't hear him because he's so low or because sonny boy won't quit laughing. JJ: This is not going to end well. This is not the way we wanted Avdol back. I feel so bad for Frenchie, I'd say he's paid for his crime. Ya know...getting eaten by Avdol might not be such a horrible way to die...even if he's a zombie. Wait! What's that?! Oh thank the lord above he's back!!!!! Kick some ass Avdol. This is wonderful. I don't remember Avdol being this playful...I like it. More cock action. Where's the stand user? Shut up Frenchie...I swear to god if you get Avdol killed again.... So, he's hiding underground. OMG Men, bonding over pissing contests since ever. Frenchie's so happy. Everyone knew but you dude It's a sub! Old Joestar family saying "Go big or go home!" IBO: Poor mika Plans seem to be coming together nicely. Please, someone...anyone kill the child fucker before the end. HH: Are there any humans left? Of course the children are eating the humans too. Are you going to die rabbit/bird thing? Oh no! Kite show the kids how it's done...or let them fight. Hope you'll provide backup here if they need it. Gon can't die before meeting this dickhead father. That was a harder fight than I thought it would be...rabbit/bird thing got away. Maybe this is too much kids. Time to leave. You've never listen before, didn't think you would now. So many dead people. Now might be a good time to wait for back up. Edited January 28, 2018 by Bad_Witch Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted January 28, 2018 Posted January 28, 2018 (edited) Ang: Is Magna (punk Dandy) one of the two people? No nude Avdol for you, because the author hated you when you were still a small child. Also, I'm glad for you that you got actual Avdol back. It turns out that the line at the in-hospital pizza restaurant really was that long after all. I liked when Mikazuki landed on the mobile suit of McGillis' new bodyguard/second-in-command and said he needed to borrow the sword. This is going to be gross, so if you don't want to read about bathroom "business," skip this paragraph. I'm tempted to call shenanigans on the C.A. Queen in a similar vein as to the shenanigans of the Saiyans. She's eating a LOT of people. Even if she's converting most of that to energy being infused to the embryonic C.A. King, I refuse to believe that her digestive process is 100% efficient. She'd be crapping horse stables full of people-poop every day. In regards to the Saiyans, the energy they generate must come from the food they eat. For them to generate the energy of atomic blasts, they'd need to eat literal tons of food, meaning they'd have time for nothing but eating and pooping. Witchy: I have the volume at a decent, but not what I'd call loud, level for BC, and I can't tell what that guy says either. I don't remember Avdol being that jovial either. Maybe it's because he constantly had to lecture Jean about his impetuousness and how it would get him or someone else killed. I wouldn't bet on McGillis dying, barring some blindside ambush or betrayal, like Almira shooting him for trying to kill her brother in the first season. Ging is the only dad in the show who could give Gyro's dad a run for his money on Worst Father in the World. DBS - Black seems to be as powerful as Goku in his current baseline Saiyan state, which is still more powerful than future!Trunks' Super Saiyan state. I would guess that Black got that name because the color of his aura looked black when he powered up a bit. Trunks was lucky that Black's reaction time wasn't a split-second faster. Yes, Pilaf was, as the tutor said, correct on the order of operations for the equation. However, while he, Mai and Shuu all look like children, they are only physiologically so. They were adults back in DB, and since this is around 25 years later, they would be older adults if not for them being de-aged by a Dragon Ball wish. They shouldn't have lost any of their knowledge, but their neurological development for dexterity and coordination may have regressed to that of children. That means there wouldn't necessarily be a need for them to be educated, despite their outward appearances, unless they never received such instruction in the first place. Awww, looks like Trunks is forming a relationship with Mai. We know she's loyal and grows up pretty, so go for it, Trunks! Shuu is right about the "normal person" reaction to our Saiyans' skill sets. Heh, limbo. Although, I'm not sure that cat spines are as flexible bending backward as they are going forward (like when a human would pick up one). Even for someone as short as Korin, 1 foot is a pretty low limbo bar. As for it not being that fun, it means they need more music and rum. I can understand future!Trunks lashing out at Goku. What I don't understand is how young Trunks hair changed from light purple to blue. DBZK - Yep, Gotenks wasted his time at Super Saiyan 3 by consistently underestimating Buu's resiliency. The lookout being wrecked made me wonder who built it in the first place. If memory serves, Kami said that it and Mr. Popo were already there when he split himself to become Kami and Piccolo Daimaoh, so it wouldn't have been Kami's work. Oh well. As long as the Earth, Dende, and the Dragon Balls survive, it can be restored easily with a wish, which may include repairing the door to the H.T.C. Gohan may have a point. The process may not take so long if Elder Kai would stop reading his comedy manga. BC - Wait. Does Vanessa never wear actual clothes? I'm not complaining if she doesn't. I'm just curious whether we're dealing with that level of fanservice all the time. Noelle sure had a lot of attitude. If someone she's never met doesn't know who she is, and she doesn't properly introduce herself first, I say she has no reason to get irate if they address her with what she thinks is an inappropriate level of familiarity. As for her control problems, I do say that's a matter of instruction and practice. Some people have natural talent for shooting. I'm not one of them. I need to remember my instruction on trigger control and grip, or my shots go off-target. Just because Noelle's captain brother may not have needed instruction is no reason for him and/or others to denigrate her. I like that Vanessa offered to teach Noelle to develop control. Good work, Asta, on saving Noelle from her backfiring magic. You did owe Yami for his assist on getting you where you needed to go. If Yami throwing Asta is going to be a recurring thing, I'm fine with that, because it's funny. While I will admit that the walls and rooms shifting around in the Bulls' H.Q. is strange, Asta really was dumb and clumsy to go running out his door and into a plainly visible column. Yuno looks like he's going to have a much more difficult time building relationships with his squadmates than Asta has so far. JoJo: SC - I'm glad I was wrong. Team Joestar didn't need to fight zombie Avdol. Avdol has been alive all this time, and he took care of the golem of him and helped Jean fight the golem of his sister. When they found the breathing tube for Judgment's user, I feel like they took it pretty far in urinating down the tube. The guy had to know before that that he'd been discovered. A little dirt, a spider, or some ants falling down the tube could be considered unfortunate (for him and the spider, at least, since the ants could burrow to the surface again) happenstance, but the lit match would certainly clue the guy that someone was up there and dropped the match down the tube deliberately. Regarding everyone else knowing that Avdol's head wound didn't kill him, I can understand why they would lie about his fate. Yes, Jean is a blabbermouth who couldn't be expected to keep the secret. Yes, Avdol was facing at least weeks of recuperation, and they couldn't leave him defenseless, but they also didn't have time to wait for him to recover. Thus, the only course of action was to trick their adversaries into thinking Avdol