EmpressAngel Posted June 5, 2022 Posted June 5, 2022 18 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: 2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #393 - A True Ending - TV-PGV It's funny because doesn't this kick off an extended filler arc that's gonna sned TG into a depression spiral? Ass Class- It's fine you don't have any boobs anyway. Oh lord he gave her bigger tits. Ohhh this is gonna hurt me. Please don't kill your squid dad. Aaaand I'm already crying. Did anyone expect Nagisa wouldn't be the one to do it? Bitch-sensei doesn't need the money she's already got the best reward she could ask for, dick from a hot dude who will treat her right. Stop dragging it out you're just making me suffer more. I have no memory of 2/3 of these kids. I didn't think there were that many kids in this class, jesus christ. That roll call sure seemed excessive and like an excuse to pad out the episode. Aaaaand I'm crying again. Bruh how do you expect him to not feel anguish at this? "I thanked him with my knife" is such a raw fucking line. Ohhhh this hurts me. Everyone needs a hug and I'm 100% including myself on that. THIS IS PAIN. You're gonna be reading that yearbook for the next five years. Lupin- Are we back to the main plot now? Oh hey Lupin's old friend. Sea captain Jigen is kinda cracking me up. Someone give this little girl a hug. Aw crap what is up with this kid. Meanwhile, Holmes endagering some other random child he doesn't care about. Gottem. Watson looked like a real nerd. And now for drunk cops. Pops' new boyfriend is cute. Hey Lupin. Who the hell is this? Pops quit sticking your head out in the open. Oh this is the old ugly version of one of my hot pretty boy boyfriends. Oh hey are we finally getting an explanation on what happened to Watson? I'm guessing it didn't go well for this random schmuck he's talking about. Okay that kinda seems like it's on Watson for bringing a toddler along with him. Sherlock is a good dude. So then, he stopped on the way to the hospital with his sick kid to run down this shady guy because that's not much smarter. This is so Raven. If they bring Moriarty into this as an actual character expect me to constantly bring up the pretty boy Moriarty anime and Great Mouse Detective. Oh hey Sherlock. So then it's all Sherlock's fault. Team up! Uh whatcha talkin about Jigen? Play the pretty boy Sherlock show next, Toonami. One Piece- Okay 50,000 to 10 is a much better number. Fuck you, evil Zoidberg. Oh hell yeah time for Bandana Zoro. I love Brook so goddamn much. I like it when Sanji gets to act cool. Please snap my neck next, Robin. Brook what the hell are you doing. Don't fuck with Chopper. I like seeing all the crew getting to show off. Show us the weapons! Oh fuck you Hordy. Uncle Fish is here to save the day. Don't fuck with Uncle Fish. Oh hey Zoro. Oh hey Mihawk. Back in the timeskip days wheen Zoro had both eyes and fought sword monkeys. Swordnado! God Zoro's so cool. Why are those sea urchin guys so funny to me. GODDAMN THIS DID NOT AGE WELL. Oh cool he can air walk now. Show us the new weapons! Oh you two don't fight, just grab a ruler and decide who's bigger already. Hordy, still the fucking worst. Show Chopper the weapons he's so excited. PLAY FREEBIRD. Brook what the fuck. Brook's powers are so fucking weird and I love him for it. Oh the giant legs are definitely someone's fetish. Meanwhile, FRANKY TIME. Franky get out there and help your wife. Sweet bike. Aww he's trying to show off for her. I love that funny little honk sound the turtle tank makes. You had them at free food and booze. Joke's on you the kraken's our friend now. He's a nice kraken don't threaten him. Dude he's made of rubber stomping on him's not gonna work. Awwwwww kraken friend. This is adorable. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted June 12, 2022 Posted June 12, 2022 Ass Class- I'm not emotionally strong enough for this. Karasuma is a good dude. They're all good kids, even the one who looks 40. Can someone nail that principal in the dick with a 2x4 please. He has a dad? Don't do it bro that bitch is crazy. Awww even these assholes got to do something nice. Aaaaand I'm crying. I'm glad the principal suffered. Alright kids new lesson, let's get drunk. Oh god what did they buy together it's gonna break my heaert. Fuck you, moon! I don't know enough about moons to know if that's legit. Dude don't send your wife. Good lord woman. Tiiiiiiiimeskip. Awwww he called them their kids. .I still don't recognize 2/3 of these kids. Awwwwww they bought the mountain for him. Are Karma and Nagisa just fucking somewhere offscreen during all this? I'm proud of these kids. The old-looking guy looks exactly the same. I still hate that vocaloid. Karma is now president. Oh shit is she knocked up. At least he got to cut his hair. And then Nagisa killed a student. Lupin- RIP gun. Hat with the save. Aww that one boy likes her. Well this is adorable. Aw hell, what now. I am disappointed this is not really a butch woman with huge tits. That is the worst alias. Lupin being a top-tier wingman to this random kid. Ohhh this is going to go badly. Aw hell the theacher's in on it too. Meanwhile, Jigen being the best babysitter. Congratulations, Jigen is your father now. "You can trust me" says the guy who just shot two dudes in front of you. His license is written on his gun. CHEESE IT. Jigen's so fucking cool. You don't understand he loves that gun like a wife. PLOT TWIST. I love this kid. Jigen/Gun is my OTP. Oh hey the teacher's not evil after all. Oh thank god, the gun's gonna be okay. Goddammit Jigen you were too cool now he's gonna grow up to be an assassin. One Piece- That HONK sound is never not hilarious to me. Time for Zoro to fight another swordsman and take his booze. Chopper is having so much fun in that little tank. We just got that tank, Franky's gonna kill you if you break it! They're all so goddamn stupid I love them. Oh my god what does it do next. THIS IS AWESOME. Nami, somehow, is unimpressed. WE STAN A LEGEND. Oh my god Franky. Meanwhile, Nami defeating people with the power of meteorology. Oh my god look at Usopp he's all grown up and fighting on his own. Oh shit look at Chopper go. LEAVE THAT KRAKEN ALONE HE'S A GOOD BOY. Well now Luffy's gonna beat your ass twice as hard for upsetting his new kraken friend. I miss your hot dead brother, Luffy. Eat shit, fish boys. Oh right, that lunatic sent a fucking ark after her. Just in case you forgot Decken is the fucking woooorst. .Gee this "intended day" thing doesn't sound ominous or important at all. Don't do drugs, kids. Let Surume join the crew. GRAB HIS DICK AND TWIST IT. Uh hey y'all there's a giant fuckin' boat floating over to jkill everyone. I love Robin. Oh hey it's the big guy. THE WOOOOOOOOORST. "Incel fish dude" isn't a character I would have expected pre-timeskip but yet here we are. Oh hey, she grew a spine. Shirahoshi is a good kid. AGAIN, THE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOORST. I'm okay with Hordy killing Decken, I don't mind if they take a break to do that. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 12, 2022 Author Posted June 12, 2022 Apologies for the delay. Yesterday was very distracting. 12:00 - Primal #5 - Rage of the Ape-Men - TV-MAV12:30 - Assassination Classroom #47 - Future Time - TV-14L1:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #8 - Last Bullet - TV-14V1:30 - One Piece #557 - Iron Pirate! Here Comes General Franky! - TV-PG 2:00 - One Piece #558 - The Noah Closing In! The Fish-Man Island Facing Destruction! - TV-PGL2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #394 - The New Chunin Exams - TV-PG3:00 - Shenmue the Animation #6 - Dignified - TV-14L3:30 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #21 - From You, 2,000 Years Ago - TV-MAV Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 18, 2022 Author Posted June 18, 2022 And now [adult swim]'s online schedule is the one causing delays. They must be having just as distracting a week as I was last Saturday. 12:00 - Primal #6 - Scent of Prey - TV-14V12:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #9 - The Jet-Black Diamond - TV-141:00 - One Piece #559 - Hurry Up, Luffy! Shirahoshi's Life in Jeopardy! - TV-14LV 1:30 - One Piece #560 - The Fierce Fight Begins! Luffy vs. Hordy! - TV-PG2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #395 - The Chunin Exams Begin! - TV-PG 2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #396 - The Three Questions - TV-PG3:00 - Shenmue the Animation #7 - Future - TV-14L3:30 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #22 - Thaw - TV-MA Quote
EmpressAngel Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 At this point I kinda just shrug and show up ready to be surprised. Lupin- Oh great, ominously glowing Jesus statue can only bode well. Is Lupin dressed up as that old lady in the wheelchair. YO HO HO HE TOOK A BITE OF GEM GEMS. Everything is shiny and I want it. Hiii Fujiko. This old man is totes not Lupin. Hi pops! Wait, granny's doll! Aww, he brought back her doll. This is totally not a devious plot, not at all. Hiiiiiiiiii Fujiko! I understand completely I'd also fork over a priceless diamond to nail Fujiko. That's a super cute dress. Granny's copping a feel there. I'm not gonna question why Goemon was riding a giant squid I'm just gonna accept the little things that make me happy. Hiiiii Fujiko's tits! Okay what is granny's deal. I don't trust granny. Goddamn I'm gay. Oh this flashback is gonna get depressing. Oh he was a sexy pirate I get it. Lupin is now a better pirate anime than Fena. The treasure is rare nuts. I take back what I said, I'm rooting for granny now. Goddammit pops not now! NO MY DIAMOND. I would be so pissed. One Piece- Clearly tonight's theme is pirates. Decken, still the fucking worst. Shirahoshi is a good kid. YEET. Awww, they're all trying to help her. Hordy sucks. Bubble Luffy, go! Whelp so much for Bubble Luffy. That's it, show's over. Oh hey, her brother. Can someone please punch Decken's entire spine out now? I dunno man maybe she doesn't like you because you're creepy and gross? Oh good, her other brothers are here too. WHAAAALE. Fuck those random fish in particular. Don't show me sad flashbacks now. Remember kids, drugs are bad. Look we could just let Hordy murder Decken and solve one of our problems for us. Thanks, Hordy! I hope this episode is just 20 straight minutes of watching Decken painfully bleed out. Oh fuck you Hordy we can't have anything nice. I like watching Decken suffer. Well boys you failed to help your sister but the important thing is you tried, I guess. Nooo not the whale! Oh hey Luffy. Meanwhile, shenanigans. No don't give sea Hagrid drugs! You suck, evil Zoidberg! Nooo not the kraken! It's fine, Uncle Fish is here. Whelp you hit Nami now you have to die. Now Zoro gets to do things! Zoro isn't drunk enough for this. Aw hell the drunk octopus went into druggy berserk mode. He is gonna beat your ass and then steal whatever's left of your booze. "That is way too many swords" is Zoro's cue to come play. Finally, a worthy opponent! Meanwhile, the damn boat's still in mortal peril. Fuck off, Hordy. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 25, 2022 Author Posted June 25, 2022 (edited) We have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. 12:00 - Primal #7 - Plague of Madness - TV-MAV12:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #10 - Darwin's Bird - TV-141:00 - One Piece #561 - A Massive Confused Fight! The Straw Hats vs. the New Fish-Man Pirates! - TV-PG 1:30 - One Piece #562 - Luffy Loses the Fight?! Hordy's Long Awaited Revenge! - TV-PGL2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #397 - One Worthy as a Leader - TV-PG 2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #398 - The Night Before the Second Exam - TV-PG3:00 - Shenmue the Animation #8 - Aspiration - TV-14L3:30 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #23 - Sunset - TV-MA [let's roll] Edited July 9, 2022 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted June 26, 2022 Posted June 26, 2022 We're on a mission from Tom. Lupin- Hiiii Glasses Fujiko. Who's this douchebag? I don't trust this guy. I don't know enough about archaeology to know if any of this is bullshit so I'm just gonna assume it's legit. "Thanks for curing my tuberculosis, doc, have this weird bird rock I found." That sure took a long time for him to get to the point. How many men will she have to seduce to get that fossil? Jigen's too old for this shit. It's okay Fuji I'd help you for free. I always love the super realistic latex mask ploy. Well that sure is weird. Shoutout to that guard looking at porn instead of watching the cameras because I'd be doing the exact same thing. Uhhh this ain't normal. How does she fit all that hair in that cap? Just fuck already. This definitely feels like some kinda elaborate trap. Uhhhhhh hey Lupin you okay there buddy? What the fuck is going on. Hey, who spilled Angel's Egg in my Lupin episode? One Piece- Fuck you, Hordy. I can't believe we can't just let Decken bleed out here. Sea Hagrid cracks me up. Eat some balls, douchebags! You suck, evil Zoidberg. Nami being menaced by yet another invisible asshole. Goddammit Brook. Cut that out you're ripping his jacket. I am always down for more Mecha Franky. They are all idiots, aren't they. Meanwhile, Chopper being the only one doing any work here. Man Usopp got cool. Aw hell where'd Chopper go. Stop taking drugs! I just want shark waifu to make it out of here. Okay that was definitely a pregnant lady there, how the fuck does that work? And then everyone else got stabbed. Uh hey Luffy you know what water does to you right? I agree with Hordy, Decken should just fucking die already. Look I know we need to keep him alive so the giant boat doesn't crush-murder the entire island but I really wish he'd just die. God I hope he's dead and not just knocked out. Oh right, the ship. Well this could be going better. Oh, so it's a special phantom mystery ship. I don't think I'm lucky enough for Decken to be dead. No, he is not alright. Man that is one strong bubble. Sweet, free shark teeth. Dude it's not a flex to be smarter than Luffy. This is a real rough day for Shirahoshi. I don't like Fukaboshi's odds here. She died because you shot her, you sack of shit! And then he died. Spoiler alert he's doing this because he's just as MASSIVE bag of dicks. Owwww that's gotta hurt. I have no memory of these guys. Okay I would rather just be crushed to death than lose the air conditioner. Dude no that's SO MANY drugs. Hordy is the fucking worst. 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted July 3, 2022 Author Posted July 3, 2022 Another marathon week, another missed opportunity to post the schedule on time. 12:00 - Primal #8 - Coven of the Damned - TV-14SV12:30 - Shenmue the Animation #1 - Thunderclap - TV-14V 1:00 - Shenmue the Animation #2 - Daybreak - TV-14LV 1:30 - Shenmue the Animation #3 - Yin-Yang - TV-14L 2:00 - Shenmue the Animation #4 - Shackles - TV-14LV2:30 - Shenmue the Animation #5 - Equal - TV-14LV 3:00 - Shenmue the Animation #6 - Dignified - TV-14L 3:30 - Shenmue the Animation #7 - Future - TV-14L Quote
PokeNirvash Posted July 9, 2022 Author Posted July 9, 2022 Man, this week's been bleaker than most. At least Toonami's here again to brighten it up a little. 12:00 - Primal #9 - The Night Feeder - TV-MAV12:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #11 - The Truth and the Raven - TV-14V1:00 - One Piece #563 - A Shocking Fact! The True Identity of Hordy! - TV-PGL 1:30 - One Piece #564 - Back to Zero! Earnest Wishes for Luffy! - TV-PG2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #399 - Demon Desert Survival - TV-PG 2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #400 - As a Taijutsu User - TV-PG3:00 - Shenmue the Animation #9 - Distinct - TV-14LV3:30 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #24 - Pride - TV-14DLV [just a little bit] 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted July 16, 2022 Author Posted July 16, 2022 Mira... 12:00 - Primal #10 - Slave of the Scorpion - TV-14V12:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #12 - The Ghosts of Britain - TV-14V1:00 - One Piece #565 - Luffy's All-Out Attack! Red Hawk Blasts! - TV-PG 1:30 - One Piece #566 - Coming to an End! The Final Decisive Battle Against Hordy! - TV-PG2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #401 - The Ultimate - TV-PG 2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #402 - Escape vs. Pursuit - TV-PGL3:00 - Shenmue the Animation #10 - Comeback - TV-14LV3:30 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #25 - Night of the End - TV-14V 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted July 23, 2022 Author Posted July 23, 2022 And then there was one. 12:00 - Primal #11 - Sea of Despair - TV-14V 12:30 - Primal #12 - Shadow of Fate - TV-14V1:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #13 - An Invitation From the Past - TV-14V1:30 - One Piece #567 - Stop, Noah! Desperate Elephant Gatling! - TV-PG 2:00 - One Piece #568 - To the Future! The path to the Sun! - TV-PG2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #403 - Unwavering Gutsiness - TV-PGL3:00 - Shenmue the Animation #11 - Entangled - TV-14LV3:30 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #26 - Traitor - TV-14V 1 Quote
Blatch Posted July 24, 2022 Posted July 24, 2022 I really hope Empress is taking a break from this thread, because otherwise, what's the point of having it? After how long it's lasted, I'd hate to see it finish as a glorified schedule archive. We already have Swimpedia for that. Quote
matrixman124 Posted July 24, 2022 Posted July 24, 2022 11 minutes ago, Blatch said: I really hope Empress is taking a break from this thread, because otherwise, what's the point of having it? After how long it's lasted, I'd hate to see it finish as a glorified schedule archive. We already have Swimpedia for that. She's taking a break 1 Quote
EmpressAngel Posted July 24, 2022 Posted July 24, 2022 Had a family tragedy for the past month and a half but we're crawling back outta the gutter, babey Lupin- Hello there, gang of murder women. Jigen is the best housewife. Hiiii Fujiko. Steal it all! Hey maybe you'll find the devil's skeleton again. Somebody stole my grandpa's stolen loot! Oooh is it your grandma? Oh good, Pops' boyfriend got to come with him from London. One of these days the obvious disguise voiced by Tony Oliver won't be Lupin. This girl is cute. Lupin/Jigen is the real otp. What's your angle here, Lupin? I'm glad Pops has finally learned to check everyone's faces for masks. Hiiiiiii Fujiko. Okay so who's this mysterious lady. Oh hey Goemon. THE FLOWERS WERE BUGGED, YOU GENIUS BASTARD. Mustache Lupin is unreasonably funny to me. Oh shit they faked the robbery to go in and do the real robbery, that's brilliant. That WAS a brilliant plan until this bitch got in the way. Knife shoes! Since when does this show have so many women who aren't just Fujiko in a wig? Dangit flower girl just move! What does that mean? OH SHIT. One Piece- Hordy still fucking sucks. Now boys don't fight, just measure your dicks already. I love Robot Franky. Oh hey, we won while I was gone. Oh right, the damn boat's still falling. FUCK THIS BOAT. Uh hey everybody y'all might wanna run. Oh hey, Whitebeard! This definitely won't be relevant at any point in the future. Okay y'all can stop screaming STRAWHAT any time now. It's fine, just ask Franky to build you a new boat. I'm sure this Joy Boy fella won't be important at all. Say what? Oh hey, monsters! It's cool, they're your friends. Aww good, a happy ending. Aw hell Luffy's dying again. Oh hey,, that boat is the perfect size for them. Maybe don't let the government know about that power. Yeah, capture the villains now that all the hard work of beating them is done. SURELY THIS WON'T BE IMPORTANT LATER. Sure just drop that thing in front of Tom's brother and let him patch it up. Oh goddammit I forgot fucking Caribou is still here. So hey guys, sorry we accused you of kidnapping and plotting an assassination and all that. I love Uncle Fish. I love Franky's hair. Chopper is so goddamn adorable. You can just go ahead and kill Decken, please I'm begging you. Just give him some meat he'll be fine. Honey you're gonna drown him in your tears. Robin is the best. Hey maybe ask all those humans you've got captured. It's red, close enough! Just stab somebody and take their blood by force. Uncle Fish to the rescue! And now the narrator will read a heartfelt essay he composed over the commercial break. Remember to give blood, kids. Now get that boy his weight in meat immediately. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted July 24, 2022 Author Posted July 24, 2022 8 hours ago, Blatch said: I really hope Empress is taking a break from this thread, because otherwise, what's the point of having it? After how long it's lasted, I'd hate to see it finish as a glorified schedule archive. We already have Swimpedia for that. Yeah, but Swimpedia doesn't have all the content ratings. 4 hours ago, EmpressAngel said: Had a family tragedy for the past month and a half but we're crawling back outta the gutter, babey I see. Sorry for your loss. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted July 30, 2022 Author Posted July 30, 2022 No new shows available for broadcast this year? Why not Zoidberg Inuyasha? 12:00 - Primal #13 - Dawn of Man - TV-MAV12:30 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #25 - Wielding the Tenseiga - TV-14LV1:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #14 - The Mirage Women - TV-14LV1:30 - One Piece #569 - The Secret Revealed! The Truth About the Ancient Weapon! - TV-PG 2:00 - One Piece #570 - The Straw Hats Stunned! The New Fleet Admiral of the Navy! - TV-PG2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #404 - Tenten's Troubles - TV-PG3:00 - Shenmue the Animation #12 - Guidepost - TV-14LV3:30 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #27 - Retrospective - TV-MA We all still have Inuyasha, from one ACTN Dark Age to the next. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted July 31, 2022 Posted July 31, 2022 Yashahime- Oh boy I can't wait to see how Towa fucks it up this season. Oh right, Setsuna's dead I guess. Evil Crispin deserves a better show. Sesshomaru appearing for ten seconds and then fucking off before they can catch him for child support. Moroha deserves a better show. You're never gonna convince me they didn't just steal that butterfly from an ambien commercial. Reminder that Rin would have been like, fifteen when Sesshomaru knocked her up. Sometimes Totosai's cow shows up and gives me a brief flicker of nostalgic happiness. Is it just me or does Jaken sounds less grating than he used to? I love my feral urchin daughter. Oh hey, Towa's doing something without fucking it up. Just make Moroha is the only one I care about just make her the main character already. Show you're just wasting your screen time I have literally zero attachment to the twins. In a surprise twist, Towa continues to be a failure and the worst. Oh hey, she actually managed to do a thing. Genuinely surprised Sesshomaru is doing literally anyth8ing to help his kids. Wow what a surprise, Setsuna's alive again. I don't remember half demons just being able to use up all their demon powers and getting turned temporarily human but it looks like it's not going to be any kind of a problem. Moroha continues to have zero competition for best girl. Lupin- Oh good, the nice flower girl's okay. I love watching these three bicker. Now can you explain why all of them look exactly alike? So how does this lady know Lupin's mom? Wait how old is Lupin supposed to be anyway? He would later rebel against that lesson on not trusting people by basically developing a lifelong threeway with two other dudes. That's a nice story, now how does it go horribly wrong? I like this cop lady she's pretty. TANK. Honestly kinda rooting for these bitches they brought a tank. Thanks, Fujiko! Aww dang it, a buncha them are dudes. It's a trap! It's funny you think the dark is gonna stop Goemon. Haaaa, that Lupin was Jigen. It's a trap, again! Hiiiiiiiiiii Fujiko. I know you're not gonna shoot her but you can at least pistolwhip her a bit. We stan a king. Fujiko's having a great time. Oh shit. One Piece- Happy ending for everyone! Or they understand that this one dude in particular was an asshole and don't take it out on the rest of the country. Sweet, free jobs! Get that boy some meat immediately. Heroes have to share their booze. Surely it won't take like 400 episodes for Jinbe to join the crew. Come back, we still owe you a party! Oh right, Hachi and Camie are still back there. Hordy, still the fucking worst. I love that kraken. This may just be sufficient amounts of meat and booze for Luffy and Zoro. I love the adorable tiny mermaids. Call 'em hereos all you want they're still not sharing anything. This sure is a lot of stuff that isn't food and booze. Let Brook sing. And then Sanji died, again. Just let Zoro get hammered goddammit. Sanji needs to be sedated. Less talking more drinking. MEAT. Get it, Brook! Goddammit Sanji. Neptune never gets to make his speech. Reminder that Nami can keep pace with Zoro's drinking. King is drunk as fuck. Joy Boy, you say? Surely this Joy Boy fella won't be important to the story at all. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Oh hey, that thing. Oh not this gross bastard again. WHy do we keep letting Caribou exist. You know damn well Luffy's not aware of shit. Oh no not Akainu, i HATE that guy. FUCK Blackbeard and the horse he rode in on. How did he steal that devil fruit anyway? Hiiii Shanks. Surely the rest of these guys won't be relevant at all. Unce Fish is gonna have an aneurysm dealing with Luffy one day. Something ominous is about to happen. OH HELL NO YOU GO AWAY. I need an adult. BEAT HIS ASS. The best part of this is Luffy not giving a single shit. Yeah that was definitely the robber and not Zoro. Nami/treasure otp. This is just how it feels being over 30 and sleeping in a bad position. Remember kids, don't do drugs. Y'all can just go ahead and beat the shit out of these old men. Oh hey, Big Mom time. Oh no this isn't gonna go well. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted August 6, 2022 Author Posted August 6, 2022 It's been a while since we've had Saturday premieres for non-Toonami programs. Black Dynamite S2 was the last one, if I'm remembering right? 11:30 - Smiling Friends #9 - The Smiling Friends Go to Brazil! - TV-14L And now here's the regular schedule. 12:00 - Primal #14 - The Red Mist - TV-MAV12:30 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #26 - Demon Spirit of the Sea - TV-MAS1:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #15 - Wedding Bells Ring with the Sound of Gunfire - TV-14LV1:30 - One Piece #571 - She Loves Sweets! Big Mom of the Four Emperors! - TV-PG 2:00 - One Piece #572 - Many Problems Lie Ahead! A Trap Awaiting in the New World! - TV-PG2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #405 - The Imprisoned Pair - TV-PG3:00 - Shenmue the Animation #13 - Shenmue - TV-14LV3:30 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #28 - The Dawn of Humanity - TV-14LV Quote
EmpressAngel Posted August 7, 2022 Posted August 7, 2022 Yashahime- How's Towa gonna fuck it up this time. Neat, fish people. Aw fuck not this guy again. I hope they just ditched Towa because they know she'll fuck it up. They're looking for a what now? Oh right, that thing. Totosai, out. Moroha, still zero competition for best girl. Aw hell, somebody''s about to get taken as a sea demon's bride aren't they. Fuck you, Ursula. Towa she's not even here maybe focus on the people who might actually need help. Terrible news, Takechiyo's still alive. This freaky nun is definitely the water bitch. Joke's on you nobody here's a human. I hate that guy. Oh hey it''s a Medusa. I'm not gonna ask why Takechiyo's suffering I'm just gonna enjoy it. No, we want to kill you because you're a loony bitch who murders people. Suddenly Little Mermaid. I mean, that was kind of on you for showing up as a freaky giant snake. Okay I get the turning people to stone thing but why are you targeting long haired women now? That is an unsatisfying answer. Okay the entire group showing up with fucking blindfolds on is cracking me up. Towa, still the worst. I swear to god if she sees her reflection in those shitty sunglasses and dies I'm throwing a chair. Oh sure let this douchebag save the day why not. Hey lady remember your boyfriend that you killed? That sure was a thing that happened. Lupin- Why do I hear Real Folk Blues playing in the distance? Jigen always looks so wrong without his hat. Oh shit is that rich asshole marrying Jigen's girlfriend? GASP she's commoner. I'd date her. Who's this douchebag? Well I know which evil schmuck is getting killed in the next twenty minutes. Jigen's such a good dude. GET IT, FLASHBACK JIGEN. And then they fucked. This lady is so nice I kinda love her. Hello there criminals it is murder time. Damn Jigen that one was brutal. Not to go full Fujiko but shit I'd marry this guy just to get that necklace. I got a bad feel about this, Scoob. So go get a job you whiny rich bastard. SURPRISE JIGEN. Aww, she still loves him. Give that thing to Fujiko immediately. NOOOO THE FANCY NECKLACE. Could this franchise just let Jigen get the girl for once? One Piece- Sweet, free treasure. Y'all can go ahead and just kill Caribou while you're here. Oh no why are you asking Zoro for directions. Oh my god Pekoms looks like a giant stuffed animal I love him. LUFFY NO YOU''RE NOT HELPING. And then Luffy caused an international pirate war. Aggressively French. Now that's a deal I can appreciate. Sanji no. Dude we just stopped this island from being destroyed don't make us do it again. Oh, she's terrifying. This mutant girl with her is cute though. You destroyed the Baked Goods Kingdom? YOU MONSTER. I always like how the snail phones are personalized. Luffy o don't answer that. It's probably not the best idea to piss this lady off, let's see how that goes. She has a point, you can't eat gold. Hi Kid. This bitch wants candy and by god she's getting candy. Ohhh Nami's gonna be so pissed they got in a fight with an emperor. Shirahoshi's so damn cute. Why do we still let Caribou exist. Uncle Fish is the best. Don't worry she's got a new target for her anger. Okay so we accidentally gave Big Mom a giant bomb, that'll go well. And then Nami murdered them. Please kill Caribou while you're here. I can only understand about half of what this French guy says. GUN. He's not just a lion, he's a turtle lion. THANK YOU, FINALLY. You know I've never thought about how they're supposed to get back up to the surface. Meanwhile, some other people. Oh hey, that one girl. She's blind as fuck. Hiiii Smoker. 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted August 13, 2022 Author Posted August 13, 2022 It's been long enough since marathon fever ran distressingly high. 12:00 - Primal #15 - The Primal Theory - TV-14V12:30 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #27 - The Silver-Scale Curse - TV-14V1:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #16 - Samurai Collection - TV-14L1:30 - One Piece #573 - Finally Time to Go! Goodbye, Fish-Man Island! - TV-PG 2:00 - One Piece #574 - To the New World! Heading for the Ultimate Sea! - TV-PG2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #406 - The Place Where I Belong - TV-PG3:00 - Blade Runner: Black Lotus #1 - City of Angels - TV-14LV3:30 - Made in Abyss #1 - The City of the Great Pit - TV-MA Quote
EmpressAngel Posted August 14, 2022 Posted August 14, 2022 Yashahime- Moroha has done nothing wrong ever in her life and you will not criticize her. Now here's Sesshomaru and his comatose teenage bride. Oh sure, it's totally fine that the child he helped raise was all of 18 when she gave birth to his kids. I also hate them for entirely different reasons. Look, offing her should be considered a mercy kill. So the punishment here is that she'll live a perfectly normal life but just be ugly? Oh honey, you think he gives a shit about those kids? Could he not just easily explain that they shouldn't kill this one bitch until they undo the curse? So then, it's Sesshomaru's fault Moroha doesn't have parents? Goddammit Kikyo. This explaination sounds like complete horse shit. Congratulations Towa, I guess you've been accidentally trying to kill your mom for an entire season now. Oh what the fuck now. Not this asshole again. Evil Crispin is still too good for this show. Moroha, still zero competition for best girl. I still don't know what the fucking deal is with these rainbow pearls. I refuse to respect anyone afraid of a tree. Okay so he's just a spare chunk of his body like a bad Naraku ripoff. Lady nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about. Shit's on fire. Who the hell is this? Lupin- Seal. Fuck you, ice! Nothing says fashion like arctic whales and seals. Kitty! That is an oddly specific pet peeve, sir. Hiiiii Fujiko. Brb gonna go steal some clothes. #1 simp. Okay how the hell did Goemon get roped into this. Dog! He's trying his best. Goemon possesses zero chill. Dude just take a break. Y'all fuckin yet? "Inner magma" is cracking me up. I'm just assuming Jigen took one look at this plan and spent the next week sleeping off a hangover. Hiiiiiiiii Fujiko. I'm losing it at that ridiculous hat. Camel Lupin is best Lupin. And then it was Cats for a second. This is bonkers, I love it. SHE WANTS TO BANG YOU. That's a lot of clothes, Fujiko's gonna be so happy. Goemon no don't cockblock him! I love Fujiko so much. Nooooo she earned those clothes. Come on Pops you won't arrest a guy in his underwear. It's okay Fujiko I'll console you. One Piece- I love you, hot shark lady. Shirahoshi's so goddamn cute. Sanji's gonna die again. Brook is a gift. Boys don't fight, Zoro's objectively hotter. He's right, maybe we'll get lucky and the thing won't explode. Cool, super compass. I'm already lost, buddy. Don't let Luffy know about the neelde that's going bonkers. Nami is suffering. Oh hey Franky. Those dingbat princes crack me up. Bye, Uncle Fish! It's okay Brook I still love you. Awwww the little mermaids. Protect Shirahoshi at all costs. I need her and Vivi to meet and be princess buddies. It's okay random kid, Uncle Fish will get you a straw hat. Nice, Franky brought some floaties. Shanks is hot and I miss him. HIIII ACE--AW FUCK. I hope you like seeing scenes of Ace dying because that's the only screentime he gets from now on. Let Brook see that whale asap. I'm here for Showr Nami. Chopper has no idea how lucky he is. Y'know what that's still worth it. Oh no what are these idiots doing. Poor giant blobfish. That is one giant terror fish. Sweet, free murder fish. Don't worry it's just the East Australian Current. Robin's having fun. LUFFY NO. And then everyone died. Brook, still an absolute delight. Oh hey, they're alive. WHAAAALE. I wish I could speak whale. I miss Laboon. Brook needs a hug. It's not the first time I've cried over a cartoon whale and by god it won't be the last. Aaaand this song's in my head for the next three weeks. I love it when Ian gets to sing. Awww the whales like his song. Aw crap it's the navy. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted August 20, 2022 Author Posted August 20, 2022 Another rough week, another helping of shows to cleanse our tired palates. 12:00 - Primal #16 - Vidarr - TV-14V12:30 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #28 - The Barrier at Mount Musubi - TV-14V1:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #17 - Win or Lose in 0.1 Seconds - TV-141:30 - One Piece #575 - Z's Ambition! Lily the Little Giant! - TV-PGDLV 2:00 - One Piece #576 - Z's Ambition! A Dark and Powerful Army! - TV-PGLV2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #407 - The Yamanaka Clan: Secret Ninjutsu - TV-PG3:00 - Blade Runner: Black Lotus #2 - All We Are Not - TV-14LV3:30 - Made in Abyss #2 - Resurrection Festival - TV-MA Seriously, I wish this whole "HBO Max show takedown" thing blows over sooner rather than later. 1 Quote