was dead. It was unfortunate that they needed to deceive Jean to make that happen, but I feel like the growth he experienced as a result of his sense of guilt was a positive change in his character. MSG: IBO 2 - Mikazuki and Barbatos were astounding in combat against the mobile armor once the limiters were disabled. However, he paid the price with even more nervous system damage, paralyzing him on the right side, presumably below the neck, since he was able to lift his head and didn't have Bell's Palsy in his face. When we couple that with his lack of change in disposition, it says what Atra, Kudelia, and Orga all fear: that Mikazuki will keep fighting in Barbatos to whatever level is required until either he no longer needs to fight or he dies. I can understand their hesitancy and/or fear about him continuing to pilot Barbatos. I'm not sure about what Atra has done, but she's certainly committed to the harem ending, since she asked Kudelia to get pregnant by Mikazuki, presumably before it's too late. Considering a point of functional concern, I hadn't noticed before now, but since Mikazuki can no longer walk, he's going to experience notable atrophy from simple disuse of his muscles. Back in college, I broke a bone in my hand, and I required a fiberglass splint with a wrap to keep it aligned, removing the splint only to bathe. This precluded most of the use of my hand beyond writing and eating. A friend who was in (if memory serves) a physical therapy program asked at one point after a few weeks to squeeze that forearm, and he described its tone as being like a bag of water. After I was allowed to be out of the splint, I noted an easily visible size difference in my forearms and a significant reduction in strength and stamina in the atrophied muscles. The strength and stamina returned in a few weeks with no specific therapy regimen, but that's not the case for Mikazuki. To prevent atrophy to the point that he wouldn't have the strength or stamina to pilot Barbatos, he would regularly need to be connected to Barbatos for strenuous exertion. That doesn't necessarily mean combat, but long hours of training so he could keep the tone he would need in combat. I'm cool with McGillis blaming Iok for the mobile armor's rampage, because it was his reckless approach which caused it to awaken. I'm not sure what Iron Flower being sovereign of Mars means for Teiwaz, but Orga offering his ceremonial cup to McMurdo with permission to disown him if he or Iron Flower became a problem for Teiwaz was obviously foreshadowing. I'll believe that Gaelio is dead and cremated when I see Vidar's face and it turns out not to be Gaelio. Until then, I'll keep thinking they're the same person, show. Hi there, redheaded Gjallarhorn mechanic lady. I'd like to see more of you. HxH - The increased demand for food by the C.A. Queen is bad news for humanity. Yes, we have a large population, but at this rate, the population of the NGL will be eliminated in a matter of weeks, and especially so if the other C.A.s are killing and eating people or simply killing them for sport. The Hunters having the nutritive value of 1,000 ordinary people because of their nen is even worse news for Gon, Killua, and Kite. I can appreciate Buzzkill (I don't remember his actual name and don't feel like looking it up) and Penguin being dismayed at the conduct of the other C.A.s and their captains, since they are effectively poaching their queen's game and doing so in a wasteful fashion. It looked to me like Killua put his index fingers on the triggers of those rifles when he picked them up from the ground. That says to me that firearms training was not part of his assassin's education, which strikes me as meaning it is incomplete. Wow. The C.A. Gon and Killua fought survived their specialty attacks. Presumably C.A.s know nothing about using nen to protect themselves from nen attacks, so that means a simple soldier C.A. is that physically tough. The boys will need to get better at delivering killing blows in order to survive this conflict. Like Kite said, he can't protect them all the time, so they need to be able to fight and win unassisted. Shippuden - Blah, blah. Inspire the people, especially the kid, to fight their oppressors. Yadda, yadda. A giant conch seems like a strange creature to control. It's a marine creature, meaning it lives in saltwater. This inland lake is most likely freshwater, especially when we consider the amount of green deciduous trees and grasses around it, meaning it gets notable rainfall. Oh well, thanks for running interference on it to give Naruto time to build his large Rasengan, Jiraiya. OS - So what they're saying is that mercenary forces and bounty hunters will be crucial for maintaining order and safety for far-flung colonies. Okay. It's completely in Gene's character to help fight the pirate raid given what they did to that civilian crew. There's no way he'd let that slide. Dooz and Gene thankfully reached an understanding. Oh, hey. The crew finally got paid. SD - I completely forgot Dandy's line in this episode by the time the last episode of season 2 came. When QT said the Narrator phoned it in, Dandy agreed and asked how he could get that job, which is a great hidden gem, since he was offered that job later, but turned it down. Honey playing dumb to butter up the customers is an ingenious manipulation. Yep, Meow is absolutely a space cat. Those giant aliens had better flee. That mobile armor Dandy freed from the cliff will straight up murder everyone. CB - Food rage is real and will be the cause of tens (or hundreds) of millions of deaths in the event of civilizational collapse. I'm not sure which trip is funnier, Ein's or Faye's. Spike's is just boring (even with the talking frog), and Jet's feels like we're missing part of a conversation. Even a train with only 3 cars after the engine shouldn't be able to stop that quickly. That cow must've been magical. What we never learn is how our crew manages to get the Bebop fueled so they can reach a repair shop (maybe Jet fixed the damage himself) and leave. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - In the story of presumably Kuze and the Major knowing each other as children, I don't think I would be able to pass his crane-folding test. That sure would've been a boring day on the job for Batou and Togusa, to sit in the car and monitor the trainees as they tried to tail the Major. Edited January 28, 2018 by FoleyisGood149 formatting Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 28, 2018 Author Posted January 28, 2018 DRAGONBALL SUPER - They portray Mai as being relevant in the OP, and now she's dead. This is almost criminal. Picking lettuce is the easy part; the hard part is making them land in the bin without bruising. Check her pulse, Trunks! "Who is this ruthless enemy that-HOLY SHIT IT'S GOKU." Goddammit Trunks, checking her pulse shouldn't be that hard! On one hand it's Trunks' future, but on the other it's still DBZ, so... maybe there is hope, maybe there isn't. "YOU'VE TAKEN EVERYTHING!" Bullshit, the Androids took plenty from you before this poseur came along. You say that like you aren't a Saiyan yourself, evil Goku. Hey, that's Gohan's move! The lab's been running on autopilot this entire time. WARP TIME. Welcome to the world of time traveling, Goku. The answer is 550, but I bet they'll answer 50 because little kids can't into Order of Operations. And then Pilaf took over the show, just as he always wanted. YOYOI! Waves and rocks~. Well, at least there's always shota!Trunks and loli!Mai. HOW LEWD. Welcome to the world of time traveling, surprisingly likable tutor lady. "...Is that me?" Should I consider this a plothole if Bulma previously knew Future Trunks as having purple hair? Top-down shooter games look so cool. Shame it's wasted on the personification of the Japanese justice system. Beerus sure loves his ramen. "Trunks Army" has a nice ring to it. Tutor lady is