EmpressAngel Posted August 21, 2022 Posted August 21, 2022 Yashahime- How's Towa gonna fuck it up this time. I don't rmember if we ever got to see him in the real series but Inuyasha's dad was hot. Show I can bring myself to care about exactly one of your characters and Moroha already has that spot locked down permanently. I miss Naraku. I still don't know what the fuck this woman's deal is or why I'm supposed to care. Wow, that is one stupid origin story for this guy. He's going to protect his kid by putting her into constant danger. It's Moroha time, bitches! Oh greatt it's time for cryptic riddles. I hope these two die offscreen. Let my feral idiot daugther save the day. Oh hey, your fucking paretns. LET MY GIRL MEET HER PARENTS. Get out of here with your cryptic bullshit. Hey maybe this Kirin guy who sounds exactly like Kirinmaru might be connected. Not now, Kikyo! Please stop showinh me the teenager that Sesshomaru knocked up. Look letting Rin die would just count as a mercy kill. Who gives a fuck about the twins, go rescue your parents. How dare you remind me of the better series whose coattails you're riding. Oh what the hell now. Lupin- Disguise time! Oh yeah I'm sure this security system is uncrackable and he'll never get past it. Wow elaborate facial recognition, never heard that one before. Oh he's gonna have fun with this. Hiiiiiii Fujicakes. Catsuit Fujiko is the reason I can never be straight. I love these idiots. Okay that ad is annoying as shit, I hope they lose just because of that. Hi Pops! Okay the unquenchable thirst part is new. Not the hat! This was all according to keikaku. Oh, the annoying ad is a clue isn't it. As if anyone doubted the whole team would show back up. Yes she's crazy but as someone also unfathomably horny, game has to recognize game here. Haaaa, that's brilliant. The different jacket colors are a nice touch. I hope there's at least one Zenigata cosplayer here. THAT FUCKING AD AGAIN. Great job lady this is was your own damn fault. She's gonna go home and jack off. One Piece- I'm a sleepy bitch and not bothering with movie tie-in filler. Quote
Blatch Posted August 26, 2022 Posted August 26, 2022 On 7/24/2022 at 2:34 AM, EmpressAngel said: Had a family tragedy for the past month and a half but we're crawling back outta the gutter, babey Really late on this, but I'm sorry for whatever happened, and it's great to see you posting here again. Would be nice of some of the other former regulars could come crawling out of their holes too. On 8/20/2022 at 7:48 AM, PokeNirvash said: Another rough week, another helping of shows to cleanse our tired palates. You got that right. This week has been pretty good for me, actually. Got more days off then usual, found out I just got a raise today, and I'm preparing to go on vacation next week. And said vacation includes Sunday, so I'll be able to watch the shows live and maybe pop in here to chat. By the way... surprise. I'll chat right now. Primal: Really good episode this week (or last week, relatively speaking), with lots of action. The only thing that I wasn't keen on was the vultures, which had annoying voices. Wasn't expecting Vidarr's kid to be killed so cleanly like that, but it was still visceral. Lupin Part VI: Just a really well-written episode. I do wish they'd gone further with the head of the security company's love for Lupin, but there's only so much you can do with 22 minutes worth of content. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted August 27, 2022 Author Posted August 27, 2022 That Lupin episode really was a fun one, a potential classic. Screw that guy on Twitter who told me that shows from the past ten years can't be considered classics in the present day. Mob deserved that distinction, he had no right to tell me I couldn't give it out! 12:00 - Primal #17 - The Colossaeus - TV-14V12:30 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #29 - The Girl Named Rion - TV-14V1:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #18 - Fakes Attract Lies, Part 1 - TV-14V1:30 - One Piece #577 - Z's Ambition! A Great and Desperate Escape Plan! - TV-PG 2:00 - One Piece #578 - Z's Ambition! Luffy vs. Shuzo! - TV-PGL2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #408 - The Cursed Puppet - TV-PG3:00 - Blade Runner: Black Lotus #3 - The Human Condition - TV-14LV3:30 - Made in Abyss #3 - Departure - TV-MA 1 Quote
EmpressAngel Posted August 28, 2022 Posted August 28, 2022 On 8/25/2022 at 9:44 PM, Blatch said: Really late on this, but I'm sorry for whatever happened, and it's great to see you posting here again. My mom was dying from aggressive lung cancer. Keeping up with cartoons was the absolute least important thing in the world for awhile. Yashahime- I don't trust this kid. `Oh good, she hates her dad. This dude can kill all the demons he wants I'm still gonna hate him. NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU. No shit she's a ghost, girl's goddamn transparent. Okay but we've literally seen him in the future and nothing seems to be that weird. At least if you die you don't have to be in Yashahime anymore. Towa you're so fucking stupid. You're grounded, ghost child. Oh what the hell is this. Meanwhile, Sesshomaru continues to dodge his child support payments. It sure is nice for Towa that someone else did all the work and then just handed her the stick she needed. Show you can throw in as many characters as you want, Moroha's still the only one I care about. I hate Towa so much. Sesshomau's here to earn his Worst Dad Ever mug. I mean she didn't really meet him as much as she briefly glanced at him while being flung through the air. I hate you all. Okay so that whole subplot about her traveling with you was completely worthless. She's tired you dumb bitch. Lupin- I like this niice flower girl. Aww he bought all the flowers. Hey that's Jigen's sleepin' newspaper. Who's that lady? Oh hey, the flower girl's here. Sometimes a man just wants a good kebab. The world is dying and everyone is depressed, sounds about right. I like this lady. FRIDGE GUN. Hey lady do you know my semi-dead sorta mom? Window flash drive, go! Aw hell now you're involved in an international political scandal. Oh hey Pops. Are these two sidekick cops fucking or what. SKATEBOARD LUPIN. Maybe bringing this nice flower girl into whatever this political minefield is might not be the best idea. Significantly older brother. Oh they fuckin. What are y'all up to with Pops now? Oh, he was the asshole all along. Aw shit she's dying. Oh shit is she his real mom now? Well that ended well enough...wait what do you mean this is a two-parter. WHELP. Well now we gotta break Pops out of prison. One Piece- Life is too short to rewatch movie tie-in filler, see ya next week. 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted September 3, 2022 Author Posted September 3, 2022 It's either best rating or third-best rating, there is no in-between. 12:00 - Primal #18 - The Colossaeus, Part II - TV-14V12:30 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #30 - Hisui the Demon Slayer - TV-14V1:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #19 - Fakes Attract Lies, Part 2 - TV-14V1:30 - One Piece #579 - Arriving! A Burning Island: Punk Hazard! - TV-PG 2:00 - One Piece #580 - A Battle in the Heat! Luffy vs. The Giant Dragon! - TV-PG2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #409 - Their Backs - TV-PG3:00 - Blade Runner: Black Lotus #4 - The Doll Hunt - TV-14LV3:30 - Made in Abyss #4 - The Edge of the Abyss - TV-MA Unless you're ass-end hour reruns, anyways. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted September 4, 2022 Posted September 4, 2022 Yashahime- Oh, Towa finally figured out she needs sleep. This girl is terrible and I want her to die. Didn't she organize some kind of death game last season because Towa bumped into her one day? Oh what the fuck. Y'all fuckin yet? How's your hot mom doing, kid? This is painful. On the other hand, I'd rather sit through those lessons than hang out with Towa. What, you're only allowed to have one monk per family or something? Kohaku sure did get generically attractive and that is the best compliment I can give this week. Yes, he suffered the deep tragedy of getting minor cosmetic damage across his face. Just let her die. Towa, still the fucking worst. She's right, where is Moroha and why aren't we watching her? Oh they fuckin. She deserves to be murdered by the tentacle monster and you should let it happen. Oh hey, it's their other kids. Anybody else wanna see her violently murdered or just me here? Oh great, now she's thirsty. Oh she wants to ride something alright. Kilala deserves a better series. Be a parent, beat her ass. I also have a lot of pent up aggression after experiencing this episode. Fuck off, TOWA. Yeah your mom is rapidly dying from the curse you reactivated but sure you've got all the time in the world for shenanigans and mournful violin solos. Lupin- Alright Lupin you gotta break Pops outta jail this week. So y'all fuckin yet? The plot, it thickens. Whelp, time for the sidekick to get his ass beat. Your girlfriend's a badass. Oh they fuckin. Oh hey, she's another tutor kid. Damn bitch that's cold. So you didn't think that maybe the lady who was being explicitly threatened by a group you were investigating was murdered by the group you were investigating? I kinda love these two bozo cops trying their best here. BAH GAWD SHE HIT HIM WITH THE CHAIR. Pops is shipping it. OH THEY FUCKIN. Oh no there's only one bed. Ah hell he's gonna get herself captured. I don't know where this is going but I got a bad feeling about this. Oh no is the nice flower girl the killer? Don't trust that cake. "I bet you could easily hop a fence" is a hilarious comment if she's not the killer. Oh, I don't like that. Okay so how's all this gonna resolve itself. One Piece- Eat that time with five minute recaps, Toei. Uh I don't think islands are supposed