surprisingly a cute. Welcome to the world of Dragon Ball Z, where I'm the only one that fuses the words "dragon" and "ball" into one. Meanwhile, Black Goku is still confuddled. There's no way Korin and Yajirobe aren't married like in the abridged version. SENZU BEAN~. And that's how Goku became a PTSD trigger for the boy. DRAGONBALL Z KAI - CHOCOLAAAAAAAATE! What even is that episode title. You do realize it was ruined long before this, don't you, Piccolo? With all this action this early on, don't be surprised if this rundown sounds a little barebones. Oh hey, he can do the Final Flash too. I don't think eyes are supposed to work like that. Orange juice concentrate. You should've remembered that Buu would survive as long as his flesh was still alive. And then more ghosts. Wait, does Buu even have a nose? All these squares make a half-circle. It must be the Kami inside him that's making him freak out so badly. Of course, Goku doesn't really care as much as everyone else should. [BANSHEE SCREECH] Screw you and your silly rules, Gotenks. AHHHH YEAH~. Poor Piccolo, questioning the life choices he made up to this point. I christen this hole, Idiot Crater II. If only in real life people quit being so attached to their damn phones. "Woo-hoo!" See, Goku's into it. ATATATATATATATATATATATATATA. But aren't the Dragon Balls incapable of working right now, or did Dende change the rules when he remade them? "Man, this guy's annoying!" I agree, I wish he'd just die already, even knowing that he's not gonna. And then random Pinocchio nose. Clearly the solution is to confiscate his manga. HOME RUN. When all else fails, take a bite out of crime. That had to be the most '80s-like his mullet has looked thus far. Dammit Goku, don't shit-talk your son, especially after you let Cell beat him up that one time. Screwed already, huh? BLACK CLOVER - Virgin Street Punk Dandy is a total bro, he's slowly shaping up to be my new favorite character. Meanwhile, the Golden Dawn's Magna equivalent is still a total douche. Yuno looks like he's gonna stab somebody sometime during the next week. Fuck you, church people. "P.S. I know you're gonna say no like you always do, but marry me, Sister Lilly!" Finally, a building with worse internal architecture than Knowlton Hall. The best kinds of cake are the kinds that regenerate for you. The Asta-Yuno friendship is old and busted, Asta-Magna is the new hotness. And in enters twintails bitch, who has twintails and is a bitch. Between Game Night and Mom & Dad, I have a feeling present-day America's got a real boner for comedies where people die in gruesome manners. One reason of many why I stick to anime. Huh, didn't expect it to dodge Asta. So you're saying that even for the Black Bulls, she's crazy? APOLOGIZE. Oh hideout architecture, you so crazy. So she has poor aim, apparently. Man, he's a real water magnet today. Fuck you, twintails bitch's family, you're actually worse than the church kids. How do you fail at magic so badly you get overwhelmed by your own attack? REPLY TO ANGEL 1: "Good lord dude how long were you shitting?" Yami takes his dumps very seriously, more seriously than he does his actual job. Man, these guys are useless. You phrased it that way on purpose, didn't you, Yami? HE'S GOIN' LONG AGAIN! For all his yelling, I enjoy it when Asta's mind just says something in the flattest tone possible. Teleporters; fuck yeah. "I'm all wet now..." Yep, everything she says is a double entendre. You're a surprisingly good sport, Asta. Because apparently we can't go an episode without that one guy going on about his sister. I'd tell Asta to fuck the new girl, but I'll wait until someone gets her a nun costume to cosplay in. I'm getting kinda tired of this multiracial family. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - Turns out my DVR recording synopsis spoiled the episode, not that I care about spoilers. That's a fucked-up way of thinking, Cameo. I should be uneasy around Zombie Avdol, but damn that EDM track. "AVDOL WHY!?" You know why, Polnareff, Angel's been telling you why for the past several months! Holy crap, exposed nipple-less boobs, how daring of you Toonami. Polnareff, you dumbass. You're a dick, Cameo, and also a complete dumbass. Eaten alive by Tokyo Ghouls... truly a fate worse than regular death. I'm seeing double... four Avdols! "I have learned that the only way to defeat a Tokyo Ghoul... is to burn it." You forgot about him getting shot by Hol Horse, you stupid STAND genie. YES I AM. Ohh, so now you remember. Smart move, Avdol. HELL 2 U. That must be one of Washington's famous explosive bouts of anger. Fuck you, Cameo. Just imagine how out of context this scene would be to a normal person. Looks like Avdol's hatching a scheme. GAH MY SEXY HAND! Avdol's pain didn't crash because Joseph wasn't on it with him. Put your finger in that tube so he won't have air to breathe! Or just cover it with a leaf to test the waters, that works too. YEAHHHHH FINGER TIME. How conniving of you, Polnareff. And how conniving of you, Avdol! Well that was an easy defeat. [rimshot] And they're not surprised at all. Laissez-faire. Turns out it was all a prank at Polnareff's expense. (At least, part of it was.) Now that's what I call dedication to keeping the enemy in the dark. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "I like how Avdol's dad disguise was just white hair and no pants." And a fake goatee, don't forget the fake goatee. That's one big-ass submarine. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS - Oh boy now we get some ac-wait what the hell there was a one month timeskip? Goddammit! And it turns out it was just window dressing for the actual battle! All I can say is, FUCK YEAH FULL POWER BARBATOS. Oh boy, Mika's pissed, now things are gonna get really real. That final battle turned out rather well, I must admit. Still can't tell if McMurdo's a secret villain or just the type of guy who drives a hard bargain. It's great, watching Iok get shit on by everybody. At least his buddies are alright. "Underboss" sounds like a cool title. There, Mika's awake, now pull him out. And then he was a stroke victim. Mmm, Martian cream puffs. Well this got dramatic real fast. I had a feeling the "make babies" line was gonna be this episode. Meanwhile, Gaelio is still most certainly dead, probably. TRUMP CARD COUNT: 1. Oh hey, it's Angel's doppelganger. Shut up, Iok. These guys and their giant robot names. At least now, Merribit's concerns about these kids going into danger don't sound super ridiculous. Every time I think Orga's over his head, he says something that makes me rethink that. Mikazuki, you stubborn fool. REPLY TO ANGEL 3: "Sooo are we just gonna ignore Atra's sudden fetish?" It's only a fetish if she's watching Mika fuck Kudelia, and not just supporting the action in and of itself. HUNTER x HUNTER - I like that Gon isn't the only one who's Naruto running. So those must be the human meatballs. I still think Penguin dude sounds more like Michael McConnohie than Cam Clarke. Some guy claims Togashi said scorpion chick is actually dude and I don't believe him. Fuck this spider dude. Sting him in the forehead. Lord Big Horn? Yessssss strangle him. Oh, Lord Bee Horn. Rammot says "NEEEEEIGH" to an empty stomach. It's weird how Colt's snout looks like a beak in profile but a nose from the front. Dear god, those horses have been crucified! Rabbit dude's human feet and pincer-less fingers are kinda freaking me out. Okay, so he's weak enough that Gon and Killua can take care of them by themselves, or so Kite's hoping. CHIDORI FINGERBANG! Killua looks so cat-like there. "I'LL BE BAAAAAAAAAACK!" Huh, so he did get badly damaged from their attacks after all. I'm not sure if he's lying or not, but either way Ant Genos is looking pretty pissed. I could've sworn that little blonde girl was a human and not an ant when I saw her image on twitter half an hour ago... Bah, fuck these guys, especially the little girl. By comparison, these guys are pretty alright. REPLY TO ANGEL 4: "Sheer willpower and rage are the only things getting me through work too." Among other things... Sweet, free guns. And also, free drugs! Quote
EmpressAngel Posted January 28, 2018 Posted January 28, 2018 13 hours ago, Bad_Witch said: Side not: does anyone have any idea what Mumbles is saying? Not a clue. 9 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said: Ang: Is Magna (punk Dandy) one of the two people? No nude Avdol for you, because the author hated you when you were still a small child. Also, I'm glad for you that you got actual Avdol back. It turns out that the line at the in-hospital pizza restaurant really was that long after all. No he screams too much, I'm here for the chick in her underpants and the angry leader who wants them to shut up. The manga for part 3 started in the beginning of 1989 I wasn't even born yet! I wish he'd kept that pantsless look but now I wonder what he's seen over the past few weeks that made him think extensive groin protection is necessary. 5 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: Oh hey, it's Angel's doppelganger. Impossible, she's not beating him to death. Quote
Blatch Posted January 29, 2018 Posted January 29, 2018 8 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: Between Game Night and Mom & Dad, I have a feeling present-day America's got a real boner for comedies where people die in gruesome manners. One reason of many why I stick to anime. At least Japan has been doing a couple of stories about the apocalypse lately, including this arguably-questionable advertisement. Being not too far from North Korea must require this as a coping mechanism. I'd say the most recent Toonami was good. JoJo's in particular was fun, though I'd put that on the heavy focus of humor more than anything. Polnareff pissing into the air tube Cameo used was pretty hilarious, although I'm not sure if he actually deserved it. Sure, he (as in, Polnareff) had his emotions played due to thinking his sister was brought back from the dead, but at least she turned out to be fake. It wasn't much worse than finding out Avdol wasn't dead the entire time. I'd much rather have seen that done to Dan of Steel. Also, speaking of Avdol himself... if that entire sequence of reveals turned out to be a little implausible for your tastes, that's because it originally wasn't intended for him to survive. Hol Horse was actually going to join the Stardust Crusaders at some point, but Mr. Araki ended up going back on that because Avdol was more popular. I do think that was a good call, mostly since Hol Horse ended up being... well, kind of a coward. Although... well, because of spoilers, I won't say anything else. And Outlaw Star is still good, but I liked last week's episode (which, for the record, deserved higher than a TV-PGL) more than the most recent one. Quote
Bad_Witch Posted January 29, 2018 Posted January 29, 2018 18 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said: I don't remember Avdol being that jovial either. Maybe it's because he constantly had to lecture Jean about his impetuousness and how it would get him or someone else killed. It could be brain damage. Given where the bullet passed, and how deep the gorge is, and Avdol's statement about cranial bruising he could have lost some impulse control. I'm not complaining and even a bit impressed that the author may have taken that into account and changed Avdol's behavior. We'll see if this "new" Avdol continues. 8 hours ago, EmpressAngel said: The manga for part 3 started in the beginning of 1989 I wasn't even born yet! ....now I feel old. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 29, 2018 Author Posted January 29, 2018 13 hours ago, EmpressAngel said: Impossible, she's not beating him to death. For a second there, I was gonna question why you'd do that... But then I remembered that you hate his mask-helmet. That said, she's just waiting for the perfect opportunity. 9 hours ago, Blatch said: At least Japan has been doing a couple of stories about the apocalypse lately, including this arguably-questionable advertisement. Being not too far from North Korea must require this as a coping mechanism. Blatch, I like you and all, but you should know by now how much I hate this, even hypothetically. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - That guy still looks too old to be a JYB character. Fuck you, small child. Wait, you mean that's all the women and children in the village? Seems rather small a number. CLOYSTER, I CHOOSE YOU! Oh, there's more cages, that makes sense. Next time, try firing it into his mouth! Personally, I feel "bully" is too nice a word for a bandit that's killed people. Shut up, kid, Naruto can handle this. (Before you say anything else, it's filler, you know he's gonna win somehow, even if Jiraiya does it for him.) Almost forgot about his magic hair. How appropriate yet predictable that the two-episode arc that started with lessons in breaking genjutsu would involve a genjutsu that requires breaking out of. What exactly is the purpose of replacing all Us with Ys in this game? That girl on the kid's back reminds me of a similar-looking character from Boruto. Wait why aren't his eyes frozen ye-theeeeeere we go. Thank you, convenient plot device. Shit like that is why Jiraiya's secretly the best. It's a good thing that the most we'll see of the gay frog this week is a flashback of him getting pwned. You do realize his mouth is at least partially open all the time, right? That's a big Rasengan. Even if he was a filler villain, that guy totally deserved that punch to the face. [insert Everybody Laughs ending here]. Jiraiya is the best pervy grandpa. So next week we go back to flashbacks with actual setup, right? OUTLAW STAR - That hobo looks awfully suspicious and kind of familiar. Not a week on their journey to the Leyline and they've already run into trouble. Stealing's okay as long as it's from the bad guys! Aw crap, it's the cops. Melfina looks kind of different this episode. "Wish they'd give us coffee or somethin'." Only in Japan do they do that, and even then it's more cutlet bowls than cups of coffee. SPIN-OFF TITLE DROP. Gene, you flirt. Whoa, didn't expect that punch. I love that random unprecedented "Yes, sir!" And apparently he has good hearing too. Well this conversation's certainly going better. Damn, I'm really tapped for comments this week. What's these passengers' deal anyways? Dammit guys, this isn't a restaurant. Well that escalated quickly. Fuck you, guards, and thank you, Aisha and Suzuka. Ah, shut up, Duuz. And of course the what now? Sounded like he said "outlaws". Suzuka's using a pipe as a sword. Yep, definitely tapped for comments. I promise I'll do better with this next week. Hopefully that's real dragonite they've got in there and none of that low-density crap. I'll come clean, this episode was actually pretty eh. One has to wonder why they chose this episode as the basis of that spin-off. Finally, a "juiciness behind the Starburst" explanation that isn't miniature fighter jets. I don't care if it's old, I appreciate the return to variety. SPACE DANDY - Watching this show, even in reruns, is always a party. Good thing that we won't be following things up with either Bleach or Naruto this time. So yes, no chickens will be banged this season. (It's an obscure reference, don't ask.) COWBOY BEBOP - This episode is just too good. Probably the best portrayal of the effects of one-time drug use in any medium, but I haven't tried shrooms so I wouldn't know. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG - The further I get into this season, the more I wonder what inspired the Major to start wearing pants again. Apologies for the break in action here, but WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ANTI-SMOKING COMMERCIAL JUST NOW HOLY SHIT. With that out of the way, that subtle backstory for Motoko was very nice. I'm glad to see she finally got the hang of folding paper cranes. Real shame that the next time she saw that boy, she was shooting at him. I think I'm just gonna go simple and direct next week, no forcing comments to pad for time. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 3, 2018 Author Posted February 3, 2018 Tonight on Toonami, Trunks calms down just enough to tell everyone what the hell even happened to him in the future, Gohan's major power unlock finally finishes while the fight between Super Buu and Gotenks meets a surprisingly sudden end, Asta and Noelle do some World of Warcraft-style grinding as their first mission with the Black Bulls, Joseph takes the time to make a call to his wife as the Stardust Crusaders start the last leg of their trip to Egypt, Iok and Jasley team up to take down Tekkadan by way of taking down the Turbines, Kite and the boys happen upon the NGL's secret government headquarters and the Chimera Ants lurking inside, this week's flashback mission is one involving the Uchiha clan's feline companions, Jim finds true love while the crew rests up on Symka 5, Meow ropes Dandy into a search across the galaxy for the world's most delicious bowl of ramen, Spike and Jet go searching for a Betamax player necessary to play a mysterious tape, and WE ARE THE INDIVIDUAL ELEVEN, AT LAST THE TIME HAS COME! 10:30 - Dragonball Super #49 - A Message from the Future: The Incursion of Goku Black! - TV-PGV 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #148 - Thanks for Waiting, Everyone! A Reborn Gohan Heads to Earth! - TV-PGV 11:30 - Black Clover #8 - Go! Go! My First Mission - TV-PG 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #23 - High Priestess, Part 1 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #39 - Counsel - TV-14 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #82 - Kite and Slots - TV-14V 1:30 - Naruto Shippuden #189 - Sasuke's Paw Encyclopedia - TV-PG 2:00 - Outlaw Star #20 - Cats and Girls and Spaceships - TV-PGL 2:30 - Space Dandy #2 - The Search for the Phantom Space Ramen, Baby - TV-14DLSV 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #18 - Speak Like a Child - TV-PGV 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #12 - SELECON - TV-MA Quote
EmpressAngel Posted February 4, 2018 Posted February 4, 2018 Clover- That angry pigeon is the best character. Please make him stop screaming. Oh my god stop trying to fuck the unwilling nun. I enjoy the captain's threats of violence. You can skip out on the chores when you actually manage to hit a target. He did all of this because he's a dipshit. I CAN'T UNDERSTAND YOU, MANSON. I totally understand the whore's desire to slam down a bottle of wine while talking to them. Okay I do love these sheep chefs. He's so angry and I feel that on a personal level. Someone please kill the sister fucker. Gambling is indeed a serious mission. At least show me the leader's dick. Sounds like you're gonna have to fuck him if you lose. I keep waiting for those hellbeasts to maul him permanently. Pan down. That better make for some great bacon. Shut up and do your job, idiots. Well you two are just no fucking help at all are you. Every time Asta makes that face I lose a week off my life. You should have just let him fall. Those boars are lucky to not be in the show anymore. Jojo- I'm so glad Avdol's back. We all live in a yellow submarine. DO NOT LET JOSEPH DRIVE THAT THING. Control you dick, Polnareff. I'm sure no one will try attacking you in the submarine. Call and check on Holly. I was not expecting Suzi but I missed her. SMOKEY HAS DONE SO WELL I'M SO PROUD OF HIM. Oh god Suzi has no idea. Okay I would definitely want to know what's going on if I was her though. Oh no poor Holly, y'all gotta kill Dio in like the next week. Avdol is such a good dude I'm upgrading him up to husband tier. GODDAMMIT POLNAREFF. Just throw Pol off the ship if he keeps whining. This is obviously going too well. Oh no that can't be good. Thank god that hand screws back on. Aw crap now you're fucked. Sorry you'll have to call back later. I like how Avdol knows just about everyone. NOT NOW SUZI. Jotaro you idiot now she knows something's up. You can hit my bottom next I mean what. Whelp there goes Kakyoin. Please let Avdol escape I just got him back. Thank you Jotaro I couldn't handle losing him a second time. Oh hey Joseph nice of you to wake up. Just hold it in place with Hermit Purple. That is one big submarine. A rare picture of Jotaro smiling. How do you expect me to focus on the plot if you show me a naked MILF. Jotaro no, help your grandpa. Gundam- I'm glad the wives finally get to go home. I hope she's taking this last chance to get that dick. And she wants to be one of those people under him alright. I need someone to fight this douche. Oh hell no you leave the harem alone. No I am fairly sure this is not the way that politics typically work. He's a dumbass, fire him. Your mask is stupid and you're also stupid. GEE I WONDER WHO THE FUCK THIS GUY REALLY IS. If you punch the child fucker in the face right now I will bake you a cake. Dude nobody wants your nasty pedo soul. Asta's harem fetish is getting out of hand. Jesus girl that is a really unhealthy way to think about things. Oh my god you're really serious here. He's got a point, baby meat does seem like it'd be super tender. MAIN WIFE I LOVE YOU. I like that harem man is cool with her plowing some other dude. These two are so cute together. This is a really cute flashback and I am very worried about their lives. Harem man is officially the best character in this show. "Get yourself a heard of bitches and you'll never go wrong" is a great policy in life. Mika's just deepthroating those cannolis. Please don't kill the harem. Someone should fight this dick. I got a real bad feeling about this. Hunter- I just want my adorable kids to be okay. Don't do drugs, kids. On the bright side, the bad guys smuggling drugs and guns are gone. Dude's got some good range on him. What in the fuck. I am uncomfortable with Shrektaur here. Slutterfly creeps me out. Sorry Shrektaur, Hisoka already has that goal in mind. Please don't kill Kite I like him. Somebody get a giant can of bug spray. Step away from the small child, Slutterfly. Killua doesn't fuck around. SHIT. Leave my albino son alone. I love this kid. She's taking this surprisingly well. Meanwhile, more suffering. I don't have a rude nickname for him but please kick his ass. Yeah dude I'm sure this'll work out just great for you. This is a boy who got his own hand blown off to win a fight, you're not gonna out-crazy him. Oh great, so he's a horrifying abomination that's also addicted to meth. CLOWN SCYTHE, GO. That clown weapon is the most terrifying thing here. CLOWNZOOKA, GO. Gon gets a cool laser sword. Yeah that'll end well. Oh hey thanks Kite. Oh fuck where's Slutterfly's body. That thing is the weirdest fucking stand. The little girl is probably the most bloodthirsty and brutal one here, isn't she. I am gonna go out on a limb and say that's not a good thing. Oh fuck that is a real bad thing. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted February 4, 2018 Posted February 4, 2018 (edited) Since I'm watching CB, GitS, and OS on dvds, I get the previews and Tachikomatic Days, which are fun. The Ein and Spike preview for Wild Horses made me smile. Ang: Vanessa being a lush does make it more likely that she'll force a bottle down Asta's throat and have her way with him while he's drunk. Maybe getting laid by a hot chick like that will cure him of his obsession with Sister Lilly. Also, I expected you'd be jealous of the full-frontal view Noelle got there. Smokey seems like the best politician NYC could hope to have. I too am very worried for the Turbines' lives. I would guess that the one with the best chance of out-crazying Gon is Ging. Plus, the little girl C.A. is probably least likely to cause humans to flee in terror at the sight of her, so she may have killed more people than the others in her group on an individual level, since she'd have to work the least hard to catch her targets. DBS - Yes, it was wise of Future Bulma to send her construction journal in the time machine for her past self to use. Fish sausages seem like a simpler food bribe for Beerus and Whis than past ones. Still, I guess that deities should be strict about traveling to the past from the future beyond Whis' little rewind trick to undo undesired catastrophic happenings. Yep, Goku is still stronger than Future Trunks. At least they got Mai, Pilaf, Shuu and young Trunks straightened out that the two Trunks are the same person. I call shenanigans on Black having a ring that reacts to temporal anomalies and pries them open. Still, it did accelerate the confrontation with our group from the present. DBZK - Yeah, ordinary Gotenks was outclassed. It was good that Piccolo was willing to fight with them, even if it would do little to no good. When Buu fell asleep, Piccolo was exactly right that the separated boys were looking a gift horse in the mouth with their efforts to determine if it was a trick. Yeah, Gohan is stronger now, and he's brimming with confidence as well. I like that he wanted a gi like his dad's, even if Goku didn't bother to reciprocate what he had every reason to suspect would be the last hug he'd get from his son for a long time. Hooray! Dende is still alive and laying low somewhere. There's hope for everyone that died after all. BC - Asta doing chores is fine. I can also buy Noelle refusing to do them due to her royal status. As for Asta getting excited over Vanessa's underwear, it makes me think that Sister Lily probably washed those herself to avoid just such a scenario. Plus, hopefully Asta will eventually learn to toss the meat to the magical beasts in the cell. If she were quicker about how she eats, I'd be tempted to say Goku would meet his eating equal in Charmy. I don't understand why Magna is now calling Asta "Rasta." At least, that's what it sounded like to me. Continuing to gamble that far indicates that Magna and Yami have a problem. One of my co-workers enjoys going to a standing game (whether it's weekly or monthly, I'm not sure), but he's responsible about it, never taking more than he can afford to lose. At least the village mayor (or whatever his office was) gave them back their uniform capes. Those wild boars were not what I expected. Evidently there are plenty of magical animals in the show's universe as well. Asta, Magna and Noelle going to this village which looks like it's about to be raided by Ice-Magic dude and his cohorts says to me that Magna and Noelle are in for especially tough fights, since the dude showed that his ice can overcome fire. JoJo: SC - Yep, even now aged, Suzie is still bubbly. I'm fine with Joseph checking in with her, but I feel like Jotaro didn't do much to put her mind at ease when she called back later. No, Avdol. Of the things you listed, only glass and metals are derived from minerals (if we consider ores to be mineral resources). Plastics are derived from petrochemicals. Still, the point remains that High Priestess had plenty of options for how to disguise itself. However, in that case, I feel like Magician's Red would be the Stand most suited to fight it. The problem there is that they do have limited oxygen in the submarine, so fire powers consuming that would be very risky. It might just be me, but it looked like Joseph and Kakyoin's wounds would've been more serious than they evidently were. It looked like the pieces of Joseph's artificial fingers were driven into the bottom on his jaw, where there's nothing but soft flesh to stop them until they would reach the hard palate roof of Joseph's mouth, and Kakyoin looked like he took a slice to the side of his neck, where large blood vessels aren't very far below the skin. It's amazing they aren't gushing blood. Jean had a point. Vehicles don't seem to last very long around Team Joestar. Still, I can't blame this crash on Joseph, since he was never at the controls. MSG: IBO 2 - No, show. We don't need a shot in the OP where it looks like McGillis is moving to kiss Almira on the mouth. Just no. Also no, Iok. Iron Flower is not to blame for the deaths of your subordinates. Yes, they uncovered the mobile armor in their mining endeavor, but it remained dormant until you ignored the direct warning to keep back from it, which resulted in it activating. Your men died protecting you from the consequence of your willful action. I have no idea why railguns would be banned weapons. Yes, they have immense destructive potential, but they do, as the show mentioned, fire conventional weapon projectiles. Actually, they aren't even explosive munitions. They rely on sheer kinetic energy to destroy targets. I'm not sure where Gjallarhorn got the one they planted on a Turbine cargo vessel as a pretext for seizing their ships, but I would think that there would be some kind of surveillance footage either at a loading dock or on the ship itself to prove that they didn't take on that cargo in port. Of course, that data would likely be erased or manipulated to show the contraband cargo being loaded once Gjallarhorn forces took control of the bridge. I have a bad feeling for the Turbines. It seems to me that they're being set up to die in order to remove Naze as an obstacle to the ginger underboss's ambitions. Plus, if Iron Flower loses their advocate in Naze, then they'll be that much more vulnerable to the internal politics of Teiwaz. I consider Vidar's admission that McGillis killed him to be confirmation that Vidar is Gaelio. As beautiful as Amida is now, she was still mighty pretty in the past. I wasn't expecting her to be a bodyguard back then, and I'm not really sure how mobile suit piloting was a part of that, but okay. Maybe it was considered an additional skill to make her services more valuable. I'm fine with the Turbine organization starting as Naze offering strategic leadership to an existing group. That it developed into more speaks to his game, and especially so given that all his women know about each other. However, the bit about Lafter also being like a daughter who grew up and was going to leave for another man was a little weird. Still, Naze has a good grip on the openness of his relationships, so he can't really get jealous if one of his women want to pursue another man. Dagnabbit, Akihiro! Take the hint that Lafter digs you and wants to hook up! Good. Mikazuki is spending time connected to Barbatos to keep moving and maintain muscle tone. However, I'm not sure how much he's working his muscles in a low-gravity environment. As for Atra's idea of her and Kudelia having children with Mikazuki to tether him to them, and thus hopefully rein in his recklessness, two things occur to me. First, I doubt it would accomplish the end Atra hopes it would. Second, the general premise of that is stereotypically manipulative in about every negative sense we can apply to it. HxH - I'm not sure what the real-world analog drug for D-D is, but the NGL secretly being funded by illicit drug and gun trades makes me think it of it as being a narco-state under the guise of environmentalism. Like Kite said, most of the ordinary citizens may live by the principles, but I disagree that they would largely be unaware of the shady dealings of their leadership. What we saw from the rabbit monster and the spoken revelation that "rares" are overflowing with life energy say to me that the human-based C.A.s can detect and use nen. That's probably going to be a problem. It's interesting to consider that ever since his first Hunter exam, Killua has been handicapping himself by not using his full power, as evidenced by him thinking that it's been a while since he "flipped the switch." His fight against the mosquito woman was short and sweet. Plus, she evidently wasn't a mosquito, since those