to look like that. It's fine, the ship's fireproof. What in tarnation? The snail cries as a distress signal. Did you say samurai? Brook is a delight. I'm surely this Wano plave won't be important to the story at all in the future. Oh hey, Thriller Bark flashback. Hiiiiii Smoker. I appreciate how many dudes in this series who are willing to go tits out at all times. Alright who's gonna babysit Luffy. Usopp is suffering. Oh no why would you give the food to Luffy. MINI MERRY! I love Nami. Titties. Welcome to Punk Hazard. That won't stop Luffy because he can't read. Look, Zoro made you a door. Hellooooo Zoro's tits. Hellooooo Robin's tits. The floor is lava. Uh guys I think you just wandered into hell itself. Luffy cracks me up. I love these idiots so much. DRAGON AHOY. I hope you like excessivley long opening recaps because boy howdy are we in for it now. I hope they befriend that dragon. Oh hey it talks. Y'all might wanna get out of the way. Luffy's having a great time. Zoro's got great tits. Goddamn he's cool. And then Luffy broke half it's ribs. Whelp, they're all dead now. Meanwhile Sanji's having a great time. Uhhh guys I think something's up here. Someone get Chopper an ice pack. Oh I don't like that. And then the rest of the crew was murdered by toxic gas. Brook you don't even have lungs. Zoro you're looking really hot and sweaty you should take the rest of your clothes off. Somebody get this boy some oven mitts. What in the what. I wonder if that's the samurai they were talking about. Awww the dragon doesn't actually talk it's just the weird disembodied legs. Dragon buddy no you're chewing on your own tail. Usopp gets to help! Uh hey shouldn't that thing have like, blood and muscles and things inside it? Alright Sanji you're in charge now. Whelp so much for Sanji. Well that's freaky. Hey you forgot Brook. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted September 10, 2022 Author Posted September 10, 2022 A fitting title, considering how overkill murdery last episode was. 12:00 - Primal #19 - The Colossaeus, Part III - TV-14V12:30 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #31 - Takechiyo's Request - TV-14L1:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #20 - Two Terrible Ladies - TV-14V1:30 - One Piece #581 - The Straw Hats Stunned! Enter: A Samurai's Horrifying Severed Head! - TV-PG 2:00 - One Piece #582 - Startling! The Secret of the Island is Finally Revealed! - TV-PG2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #410 - The Hidden Plot Set Into Motion - TV-PG3:00 - Blade Runner: Black Lotus #5 - Pressure - TV-14LV3:30 - Made in Abyss #5 - Incinerator - TV-MA R.I.P. Yata's chances of scoring. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted September 11, 2022 Posted September 11, 2022 I never thought a character would make me miss Shippo and yet here we are. Yashahime- Okay I get that Setsuna is a violin prodigy but how does Towa know that song on flute? I'm not lucky enough for this demon to kill them. Well that was anticlimactic. Towa you stupid fuck. I agree with Setsuna for once, just go the fuck home. Oh fuck me not Takechiyo. I miss the old show. Moroha, still zero competition as best girl. Buddy she's not gonna give a shit about her zombie niece. Wow what a surprise she's still an evil bitch. Is this other batch of demon slayers Tanjiro's group? Takechiyo makes me miss Shippo and I fucking hate that. Yes we all know Towa sucks. Give Sango more screen time I'm begging you. Oh hey Hachi. It's nice that this season actually gives a shit about the parents. It's okay Moroha I'm your mom now. Really, her inability to retreat is her ONE weakness? I appreciate that literally no one trusts Towa to do anything. I love my idiot daughter. Oh good, the rock things are back. Oh what the fuck now. "Yeah Towa can't do shit and is a load on everyone." Lupin- Hiiiiiii Fujiko. Oh hey, she has a friend. Number one simp. So are we just done with the whole cop lady getting murdered by Lupin's friend last week? Now I want lollipops. I like this girl she seems fun. Get in line asshole we're all horny for Fujiko. Girl you're gonna choke on that sucker at this rate. We're gonna join a cult, ladies. Wait up I don't trust her. Haa, Lupin's jealous. Aw fuck she's gonna try and steal Fuji's organs isn't she. I can't stop staring at her tits. Nun Fujiko is definitely smeone's fetish. Oh is this the same guy with the weird brand thing from earlier? God I'm gay. Yep it's that same guy what a surprise. I'm still not sure if this girl is playing dumb or actually this stupid. I know this is a serious moment but GOD I'm thirsty. Now would be a great time for Lupin to show up and help. SURPRISE, MOTHERFUCKER. You got me on that, she's good afterall. Hey Lupin! And then they murdered a dude. Oh shit. Awww, that's nice. Congratulations you're technically a dilf now. One Piece- Speaking of great tits, hi Zoro. Nothing to see here, just some dude's disembodied lower half. This is weird even for One Piece. Legs, join the crew! Right in the nuts. Sweet, free lunch. Centaur Luffy. What is up with this island? And now, some kinda giant bird thing. It's a lady bird! Meanwhile, SCIENCE. I don't trust this guy but his theme slaps. Alright Brook you're gonna have to rescue the rest of the crew. I love Brook so goddamn much. Can't Franky just shoot his way out? I love these idiots. Oh hey, I bet this head goes with those legs. Well this is different. This is exactly how I feel in the heat. Centaurs, everywhere. What in the hell. Oh cool she's a harpy. He has no ass but you can still kick it. I want Nami and Fujiko to be friends. I sense this head's got a tragic pirate-related backstory for us. Guys, Franky's literally got guns built into him. So cool. Bring the head with you. Surely this guy's mystery son won't be important at all. Hi there, random kids on the freaky science island. Those are some biiiig kids. It's nice that Luffy made a new friend. Brook is having way too much fun here. Brook murdered the shit out of those guys. I love Brook's little skull teacup. Oh no they're not friend anymore. Maybe you can make a better friend, Luffy. Dr. Leggingston. I'd also like a snowcone. The hell is this guy? Hiiii Smoker. This shit ain't adding up, folks. AW FUCK IT'S THAT LAVA ASSHOLE WHO KILLED MY BOYFRIEND. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted September 17, 2022 Author Posted September 17, 2022 (edited) On 9/11/2022 at 2:30 AM, EmpressAngel said: I never thought a character would make me miss Shippo and yet here we are. Speaking of, where even is Shippo now? We know where the rest of the main cast is, so it's kind of weird that he just vanished into even thinner air than Inuyasha and Kagome. 12:00 - Primal #20 - Echoes of Eternity - TV-MASV 😏12:30 - Batman: Hush - TV-14DLSV 2:20 - Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - TV-PGV 4:00 - Rick & Morty: Samurai & Shogun Parts 1 & 2 - TV-MAV 4:15 - Rick & Morty: The Great Yokai Battle of Akihabara - TV-14LV It's an [adult swim] premiere, so that's why I'm bolding it. Edited September 17, 2022 by PokeNirvash 1 Quote
Blatch Posted September 19, 2022 Posted September 19, 2022 On 9/17/2022 at 7:39 AM, PokeNirvash said: 12:00 - Primal #20 - Echoes of Eternity - TV-MASV 😏 Just for that, I decided to watch this last episode live. (Though I was also concerned I would be in agony thinking about getting home to watch it when I worked the next day.) And what a capper it was! On top of hitting the major plot beats I expected (mostly fighting the hellish lava golem Vidarr turned into), it was touching to see Spear struggle with his legacy and manage to contribute... something else to the world. That sex scene managed to be funny, poignant, and actually kind of awesome at the same time. I also enjoy the fact that Genndy's kid (or one of them) got to voice Spear and Mira's daughter. Hope this isn't the end, though with the current situation at WBD I feel it could go either way. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted September 24, 2022 Author Posted September 24, 2022 It's a shame Black Lotus is a serial, otherwise they could've started rerunning it at one of the episodes they haven't overplayed to hell and back this past year. 12:00 - Primal #15 - The Primal Theory - TV-14V12:30 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #32 - Nanahoshi's Mini Galaxy - TV-141:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #21 - Welcome to the Island of Bubbles - TV-141:30 - One Piece #583 - Save the Children! The Straw Hats Start to Fight! - TV-PGL 2:00 - One Piece #584 - A Swordplay Showdown! Brook vs. the Mysterious Torso Samurai! - TV-PG2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #411 - The Targeted Jinchuriki - TV-PG3:00 - Made in Abyss #5 - Incinerator - TV-MA3:30 - Made in Abyss #6 - Seeker Camp - TV-MA But hey, at least we got a worthy double-up out of it. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted September 25, 2022 Posted September 25, 2022 Yashahime- How's Towa gonna fuck it up this time? Who the fuck is that kid? Oh goddammit this bitch found herself a friend. I still don't know what the deal is with these damn pearls but I'm pretty sure the show doesn't know that either. Kirara deserves a better show. Here, take my knockoff Batn and Bodyworks lotion. Moroha shows up and my brain produces a single molecule of serotonin. Why the fuck is this guy still here when everyone knows he's a direct camera to the villain? Hi, random schmucks I have no attachment to. Oh great, they're sexist. Can you not just throw water on the fire cows? O hthat thing just looks pathetic. Moroha with a Swiss army knife genuinely makes me smile. Please just kill Towa here. I want Takechiyo to die. Oh, it's not Takechiyo but I still hate this child. So what underage teenager did Kirinmaru fuck to get this kid? What's with this fuckin ghost kid? Oh what the fuck now. LOOK WITH YOUR SPECIAL EYES. Uhhh so if Kirinmaru could see out of his eyes, wouldn't blinding him just help Towa? Why does that one guy not wear a shirt. Yes Towa this is all your fault and you're the worst. Moroha almost makes the rest of this garbage series tolerable. Lupin- And now for something completely different. This girl is adorable. Fuck you, bridge! Hiiiiiiiiiii Fujiko. It's okay kid we're all gay for Fujiko. Oh god she's shipping her with Jigen. Jigen is now Dandy. Aw crap, Goemon's got covid. I love this kid she's cracking me up. Sorry kid his first and only love is GUN. Welcoe to Fishing Simulator. Lupin your neck is broken maybe don't go scuba diving. Mermaid Fujiko is doing things for me. Just wait til you meet Player #3, kiddo. SLAP. Lupin being #1 simp is my favorite thing. They're friends now and I like that. Oh my god this is gonna be good. She drew a fucking storyboard for it. I'm wheezing. I think Lupin won there. Can I also pledge my undying love to mermaid Fujiko while we're here? Don't worry girl that's just their fetish. GODDAMMIT KID. Well you're getting closer with the spy idea. One Piece- So what's with the giant daycare center? Kids love Franky. Awww they love Chopper too. Franky is somehow the best babysitter. He's looking for his son, Nemomonosuke. Yes please limit your weapon usage around the small children. I love how Robin thinks. Can I ride on Zoro next? Banana boat! Aw crap that guy's got a horn. Oh fuck what are they doing with the kids. You have activated Dr Chopper. I don't trust the guys in the full body gas masks, kids. Uhhhh kids, y'all doing nokay? I don't know what's going on here but I don't like it. Nami is the best. I like when Sanji gets to be cool. Watch some violence, children! Lupin vs Sanji in a contest for biggest simp on the block. Meanwhile, Brook. This seems ominous. Oh hey, it's the rest of that guy. Hiiiii Smoker. These marines are gonna be so confused between the centaurs and the giant kids and the dismembered torso stabbing people. Smoker's not having a good time. These marines are kinda idiots. That is a very large man. More centaurs! Oh my god Usopp shut up. Meanwhile, Chopper is a good boy. Franky's having fun. Great job Sanji now the room is filling up with gas. Uh you okay there samurai dude? Meanwhile meanwhile, Brook's having a rough day. Brook you don't have eyes either. So what the hell happened to that guy anyways? What's the deal with science Hexxus here? Who are you are you hot? Uh y'all might not wanna drop those gas masks yet. Vegapunk, huh? Come back with a warrant, fucksticks. YES YOU'RE HOT, HIIIII LAW. Oh sweet he's a Warlord now. Jesus christ Law. My heart is still available to steal, Law. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted October 1, 2022 Author Posted October 1, 2022 (edited) I liked Made in Abyss's double up better when we thought it was for an eventual season 2/interquel movie broadcast and not because Zaslav wants [as] to suffer by robbing it of its recent originals. Oh well, new show time regardless. 12:00 - Housing Complex C #1 - Optical Illusion - TV-MAV12:30 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #33 - Mayonaka the Visitor - TV-141:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #22 - My Mother's Documents - TV-14V1:30 - One Piece #585 - The Warlord! Trafalgar Law! - TV-PG 2:00 - One Piece #586 - In a Real Pinch! Luffy Sinks Into the Ice-Cold Lake! - TV-PGL2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #412 - Neji's Judgement - TV-PG3:00 - Made in Abyss #7 - The Unmovable Sovereign - TV-MA3:30 - Made in Abyss #8 - Survival Training - TV-MA How much you bet this one will be written off next year? Edited October 1, 2022 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted October 2, 2022 Posted October 2, 2022 Housing Complex- I don't know what's going on but I always approve of hitting someone with a bat. So uh what's up with that flashback? Kids having fun? Not on my fucking watch. Gee that suddenly dead bug seems ominous. Ah hell who's dead? This girl is adorable. Mood, kiddo. Ohhh do not go in that underground tunnel there is nothing good down there. Definitely starting to get creeped out by how fixated everybody is with this little girl. Oh hey, I've heard of this thingy before. I'm sure this line about not trusting your eyes isn't gonna be important later. Oh I don't like that. I'm with the kid playing some shitty mobile game instead of watching the scenery. Okay so her mom's definitely dead and she's seeing ghosts right? That's way too many white dudes. Fucking weeb. This is either the setup for a murder or a sitcom, there is nothing in between. Hey child, what the fuck? Thanks, incredibly large man. This guy seems nice he is going to die so fast. Oh good they're friend and nothing bad will ever happen now. Please don't take your new friend into the haunted murder bunker. Aw fuck it's time to get murdered. I like Yuri she's a good kid. What a relief it's just the weeb, you can outrun him easily. Meanwhile, fish murder. I hope racist granny dies. Waifu down. Yashahime- I like when Moroha gets to do things. Oh right, Riku's blind and nobody cares. It's just lotion calm the fuck down. Oh right, Setsuna is doing something. Maybe we should just let Rin die and escape the creep that knocked her up as a child. Oh yeah because nothing stops a monster made of fire like a fucking wood fence. These bulls just look so pathetic I can't even insult them. wow it's shocking that the plan didn't work out. Oh what the fuck now. And now our villain, who gives so few shits he doesn't remember why he's attacking them. This is stupid and I hate all of you. Way to fuck it up, flashback lady. You start simping for some village girl and everything goes to hell. Why are you sidekick cows so fucking stupid looking? Why does your himbo son not wear a shirt? I DON'T CARE, SHOW. And now she can activate the magic floss bullshit or whatever it is, I don't care. Oh what the fuck is THIS. I'm sure this would be very moving if these two random characters mattered at all. Lupin- Who's this girl? Welcome to...Greenland, I'm guessing? Oh this is gonna be depressing. Good news kid you're gonna read about your mom getting railed. If she starts singing Mama Mia I'm out. Alright so how is this gonna relate back to Lupin at all? Did you fuck my mom, Lupin? It's a seal! Oh right, there was an actual plot with this lady who might be Lupin's mom. Okay so y'all got a long family history of getting knocked up at 16. Oh hey is that the one girl who shot the other lady? Why is this suddenly getting super ominous? Meanwhile, Goemon cathces a fish. Hi pops. Oh I don't like where this is going. Fuuuuuuuuck. I'm sorry, what just happened? And then she died of sad mom disease. Well, that sure was a thing that happened. One Piece- Hi Law! Come back with a warrant, lady. Hey maybe the nice marines will help these kidnapped children. Well that's some depressing childhood trauma. Chopper is a good boy. I don't trust this master guy. I love Kung Fu Chopper. This seems ominous. Well those sure are some terrifying giant corpses hidden in the ice walls. Franky you have a centaur mode. Just help him find his son. Meanwhile, Luffy shenanigans. Hey you leave our banana boat alone. Meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile, Brook is a gift. There goes the samurai. Goddammit Luffy you got the cops called. Law definitely got hotter after the time skip. Get off my porch, Smoker. Oh hey, the kids. Franky is the best babysitter. Smoker didn't sign up for this today. Maybe just take the kids and leave. Law regrets answering that door. You don't need powers to get me in your room, baby. Fuck this ship in particular. Guys don't fight I have room enough in my heart and/or bed for both of you. You centaur fucks leave our boat alone! Oh wow 80 million, I'm pretty sure half the crew's higher than that. Aww, now his feelings are hurt. I volunteer to grab Robin. I hope somebody grabbed those disembodied legs. Aw fuck now there's sharks. Akainu ruins everything. RIP Zoro's tits. Brook to the rescue! I think Brook might be my favorite Straw Hat. They beat up the sharks. Get these people some coats, stat. Somebody grab one for Usopp before he dies. Law's so cool. Ohhhh, Law cut him up. Uh hey Law what are you doing. Oh please tell me we're doing a bodyswap episode. YESSSSS. Sanji's having the best day. Fuck this ship in particular, again. I bet Law's unbeatable in Tetris. Joke's on you, he doesn't give a shit about his job. Somker he is gonna beat your ass. It's okay Tashigi the important thing is you tried. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted October 8, 2022 Author Posted October 8, 2022 (edited) Please don't pull an Appleseed XIII, please don't pull an Appleseed XIII, please don't pull an Appleseed XIII... 12:00 - Housing Complex C #2 - Mismatched Buttons - TV-MA12:30 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #34 - Battle on the New Moon, Part 1 - TV-141:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #23 - The Memories of a Beloved Witch - TV-14V1:25 - One Piece #587 - A Collision! Law vs. Vice Admiral Smoker! - TV-14LV 1:55 - One Piece #588 - Meeting Again After Two Years! Luffy and Law! - TV-PGL2:25 - Naruto Shippuden #413 - Hopes Entrusted to the Future - TV-142:55 - Made in Abyss #9 - The Great Fault - TV-MA3:20 - Made in Abyss #10 - Poison and the Curse - TV-MA 3:50 - Rick & Morty: Summer Meets God (Rick Meets Evil) - TV-14DLV Spoiler Pulling an Appleseed XIII (v): the act of killing multiple one-off characters from subsequent episodes offscreen for the sake of drama and to make the villain of the season look extremely dangerous, when all it does is make them look extremely petty I say this because pretty much every one-off female character from this half of Lupin - Mylene, Gabby, Linfeng, Hazel, Amelia and Muru - are all credited with vocal appearances in this episode, and since Hazel's already dead, I'm fearing that it'll turn out that Tomoe and/or Mathia killed the rest offscreen. This ties into Appleseed XIII as in that show, each episode had a one-off character who either died at the end of the episode or managed to survive, only to get offscreened later as part of the villain's plan. Edited October 9, 2022 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted October 13, 2022 Posted October 13, 2022 I was out of town last weekend so we're speedrunning these. Housing Complex- Oh I don't like where any of this is going. I swear to god if Cthulhu shows up I am gonna piss my pants and cry like a little bitch. Yashahime- Great job girls how do you not own a fucking calendar for this shit. It's amazing how much better this show is when they just give up and make half of it an episode of Inuyasha. Lupin- Man this franchise goes to some weird places sometimes. Oh hey, we're back to the Sherlock Holmes characters. Aw crap he won't even simp for Fujiko anymore, we're in trouble. Well this got fucked up. One Piece- If I ever get bodyswapped the first thing I'd do is check out my new tits and/or junk. Man, Law is hot. Between Gay Hexxus and the harpy and the centaurs what the fuck is going on in this island. Wow, Law is hot AND terrifying. Sorry Law, Luffy is your new best friend now. Maybe Tashigi would do a better job at fighting if she'd try putting her glasses on. Oh hey, samurai dude's got a power. They're all so fucking stupid. I love some good body swap shenanigans. If there's one thing I respect about Smoker it's his choice to go tits out at literally all times. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted October 16, 2022 Posted October 16, 2022 Housing Complex- And then everyone was even more racist. I got a real bad feeling about all this. What is this Scooby Doo shit antagonizing a little kid? I don't trust racist granny here. Uhhhh I don't think that's a sign of good fortune. Did y'all forget you have a camera? I don't think your mom's okay, I bet she's barfing up moss. I got a real bad feeling about Kimi's mom. This ain't gonna end well. Oh no don't hurt the nice wall-eyed guy. Oh it's not a good sign that the main intern guy is skipping town. That is the most ominous rainbow I've ever seen. I do not like where any of this is going. It's not safe to be out alone, so go ahead and leave these two small children on their own for awhile. Oh no where's the old man. Don't go in the ominous murder bunker! Ohhhh DO NOT go in that hole. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK CTHULHU'S COMING. Aw fuck is her mom a fish people? I DON'T LIKE THIS. Yashahime- Y'all can just go ahead and kill Towa if you want. So why does the girls' hair get longer when they lose their powers when Inuyasha's only ever changed color? Showing Sesshomaru together with his teenage bride isn't gonna make the pairing less uncomfortable, show. And now giant demon maggots because why the fuck not. Oh what in the fuck is this. Thank god I would much rather watch this drunk raccoon. I don't know how Moroha is the one with the most brain cells in this subplot but I'm here for it. I want to punt this little raccoon child out of the window just on principle. CAW. Moroha continues to be the single bright spot in this dumpster fire of a show. Is this yeti bullshit supposed to be funny instead of just an annoying waste of time? Could Kohaku, the leader of the demon slayer corps, not figure out how to defeat these minor demons without Setsuna's instructions? Meanwhile, what the fuck is the point of Towa's subplot here? How is TAX FRAUD the most interesting thing in this season? Shut up child, I hate you enough already. And now you have to fight the goddamn moon. I love my feral idiot daughter. And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids! Please use Takechiyo as a meat shield. This is so stupid but it's a rare moment I genuinely enjoy. Y'all could pay off the rest of her bills so she can get that off her back. MOROHA NO, PAY OFF YOUR DEBT. Oh right, Towa's shit is still going on. Don't worry lady, I've got enough hatred for all of you. Lupin- Uh hey Lupin you're kinda bleeding out here. Oh hey Jigen. Can't stop staring at Fujiko's tits. Slap me next, please. Lady that sure sounds like something a liar would say. Joke's on you old woman, you can't take the simp out of him that easily. He's right, pointing a gun at your friends is very uncool. There is no greater force in Lupin's life than Fujiko's tits. The real treasure was the friends he made along the way. Oh snap, tiny Lupin was cool as shit. Hey maybe next time you could try leaving innocent women alone and not being weird as shit? Honestly, you deserved that. Joke's on you bitch, you don't even get to kill her. I'm disappointed that they skipped the part where Lupin had to drag his half-dead ass onto the roof for this climactic fight. KNIFE SHOES. No, I still blame her for all the people she's killed. Oh hey Pops. Oh sweet, the cop lady's still alive. Man, Tomoe was the fucking worst. Now please get Lupin to a hospital. Or we could steal some shit first, that works too. Quick, loot her corpse. No, tell me what's in that damn box. I hope those two cop sidekicks got to fuck eventually. I love these idiots. One Piece- I like that Smoker remembers to wear Tashigi's glasses even though she doesn't. Smoker's really going through it today. Joker, huh? I wanna know more about this big tittied harpy lady. I don't trust this gas guy. I don't know what's funnier, Franky's face on Chopper's body or Nami's moe eyes on Franky's face. Joke's on you, Law doesn't give a shit. Law really got hotter over the timeskip. Remember kids, climate change sucks. I'm sure this Vega Punk guy isn't gonna be important at all later. Jesus, that's fucked up. How is the dude who's experimenting on children somehow the good guy in this scenario? This is starting to make more sense. Goddammit Luffy wake up. Hey can we not be freaky science guinea pigs? Ohhh he's evil as shit. NEVER TRUST A CLOWN. Caesar is garbage but his theme music is great. Oh sweet, new OP. Guys I don't think you should be celebrating him just yet. Don't worry Sanji I also get distracted by my tits sometimes. Zoro is suffering. "Nope, the only thing broke is my panty-loving heart." Aww, seeing them with the kids is adorable. Robin is disturbed. Uhhh you okay there, kiddo? Something's not right here, y'all. Aw hell the kids are dying. I love Chopper so much. Aw fuck he got the kids hooked on drugs. Oh fuck you, clown man. Wait, what the fuck? Why is the evil clown man turning the kids into giants!? Drugging them unconscious is the good kind of drugs here. I'm with Franky, don't split up. Sanji's having the best day. Good job you found a bigfoot. God Law looks cool. Tonight's theme is yetis, I guess. Whelp, half the crew's dead. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted October 16, 2022 Author Posted October 16, 2022 ...Crapbaskets, I missed a day. Oh well, better nate than lever. 12:00 - Housing Complex C #3 - The Wheel Comes Full Circle - TV-MA12:30 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #35 - Battle on the New Moon, Part 2 - TV-14L1:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 #24 - What Crooks Love - TV-14V1:30 - One Piece #589 - The Worst in the World! A Scientist of Terror: Caesar! - TV-PG 2:00 - One Piece #591 - Chopper's Fury! The Master's Inhumane Experiment! - TV-PG2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #414 - On the Brink of Death - TV-143:00 - Made in Abyss #11 - Nanachi - TV-MA3:30 - Made in Abyss #12 - The True Nature of the Curse - TV-MA 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted October 22, 2022 Author Posted October 22, 2022 Right, so if Yuri's dad is supposed to be the final boss, what was the point of making Kan out to be the bad guy in the episode 1 flash-forward? Just another reason this series deserved more than the four episodes meant for Uzumaki. 12:00 - Housing Complex C #4 - The End of the Line - TV-MAV12:30 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #36 - A Place (Not) For Towa - TV-141:00 - One Piece #592 - To Annihilate the Straw Hats! Legendary Assassins Descend! - TV-PG 1:30 - One Piece #593 - Save Nami! Luffy's Fight on the Snow-Capped Mountains! - TV-PG2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #415 - The Two Mangekyo - TV-PGV 2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #416 - The Formation of Team Minato - TV-PGV3:00 - Made in Abyss #13 - The Challengers - TV-MA On a lighter note, have some extra Nanachi. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted October 23, 2022 Posted October 23, 2022 17 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: On a lighter note, have some extra Nanachi. Oh my god. Housing Complex- Ohhh I don't like this. He's learned too much and now he's gonna make you learn it too. Whelp time for me to start pissing myself in fear. I'd like to get off this ride now please. None of this sounds like a good thing. Whelp, can't trust moss now. Aw shit we're in a time loop now. Aw fuck Kimi's an elder god's human form isn't she. Whelp time for everything to go to hell. The fuck kind of message is that to send someone? I'm okay with racist granny getting killed. So what happens if they kill Cthulhu's human avatar, does he go back to sleep for a couple more decades or enter our world to destroy us all? Man that nice wall-eyed guy is having a real rough time. Aw hell the little girl's evil too. ROCK BEATS CROWBAR, BITCHES. I would very much like to get off this ride now, please. So how the fuck did her mom become a magic plant fetus. Oh jesus christ what the fuck. Remember kids, don't fuck with an elder god. She's right, humans ruin everything. Hey god, sorry I tried to kill you. And now your organs are moss. Hey at least spare the one nice guy who's tried to help you. Congratulations, you're the last human on Earth I guess. Well that sure was a thing that happened. Yashahime- Silly Jaken, you think Sesshomaru gives a shit about his kids? Title confirms that nobody fucking likes you, Towa. Oh great now this asshole is gonna dance for us. I still don't even know what this bitch's deal is. Show you're wasting your time, I could not give a fraction of a fuck about Towa's backstory. Kagome's family deserved better. It'd be nice if Erica Mendez could go back to being in shows that aren't total dogshit. She grew up with by far the most loving famly of all the girsl and yet she's the peak of loneliness here? She was popular among the local lesbians. Honestly forgetting your sister exists for years would be a real godsend sometimes.Oh good, dipshit Riku brought the child Towa was trying to protect from this bitch. Thank god, Moroah's here. Just let Rin die, please. Oh what the fuck now. Sesshomaru making his court-ordered monthly visitation. Wow you pissed off the girl with a sword and she cut you with the sword, who could have expected that. Good, good, let the hate flow through you. Rin really looking uncomfortably younger than her kids here. And then lasors because why the fuck not. Why the fuck should we care about saving this bitch? I feel like this Zero bitch was supposed to be this show's version of Kagura but, like everything else it tried to do, fumbled hard with it and shit the bed. One Piece- This is also how I feel when I want candy. Oh yeah I'm sure they're really dead. Law you can have free roam of anything I have. Who's this Joker dude? Wait the harpy had legs? Caesar is the fucking worst. Aw hell the yetis are coming. I hope Franky left an instruction manual in his speedo. She's trying the lasers. I kinda love Brownbeard. Whelp, so much for Brownbeard. I am also a dunce famous for being stupid. Man now I just feel bad for him. Oh right, try not to kill the kids. When will people learn that guns don't work on Luffy? Aw crap they got Nami. Oh right, Smoker's squad is here. Sorry minions, Law goes wherever the hell he wants. Poor Brownbeard. Drugs are bad, now give the reindeer some drugs. Dangit Franky, this is why they said no drugs! I miss Franky's old hair. Nami as Franky is great. I don't think these guys are prepared for how dumb Luffy is. I don't think you guys actually wanna open that warehouse. Whatever's in there, I don't like it. I know they're villains but the Yeti bros are pretty fun. You're gonna have to knock out Franky. I'm willing to bet on Franky's alcohol tolerance being better than your weapon. Dangit Franky, again! Oh hey Law. God he's cool. I'll work under you, Law. As long as you;re not targeting Shanks I'm in. Hahahaha, you think you can get Luffy to follow a plan. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted October 29, 2022 Author Posted October 29, 2022 On 10/23/2022 at 2:01 AM, EmpressAngel said: Congratulations, you're the last human on Earth I guess. Last human in what's left of the village, technically, but more or less the same deal. 12:00 - Housing Complex C #1 - Optical Illusion - TV-MAV 12:30 - Housing Complex C #2 - Mismatched Buttons - TV-MA 1:00 - Housing Complex C #3 - The Wheel Comes Full Circle - TV-MA 1:30 - Housing Complex C #4 - The End of the Line - TV-MAV2:00 - The Promised Neverland #13 - Episode 1 - TV-14LV 2:30 - The Promised Neverland #14 - Episode 2 - TV-14DLV 3:00 - The Promised Neverland #15 - Episode 3 - TV-14V 3:30 - The Promised Neverland #16 - Episode 4 - TV-14V The true horrors are the production missteps we made along the way. 1 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 5, 2022 Author Posted November 5, 2022 Hope you held onto your butts and watched Dawn of the Deep Soul, otherwise this week will be full of questions unexplained. 12:00 - My Hero Academia #111 - Tenko Shimura: Origin - TV-14V12:30 - Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun #1 - The Compass Pointed to the Darkness - TV-MA1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #37 - Zero's Wish - TV-14V1:30 - One Piece #594 - Formed! Luffy and Law's Pirate Alliance! - TV-PGDST:00 - Naruto Shippuden #417 - You'll Be My Backup - TV-PGLV DST:30 - Primal #11 - Sea of Despair - TV-14V 2:00 - Primal #12 - Shadow of Fate - TV-14V 2:30 - Primal #13 - Dawn of Man - TV-MAV At least, that's what you expect when you turn manga canon into a movie and not recut it for TV like they did with Mugen Train. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted November 6, 2022 Posted November 6, 2022 That movie left me scarred in ways that won't recover. Hero- Endeavor can't even hit the #1 spot in child abuse. Abyss- Tonight's theme is children being traumatized. I don't like how this boat sounds. This old man needs a hug and some therapy. I would already like to get off this ride now, please. Well at least the weird guy who eat bugs seems like a nice guy. Between the scar and the hair, together these kids make one Shoto. This won't end well for any of them but at least she found some nice people to die with. Oh good they're all making friends. This new child already looks pre-traumatized. Nothing good ever happens to adorable children in this show. Oh right, the abyss curse. Wait that's Bondrew's place, where the fuck is he? I love Nanachi so much. Also he tried to vivisect Reg so let's never get near him again. That's a big fish. Oh great we're just wandering down the fucking SEA OF CORPSES. And now, poop jokes. Nanachi is the best. I got a real bad feeling about this. Yashahime- I vote we just let Zero and Rin both die. Towa your mullet is hideous. Wow this was all Zero's fault who could have fucking guessed. Moroha continues to deserve a better show. Maybe Jaken and Takechiyo can fight each other to the death. Oh what the hell is this. Now Zero gets a tragic backstory because why the fuck not. That's one ugly windmill. "This is really painful to watch" is right, Moroha. Oh hey, Sesshomaru actually does one good thing in his life. LET YOUR PARENTS OUT. Meanwhile Towa, fucking it up yet again. SLAP. So these butterflies basically do whatever the plot demands, because coming up with more than one explanation is too hard. I still don't care about their backstory, show. Shut up, Kikyo tree. This is stupid. Dealing with Towa would also make me wanna fucking die. So did Zero fuck their grandpa or what. No seriously lady, what the FUCK was your deal? THIS IS STUPID. Wait so was her baggage from thirsting after their grandpa or from her niece getting killed? That guy had a point, why the hell would you bring your little kid to a fight to the death? Oh good, Sesshomaru is reunited with his teenage bride whom he helped raise. Moroha please let your parents out. HOW THE FUCK DARE YOU, GIVE THAT BACK. I truly hate you, show. One Piece- It's real cute that Law thinks Luffy can follow a plan. You better not want to fight Shanks. Speak up, the wind's too loud! Guys he's right there, he can hear you. Chopper that's your body. I love Luffy he's a good boy. If anyone's going to regret this teamup it's Law. I love these idiots. Now you've gotta get Nami's body back. Poor Chopper. Sanji would be happy Nami's taken over his body. I always forget Law's an actual doctor. Fuck the government. They're kids they weren't exactly hard to trick with candy. Law, already regretting his decision. "How do you stand me?" DOCTOR BUDDIES! Meanwhile, some other schmucks. That sure is a massive ominous form. Aw hell it's alive. Remember kids, never trust the government. Oh don't worry, they're real good at causing chaos. Oh right, the marines are still here. Caesar is the worst. Nothing can stop the smooze! Okay I know Smiley is a toxic monstrosity that will kill everyone but on the other hand, it's kinda cute. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 12, 2022 Author Posted November 12, 2022 Finally, descriptors! 12:00 - My Hero Academia #112 - Tomura Shigaraki: Origin - TV-14V12:30 - Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun #2 - Capital of the Unreturned - TV-MAV1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #38 - Kirinmaru of the Dawn - TV-141:30 - One Piece #595 - Capture M! The Pirate Alliance's Operation Launches! - TV-PGL2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #418 - The Blue Beast vs. Six Paths Madara - TV-PG 2:30 - Primal #14 - The Red Mist - TV-MAV At long last, Abyss has been lifted of the Curse of Akame. [it's a content ratings thing, don't bother asking] 1 Quote
EmpressAngel Posted November 13, 2022 Posted November 13, 2022 Hero- Fuckhands sounds way more menacing with a smooth voice than when it was all rough and scratchy. Abyss- Riko try not to die this time. Oh I'm sure there's some traumatic backstory involved with this city. I love these kids and am very terrified for them. KEEP RIKO AWAY FROM THAT POISON MONSTER. Oh my god I love those furry fat things. Oh right, everything in this environment will painfully murder you. Aw hell that thing's still moving. Reg is a good boy. Ewwwww. It's concerning that those things are still moving after being deep fried. God I'd die for you, Nanachi. I wonder if that little kid is still dying. I hope their friends get that letter. YOU ASSHOLE BIRD THING. Aw crap there's a monster watching you. I like that they use Reg's Go Go Gadget arms as a booby trap. Well that sure is ominous. Aw hell they stole your whistle friend. Reg is a good dog. What in the hell. Ewwww. OH THAT'S OMINOUS. Well kids I'm sure you're not walking headfirst into an obvious trap. Ohhhh I don't like any of this. I love these kids. Meinya is MVP. Hello there, monsters. Y'all speak English around here? Oh I don't like the sound of that. Yashahime- Moroha deserves a better show. Zero's finally dead and I still don't know what that bitch's deal was. Girls I'm pretty sure your mom is younger than you at this point. Give that back you fucker, this show owes me that reunion! So why the fuck is his plan to destroy all life in the world? I love my feral idiot daughter. Show you're not gonna make this pairing any less creepy and uncomfortable. Oh hey, is Sesshomaru actually going to do something? Yes small child please kill your shit dad. I don't think anyone cares if Riku dies. "Towa was dumb as shit and man that gets me off." Sesshomaru help your niece you child support-dodging piece of shit. Towa I genuinely hate you from the bottom of my heart. I hope these two kill each other. If everyone but Moroha dies in this fight I'd be so happy. Bruh you literally picked a fight with a fourteen year old and now you're gonna whine about it? I hope he at least got his arm blown off again. Jakken you dumb fuck what did he just tell you. Moroha for the love of god let your parents out now before more shenanigans happen. "It just gets worse and worse" is also how I describe this show, Takechiyo. Please let them finally meet. FUCKING FINALLY, OH MY GOD. Congratulations show you finally managed to pull some genuine positive emotion out of me. Awwwww. One Piece- Surely Law won't regret this teamup for the next ten years. Meanwhile, shenanigans. I love Brook so much. It's okay Sanji I also get distracted by my own tits when I run. All three of these boys are sharing a single brain cell and that thing is trying its best. Man that must be some strong stuff if even Zoro's getting drunk off it. I enjoy watching Nami kick the shit out of people. Sanji no you're harming her lungs. Oh hey, there's the samurai. Alright who's gonna have to jump in and fish his torso out of the lake. Oh hey it's some dudes. Aw crap it's Smiley. Hi Smiley! This harpy lady has infinite patience putting up with Caesar. I know Smiley is toxic and kills everything in its wake but hey we all have our flaws, let me pet that thing. I agree, let's beat the shit out of a clown. Luffy I do not trust you with a plan. Smoker's really going through it today. Hi Law! I love the doctor buddies. Strawhats, incoming! Seitz always sounds like he's having so much fun as Franky. Law, immediately regretting his choices. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 20, 2022 Author Posted November 20, 2022 And now the moment everyone who bothered watching Yashahime this far in has been waiting for...! 12:00 - My Hero Academia #113 - The High, Deep Blue Sky - TV-14LV12:30 - Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun #3 - The Village of Hollows - TV-MAV1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #39 - Moroha and Family, Together Again - TV-14V1:30 - One Piece #596 - On the Verge of Annihilation! A Deadly Monster Comes Flying In! - TV-PGL2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #419 - Papa's Youth - TV-PG 2:30 - Primal #15 - The Primal Theory - TV-14V Quote
EmpressAngel Posted November 20, 2022 Posted November 20, 2022 It was a mistake to make Yashahime about Sesshomaru's kids. Hero- I swear I'm going to try even harder to get Endeavor killed next year. Abyss- It's nice that walking up stairs won't kill Riko for once. These guys are equal parts horror nightmares and Alice and Wonderland rejects. Nooo stop breaking our whistle friend. Naaaaah. I don't trust this place. OHHHH I DON'T LIKE THIS. Oh my god buy yourself a furry snail. Maybe stay away from that slicer one. MIIIIIIIIIIITTY. Okay that one's straight out of Adventure Time. MEINYA NO! She's fine just pop her eye back in. She's fine just pop her ass back in. WHY DOES THAT THING HAVE SUCH A BULBOUS ASS? Oh now I just feel bad for it. Oh my god please stop this. When in doubt just play charades. Kids I don't trust that soup. Oh no kids don't split up. I like this guy who looks like a dinosaur made out of scrap metal. I don't trust Fapta. Aw crap is she the little girl from the flashbacks? Yashahime- I just want Moroha to be happy. So nobody had a problem with Sesshomaru fucking the teenager he helped raise? Oh my god Inuyasha and Moroha's reunion is everything I could have hoped for. Awwwwww. Congratulations show you actually made me want to cry from something besides your inexcusable failures. I hope Sesshomaru dies. Was this haku thing a concept back in the old series that I've forgotten or are they just making this shit up? Okay Kagome describing a flip phone genuinely made me smile. How does Towa's phone still have any battery left? SHE SAID THE THING. In Inuyasha's defense, their father is a dad so garbage not even I'd fuck him. You can go ahead and kill Takechiyo. Aww, that's actually really nice of Jaken. SHIPPO?! Oh thank god, I don't find Shippo hot. And I guess he's still a little kid so that's double good. Has Shippo been the only one of their friends actually looking for them this whole time? No Rin you're exactly as weak as he thinks you are. Oh, now you give a shit about your family? Oh christ now we've got Shippo and Dimestore Shippo together. Bye, Shippos. It's a comet you just send some oil drillers up in a rocket to break it apart. What demons, you're literally the only demon left in 500 years? I hope that guy's not your jackoff arm. One Piece- Law Regrets His Choices is my favorite show. Smoker continues to have a rough day. I love the Doctor Buddies so much. At least Luffy's having fun here. That's also how I act when I want candy. Just keep drugging those kids unconscious, Usopp. Man those kids have a high tolerance. Tashigi, also really going through it today. So did Smoker take her bra off to maintain his trademark tits-out look or does she just not wear one? Franky is also having fun here. You're gonna wanna dodge that toxic goo. I love Smiley. Noooo don't set it on fire you idiot! Honestly they deserved to get blown up. So it's just spitting itself across the island, I guess? I love Brook so much. DODGE IT, IDIOTS. For the love of god don't try and cut that thing. Caesar, still the fucking worst. Luffy says no. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 26, 2022 Author Posted November 26, 2022 (edited) It ain't exactly New Year's Eve-il, but it's commemorative enough. 12:00 - My Hero Academia #108 - My Villain Academia - TV-14V 12:30 - My Hero Academia #109 - Revival Party - TV-14V 1:00 - My Hero Academia #110 - Sad Man's Parade - TV-14V 1:30 - My Hero Academia #111 - Tenko Shimura: Origin - TV-14V 2:00 - My Hero Academia #112 - Tomura Shigaraki: Origin - TV-14V 2:30 - My Hero Academia #113 - The High, Deep Blue Sky - TV-14LV Edited November 26, 2022 by PokeNirvash 1 Quote
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