don't have venomous stingers, so I guess she was more properly a wasp woman. If Gon's Janken Rock is a crushing punch, and his Janken Scissors is a severing slash, then would his Janken Paper be a defensive wall of nen? Oh, and Kite was right that Gon should've kept fighting until the threat was certainly dead and not just dying. I'm willing to grant that Kite's Stand, a luck-of-the-draw weapon called Slots, being described as having a roulette wheel in its mouth for weapon selection is simply a bad choice of wording for the dub script. Still, the boys have a point that Kite could've designed it with more control in mind than that. Shippuden - This was dumb. Sure, the task had emotional significance for Sauce since it was completing something assigned to him by Itachi, but who was on what drugs when they came up with the idea of ninja cats? Yes, it is in keeping with the idea of sentient animals with human-styled societies, but why would those animals, such as the toads or Katsuyu, be capable of human speech while the cats require those ear devices to be understood? Plus, the pawprint analogy they gave is flawed. It would be more like a fingerprint or a signature. How dumb would ninja cats need to be to be fooled by humans putting on a set of cat ears? Naruto's transformation jutsu would've made much more sense as an infiltration method, but then the animation studio would've needed to work with even more new and unique character designs, which would put more strain on the budget and the animators to complete the work. OS - Jim is a good kid, but it sure is tough for him to be the responsible one for Gene. Hanmyo is a cute girl, but I must wonder what experiences in her life led to her learning not only her fighting skills, but also to become an assassin with some highly specialized technology and some (likely) genetically modified cats (like Ein being a data dog) that use a combat interface and can communicate in a human language. I'm not sure which would be tougher for Jim, thinking that Hanmyo didn't show of her own choice or knowing that his crew executing his plan killed her. SD - Hellooooo, Scarlett. She is an amazing woman. She and Dandy are my preferred ship. I feel like Meow's quest to try all the ramen to find the Phantom Shop and its rare alien chef would only work in anime, where characters have bottomless pit stomachs. It's a shame they didn't have bottomless wallets, but the various commotions the Gogol troops caused helped cover our crew's several escapes, so that didn't really matter. There is such a thing as oversharing, Meow. While Dr. Gel may be styled after Jet in his sweet suit, Dandy showed the same sentimentality toward the old alien as Jet did toward Hex. CB - Were I Jet and Spike, I wouldn't want to go back to that building. It looked like it should've been condemned. Another venture in there could've been deadly. I must wonder how far the effects of the Gate explosion went. If all data on Earth encoded prior to 2022 was lost, then I would hope that most of the large library-type data repositories would've been backed up on multiple off-world colonies. Obviously any on Luna would also be gone, so the best bet would be for ones on Mars, and perhaps also one on a major asteroid like Ceres or on a large Jovian moon like Ganymede. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - If Goda's role in manufacturing the string of crimes committed by the Individual Eleven could be proven, I would call that grounds for arrest as an accomplice in several murders, and perhaps additional charges of treason since at least one national-level elected official was killed. It strikes me as a glaring oversight that only a digital "copy" of the Individual Eleven essay ever existed. It would be a huge red flag to an overarching conspiracy that people were convinced there were printed editions, but no one could ever find one. Edited February 4, 2018 by FoleyisGood149 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 4, 2018 Author Posted February 4, 2018 11 hours ago, EmpressAngel said: Clover- Oh my god stop trying to fuck the unwilling nun. Gundam- No I am fairly sure this is not the way that politics typically work... Asta's harem fetish is getting out of hand. Does it really count as him trying to fuck her if she isn't even there? It's how politics work IN SPACE! No, Atra has the harem fetish, Asta has the nun (specifically, Sister Lily) fetish. 3 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said: BC - I don't understand why Magna is now calling Asta "Rasta." At least, that's what it sounded like to me. MSG: IBO 2 - No, show. We don't need a shot in the OP where it looks like McGillis is moving to kiss Almira on the mouth. Just no. Obviously it's a nickname. Judging from the fact that the title comes almost immediately after the OP starts, it looks like it'll take more effort to pare it down to a reasonable length than just cutting it after the title and calling it a day. That said, I hope, if only for your comfortability, that the cut they do make of the OP omits that part. 1 Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted February 4, 2018 Posted February 4, 2018 If I understand the superstition correctly, Sister Lily probably sneezes a lot. I'm cool with it being a nickname, but some kind of reference to that in the show would be appreciated. I would hope that even IN SPACE, politics normally doesn't consist of framing a third party for violating a weapons ban treaty. 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 5, 2018 Author Posted February 5, 2018 3 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said: I'm cool with it being a nickname, but some kind of reference to that in the show would be appreciated. Magna did call Noelle "No-No" in one scene, so right now, that's as good a reference as any we're gonna get to that. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 5, 2018 Author Posted February 5, 2018 (edited) And now thoughts. DRAGONBALL SUPER - Uh, Beerus and Whis don't know that Bulma's method of time travel works on multiverse theory, do they? DRAGONBALL Z KAI - Gotenks was a mistake, even if he completely fails I feel Gohan will do a better job fighting Buu. BLACK CLOVER - It appears that now that the collective Yuno dicksucking has faded from the forefront, the biggest problem with this show is now the one-dimensional personalities of about half the Black Bulls. Luck and Charmy could benefit from some development beyond "fight junkie" and "loves eating", sure, but I agree with Angel, kill the siscon before it's too late. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - I'm not surprised that Suzie Q's accent disappeared, but what I want to know is if she's still being voiced by Stephanie Sheh. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS - I actually prefer Amida from back when she looked more like Michiko and her lipstick was pink instead of red. HUNTER x HUNTER - I don't know what surprised me more: Gon using scissors instead of rock on centipede dude, or Killua defeating OTN mask mosquito girl without even using Nen. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Naruto's cat transformation looking like a frog got a chuckle out of me. OUTLAW STAR - Hanmyo was a good kid, apart from the whole being part of the Anten Seven thing. What is it with them and their being complete assholes? At least Shimi was wise enough to change his tune after his run-in with Gene. SPACE DANDY - Once more, I have conflicting feelings about Scarlet. COWBOY BEBOP - Probably the biggest mystery of this show was who sent Faye the tape and Betamax player. For whatever reason, I spent the last several years since I last watched this episode thinking it was that 20th century technology nerd that shipped them the tape deck. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG - It's kind of sad that falling victim to the Individual Eleven virus is the closest Borma is ever gonna get to his own episode. The fact that Pazu and Saito get days in the limelight immediately after only makes it sting more. Edited February 5, 2018 by PokeNirvash Quote
Blatch Posted February 10, 2018 Posted February 10, 2018 Uh... is Poke not going to do the schedule this week? Maybe someone just needs to post something beforehand. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 10, 2018 Author Posted February 10, 2018 (edited) Sorry I haven't gotten around to it yet, I've just been having a busier Saturday than normal - the morning was spent trading in my almost-shot 2001 Ford Focus for an all-new 2018 Fiesta. To quote Meta, it's like I'm not allowed to have a day off or somethin'... Tonight on Toonami, Goku's fight with Black arrives sooner than he expected, Gohan shows off his newly tapped skills as he takes over as Super Buu's opponent, Asta and Noelle's boar-hunting mission truly begins as they and Magna arrive in Saussy Village (birthplace of the Saussy puppet show), not even escaping the submarine can keep our heroes away from High Priestess's overpowered lack of an ass, Naze tries to save as many of the Turbines as he can as the impending clash with Gjallarhorn approaches, the Hunter Association begins prepping an extermination squad upon hearing news of the Chimera Ants' heinous deeds, turns out there's actually a Leaf ninja who's stayed a genin longer than Naruto has as of this point in the Toonami broadcast, the crew's continued search for information on the Galactic Leyline leads them to another run-in with the MacDougalls, a warp-speed trip to Boobies leaves Dandy and crew stranded on a planet filled with dangerous and deceptive aliens, Spike takes his ship in for maintenance (and something involving the Columbia space shuttle had it avoided disaster), and the aftermath of the Individual Eleven's group suicide leads to - of all things - Pazu reuniting with an old flame. 10:30 - Dragonball Super #50 - Goku vs. Black! A Closed-Off Road to the Future - TV-PGV 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #149 - Buu Overwhelmed! Ultimate Gohan's Super Power! - TV-PGLV 11:30 - Black Clover #9 - Beasts - TV-PGL 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #24 - High Priestess, Part 2 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #40 - Lit by a Blazing Sun - TV-14 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #83 - Inspiration to Evolve - TV-14V 1:30 - Naruto Shippuden #190 - Naruto and the Old Soldier - TV-PGV 2:00 - Outlaw Star #21 - Grave of the Dragon - TV-14L 2:30 - Space Dandy #3 - Occasionally Even the Deceiver is Deceived, Baby - TV-14SV 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #19 - Wild Horses - TV-14L 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #13 - MAKE UP - TV-MA Edited February 10, 2018 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted February 11, 2018 Posted February 11, 2018 Clover- Bitch you couldn't hit the ground if you fell out of a tree, be grateful they even let you be here. Every week I beg any god that will listen for this idiot to lose his voice and every week my prayers are ignored. I'm disappointed that he wasn't gored to death. So the point of this story is that he is also an unlikable dickwad? Please stop showing me his weird punishment kink. Shut the fuck up and stab the air, you dumbass. Oh hey the entire town's not dead, color me surprised. If they die at least they won't have to be in this show anymore. Correction, it's one magic knight and two rejects who should have been skipped over. Man that dead guy is lucky. Always use Asta as a human shield. You know you lose the element of stealth if you NEVER STOP SCREAMING. Wow rude. I have never wanted to punch a child as much as I do in these flashbacks. Maybe I'll get lucky ahd his mouth will freeze shut. Gee maybe you shouldn't have brought the absolute worst people in your group for even the most basic task. Christ, at this point just try aiming 10 feet away from them and see what happens. Give up hope now, little girl. What good is a new spell if you still can't fucking aim them? Jojo- Someone help grandpa not die. Good luck I hope you don't die painfully. I love these idiots. I mean if any of them have to suffer then Polnareff is my first choice. Quick, escape while it's killing Polnareff! Thank god for that disgusting use of tentacle powers. THAR SHE BLOWS. Okay I really wanna see Magician's Red swimming. I don't know when they had time to put on those flippers but it amuses me. Honey no don't go in the tunnel that looks suspiciously like a giant nose. OH SHIT. And then they all got eaten. Polnareff is confused, what a shock. You could always try escaping through her ass. Quick, seduce her! That was...an attempt, i guess? There's a filthy joke here with this giant tongue I'm sure. Punch her in the uvula. Now that's a spicy meatball. Whelp that's it, show's over. Alright Joseph, you're gonna have to bang your way into a new descendant. Oh hey he's alive. Oww that has got to hurt. I sure hope Egypt has some great dentists. Dude give her a break her jaw just got destroyed. Alright boys you got 20 days to kick Dio's ass. Oh right, nobody else remembers BABY STAND. I like that Holly's too weak to survive her stand and yet one of their strongest opponents was an actual baby. Oh I got a bad feeling for this guy's odds. Whelp so much for that guy. Uggh why is he so evil and sexy. Joseph when you were his age you tried to beat a 10,000 year old ultra-vampire-god with a child's toy. Suzi is so great I love her. If Holly dies I riot. Oh hey nice car, don't let Polnareff drive it. Uh hey what's under that blanket? Gundam- Oh this is not gonna end well. Potato Sack Mika is still funny. Please save the wives. Shut up lady let them save the wives. Oh right, there's a bunch of kids on the sexship, maybe get them out too. Oh fuck off, dickwad. God I love main wife. Ohhh they're all going to die. Man this is gonna suck. Someone punch that guy in the dick, please. Congratulations dude, you may be the worst character in this show. Well this is gonna be depressing. If you don't fuck him after this you don't deserve to fuck him at all. Main wife is so great but this is going way too well for her. God what a piece of shit. She is motivated by what is clearly the best dick in the galaxy. How dare you shoot my favorite wife. I hope they take this asshole out with them. RIP the only good harem I've ever seen in an anime. I volunteer to console the other wives. Hunter- My advice is to pull Kite and my adorable kids out of there and then nuke the place immediately. Forget the "humanely" part, just kill them as quick as possible. Oh right, these people exist. Yeeeah just nuke the place. I suggest murdering every bug you see. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Professor Penguin is concerned with this plan. I got a bad feeling about this. I'm still gonna recommend the plan of hiring Killua's sexy dad to murder everything in the country. Oh goddammit it's a fucking Naruto frog. Gon please try not to lose any limbs this time, those don't grow back in real life. Sorry Harmadillo I don't like your odds here. KICK HIS ASS KIDDO I BELIEVE IN YOU. They do it because they're assholes. Joke's on you, this boy is too crazy to lose. Shock the shit out of this thing, my adorable albino child. Ohh you've jinxed yourself there Kite. Yeah I think being in the middle of BugFuck Murder City would be upsetting, buddy. Dude just got his septum shattered. Oh no who's in their dungeon. Aw shit I forgot rhinos have armor. FUCK YEAH I'M PROUD OF YOU. Oh nooo don't say that you're going to get your legs eaten. Now do that to the terrible Naruto frogs. Oh dang he wiped out all of them. Remember to behead everthing on your way out. I'm still about 90% sure that Hisoka is already creeping around this place with his murderous clown boner. Quote
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